442 research outputs found


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    While the online retailing environment has provided businesses with an unparalleled opportunity to expand and improve their profits, it has also increased the vulnerability of businesses to online credit card fraud. This paper discusses the vulnerability of online credit card payment and the risks faced by participants in online credit card payment. As well as examining the prevalence of online credit card fraud, this paper considers strategies to reduce the risk of online credit card fraud.

    Using Pictures for Teaching Vocabulary to the Junior High School Students

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    The research objective is to investigate the impact of using pictures for teaching vocabulary. The research belongs to experimental study. The study population was seventh-grade students of SMP N 2 Imogiri. While two groups or classes of the population as the sample, they are experimental and control group. The data collection technique used was pre-test and post-test. The research findings were the impacts of using pictures, and the pre-test and post-test mean score. First, the impacts of using pictures can improve the students' score, besides it also can draw the students' attention, and students enjoyed and want to participate in the instructional process. Second, the pre-test mean score of the experimental group was 63.04 and the control group was 70. While the post-test mean score of both groups had increased, the mean score of the experimental group was 90.54, and the control group was 84.29. The result of t-test indicated that there is a significant difference in students' vocabulary achievement between both groups. Then, the Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.009 which is lower than 0.05 (0.009<0.05). Thus, the Ha of the hypothesis was accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in students’ vocabulary achievement of students between both groups.     Â

    Evaluasi Program Promosi di PT. Aras Hijrah Holidays Pekanbaru

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    PT. Aras Hijrah Holidays is a travel agency in Pekanbaru. The booking system in PT. Aras Hijrah Holidays is still conventional. Customers are expected to come directly to the agency. In promoting their service, they use less effective media, so that the information given are not optimum. Many customers do not know the specific purpose and the price of each package offered. To overcome the existing problems, and in the increasingly sophisticated technology it is important to evaluate promotional programs in PT. Aras Hijrah Holidays through online media and adversiting media to help in expanding promotion and enhancing the company profits.This study used a qualitative method with descriptive approach, subjects of this study is President Director, Employees, and customers PT. Aras Hijrah Holidays. The data is collected by a study of documents, observation, interview, documentation.The result showed that the promotion program in PT. Aras Hijrah still konvensional can be seen from direct contact promotion program then, need Evaluation of Promotional programs is very helpful in promoting the supply of service


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    The impact of recurrent stroke is heavier than the first attack because it increases mortality and disability which adds to the economic burden, decreases the quality of life of post-stroke patients. Lifestyle changes that cause recurrent stroke have an impact on reducing human resource productivity. The government program through GERMAS, namely CERDIK and PATUH programs was modified by researchers to prevent recurrent strokes by behaving in a healthy behavior used online and offline booklet media. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing health education on the CERDIK and PATUH lifestyle to prevent recurrent stroke in post-stroke patients. This research design was quasi-experiment pre and post-test without control. Sampling was done using the non-probability sampling technique by accidental sampling. The sample in this study amounted to 20 respondents. The questionnaire used was the questionnaire on the health behavior of CERDIK and PATUH to prevent recurrent strokes and the risk form for stroke events. The statistic test used Wilcoxon with the value of p=0.002 (p < 0.05) which means there is an effect of education on the behavior of stroke sufferers in preventing recurrent stroke. Then the risk of stroke event with the value of p=0.001 (p < α) which means there is an effect of education on preventing the risk of recurrent stroke. Therefore, it is hoped that post-stroke patients can be given health education on the CERDIK and PATUH behavior to prevent recurrent strokes

    Evaluación y mejora del sistema de control interno del área contable de la Empresa Agrota Cia. Ltda.

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    El Objetivo de la presente investigación es la evaluación del sistema de control interno del Área contable de la empresa AGROTA CÍA. LTDA. del primer semestre de 2014, aplicando el método COSO para de esta forma identificar el componente critico que pueda afectar el desarrollo de la Área Contable y, ayude a una mejor toma de decisiones que beneficien a los socios y fortalecimiento de la empresa. Esta evaluación se realizó a través de cuestionarios de control interno dirigidos al personal involucrado en el área contable. El control interno permite a las personas involucradas en el proceso, utilizar los recursos disponibles y proporcionar un grado de seguridad razonable, con eficiencia y eficacia en las operaciones, fiabilidad de la información financiera y cumplimiento de las leyes y normas aplicables. La primera parte de este trabajo de investigación constan aspectos generales de la empresa, en la segunda parte una fundamentación teórica de Auditoría de gestión y lo correspondiente a control interno, tercero realizamos un diagnóstico del control interno en base a cuestionarios de acuerdo al COSO y de esta forma emitimos un informe de control interno. Por último, nuestra investigación cuenta con una propuesta de mejora, la misma que servirá como herramienta de ayuda para el desarrollo de las actividades del área contable.The objective of this project is to evaluate the system of internal accounting control from the AGROTA CIA. LTDA. in first half of 2014, using the COSO method, to identify the critical component that may affect the development of the accounting area and help to take the best decisions that benefit associates and the success of the company. This evaluation was realized through questionnaires of internal control to personnel involved. The Internal control allows to people involved in the process, to use available resources and provide a reasonable degree of security with efficiency and effectiveness in the activities, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations. The first part of this research has the general aspects of the company, in the second part you can get the theoretical basis of audit and internal control, to the third we developed the evaluation of internal control based on questionnaires according to COSO and produced a report of internal control. Finally, our research has a proposal for improvement; it will serve as a way for the development the activities in the accounting area.Contadora Pública AuditoraCuenc


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    This study is designed to cast light on the issue of corruption from diverse viewpoints, which is so deeply rooted in every aspect of life these days. Anti-corruption approaches on the part of the government are not expected to be so successful because the problem is too complicated. That is why appropriate comprehension of the issue is required first. This study explores the anti-corruption and corruption-preventive systems in Asia, especially in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia. Moreover, this study compares how those countries combat corruption with the aim of ascertaining why Singapore and Hong Kong are more effective in curbing corruption than Thailand and Indonesia. Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia have relied on a single anti-corruption agency (ACA) to implement the anti-corruption laws. This study concludes that the critical difference between success and failure in combating corruption in Asian countries is the political will of the government. Singapore and Hong Kong are more effective in corruption control because their governments have demonstrated their commitment by enforcing the comprehensive anticorruption laws impartially and providing the CPIB and ICAC with adequate personnel and budget to enable them to perform their functions effectively. In contrast, Thailand and Indonesia are less effective in curbing corruption because their governments lack the political will as reflected in the higher staff-population ratios and lower per capita expenditures of their ACAs and the selective enforcement of the anti-corruption laws. In addition to political will, the favourable policy contexts of Singapore and Hong Kong have enhanced the effectiveness of the CPIB and ICAC. On the other hand, the unfavourable policy contexts of Thailand and Indonesia have hindered the effectiveness of their ACAs


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    ABSTRAK Penulis mengambil pemikiran Abdullah Nashih Ulwan didasari oleh keinginan mendalami pemikiran beliau mengenai tanggung jawab pendidikan anak dalam Islam. Beliau adalah tokoh pendidikan yang kharismatik dan disegani di zamannya. Pemikirannya selalu mengacu pada Al-Qur’an dan Hadits sehingga menjadikannya tergolong sebagai literalis. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan berperan besar dalam perkembangan Islam dan pendidikan terutama melalui beberapa hasil karyanya dan termasuk salah satu karyanya yang populer adalah Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam. Adapun rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kewajiban orang tua terhadap pendidikan anak usia 0-6 tahun menurut Abdullah Nashih Ulwan? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendidikan anak dalam islam, baik dan ideal menurut salah-satu cendikiawan muslim yang berkecimpung dalam bidang dakwah dan pendidikan yaitu Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan yang tertuang dalam salah satu karya beliau “Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam (pendidikan anak dalam Islam)”. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan sumber data primernya berupa kitab salah satunya terjemahan Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam karya Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder berupa buku Paradigma Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam, Teladan Rasulullah Saw Dalam Mendidik Anak, Pendidikan Islam Dalam Keluarga dan Sekolah dan Lain-Lain. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dokumentasi serta metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa dapat diambil kesimpulan yaitu: pertama pemikiran Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan tentang pendidikan, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan itu tidak hanya berfungsi membangun intelektualitas seseorang, tetapi lebih pada upaya membangun kesadaran manusia agar memiliki kesadaran bertauhid. Kedua tanggung jawab pendidikan yang diuraikan Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan dengan mengajari, mengarahkan dan mendidik. Ketiga tanggung jawab pendidikan anak dalam islam menurut Abdullah Nashih Ulwan adalah meliputi : 1) Tanggung jawab pendidikan iman, atau memberikan dasar-dasar keimanan. 2) Tanggung jawab pendidikan moral, memberikan dasar-dasar pendidikan moral serta keutamaan sikap dan watak. 3) Tanggung jawab pendidikan fisik, memberikan nafkah kepada anak agar bisa tumbuh dan dewasa. 4) Tanggung jawab pendidikan akal, membentuk pola berpikir anak terhadap segala sesuatu yang bermanfaat, baik berupa ilmu syar’i, kebudayaan, maupun ilmu modern. 5) Tanggung jawab pendidikan kejiwaan, membentuk anak, menyempurnakan, serta menyeimbangkan kepribadiannya hingga di saat ia memasuki usia taklif. 6) Tanggung jawab pendidikan sosial, mengajari anak semenjak kecilnya untuk berpegang pada etika sosial yang utama . Kata Kunci: Kewajiban Orang Tua, Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam, Abdullah Nashih Ulwa


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    Telah dilakukan pengembangan perangkat identifikasi telur busuk berbasis sensor Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) pada keadaan terbuka. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode research & development. Pengembangan dilakukan pada identifikasi telur yang tidak harus diisolasi dari cahaya luar selain cahaya sumber. Berdasarkan penelitian awal diperoleh bahwa cahaya eksternal tidak mempengaruhi pembacaan sensor identifikasi secara signifikan. Diperoleh pula nilai batas kualitas telur dari pengambilan data kuat pencahayaan terhadap 20 butir telur layak konsumsi dan telur busuk dari telur ayam negeri, ayam kampung, dan telur bebek. Telur layak konsumsi memiliki kuat pencahayaan > 6.99 Lux, sedangkan telur busuk memiliki kuat pencahayaan ≤ 6.99 Lux. Bertolak dari hasil penelitian awal tersebut, dilakukan pengujian terhadap perangkat sederhana yang dirancang menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino Mega 2560 ADK sebagai pusat kendali. Dalam pengujian secara real terhadap 10 butir telur dari jenis yang berbeda diperoleh tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 100% dengan kecepatan identifikasi sebesar 3 detik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa identifikasi telur busuk tidak harus dilakukan di tempat gelap seperti pada teknik tradisional atau pengkondisian perangkat secara tertutup seperti pada perangkat-perangkat yang sudah ada