219 research outputs found

    XMM observation of 1RXS J180431.1-273932: a new M-type X-ray binary with a 494 s-pulse period neutron star?

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    Low-mass X-ray binaries are binary systems composed of a compact object and a low-mass star. Recently, a new class of these systems, known as symbiotic XX-ray binaries (with a neutron star with a M-type giant companion), has been discovered. Here, we present long-duration XMM{\it XMM} observations of the source 1RXS J180431.1-273932. Temporal and spectral analysis of the source was performed along with a search for an optical counterpart. We used a Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis for the period search and evaluated the confidence level using Monte-Carlo simulations. The source is characterized by regular pulses so that it is most likely a neutron star. A modulation of 494.1±0.2494.1\pm0.2 s (3σ\sigma error) was found with a confidence level of >>99%. Evidence of variability is also present, since the data show a rate of change in the signal of 7.7×104\sim -7.7\times 10^{-4} counts s1^{-1} hr1^{-1}. A longer observation will be necessary in order to determine if the source shows any periodic behavior. The spectrum can be described by a power law with photon index Γ1\Gamma\sim 1 and a Gaussian line at 6.6 keV. The X-ray flux in the 0.2--10 keV energy band is 5.4×10125.4\times 10^{-12} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}. The identification of an optical counterpart (possibly an M6III red-giant star with an apparent visual magnitude of 17.6\simeq 17.6) allows a conservative distance of 10\sim 10 kpc to be estimated. Other possibilities are also discussed. Once the distance was estimated, we got an XX-ray luminosity of L_X\ut<6\times 10^{34} erg s1^{-1}, which is consistent with the typical XX-ray luminosity of a symbiotic LMXB system.Comment: in press on A&

    Detecting planetary transits in the presence of stellar variability. Optimal filtering and the use of colour information

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    Copyright © The European Southern Observatory (ESO)Space-based photometric transit searches, such as the ESA mission Eddington (planned for launch in 2007), are expected to detect large numbers of terrestrial planets outside the solar system, including some Earth-like planets. Combining simplicity of concept with efficiency, the transit method consists in detecting the periodic luminosity drop in stellar light curves caused by the transit of a planet in front of its parent star. In a previous paper (Aigrain & Favata 2002, hereafter Paper I), we developed a Bayesian transit detection algorithm and evaluated its performance on simulated light curves dominated by photon noise. In this paper, we examine the impact of intrinsic stellar variability. Running the algorithm on light curves with added stellar variability (constructed using data from the VIRGO/PMO6 instrument on board SoHO) demonstrated the need for pre-processing to remove the stellar noise. We have developed an effective variability filter, based on an ad-hoc optimal approach, and run extensive simulations to test the filter and detection algorithm combination for a range of stellar magnitudes and activity levels. These show that activity levels up to solar maximum are not an obstacle to habitable planet detection. We also evaluated the benefits of using colour information in the detection process, and concluded that in the case of Eddington they are outweighed by the implied loss of photometric accuracy

    On the optical counterpart of NGC300 X-1 and the global Wolf-Rayet content of NGC300

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    (Conext:) Surveys of Wolf-Rayet (WR) populations in nearby galaxies provide tests of evolutionary models plus Type Ib/c supernova progenitors. This spectroscopic study complements the recent imaging survey of the spiral galaxy NGC 300 by Schild et al. (Aims): Revisions to the known WR content of NGC 300 are presented. We investigate the WR nature of candidate #41 from Schild et al. which is spatially coincident with the bright X-ray point source NGC 300 X-1; (Methods:) VLT/FORS2 multi-object spectroscopy of WR candidates in NGC 300 is obtained; (Results:) We establish an early-type WN nature of #41, i.e. similar to the optical counterpart of IC 10 X-1, which closely resembles NGC 300 X-1. We confirm 9 new WR stars, bringing the current WR census of the inner disk to 31, with N(WC)/N(WN)~0.9. (Conclusions:) If #41 is the optical counterpart for NGC 300 X-1, we estimate a WR mass of 38 Msun based upon ground-based photometry, from which a black hole mass of > 10 Msun results from the 32.8 hr period of the system and WR wind velocity of 1250 km/s. We estimate an 95% completeness among WC stars and 70% among WN stars, such that the total WR content is ~40, with N(WC)/N(WN)~0.7. From the Halpha-derived star formation rate of the inner galaxy, we infer N(WR)/N(O)~0.04Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for A&A Letter

    The Frequency Content of the VIRGO/SoHO Lightcurves: Implications for Planetary Transit Detection from Space

