713 research outputs found

    Why not "do simple things in a simple way": Use of the Pap test as the first step in screening genetic stability for human cultured stem cell therapy?

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    The aim of this study was to analyze adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) using the Pap test as a first screening step to evaluate genetic stability. Human adipose tissue from six healthy female donors was obtained from elective liposuction procedures. The cells were isolated, cultivated at P2/P3, characterized by flow cytometric analysis, and differentiation induced. The AT-MSCs were stained by Papanicolaou staining and analyzed according to the Bethesda classification, and viability-apoptosis relationships were evaluated. The results of the Pap test for Sample I indicated high-grade alterations consistent with genetic instability; for Samples II-V, atypical cells of undetermined significance; and for Sample VI, normal cells. These results demonstrate the potential of using the Pap test as an initial screening step to evaluate the genetic stability of cultured AT-MSCs and also suggest its use for other adherent cells such as embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells

    Sward Management Targets in Natural Grasslands of Southern Brazil

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    The relationship between environment, plant and animal is one of the most important focuses in the ecological and productive context of natural grasslands. The limited knowledge of the complexity of this environment can lead to inappropriate management strategies, determining degradation, biodiversity and productivity losses. This study is based on the concept that the best way to conserve natural grasslands is through adequate management targets. This study aimed to identify sward management targets that maximize productivity in natural grasslands of Southern Brazil

    Uma Introdução às Support Vector Machines

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    This paper presents an introduction to the Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a Machine Learning technique that has received increasing attention in the last years. The SVMs have been applied to several pattern recognition tasks, obtaining results superior to those of other learning techniques in various applications.Neste artigo é apresentada uma introdução às Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte (SVMs, do Inglês Support Vector Machines), técnica de Aprendizado de máquina que vem recebendo crescente atenção nos últimos anos. As SVMs vêm sendo utilizadas em diversas tarefas de reconhecimento de padrões, obtendo resultados superiores aos alcançados por outras técnicas de aprendizado em várias aplicações

    Methods of Ryegrass Establishment (\u3cem\u3eLolium multiflorum\u3c/em\u3e Lam.) Affecting Optimal Sward Height to Maximize the Intake Rate

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    In integrated systems it is common to use the no-tillage method. The adoption of this method improves the system\u27s sustainability (Laurent et al. 2011). It is necessary to understand the effects of the integrated systems on sward structure and its consequences in the grazing process and in animal production. The intake rate of grazing animals is primarily responsible for the animal performance (Coleman 2006), which short-termdepends mainly on sward structure (Laca and Demment 2006). The sward height has great influence on the animal decision on where to take the next bite (Mcgilloway et al. 1999). The hypothesis of this work was: is there an optimum sward height for ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) to maximize the intake rate by grazing animals and does this height vary depending on the existence of the base layer of straw canopy

    Peso medio al nacer entre recién nacidos a término : tendencia, magnitud y factores asociados

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    A trend towards increasing birth weight has been shown, but factors that explain these trends have not been elucidated. The objectives of this study were to evaluate changes in mean birth weight of term newborns and to identify factors associated with them. All cohorts are population-based studies in which random samples of births (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State in 1978/1979, 1994 and 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State in 1982, 1993 and 2004; and São Luís, Maranhão State in 1997/1998 and 2010, Brazil). A total of 32,147 full-term, singleton live births were included. Mean birth weight reduced in the first study period (-89.1g in Ribeirão Preto from 1978/1979 to 1994, and -27.7g in Pelotas from 1982 to 1993) and increased +30.2g in Ribeirão Preto from 1994 to 2010 and +24.7g in São Luís from 1997 to 2010. In the first period, in Ribeirão Preto, mean birth weight reduction was steeper among mothers with high school education and among those born 39-41 weeks. In the second period, the increase in mean birth weight was steeper among mothers with low schooling in Ribeirão Preto and São Luís, females and those born 37-38 weeks in Ribeirão Preto and cesarean section in São Luís. Birth weight decreased in the first study period then increased thereafter. The variables that seem to have been able to explain these changes varied over time.Existem evidências de uma tendência de aumento do peso ao nascer, mas pouco se sabe sobre os fatores que explicam essa tendência. Avaliar as mudanças na média de peso ao nascer e identificar os fatores associados. Foram incluídas todas as coortes de base populacional com amostras aleatórias de nascimentos (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo em 1978/1979, 1994 e 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul em 1982, 1993 e 2004; São Luís, Maranhão em 1997/1998 e 2010, Brasil). Foi incluído um total de 32.147 nascidos vivos a termo, de feto único. A média de peso ao nascer diminuiu no primeiro período estudado (-89,1g entre 1978/1979 e 1994 em Ribeirão Preto e -27,7g entre 1982 e 1993 em Pelotas) e aumentou no segundo período, +30,2g entre 1994 e 2010 em Ribeirão Preto e +24,7g entre 1997 e 2010 em São Luís. No primeiro período, em Ribeirão Preto, a redução na média de peso ao nascer foi maior entre mães com escolaridade mais alta e crianças nascidas com 39-41 semanas de idade gestacional. No segundo período, o aumento na média de peso ao nascer foi maior entre mães com escolaridade mais baixa em Ribeirão Preto e São Luís, crianças do sexo feminino e nascidas com 37-38 semanas em Ribeirão Preto e crianças nascidas de cesárea em São Luís. O peso ao nascer diminuiu no primeiro período e aumentou desde então. As variáveis que parecem explicar essas mudanças variaram ao longo do tempo.Se ha mostrado una tendencia de aumento de peso al nacer, pero los factores que explican esta tendencia todavía no han sido elucidados. Evaluar los cambios en el peso medio al nacer de los recién nacidos a término e identificar factores asociados. Se trata de un estudio de todas las cohortes basadas en población, donde existe una muestra aleatoria simple de nacimientos (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo en 1978/1979, 1994 y 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul en 1982, 1993 y 2004; y São Luís, Maranhão en 1997/1998 y 2010, Brasil). Se incluyeron un total de 32.147 de nacimientos a término completo con embarazo de un único feto. El peso medio al nacer se redujo en el primer estudio del período (-89,1g en Ribeirão Preto desde 1978/1979 a 1994 y -27,7g en Pelotas desde 1982 a 1993) y se incrementó +30,2g en Ribeirão Preto desde 1994 a 2010 y +24.7g en São Luís desde 1997 a 2010. En el primer periodo, en Ribeirão Preto, la reducción del peso medio al nacer fue más pronunciada entre madres con una escolarización más alta y entre aquellos nacidos con 39-41 semanas. En el segundo período, el incremento en el peso medio al nacer fue más pronunciado entre las madres con una escolarización más baja en Ribeirão Preto y São Luís, mujeres y aquellos que nacieron con 37-38 semanas en Ribeirão Preto y en el área de cesáreas en São Luís. Disminuyó el peso al nacer durante el primer período de estudio y se vio incrementado después. Las variables que parecen capaces de explicar estos cambios varían a lo largo del tiempo

    A Method for Refining Knowledge Rules Using Exceptions

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    The search for patterns in data sets is a fundamental task in Data Mining, where Machine Learning algorithms are generally used. However, Machine Learning algorithms have biases that strengthen the classifica-tion task, not taking into consideration exceptions. Exceptions contra-dict common sense rules. They are generally unknown, unexpected and contradictory to the user believes. For this reason, exceptions may be interesting. In this work we propose a method to find exceptions out from common sense rules. Besides, we apply the proposed method in a real world data set, to discover rules and exceptions in the HIV virus protein cleavage process.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Estrutura da comunidade de morcegos (Mammalia, Chiroptera) da Estação Experimental de Itirapina, estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A estrutura de comunidades de morcegos no Brasil ainda é pouco estudada e vêm sofrendo sérias modificações devido à perda de habitats. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a comunidade de morcegos da Estação Experimental de Itirapina, município de Itirapina, Estado de São Paulo. Nesta Estação, além das espécies cultivadas de Eucalyptus e Pinus, há diversas plantas que podem fornecer alimento aos morcegos. Entre julho de 2001 e julho de 2006, foram realizadas 58 sessões noturnas de captura de morcegos com 4 a 12 redes-de-neblina dispostas a cada sessão. Nesse período, foram capturados 720 indivíduos de 16 espécies de morcegos dos quais 13 pertencem à família Phyllostomidae, duas à Vespertilionidae e uma à Molossidae. A curva cumulativa de espécies atingiu o equilíbrio, no qual apenas espécies raras são acrescentadas. Cinco espécies (Artibeus lituratus, Platyrrhinus lineatus, Carollia perspicillata, Glossophaga soricina e Sturnira lilium) representaram 80% dos morcegos capturados na Estação Experimental, onde se alimentavam de frutos de plantas pioneiras, tais como Cecropia pachystachya, Solanum spp. e Piper spp. A prevalência do vírus rábico foi zero na amostragem das 10 espécies analisadas. Apesar de estar muito modificada, a Estação Experimental de Itirapina pode ser uma importante área de abrigo e alimento para os morcegos e tem potencial de atuar como corredor entre áreas de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica.The structure of Brazilian bat communities is poor studied and they have been modified due to the loss of part of their habitats. Here we studied bat community in Estação Experimental de Itirapina, state of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. In addition to the cultivated species of Eucalyptus and Pinus in this place, native and exotic plants supply food to the bats. Four to twelve mist nets were opened in 58 nights, from July 2001 to July 2006. A total of 720 individuals of 16 bat species were caught: Five species (Artibeus lituratus, Platyrrhinus lineatus, Carollia perspicillata and Sturnira lilium) accounted for 80% of the captures. All of them are abundant in disturbed areas and feed on pioneer species, such as Cecropia pachystachya, Solanum spp. and Piper spp. Estação Experimental de Itirapina is an important place for supplying roosting and food sources for bats

    Handling Time and Bite Mass Mechanisms in Large Herbivores: Contrasts between Sward Structure and Grazing Methods

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    Grazing is a time-dependent process where jaw movements of prehension, handling and chewing compete with them (Laca et al. 1994; Ungar et al. 2006). The grazing efficiency is dependent of bite mass and time per bite. Bite mass has been related to sward structure by forage height, structural components (Cangiano et al. 2002). In rotational stocking this effect becomes more pronounced, especially under high grazing down levels. Consequently, there is a progressive reduction in short-term intake rate (Fonseca et al. in press). New management targets should be proposed based on the predominant influence of sward structure in short-term intake rate by grazing animals (Carvalho et al. 2007). We hypothesise that intake potential of animals grazing tropical pastures will be reduced due to higher constraints in bite formation when compared to temperate pastures. This study aimed to investigate the intake process of heifers under the influence of different sward heights and grazing down levels in two contrasting - tropical and temperate - forage species

    Mucociliary clearance, airway inflammation and nasal symptoms in urban motorcyclists

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    OBJECTIVES: There is evidence that outdoor workers exposed to high levels of air pollution exhibit airway inflammation and increased airway symptoms. We hypothesized that these workers would experience increased airway symptoms and decreased nasal mucociliary clearance associated with their exposure to air pollution. METHODS: In total, 25 non-smoking commercial motorcyclists, aged 18-44 years, were included in this study. These drivers work 8-12 hours per day, 5 days per week, driving on urban streets. Nasal mucociliary clearance was measured by the saccharine transit test; airway acidification was measured by assessing the pH of exhaled breath condensate; and airway symptoms were measured by the Sino-nasal Outcome Test-20 questionnaire. To assess personal air pollution exposure, the subjects used a passive-diffusion nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration-monitoring system during the 14 days before each assessment. The associations between NO2 and the airway outcomes were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and the Chi-Square test. Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01976039. RESULTS: Compared with clearance in healthy adult males, mucociliary clearance was decreased in 32% of the motorcyclists. Additionally, 64% of the motorcyclists had airway acidification and 92% experienced airway symptoms. The median personal NO2 exposure level was 75 mg/m3 for these subjects and a significant association was observed between NO2 and impaired mucociliary clearance (p = 0.036). CONCLUSION: Non-smoking commercial motorcyclists exhibit increased airway symptoms and airway acidification as well as decreased nasal mucociliary clearance, all of which are significantly associated with the amount of exposure to air pollution

    A criação de um espaço para a existência: o Espaço Lúdico Terapêutico

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    O artigo apresenta o percurso realizado pelo Espaço Lúdico Terapêutico, serviço de assistência à criança e adolescente com deficiência mental e distúrbios globais do desenvolvimento do Laboratório de Estudos sobre Deficiência e Cotidiano do Curso de Terapia Ocupacional da USP, desde a sua criação em 1996 até os dias de hoje. Um trabalho que foi se configurando no sentido de construir novas práticas que buscassem a inclusão dessas pessoas em circuitos sociais mais ampliados, através de grupos terapêuticos, oficinas de atividades, acompanhamentos terapêuticos, trabalhos na comunidade como escolas, centros esportivos ou culturais, acompanhamentos familiares etc. Além da assistência, o Espaço Lúdico Terapêutico se constituiu como um centro de ensino e pesquisas, buscando formar profissionais envolvidos na questão da inclusão da infância e adolescência com deficiência.This article gives an account of the path carried out by the "Therapeutic Playful Space", an assistance service to children and adolescents mentally handicapped and with global disorders in their development. In its Laboratory of Studies on Deficiency and Daily Routine in the Occupational Therapy Course much has been done since its creation in 1996 up today. It's a work developed by and by, aiming new experiences trying to include these people in more amplified social areas, through therapeutic groups, activity shops, therapeutic reinforcements, activities in the community, such as, schools, cultural and sports centers, home assistance etc. Besides all this support, the "Therapeutic Playful Space" has also become a centre of education and researches, trying to form professionals involved in the problem of inclusion of handicapped children and adolescents