268 research outputs found

    O pensamento sistêmico aplicado à advocacia: um caminho para a sua ressignificação

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    O paradigma sistêmico aplicado ao Direito remete um novo olhar deste sobre si, sobre a sua forma de realizar ciência, sobretudo no que tange a transformação da maneira tradicional com que se conduz e trabalha o fenômeno que é a força motriz para o exercício de qualquer profissão na área jurídica: o conflito. Passa a compreendê-lo como um fenômeno que desperta diversos pontos de vista e que, por isso, seria necessário retirar o enfoque sobre a culpa para efetivamente buscar (re)equilibrar o que está em desarmonia. Dirige-se o olhar para os contextos e para o reconhecimento dos ruídos nas relações. Nesse sentido, a aplicação desse paradigma a advocacia, por meio do modelo de gestão da advocacia sistêmica, pode ser um caminho de materialização de acesso à justiça, de resgate do propósito da advocacia, na mesma medida em que a ressignifica. Por isso, esse artigo objetivou, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e observacional, refletir sobre esse momento do Direito e, especialmente, da advocacia. Partindo-se, num primeiro momento, de um panorama acerca do paradigma tradicional da ciência (e do modus operandi da advocacia): cartesiano (positivista). Depois, se expôs o pensamento sistêmico como novo paradigma da ciência. Para, por fim, se sustentar a aplicação do pensamento sistêmico, como ferramenta de materialização do acesso à justiça e de ressignificação da advocacia

    E il teatro va... Que existe, todos lo dicen; dónde está, nadie lo sabe

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    In 1979, the Biennale di Venezia commissioned the architect Aldo Rossi to design the Teatro del Mondo: a floating building that should evoke the analogous constructions of the popular festivities of previous centuries, the ornate theatre stages that navigated along both the lagoon and canals, amusing the population stood on the fondamenta. As is usual in Rossi’s work, the Teatro del Mondo combined the intention of recovering past and memory adopting contemporary formal language. After taking part in the Carnival and in the International Architecture Exhibition of the 1980 Biennial, the theater sailed to Dubrovnik and was eventually dismantled. Although its materiality disappeared, the building–boat remained preserved in the memory and imagination of its admirers. For years his image could only be seen in the photos and films captured during the short existence. However, in 2004, the city of Genoa decided to rebuild the Teatro del Mondo, albeit provisionally. The forty-year anniversary of the project in 2019 provokes this article, which addresses the historiography of the famous theater, as well as discusses the theme of reconstruction in the light of the approach of the design as heritage.En 1979, la Bienal de Venecia encargó al arquitecto Aldo Rossi el proyecto para el Teatro del Mondo: un edificio flotante que evocara las construcciones análogas de las fiestas populares de los siglos antecedentes, los escenarios adornados que navegaban por la laguna y los canales entreteniendo a la población que los acompañaba. Como era característico en la obra de Rossi, el Teatro del Mondo reunía la intención de recuperar el pasado y la memoria con la adopción de un lenguaje formal contemporáneo. Después de formar parte del Carnaval y de la Exposición Internacional de Arquitectura de la Bienal, el teatro navegó hasta Dubrovnik y finalmente fue desmontado. Aunque su materialidad haya desaparecido, el edificio-barco se mantiene preservado en la memoria y en la imaginación de sus admiradores. Durante años, su imagen solo pudo recordarse a través de fotografías y películas filmadas durante su corta existencia. Sin embargo, en 2004, la ciudad de Génova decidió reconstruir el Teatro del Mondo, aunque provisionalmente. La efeméride de los cuarenta años del proyecto, en 2019, da oportunidad a este artículo, que aborda la historia del famoso teatro y discute el tema de la reconstrucción a la luz del enfoque del proyecto como patrimonio.

    Histochemical Detection of Collagen Fibers by Sirius Red/Fast Green Is More Sensitive than van Gieson or Sirius Red Alone in Normal and Inflamed Rat Colon

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    Collagen detection in histological sections and its quantitative estimation by computer-aided image analysis represent important procedures to assess tissue localization and distribution of connective fibers. Different histochemical approaches have been proposed to detect and quantify collagen deposition in paraffin slices with different degrees of satisfaction. The present study was performed to compare the qualitative and quantitative efficiency of three histochemical methods available for collagen staining in paraffin sections of colon. van Gieson, Sirius Red and Sirius Red/Fast Green stainings were carried out for collagen detection and quantitative estimation by morphometric image analysis in colonic specimens from normal rats or animals with 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (DNBS) induced colitis. Haematoxylin/eosin staining was carried out to assess tissue morphology and histopathological lesions. Among the three investigated methods, Sirius Red/Fast Green staining allowed to best highlight well-defined red-stained collagen fibers and to obtain the highest quantitative results by morphometric image analysis in both normal and inflamed colon. Collagen fibers, which stood out against the green-stained non-collagen components, could be clearly appreciated, even in their thinner networks, within all layers of normal or inflamed colonic wall. The present study provides evidence that, as compared with Sirius Red alone or van Gieson staining, the Sirius Red/Fast Green method is the most sensitive, in terms of both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of collagen fibers, in paraffin sections of both normal and inflamed colon

    Alteration of colonic excitatory tachykininergic motility and enteric inflammation following dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurodegeneration

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, including constipation and defecatory dysfunctions. The mechanisms underlying such disorders are still largely unknown, although the occurrence of a bowel inflammatory condition has been hypothesized. This study examined the impact of central dopaminergic degeneration, induced by intranigral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), on distal colonic excitatory tachykininergic motility in rats. Methods: Animals were euthanized 4 and 8 weeks after 6-OHDA injection. Tachykininergic contractions, elicited by electrical stimulation or exogenous substance P (SP), were recorded in vitro from longitudinal muscle colonic preparations. SP, tachykininergic NK1 receptor, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, as well as the density of eosinophils and mast cells in the colonic wall, were examined by immunohistochemical analysis. Malondialdehyde (MDA, colorimetric assay), TNF, and IL-1 beta (ELISA assay) levels were also examined. The polarization of peritoneal macrophages was evaluated by real-time PCR. Results: In colonic preparations, electrically and SP-evoked tachykininergic contractions were increased in 6-OHDA rats. Immunohistochemistry displayed an increase in SP and GFAP levels in the myenteric plexus, as well as NK1 receptor expression in the colonic muscle layer of 6-OHDA rats. MDA, TNF, and IL-1 beta levels were increased also in colonic tissues from 6-OHDA rats. In 6-OHDA rats, the number of eosinophils and mast cells was increased as compared with control animals, and peritoneal macrophages polarized towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Conclusions: The results indicate that the induction of central nigrostriatal dopaminergic degeneration is followed by bowel inflammation associated with increased oxidative stress, increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, activation of enteric glia and inflammatory cells, and enhancement of colonic excitatory tachykininergic motility

    Enteric dysfunctions in experimental Parkinson's disease: alterations of excitatory cholinergic neurotransmission regulating colonic motility in rats

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal symptoms, mostly represented by constipation and defecatory dysfunctions. This study examined the impact of central dopaminergic denervation, induced by injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the medial forebrain bundle, on distal colonic excitatory cholinergic neuromotor activity in rats. Animals were euthanized 4 and 8 weeks after 6-OHDA injection. In vivo colonic transit was evaluated by radiological assay. Electrically and carbachol-induced cholinergic contractions were recorded in vitro from longitudinal and circular muscle colonic preparations, while acetylcholine levels were assayed in their incubation media. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), HuC/D (pan-neuronal marker), muscarinic M2 and M3 receptors. As compared with control rats, at week 4 6-OHDA-treated animals displayed the following changes: decreased in vivo colonic transit rate; impaired electrically evoked neurogenic cholinergic contractions; enhanced carbachol-induced contractions; decreased basal and electrically stimulated acetylcholine release from colonic tissues; decreased ChAT immunopositivity in the neuromuscular layer; unchanged density of HuC/D immunoreactive myenteric neurons; increased expression of colonic muscarinic M2 and M3 receptors. The majority of such alterations were detected also at week 8 post-6-OHDA injection. These findings indicate that central nigrostriatal dopaminergic denervation is associated with an impaired excitatory neurotransmission characterized by a loss of myenteric neuronal ChAT positivity and decrease in acetylcholine release, resulting in a dysregulated smooth muscle motor activity, which likely contributes to the concomitant decrease in colonic transit rate

    CURADORIA DE COLEÇÕES FOTOGRÁFICAS EM MUSEUS: Reflexões a partir de um conjunto de fotografias do povo Asurini do Xingu

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    In the article we intend to present our curatorial experience with a set of photographs of the Asurini do Xingu people. The set brings together a large number of digital and analogical photographs that were produced over more than twenty years on the context of (ethno)archaeological and anthropological researches carried out with that Amazonian indigenous people. Our objective is to show how we are carrying out the processes of digitalization, categorization and organization of such collection, highlighting the theoretical framework that has guided us on this research. At the same time, we intend to reflect about the importance of photographic collections receiving the status of collections in museums, allowing photographs to be research and preserved as objects that aggregate and intersect stories.Neste artigo pretendemos apresentar a nossa experiência curatorial com um conjunto de fotografias do povo Asurini do Xingu. Tal conjunto reúne um grande número de fotografias digitais e analógicas que foram produzidas, ao longo de mais de vinte anos, no âmbito de pesquisas (etno)arqueológicas e antropológicas realizadas junto a este povo indígena amazônico. Nosso objetivo é mostrar como estamos realizando o processo de digitalização, categorização e organização desta coleção imagética, evidenciando o referencial teórico que tem nos orientado neste trabalho. Paralelamente, pretendemos refletir sobre a importância de os acervos fotográficos receberem o status de coleções nos museus, possibilitando que as fotografias sejam pesquisadas e preservadas enquanto objetos que agregam e intercruzam histórias


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    Ao longo dos últimos vinte anos, Fabíola Andréa Silva produziu um imenso acervo fotográfico a respeito de suas pesquisas etnoarqueológicas e arqueológicas junto ao povo indígena Asurini do Xingu. Neste texto pretendemos apresentar uma proposta metodológica de análises dessas imagens e, ao mesmo tempo, fazer uma reflexão sobre a importância da fotografia na pesquisa antropológica e da relevância dos acervos fotográficos preservados nos museus. O objetivo é mostrar que a fotografia não deve ser entendida apenas como um complemento visual para um texto escrito, pois se trata também de uma narrativa visual. Ou seja, que as imagens que constituem este acervo fotográfico não são apenas a ilustração de uma pesquisa, mas também, a narrativa visual de uma longa experiência vivida e compartilhada entre uma pesquisadora e o povo Asurini do Xingu

    The effects of obesity superimposed with aging in female mouse model

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: People worldwide are living longer and the prevalence of overweight and obesity is growing at an alarming rate. Moreover, obesity has proved to be typically more prevalent among women, who usually live longer than men. Based on these evidences and considering that obesity leads to body health consequences in a way resembling aging, the aim of this study is to evaluate whether obesity superimposed with aging worsens the agedependent changes at peripheral, systemic and central level in female mice. METHODS: The 4-week-old C57BL/6J female mice were fed with standard diet (SD, 10% of energy from fat) or high fat diet (HFD, 60% of energy from fat) for 8, 20, or 36 weeks. After the exposure to the diet, animals were weighted and fasting metabolic parameters (glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin, leptin) were measured in blood. The gastrointestinal transit was analyzed by the intestinal distribution of high molecular weight fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-dextran 70 kDa). The number of fecal pellets was evaluated during 1-hour collection period, and then the fecal water content was calculated. The integrity of intestinal barrier was assessed functionally by plasma level measurement of low molecular weight FITC-dextran 4 kDa after oral gavage and by evaluation of tight junctions occludin (western blot) and zonulin-1 (ELISA) expression level. To investigate the systemic inflammation, the following serum parameters were measured by ELISA: IL-1β, IL-6, IL-23, IL-10. Levels of Aβ1-42 amyloid (ELISA), p-Tau, SIRT1, occludin and zonulin-1 (western blot) were evaluated in hippocampus. RESULTS: In female mice, long-term HFD consumption resulted in an obese phenotype and accelerated age-dependent changes in cholesterol, glucose, insulin and leptin serum levels. Obese aged mice showed delayed intestinal transit, decreased gastric emptying, constipation, reduction in fecal water and increased intestinal permeability earlier and in an enhanced extent compared to SD aged mice. Moreover, obesity caused a further release of systemic inflammatory cytokines, previously observed during aging. Finally, HFD exposition had detrimental effects on brain barrier integrity, increased levels of Aβ1-42 amyloid and decreased SIRT1 expression in hippocampus. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrated that chronic HFD exposure worsened metabolic alterations, gastrointestinal dysfunctions and systemic inflammation observed in aged SD animals. Moreover, HFD intake caused alterations of brain barrier integrity at early time when compared to old SD mice, possibly accelerating comorbidities at central nervous system. In conclusion, obesity superimposed with aging would accelerate or aggravate the process of aging itsel

    Hemoglobin sickle cell disease in Brazil

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc