26 research outputs found

    A emergência da escrita: produções escritas de crianças no jardim de infância

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    Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarO presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Profissional Supervisionada desenvolvida nos contextos educativos de Creche e Jardim de Infância, resultante do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar. É objetivo deste relatório ilustrar de forma crítica e reflexiva o trabalho desenvolvido em ambos os contextos educativos. Começo por caraterizar os contextos educativos nos quais decorreu a minha intervenção enquanto educadora-estagiária e, de seguida, analiso a minha prática, em Creche e JI, expondo as intencionalidades pedagógicas que orientaram a minha ação. Após a análise reflexiva acerca da minha prática pedagógica, será apresentada a problemática mais significativa da PPS. Na sua investigação procurei estudar as produções escritas de quatro crianças do grupo de Jardim de Infância, analisando a iniciativa, a idade, o género, o tipo de escrita (frases ou palavras/ manual ou digital) e os conteúdos presentes nessas produções. A análise dos dados será feita recorrendo à análise quantitativa e qualitativa. Na abordagem quantitativa, os dados serão organizados em esquemas síntese e em tabelas de frequência. Na interpretação qualitativa tentarei perceber como a emergência da escrita surge no Pré-Escolar, bem como isso se reflete nas produções escritas destas crianças. A investigação parece confirmar que a maioria das produções escritas parte da iniciativa das próprias crianças. Aponta, também, para uma diferenciação nos conteúdos entre as crianças de cinco e seis anos de idade, bem como uma distinção entre os processos de escrita manual e digital que se reflete no tipo de produções escritas (palavras/frases).ABSTRACT This report was elaborated for the curricular unit Supervised Professional Practice developed in the educational contexts of Nursery and Kindergarten, under the Master in Preschool Education. It is the aim of this report to illustrate in critical and reflective way the work developed in both educational contexts. I will start by characterizing the educational contexts where I developed my intervention as a teacher-intern and then I will analyze my practice in Nursery and Kindergarten, exposing the pedagogical intentions that guided my action. After the reflective analysis of my pedagogical practice, I will present the most significant problematic of the PPS. In the investigation work I propose to study the written productions of four children of the kindergarten group, analyzing initiative, age, gender, type of writing (sentences or words / manual or digitally) and the actual content of these productions. Data analysis will be realized under a quantitative and qualitative perspective. The quantitative approach data is organized in synthesis schemes and frequency tables. While in the qualitative interpretation I will attempt to understand how the emergence of writing occurs in pre-school and how that is reflected in the written productions of these children. The investigation seems to confirm that the majority of the written productions are from children's own initiative. Also points out to a differentiation in the content among children of five and six years old, as well as a distinction between manual and digital writing processes which is reflected in the type of written productions (words / phrases)

    Medições experimentais de ar exalado em ambiente hospitalar no serviço de Nefrologia

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    As análises ao ar exalado assumem cada vez uma maior importância como meio de diagnóstico não invasivo. O ar exalado encerra informações acerca do estado metabólico de cada pessoa, em particular, acerca das doenças, nutrição e medicação. Cada vez são em maior número os compostos encontrados na respiração humana com ligação a estados fisiológicos. A matriz respiratória, de caráter mais simples que a matriz sanguínea e urinária, é composta por gases inorgânicos, substâncias não voláteis e compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs). As concentrações individuais de cada VOC são na gama das partes por milhão (ppm) a partes por trilião (ppt), pelo que a sua deteção exige a utilização de uma técnica analítica com elevada sensibilidade. Este trabalho experimental teve como objetivo principal analisar os compostos orgânicos voláteis em doentes renais. Neste sentido, analisou-se o ar exalado de doentes em hemodiálise, antes e após o tratamento. Realizaram-se, também, análises ao ar exalado de doentes em estádios intermédios da doença renal crónica (DRC3 e DRC4), a fim de verificar a existência de um padrão evolutivo através da análise ao ar exalado. Para tal utilizou-se o BreathSpec®, uma técnica analítica não invasiva e de elevada sensibilidade, cujo princípio físico de funcionamento é a espetrometria de mobilidade iónica acoplada a uma coluna multicapilar (MCC-IMS). Este trabalho foi realizado em colaboração com a Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL), NMT,S.A. e o serviço de Nefrologia do Hospital Garcia de Orta. Futuramente, pretende-se que esta técnica seja utilizada como meio de diagnóstico precoce da doença renal, bem como, nos casos de pacientes em estádio final da doença, avaliar a eficácia da hemodiálise

    Does the visual attention span play a role in the morphological processing of orthographic stimuli?

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    Article first published online: October 22, 2018We investigated whether the link between visual attention (VA) span and reading is modulated by the presence of morphemes. Second and fourth grade children, with Basque as their first language, named morphologically complex and simple words and pseudowords, and performed a task measuring VA span. The influence of VA span skills on reading was modulated by the presence of morphemes in naming speed measures. In addition, fourth grade children with a larger VA span showed larger lexicality effects (pseudoword-word reading times) only for morphologically simple stimuli. Results are interpreted as support for the notion that both transparency and morphological complexity are important factors modulating the impact of VA span skills on reading.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Basque Government (PRE_2015_2_0049 to A. A.), the European Research Council (ERC-2011-ADG-295362 to M.C.), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI20153653383 P to M.L., PSI20153673533R to M. C, and SEV-2015-490 awarded to the BCBL through the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres/ Units of Excellence in R&D”)

    The Deployment of Young Readers´ Visual Attention across Orthographic Strings: The Influence of Stems and Suffixes

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    Published online: 27 Apr 2020The goal of the paper was to investigate whether morphological units – stems and suffixes – influence orthographic processing by modulating visual attention demands to the task. Orthographic processing was measured with a visual one-back task requiring letters to be detected within pseudowords not including stems/suffixes, or containing real stems or real suffixes. Fourth grade children (between 9.5 and 10.5 years old) who read in a transparent orthography of a morphologically rich and agglutinative language (Basque) were tested. The results showed that the presence of morphemes in the strings did not improve letter detection performance though it slightly modulated the distribution of visual attention, showing a bias toward the processing of central letters in the presence of a stem. We suggest that the presence of highly regular and recurrent structures prioritizes stem identification, which when achieved, reduces visual attention deployment across the remaining letters.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Basque Government (PRE_2015_2_0049 to A. A.), the European Research Council (ERC-2011-ADG-295362 to M.C.), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI20153653383P to M.L., PSI20153673533R to M. C, and SEV-2015-490 awarded to the BCBL through the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centers/Units of Excellence in R&D”). This research is also supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021

    Cross-linguistic transfer in bilingual reading is item specific

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    First published online: 26 April 2021The grain size of orthographic representations prompted by a consistent orthography (like Spanish or Basque) increases if reading is simultaneously learned in another language with an inconsistent orthography (like French). Here, we aimed to identify item properties that trigger this grain-size accommodation in bilingual reading. Twenty-five French–Basque and 25 Spanish–Basque bilingual children attending Grade 3 read Basque words and pseudowords containing “complex” letter clusters mapping to one sound in French but several sounds in Basque or Spanish, and “simple” letter clusters mapping to the same sound structure in all three languages. Only French speaking children read “complex” Basque words faster than “simple” ones, suggesting that they accessed multi-letter “French” units to boost lexical processing. A negative complexity effect was found for pseudowords across groups. We discuss the existence of flexible cross-linguistic transfer in bilingual reading, proposing that the grain size of orthographic representations adjusts to item-specific characteristics during reading.This research was support by the Basque Government (BERC 2018-2021 program to BCBL, and PIBA_2018_1_0029 to C.D.M.), the H2020 European Research Council program (ERC-2018-COG-819093 to C.D.M.) and Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (PSI2017-82941-P and RED2018-102615-T to C.D.M., RTI2018-096242-B-I00 to M.L., RYC-2015-17356 to M.L., and SEV-2015-0490 to the BCBL)

    La posture infirmière lors de l'annonce d'un diagnostic de cancer: travail de Bachelor

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    Thème : Le moment de l’annonce du diagnostic de cancer est un événement bouleversant dans la vie du patient et de son entourage. De ce fait, il est important de bien accompagner le patient lors de ce moment crucial. De plus, il semble primordial de mettre un point d’honneur à développer le rôle infirmier lors de l’annonce du diagnostic afin de permettre l’amélioration de la pratique infirmière et l’enrichissement de la discipline. Cette revue de littérature cherche à répondre au questionnement suivant: Quelle est la posture infirmière lors de l’annonce de diagnostic de cancer chez l’adulte afin d’améliorer la qualité de vie de la personne ? Contenu : Revue de littérature analysant quatorze articles de recherche sélectionnés dans les bases de données. Discussion : Cette section met en lien les concepts émergeants de la revue de littérature (l’annonce, la communication, la prise en soin et la qualité de vie) avec les compétences du référentiel de l’HES-SO selon le PEC 2006, les facteurs caratifs de la théorie de J. Watson et les rôles KFH. Les thèmes importants pour la posture de l’infirmière présents lors de l’annonce de diagnostic de cancer sont : la collaboration pluridisciplinaire, la prise en soins en partenariat avec le patient en tenant compte de sa subjectivité, l’importance de la formation continue et l’auto-évaluation des infirmières. Afin de contribuer à l’amélioration du rôle infirmier, qui garantira une prise en soin de qualité, des recommandations pour la recherche et pour la pratique ont été décrites. Finalement, les limites de ce travail de bachelor ont été recensées

