10 research outputs found

    Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Mechanism for Treatment of Depression and Relationship with Suicide Risk

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    In 2017, suicide was found to be the second leading cause of death for people aged 10 - 34 in the United States. At least 90% of suicides are found to be comorbid with mental illness, most commonly: depression. Research suggests depression develops due to a combination of environmental, psychological, and biological factors. Imbalances in neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin (5-HT), is one of the leading hypotheses for the biochemical basis of depression. On this basis, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed antidepressant and have been shown to be an effective treatment for moderate to severe depression. However, in 2004, the FDA mandated that SSRIs be given a ?black-box? label warning indicating the relationship between the medication and increased risk for suicidal ideation and behaviors. This literature review seeks to investigate the available research on the mechanisms of SSRIs in the treatment of depression, and their highly contested relationship with suicide risk. I aim to make sense of this data and determine where the evidence points in regard to the costs and benefits of prescribing SSRIs, as well as the kind of future investigation needed to fully understand these drugs

    Neuroimaging alterations of the suicidal brain and its relevance to practice: an updated review of MRI studies

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    Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. Historically, scientific inquiry has focused on psychological theory. However, more recent studies have started to shed light on complex biosignatures using MRI techniques, including task-based and resting-state functional MRI, brain morphometry, and diffusion tensor imaging. Here, we review recent research across these modalities, with a focus on participants with depression and Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior (STB). A PubMed search identified 149 articles specific to our population of study, and this was further refined to rule out more diffuse pathologies such as psychotic disorders and organic brain injury and illness. This left 69 articles which are reviewed in the current study. The collated articles reviewed point to a complex impairment showing atypical functional activation in areas associated with perception of reward, social/affective stimuli, top-down control, and reward-based learning. This is broadly supported by the atypical morphometric and diffusion-weighted alterations and, most significantly, in the network-based resting-state functional connectivity data that extrapolates network functions from well validated psychological paradigms using functional MRI analysis. We see an emerging picture of cognitive dysfunction evident in task-based and resting state fMRI and network neuroscience studies, likely preceded by structural changes best demonstrated in morphometric and diffusion-weighted studies. We propose a clinically-oriented chronology of the diathesis-stress model of suicide and link other areas of research that may be useful to the practicing clinician, while helping to advance the translational study of the neurobiology of suicide

    The SINS/zC-SINF survey of z~2 galaxy kinematics: Outflow properties

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    Based on SINFONI Ha, [NII] and [SII] AO data of 30 z \sim 2 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) from the SINS and zcSINF surveys, we find a strong correlation of the Ha broad flux fraction with the star formation surface density of the galaxy, with an apparent threshold for strong outflows occurring at 1 Msun yr^-1 kpc^-2. Above this threshold, we find that SFGs with logm_\ast>10 have similar or perhaps greater wind mass loading factors (eta = Mdotout/SFR) and faster outflow velocities than lower mass SFGs. This trend suggests that the majority of outflowing gas at z \sim 2 may derive from high-mass SFGs, and that the z \sim 2 mass-metallicity relation is driven more by dilution of enriched gas in the galaxy gas reservoir than by the efficiency of outflows. The mass loading factor is also correlated with the SFR and inclination, such that more star-forming and face-on galaxies launch more powerful outflows. For galaxies that have evidence for strong outflows, we find that the broad emission is spatially extended to at least the half-light radius (\sim a few kpc). We propose that the observed threshold for strong outflows and the observed mass loading of these winds can be explained by a simple model wherein break-out of winds is governed by pressure balance in the disk. Using the ratio of the [SII] doublet in a broad and narrow component, we find that outflowing gas has a density of \sim10-100 cm^-3, significantly less than that of the star forming gas (600 cm^-3).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    Individual associations of adolescent alcohol use disorder versus cannabis use disorder symptoms in neural prediction error signaling and the response to novelty

