39 research outputs found

    L-type amino acid transporter (LAT) 1 expression in 18F-FET-negative gliomas

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    BACKGROUND O-(2-18F-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (18F-FET) is a highly sensitive PET tracer for glioma imaging, and its uptake is suggested to be driven by an overexpression of the L-type amino-acid transporter 1 (LAT1). However, 30{\%} of low- and 5{\%} of high-grade gliomas do not present enhanced 18F-FET uptake at primary diagnosis ({\textquotedbl}18F-FET-negative gliomas{\textquotedbl}) and the pathophysiologic basis for this phenomenon remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of LAT1 in a homogeneous group of newly diagnosed 18F-FET-negative gliomas and to compare them to a matched group of 18F-FET-positive gliomas. Forty newly diagnosed IDH-mutant astrocytomas without 1p/19q codeletion were evaluated (n = 20 18F-FET-negative (tumour-to-background ratio (TBR) 1.6)). LAT1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed using SLC7A5/LAT1 antibody. The percentage of LAT1-positive tumour cells ({\%}) and the staining intensity (range 0-2) were multiplied to an overall score (H-score; range 0-200) and correlated to PET findings as well as progression-free survival (PFS). RESULTS IHC staining of LAT1 expression was positive in both, 18F-FET-positive as well as 18F-FET-negative gliomas. No differences were found between the 18F-FET-negative and 18F-FET-positive group with regard to percentage of LAT1-positive tumour cells, staining intensity or H-score. Interestingly, the LAT1 expression showed a significant negative correlation with the PFS (p = 0.031), whereas no significant correlation was found for TBRmax, neither in the overall group nor in the 18F-FET-positive group only (p = 0.651 and p = 0.140). CONCLUSION Although LAT1 is reported to mediate the uptake of 18F-FET into tumour cells, the levels of LAT1 expression do not correlate with the levels of 18F-FET uptake in IDH-mutant astrocytomas. In particular, the lack of tracer uptake in 18F-FET-negative gliomas cannot be explained by a reduced LAT1 expression. A higher LAT1 expression in IDH-mutant astrocytomas seems to be associated with a short PFS. Further studies regarding mechanisms influencing the uptake of 18F-FET are necessary

    L-type amino acid transporter (LAT) 1 expression in 18F-FET-negative gliomas

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    Background O-(2-[18F]-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (18F-FET) is a highly sensitive PET tracer for glioma imaging, and its uptake is suggested to be driven by an overexpression of the L-type amino-acid transporter 1 (LAT1). However, 30% of low- and 5% of high-grade gliomas do not present enhanced 18F-FET uptake at primary diagnosis (“18F-FET-negative gliomas”) and the pathophysiologic basis for this phenomenon remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of LAT1 in a homogeneous group of newly diagnosed 18F-FET-negative gliomas and to compare them to a matched group of 18F-FET-positive gliomas. Forty newly diagnosed IDH-mutant astrocytomas without 1p/19q codeletion were evaluated (n = 20 18F-FET-negative (tumour-to-background ratio (TBR)  1.6)). LAT1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed using SLC7A5/LAT1 antibody. The percentage of LAT1-positive tumour cells (%) and the staining intensity (range 0–2) were multiplied to an overall score (H-score; range 0–200) and correlated to PET findings as well as progression-free survival (PFS). Results IHC staining of LAT1 expression was positive in both, 18F-FET-positive as well as 18F-FET-negative gliomas. No differences were found between the 18F-FET-negative and 18F-FET-positive group with regard to percentage of LAT1-positive tumour cells, staining intensity or H-score. Interestingly, the LAT1 expression showed a significant negative correlation with the PFS (p = 0.031), whereas no significant correlation was found for TBRmax, neither in the overall group nor in the 18F-FET-positive group only (p = 0.651 and p = 0.140). Conclusion Although LAT1 is reported to mediate the uptake of 18F-FET into tumour cells, the levels of LAT1 expression do not correlate with the levels of 18F-FET uptake in IDH-mutant astrocytomas. In particular, the lack of tracer uptake in 18F-FET-negative gliomas cannot be explained by a reduced LAT1 expression. A higher LAT1 expression in IDH-mutant astrocytomas seems to be associated with a short PFS. Further studies regarding mechanisms influencing the uptake of 18F-FET are necessary

    Associations of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with cardiovascular diseases and risk conditions: cross-sectional study in 6773 primary care patients

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    Objective: We aimed at investigating the association of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and heart diseases, in a large patient sample. Background: IGF-I has been suggested to be associated with several diseases and a prognostic marker for the development of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors. The findings, though, have been inconsistent possibly due to the methodological factors. Methods: We studied 6773 consecutive primary care patients, aged 18+ years, in a cross-sectional, epidemiological study in primary care, Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk-Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment study. All patients underwent a standardized clinical diagnostic and laboratory assessment. IGF-I levels were measured with an automated chemiluminescence assay system. We calculated the odds ratios (OR) for diseases in quintiles of IGF-I, and additionally analyzed the association of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with these conditions. Results: After multiple adjustments for confounders, we found increased ORs for coronary artery disease in patients with high IGF-I. Women, but not men, with low IGF-I also showed increased ORs for coronary artery disease. Dyslipidemia was positively associated with IGF-I. Type 2 diabetes showed a curvilinear association with IGF-I SDS. Conclusions: The findings suggest the existence of multiple and complex interactions between IGF-I and several health conditions. The complex nature of disease- and subgroup-specific associations along with the methodological factors can be held responsible for divergent findings in previous studies

    Associations of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with cardiovascular diseases and risk conditions: cross-sectional study in 6773 primary care patients,

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    Abstract Objective: We aimed at investigating the association of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and heart diseases, in a large patient sample. Background: IGF-I has been suggested to be associated with several diseases and a prognostic marker for the development of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors. The findings, though, have been inconsistent possibly due to the methodological factors. Methods: We studied 6773 consecutive primary care patients, aged 18C years, in a cross-sectional, epidemiological study in primary care, Diabetes Cardiovascular Risk-Evaluation: Targets and Essential Data for Commitment of Treatment study. All patients underwent a standardized clinical diagnostic and laboratory assessment. IGF-I levels were measured with an automated chemiluminescence assay system. We calculated the odds ratios (OR) for diseases in quintiles of IGF-I, and additionally analyzed the association of age-dependent IGF-I SDS with these conditions. Results: After multiple adjustments for confounders, we found increased ORs for coronary artery disease in patients with high IGF-I. Women, but not men, with low IGF-I also showed increased ORs for coronary artery disease. Dyslipidemia was positively associated with IGF-I. Type 2 diabetes showed a curvilinear association with IGF-I SDS. Conclusions: The findings suggest the existence of multiple and complex interactions between IGF-I and several health conditions. The complex nature of disease-and subgroup-specific associations along with the methodological factors can be held responsible for divergent findings in previous studies. European Journal of Endocrinology 158 153-16

    Daily torpor is associated with telomere length change over winter in Djungarian hamsters

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    Ageing can progress at different rates according to an individual's physiological state. Natural hypothermia, including torpor and hibernation, is a common adaptation of small mammals to survive intermittent or seasonal declines in environmental conditions. In addition to allowing energy savings, hypothermia and torpor have been associated with retarded ageing and increased longevity. We tested the hypothesis that torpor use slows ageing by measuring changes in the relative telomere length (RTL) of Djungarian hamsters, Phodopus sungorus, a highly seasonal rodent using spontaneous daily torpor, over 180 days of exposure to a short-day photoperiod and warm (approx. 20°C) or cold (approx. 9°C) air temperatures. Multi-model inference showed that change in RTL within individuals was best explained by positive effects of frequency of torpor use, particularly at low body temperatures, as well as the change in body mass and initial RTL. Telomere dynamics have been linked to future survival and proposed as an index of rates of biological ageing. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that daily torpor is associated with physiological changes that increase somatic maintenance and slow the processes of ageing

