74 research outputs found

    Study of the influence of sociodemographic and lifestyle factors on consumption of dairy products: preliminary study in Portugal and Brazil

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    Sociodemographic characteristics, including regional variations, have been associated with different food consumption patterns. Behavioral factors and lifestyle variables may also contribute to different food dietary trends. In this way, the present study intended to investigate the consumption habits of the most relevant types of dairy products around the world and relate them to sociodemographic factors, for example, age, sex, education and country as well as with some anthropometric and behavioral aspects, for example, body mass index, satisfaction with body weight and exercise or sedentary lifestyles. One other objective of the study was to categorize the lifestyles of the participants, according to measured variables linked with hours of inactivity or exercise, in order to use these as possible differentiating variables for the consumption of dairy products. The study involved a questionnaire survey undertaken on a non-probabilistic convenience sample of participants from Portugal (PT) and Brazil (BR), and participation was voluntary and anonymous. The data analysis involved different statistical techniques: basic statistics, chi-square tests, factor analysis, cluster analysis and tree classification analysis. The results showed that semi skimmed milk is never consumed by about half of the participants (47.4% for PT and 46.7 for BR), and those numbers increase for skimmed (64.8% for PT and 50.9% for BR), chocolate flavored milk (82.6% for PT and 65.6% for BR) and enriched milks (94.8% for PT and 85.3% for BR). Cheeses are also consumed in the two countries by small numbers of people. The number of participants consuming imported cheeses in both countries was particularly low (only 4.0% consume these more than once a week in both countries), suggesting national products may be preferred. It was further observed that those who consume cheese do it seldom (once a week) or sometimes (2-3 times per week). Butter is also consumed by only about half of the adult population (43.8% for PT and 49.5% for BR), but the percentage of those who never consume butter increases for skimmed butter (66.0% for PT and 82.6% for BR) and unsalted butter (70.2% for PT and 69.1% for BR). The consumption of yogurts also follows similar low consumption patterns. The most frequently consumed yogurt types in Portugal are liquid (30.5% consume regularly) and natural yogurts (34.8% consume regularly), while in Brazil the most frequent are creamy fruit pulp yogurt (14.4% consume regularly), liquid (13.7% consume regularly) and Greek type yogurt (10.2% consume regularly). A factor analysis and a cluster analysis established groups according to lifestyles, as follows: 1-Screeners, 2-Exercisers, 3-Travelers and 4-Others. These lifestyles were found to be influential in the consumption of dairy products for all classes of dairy tested: milk, cheese, yogurt and butter. For example, the screeners were found to consume more milk, more butter, more cheese and more yogurt. Additionally, other influential factors were age, sex, education, BMI and satisfaction with body weight. Nevertheless, country was not a meaningfully discriminant variable in relation to the other variables included in the classification analysis. The results concluded that, despite some small differences in the patterns of consumption of dairy products in both countries, the levels of consumption of dairy products are extremely low, for all classes studied (milk, cheese, yogurt or butter). Additionally, it was concluded that some factors are influential on the level of consumption of dairy products, and therefore decision makers can plan their interventions according to the characteristics of the targeted segments of the population, according to lifestyle, age, sex, education, BMI and satisfaction with body weight.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo: identificar as implicaçÔes do exercĂ­cio regular sobre o controle postural em idosos. MĂ©todo: revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura desenvolvida nas bases de dados SCOPUS e SciELO, utilizando os descritores “postural balance” or “postural control” or “balance” and “aged”, nos Ășltimos cinco anos e nos idiomas portuguĂȘs ou inglĂȘs. Resultados: dos 23 estudos selecionados, identificou-se uma prevalĂȘncia de estudos no ano de 2012 e nos periĂłdicos Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy e Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Os estudos foram agrupados em duas categorias: 1) ImplicaçÔes da prĂĄtica de atividade fĂ­sica sobre o controle postural; e 2) ExercĂ­cios fĂ­sicos capazes de atuar sobre o controle postural. ConclusĂ”es: o exercĂ­cio implica de maneira positiva sobre o controle postural, atuando em mĂșltiplos aspectos motores e cognitivos, desde que seja realizado de maneira regular e com intensidade adequada para que a fadiga muscular nĂŁo acarrete aumento no risco de quedas

    Breakfast habits and knowledge: Study involving participants from Brazil and Portugal

