111 research outputs found

    Análisis psicosocial de grupos y organizaciones criminales

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015El presente trabajo tiene como objeto analizar la dinámica de los grupos sociales, es decir, explicar cómo funcionan, cómo se influyen los integrantes de dichos grupos entre sí, cómo se organizan y cómo actúan en determinados contextos sociales. Para ello analizaré los requisitos para que se origine un grupo y para que disponga de una permanencia en el tiempo. Posteriormente desglosaré cada uno de esos requisitos para analizar cómo se aplican a los grupos y organizaciones criminales, por lo que analizaremos desde un punto de vista legal el concepto de grupo y organización criminal para luego realizar un análisis desde el punto de vista psicosocial de cómo se aplica la teoría de los grupos a éste tipo de organizaciones en cuestión. Para finalizar con el trabajo, estudiaré dos ejemplos de organizaciones criminales y estudiaré todos los componentes de la organización, a saber la estructura, la jerarquía, las normas intra e intergrupales y el liderazgo entre otras muchas cuestiones. Los ejemplos son concretamente los "Latin kings" y "Los Ñetas".The objective of this project is to analyze the social groups dynamics: I shall explain how they work, how they have influence among their self, the way they have to organize the group partners and how they behave in a determinate social context. I will analyze the requirements to make up a group and how are the facts in order that they have a long permanence along the time. Then, I will have to break down all that requirements to analyze the application that they have to study criminal groups and organizations. In order to have it, I will analyze the legal concept of criminal group and organization and one after the other explain it again under a point of view of the social psychology. To conclude my project, I will study two real criminal organization: 'The Latin Kings' and 'Ñetas'

    Judo as a tool for social integration in adolescents at risk of social exclusion: A pilot study

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    Social policies of the advanced countries have begun to incorporate sport to speak on manifestations of social exclusion, as tool to reach out to young people, strengthen their identity or enhance self-esteem vulnerable groups. Judo can be a good tool for the fulfilment of this purpose because has a philosophy and educational practice that contains much of the core competencies of the educational system. The aim of this study is to analyse the incidence of judo practice in changing attitudes, values, norms and capabilities across organizational forms as a means of enhancing socialization in their interventions with young people at risk of social exclusion.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Mediadores psicológicos y motivación deportiva en judocas españoles.

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    El presente trabajo analizó las diferencias de la motivación en situación precompetitiva de judocas en función de los mediadores psicológicos (percepciones de competencia, apoyo a la autonomía y relaciones sociales), tal y como postula el Modelo Jerárquico de la Motivación Intrínseca, Extrínseca y Amotivación (Vallerand, 1997, 2001; Vallerand y Losier, 1999). Se empleó una muestra de 181 judocas de edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 16 años. Utilizamos una metodología selectiva, con diseño prospectivo simple. Los datos se analizaron mediante un MANOVA, tomando como variables independientes los mediadores psicológicos y el sexo de los deportistas y como variables dependientes cada una de las subescalas de la motivación planteadas en la Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al., 1995). Los resultados apoyaron parcialmente los postulados de la teoría. Se verificaron las diferencias en motivación intrínseca en función de la percepción de competencia, apoyo a la autonomía y relaciones sociales. También se verificaron parcialmente las diferencias en la motivación extrínseca (ME) autodeterminada y de la amotivación en función de estas percepciones. Sin embargo cabe destacar que las diferencias en ME de regulación externa encontradas en función de estas percepciones se dieron en dirección opuesta a los postulados de la teoría. Se explica este resultado a partir de la situación precompetitiva en la que se encontraban los deportistas.Present study analysed differences between pre-competitive motivation of judokas in function of psychological mediators (perceptions of competence, support to autonomy, and social relationships), as is postulated by the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and extrinsic Motivation, and Amotivation (Vallerand, 1997, 2001; Vallerand & Losier, 1999). Partipants were 181 judokas aged between 14 and 16. We employed a selective methodology, with a simple prospective design. Data were analysed with a MANOVA, taking as independent variables the psychological mediators (dichotomized by the median), and sex of participants, and as dependent variables each one of the sub-scales of motivation considered by the Sport Motivation Scale. Results gave support the theory postulates. There were differences in intrinsic motivation in functions of perceived competence, support to autonomy and social relationships. The same happened, partially, with the more self-determined sub-scales of extrinsic motivation and amotivation. However, differences in EM of external regulation were given in an opposite direction of theory. Results are explained regarding the pre-competitive situation of [email protected] [email protected] (este artículo no está en grec

