459 research outputs found

    lntrogression of Bacterial Leaf Blight Resistance Gene from Oryza Minuta J.B. Presl. Ex C. B. Presl. into New Rice Type (Oryza sativa L.)

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    F1 Hybrids, backcross progenies, advanced introgression lines (2n=24) and monosomic alien addition lines or MAALs (2n=25) were successfully produced following embryo rescue between an elite new plant type (NPT) breeding line of Oryza sativa (2n=24, AA) and a wild species, O. minuta (2n=48, BBCC). F1 hybrids performance were intermediate between the parents. The F1 hybrids had 36 chromosomes indicating having 12 chromosome A from O. sativa and 12 B and 12 C from O. minuta. THE BACK CROSS progenies had different chromosome number indicating abnormal meiosis of the hybrids and back cross progenies. Plant with 2n=24 and 25 chromosomes were obtained in BC4FI. The hybrids and backcross progenies were susceptible to bacterial leaf blight (BB). However, several of the 2n=24 plants derived resistant plant to bacterial leaf blight race 1 of the Philippines races. The gene is different from introgressed gene intio rice from O. longistaminata ( Xa21) and from O. Minuta Acc. 101141   I Key words: Oryza minuta, MAALS, Bacterial leaf bligh

    Death versus feelings: a reality within the world of medical students

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    O propósito desta investigação foi desvelar os sentimentos dos alunos de Medicina no enfrentamento dos fenômenos da morte, os significados destas vivências do seu mundo-vivido e suas implicações na formação acadêmica. A investigação foi realizada com dez alunos regularmente matriculados na Faculdade de Medicina – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre, cursando entre o 3° e o 6° anos. A abordagem de cunho fenomenológico com os aportes teóricos de Merleau-Ponty e o método proposto para análise das informações de Giorgi (1986) e Comiotto (1992) apontam cinco essências fenomenológicas: os significados da morte; conflitos entre a vida e a morte; os sentimentos vivenciados nas interfaces da perda; aprendizagem médica; a transformação pessoal como caminho para a transformação profissional. Os achados deste estudo evidenciaram os sentimentos e as suas implicações no processo de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos acadêmicos, como um fenômeno primordial e inegável. Considerando esta relevância, é apresentada uma proposta psicopedagógica para a educação dos sentimentos.The purpose of this investigation was to unveil the feelings of medical students while facing the phenomena of death, and also the meaning of these experiences on their lived-world and its implications to their academic training. The investigation was carried out with 10 students who are regularly registered in the Medical School of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, attending between the 3rd and the 6th year. The qualitative approach, with phenomenological basis, along with theoretical assumptions of Merleau-Ponty and the information analysis method proposed by Giorgi (1988) and Comiotto (1992), disclosed five phenomenological essences: The meanings of death; Conflict between life and death; Feelings experienced on the interfaces of death; Medical training; Personal transformation as a path to professional transformation. The findings of this study evidence the feelings and their implications to the process of personal and professional development of the students as primordial and undeniable phenomenon. Considering this relevance, a psycho-pedagogical proposal is presented to educate feelings.Las raíces de este estudio están en los momentos de mis vivencias particulares y profesionales con el fenómeno de la muerte. El propósito de la investigación fué desvellar los sentimientos de los estudiantes de medicina en el enfrentamiento con los fenómenos de la muerte, los significados de estas vivencias en su mundo-vivido y sus implicaciones en la formación acadêmica. La investigación fué realizada con diez estudiantes regularmente matriculados en la Faculdade de Medicina - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), Porto Alegre, Brasil, cursando entre el tercer y el sexto año. El tratamiento cualitativo de trazo fenomenológico con los aportes teóricos de Merleau-Ponty y el método propuesto para la análisis de las informaciones en Giorgi (1988) y Comiotto (1992) exponen cinco esencias fenomenológicas y sus dimensiones: Los significados de la muerte; Conflictos entre la vida y la muerte; Los sentimientos experimentados en las interfaces de la pérdida; Aprendizaje médica;La transformación personal como camino para la transformación profesional .Los hallazgos de este estudio evidenciaran los sentimientos y sus implicaciones en el proceso de desarrollo personal y profesional de los académicos como un fenómeno primordial e inegable. Considerandose esta relevancia, una propuesta psicopedagógica para la educación de los sentimientos es presentada

    Cluster-scaling, chaotic order and coherence in DNA

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    Different numerical mappings of the DNA sequences have been studied using a new cluster-scaling method and the well known spectral methods. It is shown, in particular, that the nucleotide sequences in DNA molecules have robust cluster-scaling properties. These properties are relevant to both types of nucleotide pair-bases interactions: hydrogen bonds and stacking interactions. It is shown that taking into account the cluster-scaling properties can help to improve heterogeneous models of the DNA dynamics. It is also shown that a chaotic (deterministic) order, rather than a stochastic randomness, controls the energy minima positions of the stacking interactions in the DNA sequences on large scales. The chaotic order results in a large-scale chaotic coherence between the two complimentary DNA-duplex's sequences. A competition between this broad-band chaotic coherence and the resonance coherence produced by genetic code has been briefly discussed. The Arabidopsis plant genome (which is a model plant for genome analysis) and two human genes: BRCA2 and NRXN1, have been considered as examples.Comment: extended. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.135

    Essential oils and their application on active packaging systems: a review

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    The food industry is continuously evolving through the application of innovative tools and ingredients towards more effective, safe, natural and ecofriendly solutions to satisfy the demands of the costumers. In this context, natural sources (i.e., leaves, seeds, peels or unused pulp) can entail a valuable source of compounds, such as essential oils (EOs), with recognized antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can be used as natural additives in packaging applications. The current trend is the incorporation of EOs into diverse kinds of biodegradable materials, such as edible films, thus developing active packaging systems with improved preservation properties that can offer benefits to both the food and packaging industry by reducing food waste and improving the management of packaging waste. EOs may be added into the packaging material as free or encapsulated molecules, where, especially this last option, has been revealed as very promising. The addition of these lipophilic compounds provides to the end-product various bioactivities of interest, which can eventually extend the shelf-life of the product by preventing food spoilage. Pairing biodegradable packaging with EOs extracted from natural agro-industrial by-products can lead to a more sustainable food industry. Recent knowledge and advances on this issue will be reviewed in the present work.MICINN supporting the Ramón and Cajal grant for M.A. Prieto (RYC-2017- 22891); to EcoChestnut Project for supporting the grant of M. Carpena; to Xunta de Galicia and University of Vigo for supporting the pre-doctoral grant of P. García-Oliveira (ED481A-2019/295). The project SYSTEMIC “an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition”, Knowledge hub on Nutrition and Food Security has received funding from national research funding parties in Belgium (FWO), France (INRA), Germany (BLE), Italy (MIPAAF), Latvia (IZM), Norway (RCN), Portugal (FCT), and Spain (AEI) in a joint action of JPI HDHL, JPI-OCEANS and FACCE-JPI launched in 2019 under the ERA-NET ERA-HDHL (nº 696295).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio