180 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards statistics of 8th grade students

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    Neste estudo apresenta-se um instrumento de avaliação de atitudes face à Estatística de estudantes portugueses do 8.º ano, o qual resultou de uma adaptação da escala de Estrada (2002). A escala adaptada é constituída por 23 itens usando uma escala de Likert e foi analisada em 332 alunos do 8.º ano, com idade média de 14,4 anos, no ano letivo de 2014/15. Constata-se que a escala adaptada é confiável (alfa de Cronbach=0,910) e com boa adequação dos dados ao modelo fatorial (KMO =0,918). A análise fatorial identificou quatro fatores de atitude: Disposição/Valorização, Discernimento/Conceção, Uti- lidade e Dificuldades.In this study students' attitudes about Statistics are evaluated using a scale adapted from the Estrada’s original scale (2002) and aiming at a target audience of 8th grade Portuguese students. The scale is constituted by 23 items with a Likert scale, and was applied to 332 students, attending the 8th grade, with averaged age of 14,4 years. The scale showed to be reliable (Cronbach’ alpha=0,910) and the data is suited for factor analysis ((KMO=0,918). Four latent factors on attitudes towards Statistics were identified: Disposition/ Valorization, Discernment/Conception, Usefulness and Difficulties in their study.AF foi subsidiada por fundos portugueses através do CIDMA (Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Matemática e Aplicações) da Universidade de Aveiro e FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), dentro do projeto UID/MAT/04106/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formação Docente e Competências: Componentes do Processo de Gestão Estratégica.

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    O presente artigo aborda a gestão estratégica das Instituições de Ensino Superior IES da área de Administração, sugerindo a visualização de determinados elementos críticos no contexto brasileiro. Tem como objetivo promover a reflexão crítica acerca da formação docente enquanto elemento central nesse processo. Versa sobre a eficácia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e alcance de objetivos institucionais. Sugere a adoção de uma visão integrada que permita associar o perfil discente, as características do quadro curricular e a ação docente enquanto elementos de um processo único de gestão institucional. Trata-se de trabalho qualitativo e exploratório, representando um ensaio teórico orientado à exposição lógico-reflexiva. As conclusões apontam a necessidade de uma compreensão mais abrangente, por parte das IES, acerca do significado da expressão gestão estratégica e da relevância da formação docente na dinâmica institucional. O conteúdo está estruturado em cinco itens. Sendo o primeiro a introdução contendo o tema, o objetivo e a questão central. O segundo comporta a revisão da literatura, aspectos do contexto, objetivos das IES, conceitos e fatores relacionados à formação de competência e ação docente. O terceiro apresenta a metodologia. O quarto indica os resultados e, finalmente, o quinto revela as conclusões

    Phytoremediation as a Sustainable Alternative for Organic Matter Removal From Slaughterhouse Wastewater Pretreated by Immediate One-Step Lime Precipitation

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    In this study, slaughterhouse wastewater previously treated by immediate one-step lime precipitation was treated using a vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW). A VFCW pilot scale planted with Vetiveria zizanioides in light expanded clay aggregates was used to study the influence of the organic load applied (3 to 212 g m−2 d−1) and the bed depth of the VFCW (0.35 and 0.70 m) on the organic matter removal (COD). Two VFCWs operated in parallel under continuous flow, and a hydraulic load of around 80 L m−2 d−1 was used. The results indicated that an increase in the organic load decreased COD removal efficiency. The bed depth of the VFCW had a significant influence on the removal of organic matter, with greater removal at high bed depths. For organic loads applied up to 9.5 g m−2 d−1, COD removal efficiencies of 71.4 ± 4.0% and 85.2 ± 3.4% were observed for lower and higher VFCW bed depth, respectively, which met the requirements for water reuse for irrigation. Throughout the tests, Vetiveria zizanioides did not show signs of toxicity, and its growth was substantial. Keywords: slaughterhouse wastewater, vertical flow constructed wetlands, Vetiveria zizanioides, organic matter removal, immediate one-step lime precipitatio

    Comunicar para incluir : o processo de inclusão de uma criança com paralisia cerebral num grupo de jardim de infância