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    Stellar micro-variability poses a serious threat to the capacities of space-based planet-finding missions such as Kepler or Eddington. The solar lightcurves obtained by the VIRGO PMO6 and SPM instruments on board SoHO from 1996 to 2001 have been studied in order to follow variability changes through the activity cycle. In all datasets, active regions-induced variability, below 2 microHz, is closely correlated to the BBSO Ca II K-line index. The PMO6 (total irradiance) data shows evidence for a meso-granulation component around tau = 8x10^3 s, while all narrow-band SPM datasets (red, green and blue) show super-granulation (tau = 5x10^4 s) but no meso-granulation. Both actvity and granulation related components have significantly smaller amplitudes in the red than in the blue channel. These results, coupled with available stellar data, allow us to generate simulated lightcurves with enhanced variability as a testbed for pre-processing and detection methods, and influence the case for using colour information in this kind of mission.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Conference Proceedings "Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets", Drake Dreming (ed

    Phase connected X-ray light curve and He II RV measurements of NGC 300 X-1

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    NGC300 X-1 and IC10 X-1 are currently the only two robust extragalactic candidates for being Wolf-Rayet/black hole X-ray binaries, the Galactic analogue being Cyg X-3. These systems are believed to be a late product of high-mass X-ray binary evolution and direct progenitors of black hole mergers. From the analysis of Swift data, the orbital period of NGC 300 X-1 was found to be 32.8h. We here merge the full set of existing data of NGC300 X-1, using XMM-Newton, Chandra and Swift observations to derive a more precise value of the orbital period of 32.7932+-0.0029h above a confidence level of 99.99%. This allows us to phase connect the X-ray light curve of the source with radial velocity measurements of He II lines performed in 2010. We show that, as for IC10 X-1 and Cyg X-3, the X-ray eclipse corresponds to maximum of the blueshift of the He II lines, instead of the expected zero velocity. This indicates that for NGC300 X-1 as well, the wind of the WR star is completely ionised by the black hole radiation and that the emission lines come from the region of the WR star that is in the shadow. We also present for the first time the light curve of two recent very long XMM-Newton observations of the source, performed on the 16th to 20th of December 2016.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, from IAU Symposium 346: High-mass X-ray binaries: illuminating the passage from massive binaries to merging compact object

    NGC 300 X-1 is a Wolf-Rayet/Black-Hole binary

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    We present VLT/FORS2 time-series spectroscopy of the Wolf-Rayet star #41 in the Sculptor group galaxy NGC 300. We confirm a physical association with NGC 300 X-1, since radial velocity variations of the HeII 4686 line indicate an orbital period of 32.3 +/- 0.2 hr which agrees at the 2 sigma level with the X-ray period from Carpano et al. We measure a radial velocity semi-amplitude of 267 +/- 8 km/s, from which a mass function of 2.6 +/- 0.3 Msun is obtained. A revised spectroscopic mass for the WN-type companion of 26+7-5 Msun yields a black hole mass of 20 +/- 4 Msun for a preferred inclination of 60-75 deg. If the WR star provides half of the measured visual continuum flux, a reduced WR (black hole) mass of 15 +4 -2.5 Msun (14.5 +3 -2.5 Msun) would be inferred. As such, #41/NGC 300 X-1 represents only the second extragalactic Wolf-Rayet plus black-hole binary system, after IC 10 X-1. In addition, the compact object responsible for NGC 300 X-1 is the second highest stellar-mass black hole known to date, exceeded only by IC 10 X-1.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS Letters in press. Images and animations available from http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1004/ at 11am GMT on 27 Jan 1

    An ultraluminous supersoft source with a 4 hour modulation in NGC 4631

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    Context. Supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) are characterised by very low temperatures (< 100 eV). Classical SSSs have bolometric luminosities in the range of 10^36-10^38 erg/s and are modelled with steady nuclear burning of hydrogen on the surfaces of white dwarfs. However, several SSSs have been discovered with much higher luminosities. Their nature is still unclear. Aims. We report the discovery of a 4h modulation for an ultraluminous SSS in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4631, observed with XMM-Newton in 2002 June. Temporal and spectral analysis of the source is performed. Methods. We use a Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis for the period search and evaluate the confidence level using Monte-Carlo simulations. We measure the source temperature, flux and luminosity through spectral fitting. Results. A modulation of 4.2+-0.4 h (3 sigma error) was found for the SSS with a confidence level >99%. Besides dips observed in the light curve, the flux decreased by a factor of 3 within ~10h. The spectrum can be described with an absorbed blackbody model with kT~67eV. The absorbed luminosity in the 0.2-2 kev energy band was 2.7x10^38 erg/sec while the bolometric luminosity was a hundred time higher (3.2x10^40 erg/s), making the source one of the most luminous of its class, assuming the best fit model is correct. Conclusions. This source is another very luminous SSS for which the standard white dwarf interpretation cannot be applied, unless a strong beaming factor is considered. A stellar-mass black hole accreting at a super Eddington rate is a more likely interpretation, where the excess of accreted matter is ejected through a strong optically-thick outflow. The 4 h modulation could either be an eclipse from the companion star or the consequence of a warped accretion disk.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted as a Letter in Astronomy & Astrophysic