    Mycolactone: More than Just a Cytotoxin

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    International audienceFrom their observation of necrotic areas around bacterial foci in Buruli ulcers (BUs), Connor and co-workers were the first, back in 1965, to suggest that M. ulcerans may produce a diffusible cytotoxin [1]. This hypothesis was later confirmed by injecting mycobacterial culture filtrates into the skin of guinea pigs, showing that this causes focal necrosis resembling that of naturally occurring human infections [1–3]. In 1999, George et al. succeeded in isolating a cytotoxic factor from M. ulcerans lipid extracts, and deciphered its chemical nature [4]. The M. ulcerans toxin was named mycolactone, based on its mycobacterial origin and macrolactone structure: a 12-membered lactone ring, to which a C5-O-linked polyunsaturated acyl side chain and a C-linked upper side chain comprising C12–C20 are appended (Fig. 1). Follow-up studies showed that M. ulcerans-derived mycolactone was in reality a mixture of two stereoisomers called A and B [6, 7] (Fig. 1). Since the initial discovery of mycolactone A/B, eight additional mycolactone congeners have been identified that are either produced by M. ulcerans strains of different geographical origins or genetically related fish and frog pathogens, which were initially given different species designations such as M. pseudoshottsii and M. liflandii. Comparative genome analysis later revealed that all mycolactone-producing mycobacteria evolved from a common M. marinum-like progenitor, and are therefore ecovars of a single M. ulcerans species [8]. While the macrolide core structure and upper side chain are conserved, mycolactone populations from different M. ulcerans sub-lineages vary in the length, number and localization of hydroxyl groups and number of double bonds of the lower side chain. These modifications of the lower polyunsaturated acyl side chain cause pronounced changes in cytotoxicity [9–11]. The origin and chemistry of natural mycolactones, structure-activity relationships and the various approaches that were developed to generate synthetic mycolactones have been reviewed recently [12, 13]. These aspects will therefore not be further discussed here. Instead, this chapter provides an update on our understanding of mycolactone (A/B) biology, and discusses its proposed mechanisms of action in relation with BU pathogenesis

    Multidimensional assessment of neuroendocrine and psychopathological profiles in maltreated youth

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    It has been debated whether children who have experienced early life stress (ELS), such as early caregiver separation show elevated risk for stress-related psychiatric disorders and a multi-symptom psychopathological profile that is not fully reflected in categorical assessments. In this study, we investigated dimensional measures of stress-related psychopathology in children in permanent out-of-home care, taking into account potential neuroendocrine interactions. In the current study, 25 children who had been placed in permanent out-of-home care before age 3 (years) and 26 controls (aged 10.6 ± 1.75 years) were investigated with categorical (DSM-IV) and dimensional assessments (CBCL) of psychopathology and diurnal salivary cortisol levels were assessed. Semi-structured interviews (K-DIPS) revealed no significant group differences in full-scale psychiatric diagnoses, whereas dimensional assessment (CBCL) revealed significant group differences in externalizing and total problem behaviours within the clinical range for children with ELS. Only children with ELS showed a combined symptom profile of clinical-range internalizing and externalizing problems. Lower morning cortisol values and subsequent flatter decline was found in subjects with ELS children compared to controls, showing group differences in diurnal cortisol secretion. Lower morning cortisol values were associated with more problem behaviour in the ELS group. Results show that ELS children exhibited increased psychopathological symptom severity and complexity associated with lower morning cortisol levels, which was not fully reflected in categorical assessments. This highlights the importance of incorporating dimensional assessments and neurobiological factors into psychopathological evaluations of children in out-of-home care in order to facilitate early identification of children at high risk for stress-related disorders