183 research outputs found

    High-throughput analysis of the RNA-induced silencing complex in myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients identifies the dysregulation of miR-29c and its target ASB2

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multi-systemic disorder caused by abnormally expanded stretches of CTG DNA triplets in the DMPK gene, leading to mutated-transcript RNA-toxicity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that, after maturation, are loaded onto the RISC effector complex that destabilizes target mRNAs and represses their translation. In DM1 muscle biopsies not only the expression, but also the intracellular localization of specific miRNAs is disrupted, leading to the dysregulation of the relevant mRNA targets. To investigate the functional alterations of the miRNA/target interactions in DM1, we analyzed by RNA-sequencing the RISC-associated RNAs in skeletal muscle biopsies derived from DM1 patients and matched controls. The mRNAs found deregulated in DM1 biopsies were involved in pathways and functions relevant for the disease, such as energetic metabolism, calcium signaling, muscle contraction and p53-dependent apoptosis. Bioinformatic analysis of the miRNA/mRNA interactions based on the RISC enrichment profiles, identified 24 miRNA/mRNA correlations. Following validation in 21 independent samples, we focused on the couple miR-29c/ASB2 because of the role of miR-29c in fibrosis (a feature of late-stage DM1 patients) and of ASB2 in the regulation of muscle mass. Luciferase reporter assay confirmed the direct interaction between miR-29c and ASB2. Moreover, decreased miR-29c and increased ASB2 levels were verified also in immortalized myogenic cells and primary fibroblasts, derived from biopsies of DM1 patients and controls. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of CTG expansions rescued normal miR-29c and ASB2 levels, indicating a direct link between the mutant repeats and the miRNA/target expression. In conclusion, functionally relevant miRNA/mRNA interactions were identified in skeletal muscles of DM1 patients, highlighting the dysfunction of miR-29c and ASB2

    State of art fusion-finder algorithms are suitable to detect transcription-induced chimeras in normal tissues?

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    BACKGROUND: RNA-seq has the potential to discover genes created by chromosomal rearrangements. Fusion genes, also known as "chimeras", are formed by the breakage and re-joining of two different chromosomes. It is known that chimeras have been implicated in the development of cancer. Few publications in the past showed the presence of fusion events also in normal tissue, but with very limited overlaps between their results. More recently, two fusion genes in normal tissues were detected using both RNA-seq and protein data. Due to heterogeneous results in identifying chimeras in normal tissue, we decided to evaluate the efficacy of state of the art fusion finders in detecting chimeras in RNA-seq data from normal tissues. RESULTS: We compared the performance of six fusion-finder tools: FusionHunter, FusionMap, FusionFinder, MapSplice, deFuse and TopHat-fusion. To evaluate the sensitivity we used a synthetic dataset of fusion-products, called positive dataset; in these experiments FusionMap, FusionFinder, MapSplice, and TopHat-fusion are able to detect more than 78% of fusion genes. All tools were error prone with high variability among the tools, identifying some fusion genes not present in the synthetic dataset. To better investigate the false discovery chimera detection rate, synthetic datasets free of fusion-products, called negative datasets, were used. The negative datasets have different read lengths and quality scores, which allow detecting dependency of the tools on both these features. FusionMap, FusionFinder, mapSplice, deFuse and TopHat-fusion were error-prone. Only FusionHunter results were free of false positive. FusionMap gave the best compromise in terms of specificity in the negative dataset and of sensitivity in the positive dataset. CONCLUSIONS: We have observed a dependency of the tools on read length, quality score and on the number of reads supporting each chimera. Thus, it is important to carefully select the software on the basis of the structure of the RNA-seq data under analysis. Furthermore, the sensitivity of chimera detection tools does not seem to be sufficient to provide results consistent with those obtained in normal tissues on the basis of fusion events extracted from published data

    Cholecalciferol administration blunts the systemic renin–angiotensin system in essential hypertensives with hypovitaminosis D:

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    Introduction: Vitamin D plasma levels are negatively associated with blood pressure and cardiovascular mortality, and vita- min D supplementation reduces cardiovascular events. Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) suppression may be one of the mechanisms involved. However, there are no interventional prospective studies demonstrating a reduction in circulating RAS components after vitamin D treatment. Methods: Fifteen consecutive drug-free patients with essential hypertension and hypovitaminosis D underwent therapy with an oral dose of 25000 I.U. of cholecalciferol once a week for two months, while maintaining a constant-salt diet. In basal conditions and at the end of the study, RAS activity (plasma angiotensinogen, renin, PRA, angiotensin II, aldosterone and urinary angiotensinogen) was investigated, in addition to blood pressure and plasma vitamin D levels (25(OH)D). Results: After cholecalciferol administration, all patients exhibited normalized plasma 25(OH)D values. At the end of the study, a reduction (p < 0.05) in plasma renin and aldosterone, and a decrement, although not significant, of PRA and angiotensin II, was observed. No difference was found in plasma and urinary angiotensinogen or blood pressure values. Conclusions: Our data indicate that in essential hypertensives with hypovitaminosis D, pharmacological correction of vitamin D levels can blunt systemic RAS activity

    Similarities and differences between younger and older disease onset patients with newly diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Objectives: Several studies show that age at onset has an impact on the clinical-serological presentation, comorbidities and disease course of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We evaluated whether, in patients with recent onset SLE, the age at onset correlates with clinical-serological manifestations and with comorbidities. Methods: We analysed 171 patients with a SLE diagnosis obtained within 12 months of diagnosis enrolled in the Early Lupus project. Based on the age of onset of the first disease symptom, they were stratified into 2 groups: early onset (18-45 years) and late onset (&gt;45 years). The analysis was replicated by stratifying patients based on age at diagnosis (fulfillment of ACR classification criteria). Each comparison was made at baseline and at 36 months of follow-up. Results: Baseline: patients with late onset displayed comorbidities (hypertension, dyslipidemia and osteoporosis) more frequently than early onset group. 11.4% of late onset patients had a malignancy in medical history, not recorded in the early onset cohort. The two groups differed neither in organ involvement (domain BILAG) nor in disease activity (ECLAM). Patients with early onset showed a disease with signs of higher serologic activity (higher frequency of anti-dsDNA positivity and lower mean C3 and C4 levels) and had malar rash more frequently than the late onset group (36.2% vs. 18.2%, p=0.042). Similar results were obtained by stratifying patients by age of diagnosis (18-45 years and &gt;45 years), except for the higher frequency of discoid rash in the group with age at diagnosis &gt;45 years (18% vs. 6.6%, p=0.045). 36 months: the 2 groups of patients independently of the stratification applied did not differ in the accumulation of damage, but showed a different pattern of 8 organ involvement. Musculoskeletal involvement was more frequent both in the late onset group (18.6% vs. 7.3%, p=0.043) and in the group with age at diagnosis &gt;45 years (20.4% vs. 5.9%, p=0.009) compared to their counterparts, while renal involvement was more frequent in the group with age at diagnosis 18-45 years (21.4% vs. 6.1%, p=0.03).A sub analysis at 36 months on patients without hypertension and osteoporosis at enrollment showed that patients with older age at onset had a higher frequency of these comorbidities, compared to their counterparts. Conclusions: In our cohort, younger disease SLE onset seems to correlate with a more active immunological profile, while late onset with a higher incidence of comorbidities

    Observation of termination-dependent topological connectivity in a magnetic Weyl Kagome lattice

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement 897276. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. (https://www.gauss-centre.eu) for funding this project by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC-NG at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (https://www.lrz.de). The authors are grateful for funding support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy through the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence on Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter ct.qmat (EXC 2147, Project 390858490), through FOR 5249-449872909 (Project P5), and through the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1170 ToCoTronics (Project 258499086). The authors greatly acknowledge the Diamond Light Source that supported the entire micro-ARPES experiment and corresponding costs. The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. P.D.C.K. and C.B. gratefully acknowledge support from The Leverhulme Trust via Grant RL-2016-006.Engineering surfaces and interfaces of materials promises great potential in the field of heterostructures and quantum matter designers, with the opportunity to drive new many-body phases that are absent in the bulk compounds. Here, we focus on the magnetic Weyl kagome system Co3Sn2S2 and show how for the terminations of different samples the Weyl points connect differently, still preserving the bulk-boundary correspondence. Scanning tunneling microscopy has suggested such a scenario indirectly, and here, we probe the Fermiology of Co3Sn2S2 directly, by linking it to its real space surface distribution. By combining micro-ARPES and first-principles calculations, we measure the energy-momentum spectra and the Fermi surfaces of Co3Sn2S2 for different surface terminations and show the existence of topological features depending on the top-layer electronic environment. Our work helps to define a route for controlling bulk-derived topological properties by means of surface electrostatic potentials, offering a methodology for using Weyl kagome metals in responsive magnetic spintronics.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial to compare radiofrequency ablation with surgical resection for treatment of pancreatic insulinoma

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    Background: Insulinoma is the most common functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor and treatment is required to address symptoms associated with insulin hypersecretion. Surgical resection is effective but burdened by high rate of adverse events (AEs). Endoscopic ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation (EUS-RFA) demonstrated encouraging results in terms of safety and efficacy for the management of these tumors. However, studies comparing surgery and EUS-RFA are lacking. Aims: The primary aim is to compare EUS-RFA with surgery in term of safety (overall rate of AEs). Secondary endpoints include: (a) severe AEs rate; (b) clinical effectiveness; (c) patient's quality of life; (d) length of hospital stay; (e) rate of local/distance recurrence; (f) need of reintervention; (g) rate of endocrine and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency; (h) factors associated with EUS-RFA related AEs and clinical effectiveness. Methods: ERASIN-RCT is an international randomized superiority ongoing trial in four countries. Sixty patients will be randomized in two arms (EUS-RFA vs surgery) and outcomes compared. Two EUS-RFA sessions will be allowed to achieve symptoms resolution. Randomization and data collection will be performed online. Discussion: This study will ascertain if EUS-RFA can become the first-line therapy for management of small, sporadic, pancreatic insulinoma and be included in a step-up approach in case of clinical failure. &amp; COPY; 2023 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Colorectal surgery in Italy during the Covid19 outbreak: a survey from the iCral study group

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    Background The COVID19 pandemic had a deep impact on healthcare facilities in Italy, with profound reorganization of surgical activities. The Italian ColoRectal Anastomotic Leakage (iCral) study group collecting 43 Italian surgical centers experienced in colorectal surgery from multiple regions performed a quick survey to make a snapshot of the current situation. Methods A 25-items questionnaire was sent to the 43 principal investigators of the iCral study group, with questions regard- ing qualitative and quantitative aspects of the surgical activity before and after the COVID19 outbreak. Results Two-thirds of the centers were involved in the treatment of COVID19 cases. Intensive care units (ICU) beds were partially or totally reallocated for the treatment of COVID19 cases in 72% of the hospitals. Elective colorectal surgery for malignancy was stopped or delayed in nearly 30% of the centers, with less than 20% of them still scheduling elective colo- rectal resections for frail and comorbid patients needing postoperative ICU care. A significant reduction of the number of colorectal resections during the time span from January to March 2020 was recorded, with significant delay in treatment in more than 50% of the centers. Discussion Our survey confirms that COVID19 outbreak is severely affecting the activity of colorectal surgery centers partici- pating to iCral study group. This could impact the activity of surgical centers for many months after the end of the emergency

    Prophylactic Clipping After Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Prevents Bleeding of Large, Proximal Polyps: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials

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    Background & Aims The benefits of prophylactic clipping to prevent bleeding after polypectomy are unclear. We conducted an updated meta-analysis of randomized trials to assess the efficacy of clipping in preventing bleeding after polypectomy, overall and according to polyp size and location. Methods We searched the Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus databases randomized trials that compared effects of clipping vs not clipping to prevent bleeding after polypectomy. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis to generate pooled relative risks (RRs) with 95% CIs. Multilevel random-effects meta-regression analysis was used to combine data on bleeding after polypectomy and estimate associations between rates of bleeding and polyp characteristics. Results We analyzed data from 9 trials, comprising 7197 colorectal lesions (22.5% 20 mm or larger, 49.2% with proximal location). Clipping, compared with no clipping, did not significantly reduce the overall risk of post-polypectomy bleeding (2.2% with clipping vs 3.3% with no clipping; RR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.45–1.08; P=.072). Clipping significantly reduced risk of bleeding after removal of polyps that were 20 mm or larger (4.3% had bleeding after clipping vs 7.6% had bleeding with no clipping; RR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.33–0.78; P=.020) or that were in a proximal location (3.0% had bleeding after clipping vs 6.2% had bleeding with no clipping; RR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.35–0.81; P<.001). In multilevel meta-regression analysis that adjusted for polyp size and location, prophylactic clipping was significantly associated with reduced risk of bleeding after removal of large proximal polyps (RR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.22–0.61; P=.021) but not small proximal lesions (RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.48–1.62; P=0.581). Conclusions In a meta-analysis of randomized trials, we found that routine use of prophylactic clipping does not reduce risk of post-polypectomy bleeding, overall. However, clipping appeared to reduce bleeding after removal of large (more than 20 mm), proximal lesions