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    Orientação: Isabel Rodrigues Sanches ; co-orientação: Margarida Nunes da PonteO presente trabalho é um relatório de um projeto de investigação-ação, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação – Educação Especial: Domínio Cognitivo e Motor. Este trabalho de projeto tem como enfoque um grupo de crianças da Educação pré-escolar, do qual faz parte uma criança com Paralisia Cerebral. Esta criança apresenta dificuldades motoras e de comunicação, estando a linguagem oral ausente. O trabalho envolveu diferentes contextos educativos, os respetivos intervenientes, assim como os próprios pares. A intervenção que integra este trabalho de projeto teve como objetivos melhorar os níveis de interação no grupo de crianças e promover o desenvolvimento da comunicação e da participação nas atividades do jardim-deinfância. Foi utilizado um sistema de Comunicação Aumentativa, Sistema Pictográfico de Comunicação (SPC), promoveu-se o diálogo, a partilha de conhecimentos e a participação dos vários intervenientes educativos, desencadeando, assim, um trabalho de inclusão dirigido à criança e aos seus pares, envolvendo também a família. Neste trabalho utilizámos uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso a entrevistas aos implicados no processo educativo, ao Programa Portage, à tabela de comunicação Communication Supports Inventory-Children and Youth (CSY-CY) e, ainda, a observações em sala de aula, com registo e análise das atividades desenvolvidas, numa dinâmica cíclica e em espiral de ação/reflexão/ação, transformando sistematicamente os resultados da reflexão em praxis. Da partilha de experiências, vivências e opiniões, resultou um trabalho para o grupo e com o grupo do jardim-de-infância, permitindo-nos observar e confirmar a importância da Comunicação Alternativa e Aumentativa e o uso das Tecnologias de Apoio, para uma melhor participação e interação de todos os envolvidos.The present work is a report of an action-research project, within the scope of the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences - Special Education: Cognitive and motor domain. This project work is based on an intervention project as a focus of a group of preschool education children, which is part of projects for the development of a child with Cerebral Palsy at preschool age and in the classroom context. This child presents with motor and communication difficulties, and oral language is absent. The approach to development of this child the work involved involved different educational contexts, the respective actors, and so did the peers themselves. In the development of a pre-school child with Cerebral Palsy and motor and communication difficulties, without oral language, in a classroom context with the group / class. The intervention that integrates this project work the project the intervention that integrates it have as objectives to improve the levels of interaction in the group of children and to promote the development of communication and participation in the activities of kindergarten. It was used a system of Increasing Communication, Pictographic Communication System (SPC), promoted dialogue, knowledge sharing and participation of various educational actors, thus triggering an inclusion work aimed at children and their peers, involving the family as well. In this work, we used a qualitative methodology approach, using interviews with those involved in the educational process, the Portage Program, the Communication Supports Inventory-Children and Youth (CSY-CY) communication table, as well as classroom observations, with registration and analysis of the activities developed, in a cyclical dynamic and in a spiral of action / reflection / action, systematically transforming the results of reflection into praxis. In order to translate reality into study, being a more profound and meaningful approach where the field of investigation is more real. We posed an issue as a starting point: How to act so that a kindergarten group feels co-responsible and acts so that each and every one of them interact and learn? The sharing of experiences, experiences and opinions resulted in work for the group and the kindergarten group, allowing us to observe and confirm the importance of Alternative and Increasing Communication and the use of the Support Technologies for a better Participation and interaction of all involved

    Optimization of atmospheric carbonation in the integrated treatment immediate one-step lime precipitation and atmospheric carbonation. The case study of slaughterhouse effluents

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    Long carbonation time has been a common feature in the integrated process composed by immediate one-step lime precipitation and atmospheric carbonation. This work aims to understand how carbonation time can be influenced by reaction pH, as well as how reactor area/volume ratio affects carbonation time and ammonia removal, using slaughterhouse wastewater due to its variable characteristics. In the integrated immediate one-step lime precipitation and atmospheric carbonation process, the immediate one-step lime precipitation re-sults showed that the reaction pH and the type of slaughterhouse wastewater influenced the removal, however, removals were the highest at reaction pH 12. In atmospheric carbonation process, the carbonation time required to reach pH 8 was independent of the reaction pH used. Additionally, at reaction pH 12, the reactor area/volume ratios applied (from 0 to 155.4 m2/m3) showed that higher reactor area/volume ratios caused lower carbonation time, but ammonia removal was not affected. For reactor area/volume ratios of 5 and 155.4 m2/m3, 15 and 1 days were spent to reduce the pH from 11.9 to 8.2, with removals of 71 and 82.6% for NH4+ and 10 and 79.1% for calcium, respectively. High removals of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (>= 71%), biological oxygen demand (>= 80%), ammonium nitrogen (>= 52%), total phosphorus (98%), total suspended solids (>= 52%), turbidity (>= 62%), absorbance at 254 nm (>= 87%), absorbance at 410 nm (>= 83%) and oils & fats (>= 47%) were obtained using immediate one-step lime precipitation and atmospheric carbonation integrated process to treatment slaughter-house wastewater, indicating that the these process is an efficient pretreatment for slaughterhouse wastewaters.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytoremediation of boron from wastewater in vertical flow constructed wetlands

