628 research outputs found

    Isolation of Drug-Sensitive Eimeria Species from Wild Turkey Feces and Development of a Model Bioshuttle Program for Eimeria meleagrimitis for Domestic Turkeys

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    The objective of this thesis was to determine the anticoccidial profile of Eimeria spp. derived from wild turkeys. These drug-sensitive Eimeria spp. have potential to be used as vaccine candidates to control coccidiosis in commercial turkeys. Chapter two consists of a brief literature review focused on coccidiosis in turkeys. Chapter three addresses the methodologies utilized to isolate, recover, and speciate Eimeria recovered from wild turkey feces in the eastern two-thirds of the United States. From this, we successfully obtained single oocyst-derived stocks for E. meleagrimitis, E. dispersa, E. meleagridis, E. gallopavonis, and E. adenoeides. Chapter four describes the experiment conducted to assess the protective efficacy of an E. meleagrimitis vaccine candidate isolated from wild turkeys with and without intermittent amprolium administration. Additionally, the impact of vaccination and/or challenge and a candidate bioshuttle program on gut permeability and the microbiome was evaluated. The E. meleagrimitis vaccine candidate induced mild disease without affecting performance. Future research must be conducted to elucidate the impact of amprolium with and without single or multi-species live coccidiosis vaccination on the microbiome and gut barrier function in turkey poults

    Isolation of Drug-Sensitive Eimeria Species from Wild Turkey Feces and Development of a Model Bioshuttle Program for Eimeria meleagrimitis for Domestic Turkeys

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    The objective of this thesis was to determine the anticoccidial profile of Eimeria spp. derived from wild turkeys. These drug-sensitive Eimeria spp. have potential to be used as vaccine candidates to control coccidiosis in commercial turkeys. Chapter two consists of a brief literature review focused on coccidiosis in turkeys. Chapter three addresses the methodologies utilized to isolate, recover, and speciate Eimeria recovered from wild turkey feces in the eastern two-thirds of the United States. From this, we successfully obtained single oocyst-derived stocks for E. meleagrimitis, E. dispersa, E. meleagridis, E. gallopavonis, and E. adenoeides. Chapter four describes the experiment conducted to assess the protective efficacy of an E. meleagrimitis vaccine candidate isolated from wild turkeys with and without intermittent amprolium administration. Additionally, the impact of vaccination and/or challenge and a candidate bioshuttle program on gut permeability and the microbiome was evaluated. The E. meleagrimitis vaccine candidate induced mild disease without affecting performance. Future research must be conducted to elucidate the impact of amprolium with and without single or multi-species live coccidiosis vaccination on the microbiome and gut barrier function in turkey poults

    Use of additive manufacturing on models for sand casting process

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    Casting is a forming process based on material pouring in liquid state. Heat is applied to melt the material from its solid state and pour it in a mold previously constructed to obtain the desired shape after letting it cool. Molds can be permanent or expendable. In sand casting processes, the mold is manufactured from a model that usually is extracted before pouring the melted material (Figure 1). To obtain the part, the sand model needs to be destroyed. Notwithstanding, the sand can be reused several times for new molds. Several elements are needed to obtain a part by a sand casting process: permanent patterns, flasks (cope and drag), gating system (pouring cup, sprue, risers and feeding channels) and cores (only if it is needed). The aim of this work is the manufacturing of some of these elements by additive manufacturing process. The equipment will be used for the practical activities (Figure 1) that currently take place on the subjects where this topic is taught, in the different Degrees in Industrial Engineering at the University of Malaga.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fatigue test bench manufacturing by reusing a parallel lathe

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    Fatigue life of machined parts strongly depends on their surface condition. The rotating bar bending fatigue testing method is widely used to obtain the fatigue behavior of metallic materials due to its simplicity. In this work, the methodology for the design, manufacturing and setup of a fatigue test bench is exposed. The main novelty lies on the reuse of several elements from an old parallel lathe, currently out of order, and their use to manufacture some parts for the test bench. In this way, a double objective is achieved: high quality elements are recycled and the machine manufacturing cost is reduced.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis ocupacional para el personal de manufactura de Coats Cadena Andina S.A.

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    Coats Cadena Andina, con el propósito de lograr la flexibilidad para adaptarse a las nuevas tendencias de un mundo globalizado y proponer acciones para la mejora continua de la operación de sus procesos, consideró pertinente la actualización de su modelo administrativo para garantizar su sostenibilidad en un mercado de alta complejidad; por esta razón surge la necesidad de buscar oportunidades para facilitar que el talento humano de la organización desempeñe funciones pertinentes, oportunas y que agreguen valor a los procesos. El proceso de recursos humanos optó por la realización de un análisis ocupacional para actualizar el manual de descripción de cargos del proceso de manufactura e implementar las competencias en cada uno de los perfiles, de tal manera que se puedan desarrollar procesos para alcanzar los niveles de desempeño esperados. Para el logro de lo anterior, se desarrolló el presente trabajo con el que se pretendía realizar la implementación de las competencias organizacionales que fueron diseñadas por el grupo Coats en el año 2012 y la identificación de las competencias específicas requeridas para cada cargo del área de manufactura a través de la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Al establecer las competencias organizacionales y específicas se procedió a la creación del diccionario de competencias, que contribuyó a realizar la actualización del manual de descripción de cargos enfocando en competencias.Coats Cadena Andina S.A., with the aim of achieving the flexibility to adapt to the new trends in a globalized world and propose actions to the continuous improvement of the operation of their processes, considered relevant updating your administrative model to ensure its sustainability in a market of high complexity; for this reason there is a need to look for opportunities to make it easier for the human talent of the organization to play functions relevant, timely and that add value to the processes. Human resources process has opted for the realization of a occupational analysis to update the manual description of charges of manufacturing process and implement the skills in each of the profiles, so that they can develop processes to achieve the performance levels expected. For the achievement of the above, the development of the present work of degree whose purpose was the implementation of the competencies that were designed by the group Coats in the year 2013 and the identification of the specific competencies required for each charge of the area of manufacturing. To establish organizational competencies and specific is proceeded to the creation of the competency dictionary, which helped to make the manual update job descriptions focusing on skills

    Aspectos b?sicos de estimaci?n no param?trica en an?lisis de sobrevivencia. Una aplicaci?n a un estudio de deserci?n estudiantil

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    68 P?ginasEn el presente trabajo se exponen las principales t?cnicas de estimaci?n no param?trica de sobrevivencia como son las de Kaplan Meier y la de Nelson Aalen como ejemplo de su aplicaci?n se mostrar? el caso de deserci?n de estudiantes de la carrera de matem?ticas que iniciaron estudios en el a?o 2002 los cuales fueron seguidos hasta el a?o 2011, ??poca en la que finaliz? totalmente esa cohorte. Se aplicaron estas t?cnicas en forma general y luego por g?neros para hacer sus respectivas comparaciones utilizando test estad?sticos como el de Log ? Rank, Tarone ? Ware y Breslow.ABSTRACT This research will display the main non-parametric estimation techniques for survival such as the Kaplan-Meier and Nelson Aalen, as an example of its application is shown the case of students dropping out of math program with emphasis on statistical studies, they began in 2002 and were followed until 2011, 'time when fully concluded that cohort. We applied these techniques in general, making respective comparisons between genders and using the statistical tests such as Log - Rank, Tarone - Ware and Breslow.AGRADECIMIENTOS 04 INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. OBJETIVOS 14 1.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 14 1.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 14 2. TEORIA DEL ANALISIS DE SOBREVIVENCIA 15 2.1 CONCEPTOS B?SICOS 15 2.1.1 Tipos de observaciones 17 2.2 ELEMENTOS B?SICOS 20 2.3 METODOLOG?A ESTAD?STICA 22 2.4 MODELOS NO PARAM?TRICOS 23 2.4.1 METODO DE KAPLAN ? MEIER 24 Propiedades 25 Varianza del estimador 26 Varianza de la funci?n de sobrevivencia 27 Intervalo de confianza 28 Estimador de Kaplan ? Meier ponderado 29 Funci?n emp?rica de sobrevivencia 30 2.4.2 ESTIMADOR DE NELSON AALEN 31 Estimadores no param?tricos de la funci?n de Sobrevivencia para datos truncados a la izquierda y censurados a la derecha 32 Estimador de Turnbull 33 Estimador de Nelson Aalen Extendido 34 2.4.3 COMPARACIONES DE FUNCIONES DE SOBREVIVENCIA 36 Test de Log ? Rank 37 3. APLICACIONES DEL MODELO KAPLAN ? MEIER 41 3.1 POR G?NERO 45 3.2 COMPARACIONES GLOBALES 46 4. MODELO DE NELSON AALEN 48 4.1 POR G?NERO 51 4.2 COMPARACIONES GLOBALES 56 5. CONCLUSIONES 59 REFERENCIAS 60 ANEXOS 6

    Joseph\u27s Jogger

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    Joseph Cornelius is a young man with spastic quadriplegia who loves the experience of being in triathlons. He actively participates in triathlons in which he is pushed in a jogger. His old jogger has become worn out and does not dampen road impacts which cause Joseph discomfort. Thus, the scope of this project was to create a new stroller in which he can be pushed efficiently for long distances and that dampens road impacts in order to allow Joseph to continue enjoying triathlons

    Parametric Analysis of the Ultimate Tensile Strength in Dry Machining of UNS A97075 Alloy

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    Aluminium alloys (mainly 2XXX and 7XXX series) have been traditionally used in the industry in the manufacture of structural parts in aircrafts, due to their excellent ratio density-mechanical properties. Machining is commonly used in the manufacture of these parts. In addition, the actual trend is machining in dry, due to environmental and economic reasons. Under these conditions, surface integrity becomes one of the most important quality requirements applicable to machined parts. The micro and macro-geometrical properties analysis of the dry machined surface as a function of the cutting parameters is widely studied. Notwithstanding, there is a lack of research in the field dedicated to the physicochemical properties. In this paper the feed influence on the ultimate tensile strength for UNS A97075 (Al-Zn) alloy turned in dry is presented, as a first approximation to the study of the influence of the cutting parameters on this mechanical property.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Patrones entonativos de las declarativas e interrogativas de El Hierro y Fuerteventura

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    La presente tesis se enmarca dentro del proyecto internacional AMPER y se vincula a los proyectos FFI2010-16993 y FFI2014-52716-P, subvencionados por el Plan Nacional de Investigación dependiente en la actualidad del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Estudia los patrones entonativos de El Hierro y Fuerteventura a través del análisis de los parámetros que integran la prosodia (F0, duración e intensidad) desde el punto de vista fonético, fonológico y estadístico en varios tipos de corpus con distinto grado de espontaneidad y tanto en la modalidad declarativa como en la interrogativa.This thesis falls within the international project AMPER and is linked to the projects FFI2010-16993 and FFI2014-52716-P, funded by the National Research Plan currently dependent on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We study the intonation patterns of El Hierro and Fuerteventura through the analysis of the parameters that make up the prosody (F0, duration and intensity) from a phonetic, phonological and statistical point of view in different types of corpora with varying degrees of spontaneity and both in declarative and interrogative mode.Esta tesis se vincula a los proyectos FFI2010-16993 y FFI2014-52716-P, subvencionados por el Plan Nacional de Investigación dependiente en la actualidad del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Efecto de tres agentes desinfectantes sobre la estabilidad dimensional de impresiones con silicona de adición

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de tres agentes desinfectantes sobre la estabilidad dimensional de impresiones con silicona de adición. Se realizaron 32 impresiones con silicona de adición a un modelo patrón metálico, distribuidas en cuatro grupos. El primer grupo no recibió tratamiento desinfectante; los dos siguientes grupos fueron tratados por inmersión en Glutaraldehído al 2% y Digluconato de Clorhexidina al 2% y el último grupo con Zeta 7 Spray. Los modelos de yeso obtenidos fueron analizados utilizando una máquina de medición por coordenadas considerando cuatro mediciones lineales. Estas fueron comparadas con las obtenidas en el modelo patrón metálico. La diferencia de medias y el coeficiente de variación registraron valores muy bajos para considerar que hubo cambios en la estabilidad dimensional. Al comparar las mediciones de modelo patrón metálico con los modelos que no recibieron tratamiento desinfectante hubo diferencias en la distancia entre los centros de circunferencia de ambos pilares (L12); el grupo tratado con Glutaraldehído al 2% tuvo diferencias para la distancia de mayor circunferencia (D1) y para la altura del pilar de mayor circunferencia (D3); el grupo tratado con clorhexidina tuvo diferencias para D1; y el grupo tratado con Zeta 7 Spray no presento diferencias en comparación con los valores obtenidos del modelo patrón. Se concluyo que el uso de agentes desinfectantes en impresiones de silicona de adición genera variaciones en la estabilidad dimensional que no comprometen la fidelidad del modelo de yeso