26 research outputs found

    Towards a Strengthening of Non-Interference, Sovereignty, and Human Rights from Foreign Cyber Meddling in Democratic Electoral Processes

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    States have resorted to meddling in the elections of their counterparts throughout history. Recently, though, there has been an exponential increased in the use of the possibilities provided by technology. Attention to this phenomenon has deservedly grown quickly and exponentially. This has led to debates focusing on the adequacy of international legal rules and general principles to respond to foreign cyber election interference. In many of these debates some have expressed doubts and skepticism about the adequacy of current international law to confront foreign election interference through cyber means. There have also been disagreements about the applicable standards to fight against cyber interferences in electoral matters. One possible suggested measure is the adoption of a new UN treaty specifically addressing foreign cyber election interference. Rather than relying exclusively on the contingent drafting of a new hard law instrument, the present work defends two complementary ideas. Firstly, that existing hard and ‘soft law’ standards can provide guidance on the legal implications of acts that meddle in foreign elections through cyber means, which can sometimes amount to unlawful interventions in the affairs of another State. That said, the necessity of clarification and the filling of gaps call for progressive development of the law concerning the issue of cyber meddling in foreign elections. Furthermore, when political impasses preclude the adoption of new binding instruments cooperative approaches can provide a valuable way to address the cyber threats to democratic elections. Secondly, we argue that alongside discussions about non-interference and sovereignty, it is possible to interpret human rights guarantees, such as the right to participate in political processes, as already demanding protection from elements of cyber intervention in political processes, with those rights being applicable and demanding protection in cyberspace. An interpretation of existing human rights guarantees in light of the general rule of interpretation serves to identify circumstances under which cyber meddling in elections would be amount to extraterritorial violations contrary to them

    Necessity and possibilities of the international protection of human dignity from non-state violations

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Derecho Público y Filosofía Jurídica. Fecha de Lectura: 12 diciembre de 201

    La estatalidad como un santo grial del uso geopolítico y legitimador del derecho internacional: Consideraciones a partir de un caso real interpretado en el cine

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    The film Rose Island (2020), based on the true history of this micro-State, is the starting point for a double pedagogical and critical exercise. We first study aspects related to the teaching of institutions and the basic pillars of international law, mostly - though not exclusively - regarding issues connected to subjectivity. Then, we look at how the analysis of the film also reveals historically and politically-charged realities and tensions that are inherent and even constitutive of international law. The “state-centrism” of international law is evident in the period in which the narrative takes place, and we can see that, even today, much of what concerns international institutions and their formation depends on the will of the subjects identified with the socially constructed collective entities we call States. In both analyses, we can see how statehood continues to be a very attractive figure, insofar as it constitutes the basis for privileges of action.La película La increíble historia de la Isla de las Rosas (2020), basada en la historia real de aquel micro-Estado, es el puntapié para un doble ejercicio pedagógico y crítico. En una primera sección se estudian aspectos acerca de lo relativo al aprendizaje de instituciones y pilares básicos del derecho internacional, principalmente en cuanto a la subjetividad, aunque no solo ella. En la segunda, observamos cómo el análisis del filme también permite poner de manifiesto realidades y tensiones con una carga histórico-política que son inherentes al derecho internacional de forma central e incluso constitutivas del mismo. El “estatocentrismo” del derecho internacional queda patente en la época en que transcurre la narración, y vemos que, aún hoy día, buena parte de lo concerniente a las instituciones internacionales y su formación depende del filtro de los sujetos identificados con los entes colectivos construidos socialmente que llamamos Estados. En ambos análisis se puede observar cómo la estatalidad sigue constituyendo una figura muy atractiva, en la medida en que constituye la base de privilegios de actuación

    Statehood as the holy grial of the geopolitical and legitimizing use of international law. Considerations from an actual case as interpreted by the cinema

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    La película La increíble historia de la Isla de las Rosas (2020), basada en la historia real de aquel micro-Estado, es el puntapié para un doble ejercicio pedagógico y crítico. En una primera sección se estudian aspectos acerca de lo relativo al aprendizaje de instituciones y pilares básicos del derecho internacional, principalmente en cuanto a la subjetividad, aunque no solo ella. En la segunda, observamos cómo el análisis del filme también permite poner de manifiesto realidades y tensiones con una carga histórico-política que son inherentes al derecho internacional de forma central e incluso constitutivas del mismo. El “estatocentrismo” del derecho internacional queda patente en la época en que transcurre la narración, y vemos que, aún hoy día, buena parte de lo concerniente a las instituciones internacionales y su formación depende del filtro de los sujetos identificados con los entes colectivos construidos socialmente que llamamos Estados. En ambos análisis se puede observar cómo la estatalidad sigue constituyendo una figura muy atractiva, en la medida en que constituye la base de privilegios de actuación.The film Rose Island (2020), based on the true history of this micro-State, is the starting point for a double pedagogical and critical exercise. We first study aspects related to the teaching of institutions and the basic pillars of international law, mostly - though not exclusively - regarding issues connected to subjectivity. Then, we look at how the analysis of the film also reveals historically and politically-charged realities and tensions that are inherent and even constitutive of international law. The “state-centrism” of international law is evident in the period in which the narrative takes place, and we can see that, even today, much of what concerns international institutions and their formation depends on the will of the subjects identified with the socially constructed collective entities we call States. In both analyses, we can see how statehood continues to be a very attractive figure, insofar as it constitutes the basis for privileges of action.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Amicus Brief by Amnesty International and Others

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    On September 2, 2020, six Portuguese youth filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights against 33 countries. The complaint alleges that the respondents have violated human rights by failing to take sufficient action on climate change, and seeks an order requiring them to take more ambitious action. The complaint relies on Articles 2, 8, and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protect the right to life, right to privacy, and right to not experience discrimination. The complainants claim that their right to life is threatened by the effects of climate change in Portugal such as forest fires; that their right to privacy includes their physical and mental wellbeing, which is threatened by heatwaves that force them to spend more time indoors; and that as young people, they stand to experience the worst effects of climate change. The case is brought against the Member States of the Council of Europe (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) as well as Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. The complainants allege that the respondents have fallen short of their human rights obligations by failing to agree to emissions reductions that will keep temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as envisioned by the Paris Agreement. On November 30, 2020, The European Court of Human Rights fast-tracked and communicated the case to 33 defendant countries, requiring them to respond by the end of February 2021. According to the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), who are supporting the case, only a tiny minority of cases before the Court are fast-tracked and communicated. On February 4, 2021, the Court rejected a motion by the defendant governments asking the Court to overturn its fast-tracking decision. The governments had asked the court to overturn priority treatment of the case and to hear arguments only on the admissibility of the case. The Court sent a letter to the parties rejecting these motions and gave the defendants until May 27, 2021 to submit a defense on both admissibility and the merits of the case. The Court also granted until May 6, 2021 third party interventions. Among other seven third-party intervention, on May 5, 2021, Amnesty International intervened in the case and submitted her written observations to the European Court of Human Rights. The submission supports the claimants\u27 position, providing legal arguments to the Court to show that international law requires states to not harm, and to not allow companies within their jurisdiction to harm, the human rights of people outside their borders. On May 19, 2021 a new intervention was made by the European Commission submitted her written observations to the European Court of Human Rights. Noting the pronounced impact of environmental degradation and climate change on human rights, the Commissioner argues that international environmental and children’s rights law instruments should play a significant role in defining the scope of states’ obligation to prevent human rights violations caused by environmental harm. The Commission bases its defense of EU policy in the field of environmental protection on sound legal reasoning and science-based evidence. The term ‘climate emergency’ expresses the political will to fulfill the obligations under the Paris Agreement. The Commissioner concludes that “the increasing number of climate change-related applications provide the Court with a unique opportunity to continue to forge the legal path towards a more complete implementation of the Convention and to offer real-life protection to individuals affected by environmental degradation and climate change.” On August 14, 2021, the claimants received the respondent governments’ respective defenses. However, on legal advice, the claimants have decided not to make them public. The claimants have until January 12, 2022 to respond to the governments’ defenses. On June 30, 2022, the Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights relinquished jurisdiction in favor of the Grand Chamber. The case is now going to be examined by the ECtHR\u27s Grand Chamber of 17 judges on account of the fact that the case raises a serious question affecting the interpretation of the Convention (Art 30 ECHR). At Issue: Youth filed human rights complaint against 33 governments

    Memorias del 4o. coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol

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    Aquí se recopilan las ponencias recibidas para ser publicadas en el 4o. Coloquio de estudios sobre juegos de rol (2019), realizado en el Tec de Monterrey campus Puebla el 4 y 5 de julio de 2019. Únicamente se publican las ponencias cuyos autores dieron permiso explícito para ello y que facilitaron copia de su trabajo. Los resúmenes de las ponencias pasaron por un proceso de revisión doble ciego para ser admitidas en el coloquio. Editor: Mauricio Rangel Jiménezhttps://digitalcommons.njit.edu/stemresources/1021/thumbnail.jp

    The Possibilities and Legitimacy of Non-State Participation in the Formation of Customary Law

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    28 páginasNon-state actors can contribute to shaping customary law indirectly, through inspiration and pressure, or formally when so empowered by States. Decisions on granting non-state actors customary law-making capacities must be critically decided on a case-by-case basis, in light of the legal interests at stake, risks of making regulation subservient to their interests, and legitimacy and effectiveness considerations. Since non-state involvement in the formation or change of customary law is not limited to direct law-making capacities, different strategies can be used to both receive their input and promote their acceptance of and respect of customary law. Internal and international democratization of State decisions and collective law-making are essential if the (currently) mostly-State-centric system of custom determination is to be fair. This demands a duty to examine non-state proposals in good faith

    A humane legal response to contemporary challenges on the use of force posed by non-state threats and possible misuses of military necessity

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    32 páginasGiving preeminence to military interests over humanitarian considerations in international law may encourage attacks that violate the jus ad bellum because the generation of an armed attack will entitle targeting individuals in order to further the goals of entities carrying out the attacks. If this happens, individuals will be treated as means, and their human dignity will be violated. Thus, attacks on life in the mentioned circumstances violate the foundational value of both human rights and humanitarian law norms. Therefore, in order to discourage resorting to war and tweaking the law, depriving humanitarian guarantees of their effectiveness, a prevalent human rights law approach that acknowledges the arbitrariness and ensuing unlawfulness in those conducts is necessary. International Humanitarian Law can also be understood as violated, but even if it is not considered to be breached, an autonomous understanding of human rights law not subject to IHL is possible. Apart from the previous concerns, there is the issue of non-state uses of force. A State-centered conception of international law is inadequate to answer to reality and protect international legal goods. This is felt in jus ad bellum and jus in bello, because the impact of non-state actors cannot be dealt with properly in its light. In this regard, there are problems concerning the possibility of resorting to self-defense against non-state armed groups located in the territory of another State or in the regulation of armed conflicts in which non-state actors participate. Some of these challenges can be met with existing norms although there are gaps that call for regulation de lege ferenda

    La influencia artística de las emociones y la empatía en el contenido, la interpretación y la efectividad del derecho internacional

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    57 páginasLas emociones integran una de las dimensiones de las experiencias y actividades humanas, y ello explica su posible incidencia en la interacción de distintos actores con el derecho internacional, que es una construcción social en cuya evolución y creación han incidido no sólo argumentos racionales sino además posturas emotivas, que en la práctica pueden incidir no sólo en la creación, sino, además, en la interpretación o invocación e incluso en la efectividad y legitimidad de aquel derecho, máxime cuando tanto las emociones como el derecho internacional ofrecen lenguajes mundiales. Ello explica el empleo de distintas estrategias emotivas, formales o no, jurídicas y extrajurídicas, como el cine, el arte o actividades lúdicas, por parte de quienes interactúan con el derecho internacional, en tanto los discursos jurídicos con tintes emotivos pueden hacer a sus destinatarios más proclives a acoger sus discursos, que al entrañar un intento de transmitir emociones pueden calificarse de “artísticos”. Estos discursos acarrean riesgos cuando procuren desconocer derechos de minorías pero ofrecen la promesa de “humanizar” el derecho si se fundamentan en la empatía, que al llevar al intérprete a asumir la posición de las víctimas puede identificar sus necesidades de protección jurídica tanto en la lex lata como en la lex ferenda

    Sobre a virtuosidade de certas recusas de cumprimento de requisitos legais motivadas por outros regulamentos

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    The question of whether a deliberate choice to refuse to comply with the demands placed on a moral agent by a given provision of positive law can be explored from the perspective of different ethical approaches, including deontology and consequentialism. However, examining that question from the standpoint of virtue ethics can prove especially illuminating, considering how it expressly takes into account nuances pertaining the specific context in which agents find themselves and the tension between different virtues. In this article, I carry out one such examination, considering the value of justice. I further posit that if harm and negative effects on others do not take place or are outweigh by the injustice of a legal demand, and alternative remedies with prospect of effectiveness to address a potential injustice brought about by the law are not feasibly present, then disobedience in a deliberate fashion can prove sometimes to be not only ethical but even, in exceptional cases, the most responsible course of action.En este artículo se analiza la forma en que la ética de la virtud, con su consideración del contexto en el que deben comportarse los agentes morales, puede arrojar luz sobre las circunstancias bajo las cuales una decisión deliberada de incumplir un determinado mandato legal puede considerarse no solo como permisible desde lo moral sino incluso como la forma más ética de comportarse. En esta determinación intervienen condiciones sustantivas de “no hacer daño” y de debida diligencia. Además, se examina cómo la decisión de desafiar un mandato legal con plena conciencia no implica una negación de la normatividad, sino que a veces puede presuponer una voluntad de cumplir con una normatividad que el agente moral considera más prioritaria que la legal. Por ende, los factores existenciales y emocionales pueden configurar esta determinación.Este artigo discute como a ética da virtude, com sua consideração do contexto em que os agentes morais devem se comportar, pode esclarecer as circunstâncias em que uma decisão deliberada de não cumprir um determinado mandato legal pode ser considerada não apenas como moralmente permissível, mas até mesmo como a maneira mais ética de se comportar. As condições substantivas de “não causar dano” e a devida diligência estão envolvidas nessa determinação. Além disso, é examinado como a decisão de desafiar um mandato legal com plena consciência não implica uma negação da normatividade, mas pode, às vezes, pressupor uma disposição de cumprir uma normatividade que o agente moral considera mais prioritária do que a legal. Assim, fatores existenciais e emocionais podem moldar essa determinação