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    Breakfast has been considered one of the most important meals of the day. While breakfast habits and their consequences on children’s health and performance are well documented, studies on the adult population are still lacking. The aim of this study is to observe the breakfast consumption habits of Portuguese and Brazilian adults to understand the importance attributed to this meal, which leads people to have breakfast or to skip it, and also what types of food are consumed. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire survey was carried out in both countries, and the data were collected through the internet. A convenience sample consisting of 694 participants (380 from Brazil and 314 from Portugal) were used in this study, all were adults who gave informed consent to participate in the research. The results showed that the majority of participants consumed breakfast every day (74.4% in Brazil and 78.3% in Portugal), and they did it at home (94.4 and 94.3% for Brazilians and Portuguese, respectively). The results also showed that the reasons for consuming breakfast and skipping it are very similar in both countries. People say they do not have breakfast because they do not want to eat in the morning or they do not have time. The reasons to always have breakfast include providing energy, satiety from night fasting, preventing hunger until lunch, because they like it, or simply because it is a habit. The level of knowledge was slightly higher among Portuguese than Brazilian participants and was found to vary according to the habits of having breakfast or skipping it and also according to country, sex, BMI class, and school level. In conclusion, breakfast habits were found to be very similar in both countries’, but the knowledge was higher among the Portuguese than the Brazilian participants. Breakfast is linked to a healthy lifestyle, and individuals’ behaviours and beliefs must be taken into account to promote health and well-being, thus diminishing the burden of noncommunicable diseases related to improper eating habits and dietary patterns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Homogenization of nonlocal wire metamaterial via a renormalization approach

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    It is well known that defining a local refractive index for a metamaterial requires that the wavelength be large with respect to the scale of its microscopic structure (generally the period). However, the converse does not hold. There are simple structures, such as the infinite, perfectly conducting wire medium, which remain non-local for arbitrarily large wavelength-to-period ratios. In this work we extend these results to the more realistic and relevant case of finite wire media with finite conductivity. In the quasi-static regime the metamaterial is described by a non-local permittivity which is obtained analytically using a two-scale renormalization approach. Its accuracy is tested and confirmed numerically via full vector 3D finite element calculations. Moreover, finite wire media exhibit large absorption with small reflection, while their low fill factor allows considerable freedom to control other characteristics of the metamaterial such as its mechanical, thermal or chemical robustness.Comment: 8 pages on two columns, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Synthesis, screening for antiacetylcholinesterase activity and binding mode prediction of a new series of [3-(disubstituted-phosphate)-4,4,4-trifluoro-butyl]-carbamic acid ethyl esters

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    A series of nine new [3-(disubstituted-phosphate)-4,4,4-trifluoro-butyl]-carbamic acid ethyl esters (phosphate-carbamate compounds) was obtained through the reaction of (4,4,4-trifluoro-3-hydroxybut-1-yl)-carbamic acid ethyl esters with phosphorus oxychloride followed by the addition of alcohols. The products were characterized by ÂčH, 13C, 31P, and 19F NMR spectroscopy, GC-MS, and elemental analysis. All the synthesized compounds were screened for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity using the Ellman method. All compounds containing phosphate and carbamate pharmacophores in their structures showed enzyme inhibition, being the compound bearing the diethoxy phosphate group (2b) the most active compound. Molecular modeling studies were performed to investigate the detailed interactions between AChE active site and small-molecule inhibitor candidates, providing valuable structural insights into AChE inhibition.Uma nova sĂ©rie de nove 3-fosfato-(4,4,4-trifluor-butil)-carbamatos de etila (compostos fosfato-carbamato), foram obtidos atravĂ©s da reação de (4,4,4-trifluor-3-hidroxibut-1-il)-etil carbamatos com oxicloreto de fĂłsforo seguido de adição de ĂĄlcoois. Os produtos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de RMN de ÂčH, 13C, 31P e 19F, CG-EM e anĂĄlise elementar. Todos os compostos sintetizados foram testados para a inibição da enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE) usando o mĂ©todo de Ellman. Todos os compostos analisados contendo os grupos carbamato e fosfato em sua estrutura, mostraram inibição enzimĂĄtica, sendo que o composto contendo o grupo dietĂłxi (2b) apresentou a maior atividade inibitĂłria. Estudos de modelagem molecular foram realizados para obter informaçÔes detalhadas entre o sĂ­tio ativo da enzima acetilcolinesterase e os compostos candidatos a inibição, obtendo-se valiosas informaçÔes estruturais com relação Ă  inibição de enzima acetilcolinesterase.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq)FAPES