    A study of the difficulties involved in introducing young children to judo techniques: a proposed teaching programme

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    Background: The study seeks to analyze the difficulty of implementing the fifteen techniques that make up the program of 1(st) Dan Black Belt in the Spanish context. The objective is to establish a sequential order, depending on the level of difficulty, allowing us to draw up a teaching program more consistent with the initiation process at early ages.Material/Methods: The sample consisted of 911 teachers whose level of experience was at least 1st Dan black belt. The instrument consists of six items and was developed to facilitate the implementation of the basic actions of pulling and pushing in terms of the direction of the technique and control of the fall, the level of difficulty in its application, the facility to adjust the technical action in relation to space and time, and level of intersegmental coordination in the implementation of each of the techniques. The study used factor analysis, descriptive and inferential variables with SPSS software. 12.0.Results: The results show that the level of difficulty in the implementation and adaptation of technology to space-time parameters are more difficult at these ages. De Ashi Harai or Okuri Ashi Harai pose an additional difficulty by introducing the element of precision.Conclusions: We suggest making a new proposal for a methodology of teaching with the aim of encouraging learning and bringing the environment closer to the sport of judo. Progress should be based on actions and techniques that facilitate the throwing of the companion, based on safety in the performance and the balance of the judoists.“Young Researcher 39 ½” Grant funded by the Archives of Bud

    Analysis of stress and academic-sports commitment through Self-organizing Artificial Neural Networks

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    Objective: The objective of this research was to understand the relationships between the variables resilience, coping, commitment and stress in the academic and sports fields, and their differences based on varied personal typologies. Material and Methods: A selective research methodology was used, with a retrospective ex-post-facto design. The sample was made up of 190 men between the ages of 13 and 17, athletes and students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Middle Grade Vocational Training. Results: The artificial intelligence technique SOM, allowed to identify in an autonomous way three clusters of athletes with psychological and sociodemographic characteristics similar to each other and different from those of the rest. Task coping was positively related to resilience and commitment and negatively to stress whereas emotion-oriented coping was positively related to stress. Conclusions: Athlete students tend to use the same coping strategies when facing stressful situations that they use in their sports practice. The levels in the variables analysed depend on the type of student and athlete, which can be used to identify risk groups and carry out interventions for their improvement

    Characterizing diagnostic inertia in arterial hypertension with a gender perspective in primary care

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    Background and Objectives: Substantial evidence shows that diagnostic inertia leads to failure to achieve screening and diagnosis objectives for arterial hypertension (AHT). In addition, different studies suggest that the results may differ between men and women. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in diagnostic inertia in women and men attending public primary care centers, to identify potential gender biases in the clinical management of AHT. Study Design/Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive and analytical estimates were obtained nested on an epidemiological ambispective cohort study of patients aged ≥30 years who attended public primary care centers in a Spanish region in the period 2008-2012, belonging to the ESCARVAL-RISK cohort. We applied a consistent operational definition of diagnostic inertia to a registry- reflected population group of 44,221 patients with diagnosed hypertension or meeting the criteria for diagnosis (51.2% women), with a mean age of 63.4 years (62.4 years in men and 64.4 years in women). Results: Of the total population, 95.5% had a diagnosis of hypertension registered in their electronic health record. Another 1,968 patients met the inclusion criteria for diagnostic inertia of hypertension, representing 4.5% of the total population (5% of men and 3.9% of women). The factors significantly associated with inertia were younger age, normal body mass index, elevated total cholesterol, coexistence of diabetes and dyslipidemia, and treatment with oral antidiabetic drugs. Lower inertia was associated with age over 50 years, higher body mass index, normal total cholesterol, no diabetes or dyslipidemia, and treatment with lipid-lowering, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant drugs. The only gender difference in the association of factors with diagnostic inertia was found in waist circumference. Conclusion: In the ESCARVAL-RISK study population presenting registered AHT or meeting the functional dia

