2,028 research outputs found


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    Original text written by Leonor López de Córdoba (c.1362-1430) Spanish modernized by María-Milagros Rivera Garretas Guided-reading edition prepared by Christopher C. Oechler Una edición de lectura guiada de la autobiografía de Leonor López de Córdoba dictada en Córdoba entre 1401 y 1404. A guided-reading edition of Leonor López de Córdoba’s autobiography dictated in Córdoba c.1401-1404.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/oer/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Metabolic response to water shortage in an isolated feral sheep population

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    To establish metabolic responses for biochemical analytes related to freshwater shortage adaptation, a total of 376 blood samples were collected from feral sheep at the Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago. Comparisons were made between four sampling periods with repeated measurements at 0, 7, 14, and 21 d (94 blood serums: 84 females and 10 males). During the first week, the sheep received daily water ad libitum. During the second and third week, the sheep received 60% daily water in relation to the first 7 days intake. Analysis of variance was used to compare the mean values between sampling days. Stepwise regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationships between the biochemical analytes. The glucose (GLU), total cholesterol (COL-T), triglycerides (TAG), urea, albumin (ALB), total protein (PROT-T), sodium ion (Na+), creatine kinase (CK), arginine vasopressin (AVP), and aldosterone (Aldo), were determined. With the exception of GLU, the COL-T, TAG, urea, ALB, PROT-T, Na+, CK, AVP, and Aldo showed differences between sampling days with the higher values corresponding to 14 d with limited water intake. Negative correlations (P<0.05) between ALB with COL-T and TAG, were quantified. Positive correlations (P<0.05) between COL-T with TAG, and Aldo; between urea with PROT-T, between CK with ALB and PROT-T, between AVP with COL-T, TAG, urea, PROT-T and Aldo, and between Aldo with Na+, were quantified. Results could help improve the accuracy of metabolic profiles used as a tool for evaluating dehydration indicators and to describe the physiological mechanisms employed by feral sheep to cope with limited availability of freshwater

    Prevalence and genetic diversity of Trichomonas vaginalis in the general population of Granada and co-infections with Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida species

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    Purpose: Purulent or exudative genitourinary infections are a frequent cause of consultation in primary and specialized healthcare. The objectives of this study were: to determine the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis and co-infections with Candida spp. and Gardnerella vaginalis in vaginal secretion; and to use multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to analyse the genetic diversity of T. vaginalis strains. Methodology: The samples were submitted for analysis (n=5230) to a third-level hospital in Granada (Southern Spain) between 2011 and 2014; eight T. vaginalis strains isolated during 2015 were randomly selected for MLST analysis. Culture and nucleic acid hybridization techniques were used to detect microorganisms in the samples. Results: The prevalence of T. vaginalis was 2.4 % between 2011 and 2014, being higher during the first few months of both 2011 and 2012. Among samples positive for T. vaginalis, co-infection with G. vaginalis was detected in 29 samples and co-infection with Candida spp. in 6, while co-infection with all three pathogens was observed in 3 samples. The only statistically significant between-year difference in co-infection rates was observed for T. vaginalis with G. vaginalis due to an elevated rate in 2011. MLST analysis results demonstrated a high genetic variability among strains circulating in our setting. Conclusion: These findings emphasize the need for the routine application of diagnostic procedures to avoid the spread of this sexually transmitted infection

    Selecting Undergraduate Students as Library Research Subjects from a Diversity Perspective

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    Undergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. The project reported at this poster is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico. The research methodology used is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices and analyze them to guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to select participants from other library user groups from a diversity perspective

    How old are giant squids? First approach to aging Architeuthis beaks

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    The giant squid Architeuthis dux Steenstrup, 1857 is one of the largest and most enigmatic marine species. Its age estimation remains controversial with many estimates of maximum age ranging from 1 to 14 yrs. Successful results regarding the study of aging in cephalopod beaks for some octopod and oegopsid squids support using these structures for age estimation. We analyzed the beaks of 10 individuals, caught between 1995 and 2006, with reconstructed dorsal mantle lengths (DMLs) between 823 and 1418 mm. The beaks were measured and weighed, and their microstructure was analyzed in three ways: (1) in the rostrum area [rostrum sagittal sections (RSS)] for both upper and lower jaws, and the (2) inner lateral wall surfaces (LWS) and (3) inner crest surfaces (CS) for upper jaws. A constant sequence of increments was observed along the RSS, indicating that the use of lower jaws is more feasible due to the higher erosion and tighter packing of increments of upper jaws. The statolith of one individual was analyzed, resulting in 520 increments (579 increments from RSS of its lower jaw). Assuming daily deposition, the age estimations in RSS between 411 and 674 d suggest rapid growth of A. dux, averaging 1.97 mm DML d–1 (SD 0.45). When maximum ages were estimated by applying these results to the largest measured specimens in the literature (e.g., 2400 mm DML), an age of approximately 3 yrs was obtained. Analysis over a greater size range of individuals would allow more accurate age estimations of this emblematic squid.En prensa1,14

    Do UK universities communicate their brands effectively through their websites?

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    This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities’ websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of twenty UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities’ environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation

    Invitations to interview on the role of the library in the undergraduate academic life: survey to select participants from diverse origin through posters and digital social networks

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    Undergraduate students are usually the largest populations in higher education institutions. More information about qualitative aspects of learning practices and deeper knowledge about student needs is necessary to understand and promote a more implicated role of libraries in undergraduate student learning. The project reported at this poster is developed by researchers from two private universities libraries in Mexico. The research methodology used is mixed. After analysis and discussion of initial data some student’s characteristics were established as diversity markers which we expect will facilitate to select students for deep interview in order to listen the variety of undergraduate voices and analyze them to guide the design of new library spaces, collections and services We expect also that the methodology developed will help to select participants from other library user groups from a diversity perspective

    Construcción y estandarización de pruebas de aptitud y de conocimientos utilizables en orientación profesional

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    La orientación profesional es necesaria para los bachilleres colombianos. En las circunstancias actuales de desarrollo y de cambio nuestro país manifiesta una problemática de aspiraciones y necesidades quizás más compleja, por falta de límites precisos, que la de otros países.EI bachiller, al elegir la manera como va a servir a la colectividad mediante una práctica profesional, se enfrenta a una situación conflictiva. De una parte ignora que necesidad tiene el país de la profesión que desea seguir; como se adecuan sus capacidades a las exigencias de ella y, en su ejercicio, satisfará las aspiraciones personales. De otra parte debe elegir y... elige con indecisión

    Temporal changes of NDVI for qualitative environmental assessment of mangroves: Shrimp farming impact on the health decline of the arid mangroves in the Gulf of California (1990-2010)

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    We assessed the temporal evolution of vegetation activity of mangroves in the Southeastern coastal of the Gulf of California (Mexico) through a multi-temporal analysis of Landsat TM images from 1990 to 2010 where time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were obtained. A multivariate regression analysis showed the presence of statistically significant negative trends of NDVI (low vegetation activity) in the coverage of mangrove forest, mangrove forest with pickleweed, and pickleweed; however, we did not found any meteorological variable (built time series of average minimum and maximum temperatures, and of accumulated rainfall) that controlled the observed trends. A pixel-by-pixel spatially distributed analysis of the temporal trends of NDVI, complemented by digitalization through photo interpretation of the shrimp farms present in the study area, showed a spatial relationship between the zones of greatest loss of vegetation activity (1990–2010) and the areas with greater proliferation of shrimp farms in the study area. Our study demonstrated the applicability of NDVI for the environmental assessment of mangroves. The relationship between changes in remote sensing indices and environmental variables allows for an efficient evaluation of the main environmental impacts, which can be used for coastal planning and management.The research was supported by the Mexican Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment (SEMARNAT-CONACYT; grant number SEMARNAT-2002-C01-0147). SM-B and RJM are students of Academic Program of Geoinformatics (UACJ).Peer Reviewe

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using <em>Heterotheca inuloides</em> and Its Antimicrobial Activity in Catgut Suture Threads

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    Silver nanoparticles were synthesized through a green method, using Heterotheca inuloides as a bioreducing agent. Moreover, catgut suture threads were decorated with those biogenic silver nanoparticles, and their antibacterial activity versus highly resistant pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated. The principles of green chemistry and nanotechnology allow us to obtain advanced materials, such as suture threads, which can reduce or avoid the prevalence of infectious processes in the medical field. Mexican medicinal plants, such as H. inuloides, represent an adequate alternative for biosynthesis; this plant species is known for its medicinal benefits and its antibacterial activity, and for that reason, it is being used in folk medicine