8,443 research outputs found

    Preliminary catalog of pictures taken on the lunar surface during the Apollo 16 mission

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    A catalog of all pictures taken from the lunar module or the lunar surface during the Apollo 16 lunar stay is presented. The tabulations are arranged for the following specific uses: (1) given the number of a particular frame, find its location in the sequence of lunar surface activity, the station from which it was taken and the subject matter of the picture; (2) given a particular location or activity within the sequence of lunar surface activity, find the pictures taken at that time and their subject matter; and (3) given a sample number from the voice transcript listed, find the designation assigned to the same sample by the lunar receiving laboratory

    Use of linear discriminant function analysis in seed morphotype relationship study in 31 Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) accessions in Ghana

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    Variation in seed morphology of the Lima bean in 31 accessions was studied. Data were collected on 100-seed weight, seed length and seed width. The differences among the accessions were significant, based on the three seed characteristics. K-means cluster analysis grouped the 31 accessions into four distinct groups, representing four different morphotypes. Mahalanobis distances (D2) among the groups were highly significant. The four different morphotypes were attributed to the Mesoamerican gene pool, comprising the cultigroups Sieva-Big Lima, Potato-Sieva and Potato. Sub-cultigroups of the Sieva-Big Lima and Potato cultigroups due to differences in seed weight were suggested.Variation en morphologie de graine du haricot de Lima en trente accessions était étudiée. Des données étaient collectées sur poids de 100 graines, longueur de graine et largeur de graine. Il y avait des différences considérables parmi les accessions basées sur les trois caractéristiques de graine. Analyse du régime par K-moyens groupait les 31 accessions en quatre groupes distincts, représentant quatre morphotypes différents. Les distances (D2) Mahalanobis parmi les groupes étaient hautement considérables. Les quatre morphotypes différents étaient attribués au bagage héréditaire de Mesoaméricain, comprenant les groupes de cultures: Sieva-Grand Lima, Patate-Sieva et Patate. Les groupes de sous-cultures de Sieva-Grand Lima et Patate groupes de culture dû aux différences en poids de graine étaient suggérées. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (1) 2006: pp. 87-9

    Intra-individual movement variability during skill transitions: A useful marker?

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    Applied research suggests athletes and coaches need to be challenged in knowing when and how much a movement should be consciously attended to. This is exacerbated when the skill is in transition between two more stable states, such as when an already well learnt skill is being refined. Using existing theory and research, this paper highlights the potential application of movement variability as a tool to inform a coach’s decision-making process when implementing a systematic approach to technical refinement. Of particular interest is the structure of co-variability between mechanical degrees-of-freedom (e.g., joints) within the movement system’s entirety when undergoing a skill transition. Exemplar data from golf are presented, demonstrating the link between movement variability and mental effort as an important feature of automaticity, and thus intervention design throughout the different stages of refinement. Movement variability was shown to reduce when mental effort directed towards an individual aspect of the skill was high (target variable). The opposite pattern was apparent for variables unrelated to the technical refinement. Therefore, two related indicators, movement variability and mental effort, are offered as a basis through which the evaluation of automaticity during technical refinements may be made

    Study of methane fuel for subsonic transport aircraft

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    The cost and performance were defined for commercial transport using liquid methane including its fuel system and the ground facility complex required for the processing and storage of methane. A cost and performance comparison was made with Jet A and hydrogen powered aircraft of the same payload and range capability. Extensive design work was done on cryogenic fuel tanks, insulation systems as well as the fuel system itself. Three candidate fuel tank locations were evaluated, i.e., fuselage tanks, wing tanks or external pylon tanks

    Public Resource Allocation, Strategic Behavior, and Status Quo Bias in Choice Experiments

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    Choice experiments, a survey methodology in which consumers face a series of choice tasks requiring them to indicate their most preferred option from a choice set containing two or more options, are used to generate estimates of consumer preferences to determine the appropriate allocation of public resources to competing projects or programs. The analysis of choice experiment data typically relies on the assumptions that choices of the non-status quo option are demand-revealing and choices of the status quo option are not demand-revealing, but rather, reflect an underlying behavioral bias in favor of the status quo. This paper reports the results of an experiment which demonstrates that both of these assumptions are likely to be invalid. We demonstrates that choice experiments for a public good are vulnerable to the same types of strategic voting that affect other types of multiple-choice voting mechanisms. We show that due to the mathematics of choice set design, what is actually strategic voting is often interpreted as a behavioral bias for the status quo option. Therefore, we caution against using current choice experiment methodologies to inform policy making about public goods

    Remote Predictive Mapping 2. Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: A Tool for Mapping Canada's North

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    This paper reviews the theory, acquisition and application of gamma-ray spectrometric data for geological mapping, especially for Canada's North. Theoretical principals are reviewed and survey parameters and data acquisition procedures are discussed. Interpretation principles are then presented and various methods, utilizing computer processing, enhancement and classification procedures are introduced using many image examples. The ability of gamma-ray spectrometry to map the distribution of potassium, uranium, and thorium on the surface of the Earth provides powerful assistance for regional and local bedrock and surficial geological mapping. Important direct and indirect exploration guidance, in a wide variety of geological settings, is also provided, as is important information for environmental radiation monitoring and land-use planning. SOMMAIRE Le présent article passe en revue les fondements théoriques, l'acquisition et l'application des données spec-trométriques du rayonnement gamma comme outil de cartographie géologique, particulièrement pour le Nord canadien. On y examine les principes théoriques et on y discute des paramètres de levé et des méthodes d'acquisition des données. Puis, on y présente les principes et diverses méth-odes d'interprétation, utilisant le traitement de rehaussement et de classification par ordinateur, à partir de nombreux exemples d'images. La cartographie de la distribution du potassium, de l'uranium, et du thorium à la surface de la Terre à partir de techniques de spectrométrie du rayonnement gamma est une aide précieuse pour la cartographie géologique de surface locale et régionale. Cette technique constitue aussi un important guide d'exploration direct et indirect, dans une large gamme de contextes géologiques, tout comme une importante source d'information pour le monitorage des radiations dans l'environnement et la planification de l'aménagement du territoire

    Novel use of stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) as a tool for isolation of oviposition site attractants for gravid Culex quinquefasciatus

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    Mosquitoes such as Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) are important vectors of organisms that cause disease in humans. Research into the development of effective standardized odour baits for blood-fed females (oviposition attractants), to enable entomological monitoring of vector populations, is hampered by complex protocols for extraction of physiologically active volatile chemicals from natural breeding site water samples, which have produced inconsistent results. Air entrainment and solvent extraction are technically demanding methods and are impractical for use in resource poor environments where mosquito-borne disease is most prevalent. This study reports the first use of a simple, robust extraction technique, stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), to extract behaviourally active small lipophilic molecules (SLMs) present in water samples collected from Cx. quinquefasciatus breeding sites in Tanzania. Extracts from a pit latrine and from a cess pool breeding site attracted more gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus in pair choice bioassays than control extracts, and coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) allowed tentative identification of 15 electrophysiologically active chemicals, including the known oviposition attractant, skatole (3-methylindole). Here, we have demonstrated, using simple pair choice bioassays in controlled laboratory conditions, that SBSE is effective for the extraction of behaviourally and electrophysiologically active semiochemicals from mosquito breeding site waters. Further research is required to confirm that SBSE is an appropriate technique for use in field surveys in the search for oviposition cues for Cx. quinquefasciatus