    Design strategies for positively charged endolysins : Insights into Artilysin development

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABEndolysins are bacteriophage-encoded enzymes that can specifically degrade the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell wall, making them an attractive tool for the development of novel antibacterial agents. The use of genetic engineering techniques for the production and modification of endolysins offers the opportunity to customize their properties and activity against specific bacterial targets, paving the way for the development of personalized therapies for bacterial infections. Gram-negative bacteria possess an outer membrane that can hinder the action of recombinantly produced endolysins. However, certain endolysins are capable of crossing the outer membrane by virtue of segments that share properties resembling those of cationic peptides. These regions increase the affinity of the endolysin towards the bacterial surface and assist in the permeabilization of the membrane. In order to improve the bactericidal effectiveness of endolysins, approaches have been implemented to increase their net charge, including the development of Artilysins containing positively charged amino acids at one end. At present, there are no specific guidelines outlining the steps for implementing these modifications. There is an ongoing debate surrounding the optimal location of positive charge, the need for a linker region, and the specific amino acid composition of peptides for modifying endolysins. The aim of this study is to provide clarity on these topics by analyzing and comparing the most effective modifications found in previous literature

    Documento de consenso SEA/SEMERGEN 2019. Recomendaciones dietéticas en la prevención cardiovascular

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    El actual paradigma en las ciencias de la nutrición establece que la unidad nutricional básica no son los nutrientes, sino los alimentos que los contienen (aceites, frutos secos, productos lácteos, huevos, carnes rojas o procesadas, etc.), que actúan como matriz alimentaria en la que los diferentes nutrientes modulan sinérgica o antagónicamente sus efectos sobre diversas vías metabólicas determinantes para la salud y la enfermedad. La alimentación no se basa en nutrientes ni en alimentos aislados sino en complejas mezclas de unos y otros que forman parte de un patrón alimentario concreto, concepto que se ha señalado como el más pertinente para evaluar las asociaciones entre nutrición y salud o enfermedad. Este documento resume las evidencias disponibles sobre la relación existente entre los diferentes alimentos y la salud cardiovascular, y ofrece recomendaciones sencillas para ser implementadas en el consejo dietético que se ofrezca por parte del profesional sanitario

    Multidisciplinary management of cardiovascular disease in women: Delphi consensus

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    BackgroundCurrent clinical guidelines on cardiovascular disease (CVD) do not specifically address the female population. The aim of this consensus is to know the opinion of a group of experts on the management of CVD in women.MethodsThrough a Delphi consensus, 31 experts in cardiology, 9 in gynecology and obstetrics, and 14 primary care physicians, showed their degree of agreement on 44 items on CVD in women divided into the following groups: (1) risk factors and prevention strategies; (2) diagnosis and clinical manifestations; and (3) treatment and follow-up.ResultsAfter two rounds, consensus in agreement was reached on 27 items (61.4%). Most of the non-consensus items (31.8%) belonged to group 3. The lack of consensus in this group was mainly among gynecologists and primary care physicians. The panelists agreed on periodic blood pressure control during pregnancy and delivery to detect hypertensive disorders, especially in women with a history of preeclampsia and/or gestational hypertension, and diabetes mellitus control in those with gestational diabetes. Also, the panelists agreed that women receive statins at a lower intensity than men, although there was no consensus as to whether the efficacy of drug treatments differs between women and men.ConclusionsThe high degree of consensus shows that the panelists are aware of the differences that exist between men and women in the management of CVD and the need to propose interventions to reduce this inequality. The low level of consensus reveals the lack of knowledge, and the need for information and training on this topic