    Psychosocial Determinants of Presenteeism at the Workplace in the Pre - COVID-19 Era in A Southern European Country - The Mediating Role of Mental Health and Wellbeing

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    Introduction: The impact of organizational stressors on presenteeism at individual and organizational levels, mediated by workers Psychological Wellbeing (PWB) acting as a buffering effect, in the pre-COVID-19 era, is reported. We hypothesize that individual wellbeing is the pathway through which organizational stress affects presenteeism. Methods: A study was conducted between November 2012 and June 2013 and data correspond to a nonrandomised sample of 405 employees at a private financial institution in Lisbon area. The Portuguese version of ASSET (A Shortened Stress Evaluation Tool), a self- report instrument validated for the Portuguese population, measuring individual’s perceptions regarding stress, and Psychological Wellbeing (PWB) at work, was applied. ASSET’s Work Relationships (WR), Aspects of the Job (YJ), Overload (OL), Control (CL), Job Security (JS), Resources and Communication (RC) and Work-Life Balance (WLB) dimensions were used, and PWB of ASSET health scale was used as mediator. Presenteeism was obtained with an item measure from the World Health Organization’s Health and Work Performance Questionnaire. Mediation analysis was tested using Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS software.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promotion of mental health literacy and mental well-being in a Portuguese unemployed population sample : effectiveness assessment of a capacity building community-based intersectoral intervention

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    Copyright © 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SASIntroduction: Economic crises have consequences on labor market, with impacts on mental health (MH) and psychological well-being (PWB). We describe the effectiveness of an intervention among unemployed, performed within EEA Grants Healthy Employment project.Objectives Evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention for MH literacy, PWB and resilience among unemployed. Aims MH and PWB promotion, common mental disorders prevention and inequalities reduction linked to unemployment.Methods A five modules intervention (life-work balance; impact of unemployment on PWB and MH; stigma; depression and anxiety; health promotion) distributed by 20 hours was developed based on literature reviews and a Delphi panel. It was delivered to unemployees from two public employment centers (PECs).Inclusion criteria: 18–65 years old; registration in PEC for less than a year; minimum of nine years of formal education. Control groups from the same PECs received the care-as-usual. Measures of psychological WB, MH self-reported symptoms, life satisfaction,resilience and mental health literacy were collected through an online survey before and one week after intervention.Results Overall, 87 unemployed participated,48% allocated to the intervention group (IG); 56% women (21–64 years old), average education was 15 years. Mixed measures ANOVA showed that the interaction between time and group was significant for PWB and MH literacy measures. The IG showed better self-reported PWB and improved MH literacy after intervention, compared to controls. No significant interactions were found for MH symptoms, life satisfaction and resilience.Conclusions This study shows the contribution of short-term community-based interventions in increasing MH literacy and PWB among unemployed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese version of a stress and well-being evaluation tool (ASSET) at the workplace : validation of the psychometric properties

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    © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.Objective: The main objective of this work was to translate the English version of ASSET (A Shortened Stress Evaluation Tool) into the Portuguese version and to validate its psychometric properties. Additionally, this work tested the convergent validity of the instrument. Methods: The translation and retroversion were conducted by experts and submitted to the authors for approval. Within an observational, cross-sectional study, regarding mental health at the workplace, ASSET together with other scales was applied to a sample of 405 participants. The psychometric validity of the subscales was studied using confirmatory factorial analysis. Results: The factorial structure of ASSET is globally supported by the results, with the Perceptions of Your Job and Attitudes Towards your Organisation subscales requiring slight adjustments in the item structure and the Your Health subscales replicating the original structure. The convergent validity also supports the ASSET, showing that all subscales are significantly correlated with variables used to test convergence. Conclusions: Globally, the results constitute an important contribution to ASSET and open the possibility of its usage among Portuguese-speaking countries. The results provide an evidence on the validity of the instrument and, in particular, of the mental and physical health subscales.The project Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of Employment Strategies was funded through a protocol celebration between the former Portuguese Office of the High Commissioner for Health (ACS), the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Public Institute (INSA, IP), the Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (IMP&SP, FMUL) and the General Directorate of Health (DGS, IP) in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio