1,535 research outputs found

    Audit market concentration and related regulatory measures

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    Audit markets are highly concentrated and such a situation might have negative consequences on competition, and thus, on price setting, on audit quality and on the functioning of markets. The European regulator recognized some causes for audit market concentration, identified a systemic risk and suggested joint audits and a mandatory rotation of audit firms to reduce concentration. Prominent concentration measures are concentration ratios, the Lorenz curve, the Gini-coefficient and the Herfindahl-Hirschman-Index. An empirical study on the concentration of German Prime Standard market for the period 2010 – 2013 revealed a high concentration which is quite stable over time and a narrow oligopoly with duopolistic tendencies. Nevertheless, competition could still work, e.g. due to the threat of market entrants. Moreover, given the fact that Big4 audit firms provide a higher audit quality, concentration may have positive effects. The mandatory audit firm rotation has a positive effect on auditor independence and a negative effect on auditor competence. This explains why related research output is inconclusive, i.e. the total effect on audit quality remains unclear. Moreover, a positive impact on competition is not ensured. Archival studies reveal that joint audits do not improve audit quality but increase audit costs. On the other hand, joint audits potentially reduce concentration. A combination between audit firm rotation and joint audits might be an optimal solution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Market and multi-regulation of educational systems: Case studies on the trajectory of schools in Chile 2000-2010

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    Las políticas educacionales que incentivan la competencia entre las escuelas suscriben los argumentos económicos sobre la naturaleza superior de los mercados y se articulan a partir de una visión virtuosa sobre sus efectos en el campo educativo. El siguiente trabajo tiene como propósito explorar la relación entre las dinámicas de mercado en educación, especialmente la expansión de la competencia entre escuelas a través de la privatización, identificando las respuestas que elaboran las escuelas a los contextos que le plantea un ambiente competitivo. De este modo, nuestro objetivo es comprender cómo se relacionan estos contextos de competencia con las trayectorias de escuelas durante el periodo 2000-2010 en Chile. Para responder a este objetivo, utilizamos un diseño de investigación basado en un estudio de casos múltiples y a través de distintas fuentes de información indagamos en la trayectoria de escuelas públicas y privadas emplazadas en contextos de privatización.Contemporary educational policies that encourage competition between schools subscribe to economic arguments about the superior nature of markets and are articulated based on a virtuous vision of their effects. The following report aims to explore the connections between market dynamics in education, especially the expansion of competition between schools through privatisation identifying the responses that schools elabo-rate to a competitive environment. Thus, our objective is to understand how market dynamics are related to the trajectories of schools during the period 2000-2010 in Chile. To respond to this objective, we used a research design based on a multiple case study and through different sources of information we examined the trajectory of public and private schools located in highly competitive context

    A battle over meanings: Jayaprakash Narayan, Rammanohar Lohia and the trajectories of socialism in early independent India

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    This article will argue that during the 1950s and 1960s a battle over the meanings of socialism took place in India. Exploring the ways in which the contending conceptions of socialism defended by Rammanohar Lohia and Jayaprakash Narayan intersected and drifted apart during these decades, and the ways in which these were shaped in response to the gradual adoption of socialism by the Nehruvian state, it will be shown that during these years socialism emerged at the same time as a central part of the roadmap for socioeconomic development of the national state as well as a central category for doctrines and practices of protest and contestation. For this, it will focus on Narayan’s insistence on a politics of the people, or lok niti, and his equating of socialism and Sarvodaya, as well as on Lohia’s doctrine of equal equidistance and his critique of Third Worldism and the Nehruvian state. Moreover, it will be argued that this battle over meanings crated a space for the emergence of original conceptions of socialism wholly unrelated to anything known elsewhere by that name, and inaugurated a set of political trajectories central to the contemporary political horizon in India

    Breath of Revolution: Ghadar Anti-Colonial Radicalism in North America and the Mexican Revolution

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    This article explores the links forged between members of the Ghadar Movement and Mexican radical activists and organisers in North America during the early twentieth century. It argues that during the opening two decades of the century, Mexico and its convulsed politics offered radical anti-colonial Indian activists in North America an inspiring example and a source of important tactical, symbolic and ideological resources in their fight against imperialism and oppression. By exploring the points of contact, proximity and affinity between Indian and Mexican radicals in the years prior to and immediately after 1917, I argue that the turbulent politics of revolutionary Mexico and the thrust of Indian anticolonialism came together in marginal but meaningful ways at a time of global revolutionary change

    La gestión económica de la actividad de un centro sociosanitario en España: caso del IASS

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    El objetivo de la investigación se centra en definir las estructuras básicas de un modelo de contabilidad analítica –elementos de coste, centros, actividades, criterios de distribución, etc.- en centros socio-sanitarios y los informes e indicadores que permitan orientar una gestión en la aplicación de recursos que sea más transparente, eficiente y eficaz. Ante la escasez de recursos, resulta imprescindible aplicar para el desarrollo de dicha actividad, como para cualquier otra, los principios de eficiencia, eficacia y economía, que deben presidir como principios fundamentales su gestión económica. Nuestro objetivo es plantear un modelo de contabilidad analítica que dé respuesta informativa al cálculo de coste de las actividades e indicadores de gestión que permitan medir el grado de consecución de los citados principios, con los modelos y la tecnología de cálculo que tenemos en la actualidad a nuestro alcance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Contact linguistics: Gibraltar as a case study

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2016-2017[EN]The complex linguistic situation of Gibraltar is the result of linguistic evolution throughout the relatively short history of the community and its small geographical area. Even though, the situation could still be described as diglossic where an autochthonous variety of Spanish, known as Yanito to it speakers, acts as the low variety whereas the low variety represents the higher and prestigious one. Through recent studies on Gibraltar’s linguistic context it can be stated that a new process called code-switching, whereby languages are mixed and negotiated within a conversation, has emerged. This event, which takes place only in informal situations, shows the expansion of English to spheres were it was not present previously. Thus, it could be stated that although Yanito is still being regarded as a low variety relegated only to informal use, the once exclusive diglossic situation in the Rock its evolving into a more open one based in the phenomenon of code-switching due to English being introduced into informal contexts. In this paper it will be demonstrated that while Yanito its reducing its usage spectre in favour of the English language, it will not face linguistic death as it is an essential source of communitarian identity in Gibraltar. [ES]La compleja situación lingüística de Gibraltar es el resultado de una evolución lingüística a través de una relativamente corta historia de la comunidad y en un territorio cuyo espacio es muy limitado. Esta situación, sin embargo, puede aún denominarse diglósica donde una variedad autóctona evolucionada del español, conocida por sus hablantes como Yanito, actúa como la variedad baja mientras que el inglés representa la variedad alta y prestigiosa. A través de los recientes estudios acerca del actual contexto lingüístico en Gibraltar, cabe señalar que un proceso lingüístico conocido como ‘code switching’ (cambio de código) por el cual los hablantes cambian de idioma en un plano conversacional ha surgido en la zona. Este evento, que en el caso de Gibraltar toma lugar únicamente en contextos informales responde a la expansión que el inglés está llevando a cabo hacia otras esferas que previamente no le correspondían. Es por ello que se puede señalar que aunque el Yanito es todavía considerada por sus hablantes como la variedad ‘baja’ relegada únicamente al uso informal, la previamente única situación diglósica del Peñón está evolucionando hacia otra más abierta basada en la conducta del code-switching, debido principalmente a la extensión del uso del inglés a contextos más informales. En este ensayo quedará demostrado que aunque el Yanito está viendo reducido su espectro de uso a favor del inglés, este no se enfrentara a su extinción ya que representa una fuente esencial de identidad comunitaria en Gibraltar

    Análisis crítico de la orden hap/2075/2015, de 6 de noviembre, por la que se establecen los criterios de cálculo del coste efectivo de los servicios prestados por las entidades locales

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    En aras a contribuir a la transparencia en el uso de los recursos públicos, la última modificación de la Ley 7/1985 introdujo, en su artículo 116.ter el concepto de coste efectivo de los servicios locales. Este nuevo concepto tiene especial trascendencia al ser la magnitud a tomar como referencia a la hora de valorar el cambio en la forma de prestación de los servicios. Es por ello que, en este trabajo hacemos un análisis crítico de la Orden HAP/2075/2014 que recoge el procedimiento de cálculo del coste efectivo de los servicios localesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sistemas integrados em uma universidade brasileira: informaçao cooperada como recurso estratégico

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    Esta comunicación discute los obstáculos que se presentan de la interconexión de los sistemas de información que dan soporte a la dirección en la Universidad Pública Federal de BrasilUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    From the Copper Age to the Bronze Age in the Lower Guadalquivir Basin. The Cerro de San Juan settlement (Coria del Río, Seville, Spain) and the ‘replacement model’

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    La transición Calcolítico-Bronce en el so ibérico es aún mal conocida, sobre todo si se compara con el paso de la Cultura de Los Millares a la del Argar en el se. El asentamiento del Cerro de San Juan, que controlaba en esos momentos la paleodesembocadura del Guadalquivir, presenta ocupaciones de ambas etapas, rasgo poco frecuente en la zona. Los datos rescatados en este sitio sugieren una ruptura sedimentaria entre los dos momentos, a la vez que un fuerte cambio cultural. Un repertorio material distinto caracteriza bien cada fase, la campaniforme y la del Bronce; asimismo, varias dataciones radiocarbónicas coherentes definen la cronología del fenómeno. Desde este punto de vista, se realiza un análisis de todas las estratigrafías arqueológicas que cuentan con evidencias de ambos periodos. Frente a un ‘modelo de continuidad’, numerosos rasgos arqueológicos sugieren más bien un ‘modelo de reemplazo’. El Bronce antiguo puede definirse, pues, como un nuevo sistema de vida protagonizado tal vez por grupos que no eran herederos directos de las comunidades precedentes.The transition between Copper and Bronze Ages in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula is poorly known still, especially when compared with the transition between Los Millares culture to El Argar culture in the Southeast. The settlement of Cerro de San Juan, which controlled the Guadalquivir mouth at that time, shows some evidences of human occupations of both periods, an uncommon feature along the South of Iberian Peninsula. The data from this site suggest a sedimentary break between the two periods, and a strong cultural change as well. The culture material sets are different between the Bell Beaker phase and the Bronze Age, and several radiocarbon dates define consistently the chronology of the phenomenon. From this perspective, an analysis of every archaeological stratigraphy that has evidences of both periods is carried out. Against a model of cultural continuity, numerous archaeological features rather suggest a model of demographic replacement. Thus, the Bronze Age can be defined as a new way of life perhaps by human groups that were not direct descendants of the previous communities
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