563 research outputs found

    Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategy: A Conceptual Enterprise Big Data Cloud Architecture to Enable Market-Oriented Organisations

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    Market-Oriented companies are committed to understanding both the needs of their customers, and the capabilities and plans of their competitors through the processes of acquiring and evaluating market information in a systematic and anticipatory manner. On the other hand, most companies in the last years have defined that one of their main strategic objectives for the next years is to become a truly data-driven organisation in the current Big Data context. They are willing to invest heavily in Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategy and build enterprise data platforms that will enable this Market-Oriented vision. In this paper, it is presented an Artificial Intelligence Cloud Architecture capable to help global companies to move from the use of data from descriptive to prescriptive and leveraging existing cloud services to deliver true Market-Oriented in a much shorter time (compared with traditional approaches).This paper has been elaborated with the financing of FEDER funds in the Spanish National research project TIN2016-75850-R from Spanish Department for Economy and Competitiveness

    Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategy: A Conceptual Enterprise Big Data Cloud Architecture to Enable Market-Oriented Organisations

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    Market-Oriented companies are committed to understanding both the needs of their customers, and the capabilities and plans of their competitors through the processes of acquiring and evaluating market information in a systematic and anticipatory manner. On the other hand, most companies in the last years have defined that one of their main strategic objectives for the next years is to become a truly data-driven organisation in the current Big Data context. They are willing to invest heavily in Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategy and build enterprise data platforms that will enable this Market-Oriented vision. In this paper, it is presented an Artificial Intelligence Cloud Architecture capable to help global companies to move from the use of data from descriptive to prescriptive and leveraging existing cloud services to deliver true Market-Oriented in a much shorter time (compared with traditional approaches)


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    Los métodos que correlacionan cuantitativamente la estructura química con la actividad biológica se engloban bajo el término QSAR (siglas de la expresión anglófona Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships). Uno de los intereses planteados para este trabajo fue la creación de modelos matemáticos capaces de describir cuantitativamente la actividad biológica de cefalosporinas, así como de permitir la predicción de la actividad de nuevos derivados que se pudieran sintetizar. Como antecedente de las dificultades que se le podían presentar a todo el que pretendiera modelar nuevas cefalosporinas está, entre otras, la opinión de Frere y col. con respecto a las dificultades existentes para el establecimiento de esas relaciones cuantitativas entre la estructura química y la actividadbiológica de los b-lactámicos

    Location identification using a magnetic-field-based FFT signature

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    User indoor positioning has been under constant improvement especially with the availability of new sensors integrated to the modern mobile devices. These sensory devices allow us to exploit not only infrastructures made for every day use, such as Wifi, but also natural infrastructure, as is the case of natural magnetic fields. In this work, we propose a novel approach that takes advantage of the benefits of using the magnetic sensor incorporated in most modern mobile devices, and the negligible variations of the Earth's magnetic field to position an individual with high accuracy. Most importantly, the methodology proposed allows us to avoid the burden of having to collect magnetic information in different directions in order to construct an accurate magnetic map, showing an improvement on methods that require the individuals to construct bigger magnetic maps that contain redundant information such as magnitude in different directions

    A novel space-vector algorithm for multilevel converters based on geometrical considerations using a new sequence control technique

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    his paper presents a fast and simple space vector modulation algorithm for voltage source multilevel converters for calculating the switching times and the space vectors using simple geometrical considerations. This method provides the nearest switching vectors sequence to the reference vector and calculates the on-state durations of the respective switching state vectors without involving trigonometric functions, look-up tables or coordinate system transformations which increase the computational load corresponding to the modulation of a multilevel converter. The low computational cost of the proposed method is always the same and it is independent of the number of levels of the converter. In addition, a new switching sequence control technique is presented for reducing the ripple of the DC-link voltage approximately in 66%

    Aprendizaje de algoritmia mediante desafíos de programación

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    Esta presentación describe las características de un sistema de autoevaluación de código, similar a los utilizados en los concursos de programación, que permite a los estudiantes aplicar los conocimientos teóricos de la disciplina de algoritmia para resolver problemas prácticos y, a la vez, reforzar las competencias generales de programación adquiridas en cursos previos. La experiencia de varios cursos en su aplicación demuestra que la utilización de un sistema competitivo introduce un aliciente adicional para la realización de los ejercicios.Peer Reviewe

    Dispersive calculation of complex Regge trajectories for the lightest f_2 resonances and the K^∗(892)

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    We apply a recently developed dispersive formalism to calculate the Regge trajectories of the f_2(1270), f´_ 2(1525) and K^∗(892) mesons. Trajectories are calculated, not fitted to a family of resonances. Assuming that these resonances can be treated in the elastic approximation, the only input are the pole position and residue of a resonance. In all three cases, the predicted Regge trajectories are almost real and linear, with slopes in agreement with the universal value of order 1 GeV_(−2). We also show how these results barely change when considering more than two subtractions in the dispersive formalism

    Liderazgo femenino en las empresas textiles del emporio comercial de Gamarra – Lima, 2017

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    Esta investigación titulada Liderazgo femenino en las empresas textiles d emporio comercial de Gamarra – Lima, 2017 tuvo como objetivo proponer u plan de liderazgo para mejorar el desenvolvimiento de la mujer con visió empresarial en el emporio comercial de Gamarra, 2017. La presente investigación basa sus cimientos en el enfoque mixto, qu considera el trabajo de dos enfoques, el enfoque cualitativo, con este fin s entrevistó a tres empresarias en base a 7 preguntas de profundidad, el enfoqu cuantitativo para lo cual se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta, siendo instrumento el cuestionario conformado por 54 ítems en base a tre subcategorías o dimensiones: Liderazgo transformacional, liderazg transaccional y liderazgo laissez faire - a 80 participantes, finalmente enfoque mixto; luego se procesó en el programa Excel y SPSS 23. Se obtuv información de los niveles y de los puntos críticos a través de tablas y gráfico de frecuencia y paretos. La información Cuantitativa se triangula con información Cualitativa obteniéndose un diagnóstico real y concreto. Como resultado de la investigación, el liderazgo que se practica en emporio comercial de Gamarra manifiesta problemas como la evasión d responsabilidades, la toma decisiones o la intervención de otros elementos, n se soluciona los problemas con inmediatez e inteligencia, los trabajadores n tienen iniciativa y el líder no se preocupa ni tampoco motiva a que su trabajadores sean proactivos. Así mismo, no se incentiva a la mejora perfeccionamiento profesional. Para las mejoras se propone elaborar u programa de mejora organizacional con el propósito de lograr cambio pertinentes en el clima laboral e identificación institucional