88 research outputs found

    A vigorous activity cycle mimicking a planetary system in HD200466

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    Stellar activity can be a source of radial velocity (RV) noise and can reproduce periodic RV variations similar to those produced by an exoplanet. We present the vigorous activity cycle in the primary of the visual binary HD200466, a system made of two almost identical solar-type stars with an apparent separation of 4.6 arcsec at a distance of 44+/-2 pc. High precision RV over more than a decade, adaptive optics (AO) images, and abundances have been obtained for both components. A linear trend in the RV is found for the secondary. We assumed that it is due to the binary orbit and once coupled with the astrometric data, it strongly constrains the orbital solution of the binary at high eccentricities (e~0.85) and quite small periastron of ~21 AU. If this orbital motion is subtracted from the primary radial velocity curve, a highly significant (false alarm probability <0.1%) period of about 1300 d is obtained, suggesting in a first analysis the presence of a giant planet, but it turned out to be due to the stellar activity cycle. Since our spectra do not include the Ca~II resonance lines, we measured a chromospheric activity indicator based on the Halpha line to study the correlation between activity cycles and long-term activity variations. While the bisector analysis of the line profile does not show a clear indication of activity, the correlation between the Halpha line indicator and the RV measurements identify the presence of a strong activity cycle.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journal 2014, 16 pages, 18 figure

    Perfil antropométrico dos universitários dos cursos de nutrição , enfermagem , fisioterapia e educação física do Centro Universitário La Salle , Canoas /RS.

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    Este estudo objetiva traçar o perfil antropométrico dos universitários matriculados nos cursos de nutrição, enfermagem, fisioterapia e educação física do Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas. Avaliaram se 112 universitários divididos entre os quatro cursos, a amostra representa 10% de cada curso, sendo 77 mulheres (68,8%) e 35 homens(31,2%), com média de idade de 26,18 ±7,47anos. a amostra foi colhida de forma aleatória, conforme horários de aula dos alunos. Foi realizada avaliação antropométrica por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência da cintura (CC), prega cutânea triciptal (DCT) e subescapular (DCS), o tratamento estatístico dos resultados encontrados foi feito no programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Constatou-se que a grande maioria dos avaliados estavam eutróficos (64,2%), porém foi grande o número de pessoas com excesso de peso (27,7%). Acredita-se que, por serem alunos de cursos da área da saúde, com maior conhecimento a respeito de hábitos de vida saudáveis, ou até mesmo pela maior resistência dos indivíduos com excesso de peso a participarem dessa pesquisa, obteve-se maior percentual de indivíduos com graus adequados de IMC, apesar de a circunferência da cintura estar acima da normalidade para as mulheres (80,90 ±9,34cm), a dobra cutânea triciptal elevada para os homens (123,27 ±59,65%) e a dobra cutânea subescapular estar aumentada para ambos os sexos (Homens=140,64 ±46,49%; Mulheres=124,00 ±41,63%)

    Fundamentos constitucionais da proteção social: continuidades e ruturas

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    Neste artigo discutimos de que forma a Constituição da República Portuguesa enformou as escolhas políticas presentes na definição do estado social democrático e de que modo os princípios constitucionais se fazem refletir na arquitetura do sistema e se foram alterando ao longo do tempo. Argumentamos que, aquando da transição para a democracia, ao contrário de outras áreas de políticas sociais, a segurança social manteve princípios organizadores anteriores. Contudo, esta resiliência da matriz bismarckiana do sistema português não foi impeditiva da expansão da proteção social portuguesa de acordo com princípios universais e concedeu aos sucessivos governos margem de manobra para definirem políticas programaticamente distintas e implementarem estratégias reformistas diferenciadas. Concluímos argumentando que, se bem que a Constituição não tenha sido um limite intransponível para a ação política dos executivos, esta tem operado de facto como um ponto de veto, nomeadamente pela forma como o Tribunal Constitucional tem defendido o direito à proteção social, seja numa lógica de seguro social, seja na sua vertente de mínimos sociais.This article discusses the ways in which the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic has embodied to the political choices made during the process of creating and defining a democratic welfare state and how the various constitutional principles are reflected in the architecture of the system and have gradually changed over the years. The authors argue that when Portugal transitioned to democracy, unlike other areas of the country’s social policies the social security system retained some of its earlier organising principles. Having said this, this resilience on the part of the Portuguese system’s Bismarckian template has not prevented social protection from expanding here in accordance with universal principles, and has given successive governments manoeuvring room in which to define programmatically distinct policies and implement differentiated reformist strategies. The paper concludes by arguing that while the Constitution has not placed an insurmountable limit on governments’ political action, it has served as a point of veto, namely by means of the way in which the Constitutional Court has defended the right to social protection, be it in the form of social insurance, be it in the imposition of certain social minima.Cet article cherche à savoir comment la Constitution portugaise a influencé les choix politiques présents dans la définition de l’État social démocratique et de quelle façon les principes constitutionnels se reflètent dans l’architecture du système et ont changé au fil du temps. L’auteur soutient que lors de l’instauration de la démocratie, contrairement à d’autres domaines de politiques sociales, la sécurité sociale a gardé d’anciens principes d’organisation. Cependant, cette résilience de la matrice bismarckienne du système portugais n’a pas empêché l’expansion de la protection sociale portugaise selon les principes universels et elle a conféré aux gouvernements successifs une marge de manœuvre pour définir des politiques distinctes au plan programmatique et pour mettre en œuvre des stratégies réformistes différenciées. L’article conclut en affirmant que même si la Constitution n’a pas formé une limite infranchissable pour l’action politique des exécutifs, elle a fonctionné en pratique comme un point de veto, notamment pour la manière dont la Cour constitutionnelle tend à défendre le droit à la protection sociale, aussi bien dans une logique d’assurance sociale que de minima sociaux.En este artículo discutimos de qué forma la Constitución de la República Portuguesa conformó las decisiones políticas presentes en la definición del estado social democrático y de qué modo los principios constitucionales se ven reflejados en la arquitectura del sistema y se fueron alterando a lo largo del tiempo. Argumentamos que, en el momento de la transición para la democracia, al contrario de otras áreas de políticas sociales, la seguridad social mantuvo principios organizadores anteriores. Sin embargo, esta resiliencia de la matriz bismarckiana del sistema portugués no impidió la expansión de la protección social portuguesa de acuerdo con principios universales y concedió a los sucesivos gobiernos un margen de maniobra para definir políticas programáticamente distintas e implementaron estrategias reformistas diferenciadas. Concluimos argumentando que, si bien, la Constitución no ha sido un límite intransitable para la acción política de los ejecutivos, esta ha operado de hecho como un punto de veto, a saber, por la forma como el Tribunal Constitucional ha defendido el derecho a la protección social, sea en una lógica de seguro social, o en su vertiente de mínimos sociales

    A long-period massive planet around HD106515A

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    We have performed RV monitoring of the components of the binary system HD 106515 over about 11 years using the high resolution spectrograph SARG at TNG. The primary shows long-period radial velocity variations that indicate the presence of a low mass companion whose projected mass is in the planetary regime (m sin i = 9.33 Mjup). The 9.8 years orbit results quite eccentric (e=0.57), as typical for massive giant planets. Our results confirm the preliminary announcement of the planet included in Mayor et al. (2011). The secondary instead does not show significant RV variations. The two components do not differ significantly in chemical composition, as found for other pairs for which one component hosts giant planets. Adaptive optics images obtained with AdOpt@TNG do not reveal additional stellar companions. From the analysis of the relative astrometry of the components of the wide pair we put an upper limit on the mass of the newly detected companion of about 0.25 Msun. State of art or near future instrumentation can provide true mass determination, thanks to the availability of the wide companion HD106515B as reference. Therefore, HD106515Ab will allow deeper insight in the transition region between planets and brown dwarfs.Comment: A&A, accepted, 8 pages, 10 figure

    Data processing on simulated data for SHARK-NIR

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    A robust post processing technique is mandatory to analyse the coronagraphic high contrast imaging data. Angular Differential Imaging (ADI) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are the most used approaches to suppress the quasi-static structure in the Point Spread Function (PSF) in order to revealing planets at different separations from the host star. The focus of this work is to apply these two data reduction techniques to obtain the best limit detection for each coronagraphic setting that has been simulated for the SHARK-NIR, a coronagraphic camera that will be implemented at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). We investigated different seeing conditions (0.4"−1"0.4"-1") for stellar magnitude ranging from R=6 to R=14, with particular care in finding the best compromise between quasi-static speckle subtraction and planet detection.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, proceeding for the fifth Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes (AO4ELT5) meeting in 201

    Insertion and rotation alignment of the asymmetric SP Focal Plane mask in the wheel

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    It presents a detailed procedure for aligning focal plane masks within the SHARK-NIR instrument, showcasing the precision and technical requirements necessary for achieving optimal performance in high-contrast astronomical observation

    Prism alignment

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    The document focuses on the alignment procedure for the Low Resolution prism within the SHARK-NIR instrument, detailing the technical steps to ensure precise alignment within the optical system. It emphasizes the importance of alignment for optimal instrument performance, particularly in high-contrast imaging applications. Results from the alignment tests are discussed, demonstrating the procedure's success and its impact on the instrument's operational capabilities
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