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    Two of the most commonly used illegal substances by adolescents are alcohol and cannabis. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) and cannabis use disorder (CUD) are associated with poorer decision-making in adolescents. In adolescents, level of AUD symptomatology has been negatively associated with striatal reward responsivity. However, little work has explored the relationship with striatal reward prediction error (RPE) representation and the extent to which any augmentation of RPE by novel stimuli is impacted. One-hundred fifty-one adolescents participated in the Novelty Task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this task, participants learn to choose novel or non-novel stimuli to gain monetary reward. Level of AUD symptomatology was negatively associated with both optimal decision-making and BOLD response modulation by RPE within striatum and regions of prefrontal cortex. The neural alterations in RPE representation were particularly pronounced when participants were exploring novel stimuli. Level of CUD symptomatology moderated the relationship between novelty propensity and RPE representation within inferior parietal lobule and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. These data expand on an emerging literature investigating individual associations of AUD symptomatology levels versus CUD symptomatology levels and RPE representation during reinforcement processing and provide insight on the role of neuro-computational processes underlying reinforcement learning/decision-making in adolescents

    The Dark Energy Survey : more than dark energy – an overview

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    This overview paper describes the legacy prospect and discovery potential of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) beyond cosmological studies, illustrating it with examples from the DES early data. DES is using a wide-field camera (DECam) on the 4 m Blanco Telescope in Chile to image 5000 sq deg of the sky in five filters (grizY). By its completion, the survey is expected to have generated a catalogue of 300 million galaxies with photometric redshifts and 100 million stars. In addition, a time-domain survey search over 27 sq deg is expected to yield a sample of thousands of Type Ia supernovae and other transients. The main goals of DES are to characterize dark energy and dark matter, and to test alternative models of gravity; these goals will be pursued by studying large-scale structure, cluster counts, weak gravitational lensing and Type Ia supernovae. However, DES also provides a rich data set which allows us to study many other aspects of astrophysics. In this paper, we focus on additional science with DES, emphasizing areas where the survey makes a difference with respect to other current surveys. The paper illustrates, using early data (from ‘Science Verification’, and from the first, second and third seasons of observations), what DES can tell us about the Solar system, the Milky Way, galaxy evolution, quasars and other topics. In addition, we show that if the cosmological model is assumed to be +cold dark matter, then important astrophysics can be deduced from the primary DES probes. Highlights from DES early data include the discovery of 34 trans-Neptunian objects, 17 dwarf satellites of the Milky Way, one published z > 6 quasar (and more confirmed) and two published superluminous supernovae (and more confirmed)

    Neural correlates of automatic emotion regulation and their association with suicidal ideation in adolescents during the first 90-days of residential care

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    Abstract Background: Suicide is the second leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States. However, relatively little is known about the forms of atypical neuro-cognitive function that are correlates of suicidal ideation (SI). One form of cognitive/affective function that, when dysfunctional, is associated with SI is emotion regulation. However, very little work has investigated the neural correlates of emotion dysregulation in adolescents with SI. Methods: Participants (N = 111 aged 12-18, 32 females, 31 [27.9%] reporting SI) were recruited shortly after their arrival at a residential care facility where they had been referred for behavioral and mental health problems. Daily reports of SI were collected during the participants’ first 90-days in residential care. Participants were presented with a task-fMRI measure of emotion regulation – the Affective Number Stroop task shortly after recruitment. Participants were divided into two groups matched for age, sex and IQ based on whether they demonstrated SI. Results: Participants who demonstrated SI showed increased recruitment of regions including dorsomedial prefrontal cortex/supplemental motor area and parietal cortex during task (congruent and incongruent) relative to view trials in the context of emotional relative to neutral distracters. Conclusions: Participants with SI showed increased recruitment of regions implicated in executive control during the performance of a task indexing automatic emotion regulation. Such data might suggest a relative inefficiency in the recruitment of these regions in individuals with SI