150 research outputs found

    Le discours commercial en Floride : une psychothérapie-choc pour les professions au Canada et au Québec

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    Pour assurer la protection du public en matière de services professionnels, les législateurs, au Canada comme aux Etats-Unis, préfèrent souvent ne pas établir de monopole d'exercice mais plutôt simplement réserver le droit de porter le titre professionnel aux seules personnes possédant une qualification adéquate. La restriction pourrait contrevenir à la Constitution en ne respectant pas le droit à la liberté d'expression, selon l'arrêt Abramson v. Gonzalez, d'un tribunal américain ; sa conclusion pourrait se transposer au Canada. Mais l'analyse révèle des possibilités d'aménagement qui, dans un contexte de marchés de plus en plus ouverts, permettraient au public de profiter pleinement de l'information véhiculée par le titre.To ensure public protection in the area of professional services, legislators in Canada as in the United States often prefer avoiding the establishment of monopoly practice and rather simply reserve the right to use a professional title to those with adequate qualifications. Such a restriction could contravene the Constitution by infringing the right to freedom of speech as upheld in Abramson v. Gonzalez by an American court; its conclusion could be transposed into Canada. An analysis shows that possible arrangements can be made within a context of increasingly open markets that would allow the general public to fully benefit from the information imparted by a title

    Les administrateurs du Théâtre National

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    Le premier directeur artistique du National : Paul Cazeneuve

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    Yves Thériault et la critique

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    Relation to Culture and Cultural Education on Students in High School French-as-a-First-Language Courses

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    To enhance the cultural content of the curriculum, several governments are increasing the presence of cultural education in schools. How do high school French-as-a-first-language teachers perceive this education? To answer this question, we relied on the relation to culture theoretical framework and analyzed 32 questionnaires answered by high school French-as-a-first-language teachers. Our results suggest that the teachers’ main role is to bring students to appreciate the cultural objects and practices associated with fine arts and literature and to develop their ability to distance themselves from their surroundings

    Acting as a Change Agent

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    Background: Acting as a change agent (CA) is a key role for Health and Social Services (HSS) professionals. It involves working collaboratively with actors across and outside the HSS system and influencing decision-makers. However, this role requires specific skills that HSS professionals generally feel that they have not mastered. The overarching goal of this research partnership is to explore the development of CA skills by HSS professionals using a customized training program. Methods/Design: Through a research partnership, 128 HSS professionals will receive 7 hours of training using a professional co-development approach and a checklist. The immediate and medium-term effects of the training on their skills development will be evaluated with a self-administered questionnaire before and immediately following the training and again nine months later. The data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Discussion: This study will shed light on the effects of a customized training program on CA skills development. It will also have three main benefits: (1) development of an easy-to-reuse CA training program and checklist; (2) partner’s ownership of these products through close involvement; and (3) development of a sustainable partnership between a team of researchers and a recognized organization with an extensive HSS network

    When the worst-case execution time estimation gains from the application semantics

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    International audienceCritical embedded systems are generally composed of repetitive tasks that must meet drastic timing constraints, such as termination deadlines. Providing an upper bound of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of such tasks at design time is thus necessary to prove the correctness of the system. Static timing analysis methods compute safe WCET upper bounds, but at the cost of a potentially large over-approximation. Over-approximation may come from the fact that WCET analysis may consider as potential worst-cases some executions that are actually infeasible, because of the semantics of the program and/or because they correspond to unrealistic inputs. In this paper, we introduce a complete semantic-aware WCET estimation workflow. We introduce some program analysis to find infeasible paths: they can be performed at design, C or binary level, and may take into account information provided by the user. We design an annotation-aware compilation process that enables to trace the infeasible path properties through the program transformations performed by the compilers. Finally, we adapt the WCET estimation tool to take into account the kind of annotations produced by the workflow
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