2,116 research outputs found

    Nurse Staffing and Deficiencies in the Largest For-Profit Nursing Home Chains and Chains Owned by Private Equity Companies

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    Objective To compare staffing levels and deficiencies of the 10 largest U.S. for-profit nursing home chains with five other ownership groups and chain staffing and deficiencies before and after purchase by four private equity (PE) companies. Data Sources Facilities for the largest for-profit chains were identified through Internet searches and company reports and matched with federal secondary data for 2003–2008 for each ownership group. Study Design Descriptive statistics and generalized estimation equation panel regression models examined staffing and deficiencies by ownership groups in the 2003–2008 period, controlling for facility characteristics, resident acuity, and market factors with state fixed effects. Principal Findings The top 10 for-profit chains had lower registered nurse and total nurse staffing hours than government facilities, controlling for other factors. The top 10 chains received 36 percent higher deficiencies and 41 percent higher serious deficiencies than government facilities. Other for-profit facilities also had lower staffing and higher deficiencies than government facilities. The chains purchased by PE companies showed little change in staffing levels, but the number of deficiencies and serious deficiencies increased in some postpurchase years compared with the prepurchase period. Conclusions There is a need for greater study of large for-profit chains as well as those chains purchased by PE companies.måsjekke

    He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest: United Nations Human Rights Committee Jurisprudence and Defamation Laws Under the ICCPR

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    This paper focuses on United Nations Human Rights Committee jurisprudence addressing the legality of defamation laws under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (“ICCPR”). It first presents an overview of the treaty’s framework for interpreting Article 19, which protects the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and identifies recognized restrictions of Article 19, including by means of defamation laws. The paper then analyzes the Committee\u27s relevant jurisprudence to determine how Article 19’s normative framework has been interpreted and applied in practice. In particular, it focuses on the application of Article 19(3)’s balancing test for resolving conflicts of rights, and how that test is deployed by the Committee to determine when limits imposed by States’ on the right to freedom of expression are permissible under the ICCPR. The paper concludes with the authors’ observations on how the HRC’s jurisprudence might serve as a framework for evaluating defamation laws in the digital arena moving forward

    Estudio comparativo de los niveles de la conciencia fonológica entre los niños (as) de 5 años de la I.E.I. "Dominguito Savio" y de la I.E.I. "Joseph and Mery School" - Jesús María - 2012

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    El presente trabajo centra sus objetivos en comparar el nivel de desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica entre los niños (as) de 5 años de la I.E.I “Dominguito Savio y de la LEI. “Joseph and Mery School” del distrito de Jesús María. Esta investigación es de tipo descriptivo comparativo de diseño no experimental donde se aplicó el Test de Habilidades Metalingüísticas (THM) con el propósito de comparar los niveles de la conciencia fonológica. La población estuvo conformada por los alumnos de 5 años de la I.E.I “Dominguito Savio” y “Joseph and Mery school”- Jesús María - Lima 2012, donde el grupo control fueron los alumnos de la sección “Patitos” (DS) y la de los “Ositos” (JMS). Mediante el Test de Habilidades Metalingüísticas (THM) se pudo comprobar que la I.E.I “Dominguito Savio” existe un nivel avanzado en el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica mientras que en la I.E.I. “Joseph and Mery School” existe un nivel intermedio en el desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica Lima 2012

    Algoritmo de la metodología de Pacheco Ceballos para el cálculo de transporte de sedimentos en ríos aluviales

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    Transporte de sedimentos se refiere al transporte de material granular (por ejemplo, limos, arenas, gravas, cantos rodados) en ríos y corrientes. El material transportado se denomina carga de sedimentos. Se distingue entre el transporte de fondo y el transporte en suspensión. La carga de fondo se caracteriza por granos que ruedan a lo largo del lecho, mientras que la carga en suspensión se refiere a granos mantenidos en suspensión debido a la turbulencia. El problema al que se quiere dar respuesta es la dificultad al calcular los volúmenes de sedimento transportados en lechos naturales, pues este cálculo se hace mediante nomogramas y gráficas que retrasan la obtención de datos. Además, la lectura puede variar de una persona a otra. Lo que se quiere lograr con este trabajo es hacer más ágil y productivo el cálculo del volumen de sedimentos en lechos naturales, mediante fórmulas analíticas que permiten tener resultados más precisos y acordes a la zona que se analiza. Para resolver este problema se creó una aplicación de Visual Basic y Excel, que permite el cálculo de transporte de sedimentos según el método del ingeniero Raúl Pacheco Ceballos. Esta aplicación se validó mediante la comparación de resultados de cálculo con el trabajo “Estudio sedimentológico del río Magdalena”, documento desarrollado por el ingeniero Raúl Pacheco Ceballos. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos en este estudio y los calculados con Hidra_flu 1.0; se obtuvieron diferencias mínimas que permiten analizar los factores que influyen para que en estos cálculos se presenten diferencias

    Study of the influence of Xanthate Derivative Structures on Copper Sulfide Mineral Adsorption Under Acidic Conditions

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    Artículo de investigación en revista indizadaAdsorption of commercial xanthate derivatives on copper sulfide mineral (covellite, CuS) was studied by kinetics and isotherm adsorption experiments. The adsorption of xanthate derivatives was confirmed by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) results. Experiments were performed with two different xanthate derivatives, C-4410 (O-pentyl S-2-propenyl ester) and C-4940 (isobutyl xanthogen ethyl formate), on individual doses of 0.05 g of powdered covellite. It was found that the equilibrium times at pH 2, 4, and 6 were different for both xanthate derivatives. The shortest times were achieved at pH 2 and 4. The results suggest that C-4110 can be used as collector in a wide range of pH, while C-4940 is limited to lower pH values. Pseudo first- and pseudo second-order kinetics models were thus applied to the experimental data for pH 2. The information obtained from the kinetics models combined with XPS allowed proposing the adsorption mechanism for the covellite-xanthate derivative pair. The adsorption takes place through a non-covalent interaction for C-4410 and chemisorption process for C-4940. The best-fitting isotherm models for C-4410 and C-4940 adsorption were Redlich–Peterson and Freundlich, respectively, which yield a maximum adsorption capacity of 57.07 mg g 1 for C-4410 and 44.62 mg g 1 for C-4940.CONACYT CB-254952-201

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y LogĂ­stica en la empresa Bendita Seas Ropa Y Accesorios

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    El grupo 55 del curso de diplomado SCM y logística O.G. 1601 del 2021. Mediante el desarrollo de la actividad se pudo contextualizar los diferentes conceptos de los contenidos en las distintas unidades del diplomado de logística, para su contextualización la empresa seleccionada BENDITA SEAS ROPA Y ACCESORIOS S.A, la cual se desempeña en el sector del Comercio al por mayor y por menor de prendas de vestir, se encuentra ubicada CARRERA 16 A 80 16 OFICINA 307 BOGOTA. (Bendita Seas Ropa y Accesorios)Group 55 of the SCM course and logistics O.G. 1601 of 2021. Through the development of the activity it was possible to contextualize the different concepts of the contents in the different units of the logistics diploma, for its contextualization the selected company BENDITA SEAS ROPA Y ACCESORIOS SA, which works in the Commerce sector wholesale and retail of clothing, is located CARRERA 16 A 80 16 OFFICE 307 BOGOTA. (Blessed Be Clothes and Accessories
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