12 research outputs found

    Brain Neoplasms in Elderly Dogs

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    Background: The prevalence of intracranial neoplasms in dogs represents 2.1 to 4.0% of the cases. Brain tumors may be primary or metastatic. The objective of this study was to describe two cases of intra encephalic neoplasia in elderly dogs received for necropsy by the Veterinary Oncology Service in the Federal University of Pelotas.Cases: Case 1: A 12-year-old female canine, without breed and medium size, was received for necropsy. The animal has had behavioral changes. Macroscopic examination of the encephalus revealed asymmetry and congestion. The organs were collected and fixed in 10% formalin. In the brain cleavage we noticed an extensive brown-gray mass with reddish areas, expansive, moderately demarcated, soft to cut and discrete hydrocephalus. Serial fragments of the brain and fragments of the organs were sent for processing. The slides were stained with the hematoxylin and eosin technique for histopathological analysis. At the microscopic examination, cuboidal cells were observed in the encephalus sometimes in acinar arrangements, of extensive and very limited pattern, diagnosed as ependymoma. Case 2: It is a 15-year-old, female poodle dog, with several tumors. During necropsy multiple subcutaneous nodules, mesentery, intestinal serosa, stomach and liver were noticed. At the cut these were firm and whitish. No macroscopic changes were observed in the other organs. Fragments of organs and brain were collected and a serial section of the encephalus was performed for further processing and histological analysis. In the histopathological analysis the masses were constituted by proliferation of sometimes rounded cells, elongated, with rounded nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm, allowing the diagnosis of mesothelioma. The same cell pattern was observed in other organs. In the frontal cortex of the encephalus there were small foci of cells similar to those observed in the mesentery, as well as metastatic emboli in the meningeal and encephalic vessels, characterizing the diagnosis of metastatic mesothelioma.Discussion: Neoplasms of the central nervous system may be primary or metastatic. The ependymoma observed in case 1 was only diagnosed after visualization of the encephalic mass during necropsy, pointing to the importance of postmortem examination. Brain neoplasms in dogs occur with a frequency and variety similar to that of humans. Most of these are found in older dogs, and 95% of those affected are over five years of age. One situation that may occur in ependymomas is the development of obstructive hydrocephalus by the expansion of the neoplasm into the ventricular system. The animal studied in case 1 presented behavioral changes for weeks before death, and at necropsy ventricular dilation was evidenced, suggesting that hydrocephalus had occurred and the behavioral changes due to tumor localization. Metastatic brain neoplasms occur due to the hematogenous spread of many tumors. The species in which the metastatic neoplasms are most commonly described is the canine. Metastases of mesotheliomas in the central nervous system are rare, which reinforces the need for a thorough postmortem examination, as evidenced in the second case of this study, since the animal did not manifest clinically signs of neurological involvement and the metastasis was only identified microscopically by serial cuts of the encephalon. It can be concluded that detailed, systematic and serial post-mortem examination of the central nervous system should be part of the diagnostic routine even if no clinical neurological signs are evident. The reports presented here are of importance since they are considered rare diagnoses of primary and metastatic brain tumors


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    The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in horses from the extreme south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To carry out this work, results of coproparasitological examinations of samples analyzed at the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases (LADOPAR) of the Veterinary Faculty of the Federal University of Pelotas between 2014 and 2016 were used. During this period, 972 fecal samples of horses were analyzed. Among the analyzed samples, 80.5% were positive for some genus of gastrointestinal parasite. Moreover, the eggs of the family Strongylidae were the most prevalent, being observed in 78.1% of the samples. In conclusion, most of the animals evaluated were parasitized by some gastrointestinal helminth genus, indicating the presence of these agents in horses raised in the southern region of the state.Objetivou-se através deste estudo determinar a prevalência de helmintos gastrintestinais em equinos do extremo sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para a realização deste trabalho, foram utilizados resultados de exames coproparasitologicos de amostras analisadas no Laboratório de Doenças Parasitárias (LADOPAR) da Faculdade de Veterinária  da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre os anos de 2014 e 2016. Neste período, foram analisadas 972 amostras fecais de equinos. Das amostras analisadas, 80,5% apresentaram-se positivas para algum gênero de parasito gastrintestinal. Além disso, os ovos da família Strongylidae foram os mais prevalentes, sendo observados em 78,1% das amostras. Desta forma, conclui-se que a maioria dos animais avalidos estavam parasitados por algum gênero de helminto gastrintestinal, indicando a presença destes agentes nos equinos criados na região sul do estado

    Anatomopathologic Study of Kidneys parasitized by Dioctophyme renale in Dogs

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    Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The disease’s clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale.Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Macroscopically, the kidney size was measured as well as its renal capsule thicknes. The presences of dilatation of the renal pelvis and ureter, as well as changes of the capsule, were also observed. These fragments were collected and submitted for routine analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological examination was performed blindly by three evaluators. The intensity of fibrosis was evaluated by the presence or absence of infiltration, the absence or presence of parasite eggs and when present whether there was inflammatory tissue response, among other changes. All received organs were right kidneys and showed clear atrophy or absence of the parenchyma. The kidney size ranged from 3,8x2,5x1,3 cm to 8,4x8,2x4,0 cm and the capsule thickness between 0.1 and 3.6cm. In renal capsule were observed whitish, irregular and firm plates (10 out of 21 cases) and papilliform projections (4 out of 21). In two specimens were identified cases of hydroureter and hydronephrosis. Microscopically, all specimens had some degree of fibrosis which replaced the renal parenchyma, six classified as mild, ten were moderate and five intense. In 13 cases there was intense deposition of parasite eggs and 18 cases showed inflammatory infiltrate of which one was pyogranulomatous and one granulomatous. Papilliform projections were observed in six out of 21 cases (composed of connective tissue proliferation and neovascularization), there was also hyperplasia of the pelvis transition epithelial (6 out of 21) and osseous metaplasia of the renal capsule (4 out of 21). The vessels walls were hypertrophic in nine out of 21 cases.Discussion: The diagnosis of dioctophymiasis was performed by ultrasonography. All 21 kidneys analyzed were rights; this is related to the parasite penetration in the duodenal wall, which tends to migrate by anatomic proximity to the right kidneys. Dioctophyme renale feeds through digestion and ingestion of the renal parenchyma by the action of parasite’s oesophageal enzymes causing progressive destruction of the cortical and medullar layers and consequently the proliferation of fibrous tissue. In this study, different intensities of fibrosis were observed. Bone metaplasia characterizes the chronicity of the process and the connective tissue’s attempt to adapt. Animals affected by dioctophymiasis often develop chronic renal failure. Chronic renal failure is characterized by continuous and irreversible morphologic changes in the renal parenchyma with loss of nephron components and the formation of a vicious cycle of replacement by fibrous connective tissue. The hypertrophy of vascular epithelium observed in six cases of this study may be associated with fibrous connective tissue proliferation stimulus. The injuries described here may be related to the parasitosis late diagnosis

    Clinical-pathological study of behavior changes associated with the central nervous system in dogs

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    Brazil is the fourth country in the world in number of pets and the second in number of dogs and cats. Veterinary medicine is increasingly improving its diagnostic, clinical and preventive methods, leading to an increase in the life expectancy of these animals and associated with the increase in the longevity of dogs is the appearance of several diseases. Among the most important systems of the body, this central nervous system and diseases that affect this are important causes of death in dogs. It is still not known the frequency of brain diseases in elderly dogs in the different regions of Brazil, as well as the distribution of the brain lesions caused by these diseases. This thesis addresses brain lesions in elderly dogs through three scientific articles. The first article describes three cases of encephalic vascular accident in elderly dogs, due to occlusion / rupture of cerebral vessels by thrombi. The second one had the objective of describing two cases of elderly dogs diagnosed through necropsy and histopathological examination with intraencephalic neoplasias. The last article deals in a general way with the cerebral lesions and their distribution according to the affected areas found in elderly dogs necropsied in the animal pathology sector of the Federal University of Pelotas. In this thesis, different lesions of the central nervous system of elderly dogs were observed, which can cause different behavioral changes, although not necessarily related to the mortis cause of these animals. These behavioral changes are difficult to identify by tutors as they are associated with the normal aging process of dogs.Sem bolsaO Brasil é o quarto país do mundo em número de animais de estimação e o segundo em número de cães e gatos. A medicina veterinária se aprimora cada vez mais em seus métodos diagnósticos, clínicos e preventivos, levando a um aumento na expectativa de vida desses animais e associado ao aumento da longevidade dos cães está o aparecimento de diversas doenças. Dentre os sistemas mais importantes do corpo, esta o sistema nervoso central e as doenças que acometem esse são importantes causas de morte em cães. Ainda não é conhecida à frequência de doenças encefálicas em cães idosos nas diferentes regiões do Brasil, assim como a distribuição das lesões encefálicas causadas por essas doenças. Esta tese aborda lesões encefálicas em cães idosos através de três artigos científicos. O primeiro artigo descreve três casos de acidente vascular encefálico em cães idosos, em decorrência de oclusão/ruptura de vasos cerebrais por trombos. Já o segundo teve como objetivo descrever dois casos de cães idosos diagnosticados através de necropsia e exame histopatológico com neoplasias intraencefálicas. O último artigo aborda de uma maneira geral as lesões encefálicas e sua distribuição de acordo com as áreas acometidas encontradas em cães idosos necropsiados no setor de patologia animal da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Nesta tese, foram observadas diferentes lesões do sistema nervoso central de cães idosos, as quais podem causar distintas alterações comportamentais, embora não necessariamente relacionadas com a causa mortis destes animais. Estas alterações comportamentais são dificilmente identificadas pelos tutores, pois são associadas ao processo normal de envelhecimento dos cães

    Diseases of the urinary tract of cats and dogs

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    This thesis addresses the pathologies of the urinary system. The data concerning disorders of the urinary tract are related to cases diagnosed in southern Rio Grande do Sul in a period of 36 years. Based on these findings two papers were written. The first article assessed all the urinary tract lesions of canine, described in the necropsy reports and histopahtological tests from the Regional Laboratory of Diagnosis of the College of Veterinary in the Federal University of Pelotas in the period from 1978 to 2014. From a total of 8980 diagnosis, 363 dogs were found to have affections of the urinary system, which represents 4,04% of diagnosis performed for that period and species. Renal injury accounted for 93.1% of the cases, with 309 being primary kidney lesions; from which the main lesions were the tubulointerstitial nephritis (142 cases) often associated with Leptospirosis (47). Injuries of the lower urinary tract (LUT) accounted for 6.9% of the cases where acute cystitis stands out with 19 cases of a total of 60 LUT injuries. In this study, renal failure, acute or chronic, represented an important cause of death in dogs. The second article describes an anatomopathological diagnosis of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a female, one monthold, mongrel cat. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only cystocentesis, urinary catheterization or drip. It was euthanized and in the necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. Histologically, it had dysontogenic metaplasia of the urethra and bilateral renal dysplasia. It is concluded in this thesis that the main renal lesions were acute tubular necrosis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, fibroplasia and glomerulosclerosis; and when the LUT is concerned, acute cystitis, urolithiasis, bladder rupture and primary neoplasms stood out.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESNesta dissertação, abordam-se as patologias do sistema urinário. Os dados referentes a estas enfermidades são relacionados aos casos diagnosticados na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul em um período de 36 anos. Com base nesses achados foram elaborados dois artigos científicos. No primeiro trabalho avaliaram-se todas as lesões do sistema urinário de cães, constantes nos protocolos de necropsia e exames histopatológicos do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, no período de 1978 a 2014. Foram encontrados diagnósticos de afecções do sistema estudado em 363 cães, correspondente a 4,04% do total de 8980 diagnósticos realizados no período para a espécie. As lesões renais representaram 93,1%, sendo 309 primárias do rim; dentre as principais lesões estavam a nefrite túbulo-intersticial (142 casos), geralmente associada à 47 casos de Leptospirose. O trato urinário inferior (TUI) representou 6,9% dos casos destacando-se a cistite aguda com 19 casos de um total de 60 lesões do TUI. Neste estudo a insuficiência renal, aguda ou crônica, representou importante causa mortis em cães. No segundo artigo descreve-se um diagnóstico anatomo-patológico de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino fêmea, de um mês de idade e sem raça definida. Havia histórico de aumento de volume abdominal desde o nascimento. Ainda apresentava disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por cistocentese, sondagem vesical ou gotejamento. Foi eutanasiado e na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuídos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. Histologicamente havia metaplasia disontogênica da uretra e displasia renal bilateral. Conclui-se nesta dissertação que as principais lesões renais foram a necrose tubular aguda, nefrite túbulo-intersticial, fibroplasia e glomeruloesclerose; e quanto ao TUI sobressaíram-se a cistite aguda, urolitíase, ruptura de bexiga e neoplasias primárias

    Anatomo-pathological and epidemiological analysis of urinary tract lesions in dogs

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    ABSTRACT: In dogs, diseases of the urinary tract are common and can be caused by disorders of varied etiology. The objective of this study was to classify qualitatively and quantitatively urinary tract lesions of 363 dogs, which were classified according to its anatomical distribution and etiology. The data was obtained from the revision of 36 years of protocols from the Regional Laboratory of Diagnosis (LRD/UFPel) and it represents 4.0% of diagnoses from a total of 8980 for that period and species. Renal injury accounted for 93.1% of cases, with 309 being primary kidney lesions; from which the main lesions were the tubulointerstitial nephritis (142 cases) often associated with Leptospirosis (47). Injuries of lower urinary tract accounted for 6.9% of the cases where acute cystitis stands out (19). In this study, renal failure, acute or chronic, represented an important cause of death in dogs

    Urethral dysontogenic metaplasia in cat with bilateral renal dysplasia

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuídos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described


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    Com o objetivo de investigar o comportamento e a relação entre a potência anaeróbia e aeróbia (razão-potência) de adolescentes masculinos, levando-se em consideração os níveis de maturação sexual, 38 alunos do Colégio de Segundo Grau da Universidade de Passo Fundo, foram avaliados através de uma bateria de testes e medidas. Esta bateria consistiu de avaliação antropométrica (estatura e peso corporal) e espessuras de dobras cutâneas (tricipital e subescapular); nível de maturação sexual (pilosidade pubiana); e das corridas de 40 seg (potência anaeróbia) e de 5 min (potência aeróbia). Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizado o teste "t" para amostras independentes. Através dos resultados obtidos pode-se verificar que a razão potência anaeróbia - aeróbia (razão-potência) calculada para os sujeitos do nível 4 de maturação sexual foi significativamente inferior (p < 0,04) em relação a razão-potência dos sujeitos classificados dentro do nível 5 de maturação sexual. Já que a potência aeróbia permaneceu inalterada entre os níveis 4 e 5, parece razoável sugerir que, a mudança no perfil bioenergético (razão-potência) ocorrida entre os dois níveis, fica claramente atribuída ao aumento do metabolismo anaeróbio que foi observado em relação a maturação sexual

    Dioctophyme renale (Nematoda: Enoplida) in domestic dogs and cats in the extreme south of Brazil

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    Abstract Dioctophyme renale is a zoonotic nematode that parasites the kidneys of wild and domestic carnivores, and it has been reported frequently in Brazil. The aim here was to register the number of cases of dogs and cats diagnosed with dioctophymosis by necropsy (1981 to 2014) and ultrasound examination (2010 to 2015) in Pelotas-RS. In this context, a survey was conducted on dioctophymosis cases diagnosed at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory (LPV) and Veterinary Clinical Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), and at a specialist veterinary imaging diagnostics clinic. In total, 95 cases were registered. The high series of the disease in dogs can be related to the presence of a large number of stray and semi-domestic dogs in the city, and also due to the ingestion of intermediate hosts of D. renale parasitized with the infective larvae. Thus, it can be concluded that Pelotas is a city with favorable conditions for the occurrence of dioctophymosis with high rate of disease in recent years