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the possibility of boron removal from synthetic wastewater using a vertical constructed flow (VFCW) planted with Vetiveria zizanioides. Two boron concentrations were used (15 ± 1 and 30 ± 1 mg L−1) and a hydraulic load (H) of 191 ± 10 L m−2d−1. The wastewater samples were taken and the flow rate in the inlet and outlet of the VFCW were measured. The levels of dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, pH and boron were determined in the wastewater. The concentrations of the essential elements and nutrients, namely total Kjeldhal nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in above growth biomass composition were measured. The results showed that: boron removal efficiencies depended on the boron concentration, so 60 ± 3% was obtained for the 15 mg L−1 concentration and 26 ± 2% for 30 mg L−1; calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium concentrations in the vegetal biomass decreased to the boron concentration of 30 mg L−1, and boron may have interfered with Vetiveria zizanioides growth

    Knowledge level in conditional probability and independence of events: a study case in the portuguese high school

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    Partindo de duas situações-problema envolvendo probabilidades condicionadas, independência e incompatibilidade, sugere-se quantificar, em paralelo, o grau de desempenho e o grau de rigor de uma resposta usando duas medidas ordinais, ambasem escala de Likert. Uma análise descritiva dessas medidas, numgrupo de 43 alunos do 12.º ano, permitiu estabelecer o nívelde conhecimento desses alunos naqueles conceitos e constatar quenem sempre uma resposta correta é acompanhada de rigor nasua elaboração. Uma análise interpretativa das mesmas respostas permitiu ainda constatar que, no ensino português, persistem conflitos na interpretação e cálculo da probabilidade condicionada e conflitos nas noções de independência e incompatibilidade. O estudo recomenda mais prática na formulação matemáticade enunciados envolvendo probabilidade condicionada e mais ênfase no caracter probabilístico da noção de independência.Partiendo de dos situaciones problemas que refieren a la probabilidad condicional, la independencia y eventos mutuamente excluyentes, se cuantifica, en paralelo, el grado de desempeño y el grado de rigor científico de una respuesta usando dos medidas ordinales en la escala de Likert. Un análisis descriptivo de las medidas, en 43 estudiantes del año terminal del liceo, determinó el grado de conocimiento de los alumnos en los referidos conceptos y apuntó que no siempre una respuesta correcta está descrita con rigor. Del análisis interpretativo de las respuestas se concluye que persisten, enla enseñanza en Portugal, conflictos en la interpretación yen el cálculo de la probabilidad condicionada y en los conceptos de independencia y de eventos mutuamente excluyentes. El estudio recomienda más prácticas involucrando la formulación matemática de problemas de probabilidad condicional y más énfasis en el carácter probabilístico que está asociado al concepto de independencia.Taking two problem-situations involving conditional probability,independence and incompatibility, we suggest the measurements of the performance and the scientific rigor of a response using, in parallel, two ordinal Likert scale measures. Based on the responses given by 43 students in 12th grade (age 17), a descriptive analysis of these measurements was executed in order to evaluate the levels of knowledge of the students in those concepts. The results showed that not always a correct written response comes with rigor. Besides, an interpretative analysis of the same responses confirmed the existence of conflicts inthe teaching of those concepts in Portugal. The conflicts are concerning with the interpretation and the calculation of conditional probabilities and the notions of independence and incompatibility. The present study recommends more practice on the mathematical formulation of statements involving conditional probability and more emphasis on the probabilistic feature of the notion of independence.Partant de deux situations-problème impliquant des probabilités conditionnelles, indépendance et incompatibilité, on suggère dequantifier, en parallèle, le degré de performance et le degréde rigueur d’une réponse utilisant deux mesures ordinales, toutes deux sur l’échelle de Likert. Une analyse descriptive de ces mesures dans un groupe de 43 élèves de Terminal a permis d’établir le niveau de connaissance des élèves, en relation à ces concepts, et de constater qu’une réponse correcte n’est pas toujours accompagnée de rigueur dans son élaboration. Une analyse interprétative de ces réponses a encore permis de voirque, dans l’enseignement portugais, les conflits persistentdans l’interprétation et le calcul des probabilités conditionnelles ainsi que dans les notions d’indépendance et d’incompatibilité. L’étude recommande plus de pratique dans la formulation mathématique des énoncés de probabilités conditionnelles etde mettre davantage l’accent sur le caractère probabiliste associé à la notion d’indépendance

    Ações integradas em busca da sustentabilidade no Assentamento Tarumã-Mirim, zona rural de Manaus (AM).

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    Neste trabalho, são apresentadas ações da primeira fase do projeto “Tarumã Vivo” desenvolvido pela Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental no Assentamento Tarumã-Mirim (Manaus-AM) e parceiros, com o objetivo de gerar conhecimentos e ações sustentáveis de forma colaborativa com os agricultores familiares. Os diagnósticos mostraram que a retirada da floresta está relacionada à produção de carvão vegetal e lenha, exploração de madeira e agropecuária. O projeto considerou o manejo da paisagem agrícola e os aspectos sócio-econômicos, o que resultou na construção de alternativas diferentes em objetivos, superfície, composição, arranjo e manejo, em 29 propriedades agrícolas. Os cursos ministrados foram meios importantes para mudanças, pois viabilizaram a substituição da venda de carvão vegetal por produção de hortaliças e a recuperação de áreas alteradas em 15 propriedades. A renda semanal aumentou de 54,26% considerando a venda direta na feira. Após o curso sobre Associativismo foi criada a Associação Agrícola Rural do Ramal do Pau Rosa (Assagrir), permitindo a articulação e viabilização de novas ações em prol da comunidade. O processo de empoderamento contemplou os quatro níveis (Cognitivo, Psicológico, Econômico e Político)

    Immediate one-step lime precipitation and atmospheric carbonation as pretreatment for low biodegradable and high nitrogen wastewaters: A case study of explosives industry

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    The treatment of some industrial wastewaters is complex, since they usually contain complex non-biodegradable organic compounds or toxic compounds which are not easily treatable. These compounds are not removed by biological treatment in wastewater treatment plants and they may affect the removal of ammonium, nitrate, organic nitrogen by these treatment systems. Therefore, this research proposes a new and innovative low-cost and easy-to-apply pre-treatment to treat low biodegradable and high nitrogen wastewaters, using explosive wastewaters as case study. The pre-treatment is composed by immediate one-step lime precipitation (IOSLM) and atmospheric CO2 carbonation (AC) processes. The novelty of the proposed pre-treatment is based firstly on the use of one reactant (hydrated lime) at high concentrations, added in one step, that produces immediately an abundant and insoluble precipitate able to sweep the organic matter and other contaminants from wastewater in a short time and ensure conditions (pH and Ca2+) for the AC process. Secondly, the AC process uses the sludge produced in IOSLM to keep pH high for longer, allowing ammonia removal while simultaneously the pH is reduced by spontaneous reactions with atmospheric CO2. IOSLM results showed 92.1 %, 98.2 % and 100 % of organic matter, oils and fats, and organic nitrogen removals, respectively, for the optimal hydrated lime dose (7.76 g L−1). In AC process 61 % of ammonium nitrogen was removed and pH reduced to 8.1 in 10 days

    Manual treatment of urban wastewater by chemical precipitation for production of hydroponic nutrient solutions

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    Publication is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the International Academic Partnerships Programme from the project "Organization of the 9th International Scientific and Technical Conference entitled Environmental Engineering, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics - Modern Technologies and Development Perspectives". Project with financial support of FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) and the Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR).An urban wastewater treatment system was developed in Portugal for posterior in situ feasibility testing at the Bulgarian Antarctic Base, using its domestic wastewater. The aim of this system was to develop a low cost, integrated approach for wastewater treatment and production of nutrient solutions (NS) for hydroponic cultivation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) in Antarctic stations, or any other place where the lack of resources and logistical hardships make the wastewater treatment and reuse impractical. The wastewater treatment system consisted in manual agitation lime chemical precipitation (LCPm) and effluent natural neutralization (NN) by atmospheric CO2 carbonation reactions (with and without air injection). The resulting effluent/NS had macronutrient values (nitrogen and phosphorous) for the hydroponic cultivation of lettuce below the values of commercial NS and a high pH (pH ≈ 8). The treatment achieved a total coliform removal rate of 100%. Before the LCPm treatment system development, several lime-based reagents were tested under different reaction pH and using mechanical agitation, to access their organic matter removal efficiency, as chemical oxygen demand (COD). The best COD removal results obtained were: commercial Ca(OH)2. (pH 11.5-89%), reagent grade Ca(OH)2 (pH 11.5-79%) and CaO (pH 12.0-64%).publishersversionpublishe