1,149 research outputs found


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    The physical principle that governs how ships are moored to a port has changed little over the years. Nevertheless, in recent decades, there have been developments in maritime transport towards increased vessel dimensions and operations in specialist terminals. These trends mean that offshore ports and mooring systems have to face more challenging conditions in terms of the waves, wind and drift current. At the same time, pier side port loading and unloading systems place demands on the mooring system, which must immobilise ships better. In this situation, the mooring system’s own equipment, such as lines, deck fittings and mooring winches, must also evolve to work alongside new port devices. It is also necessary to point out that changes in mooring will take place in subsequent years. These innovations in attaching the ship to the pier will be highlighted here as they mark a significant change in mooring and pier components

    Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and radiation exposure in new building materials in Spain

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    Novel building materials were manufactured and analyzed for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K using an HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer. The results show that the highest value of 40K was 4530 Bq per kg which was measured in a sample containing fly ashes from olive stones. The highest values of 226Ra and 232Th activities were 181 and 185 Bq per kg, which were measured in a sample with fly ashes from the co-combustion of coal and coke, respectively. On the other hand, the lowest values of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th activities were obtained for samples incorporating mussel shells. The radiological health hazard parameters, such as radium equivalent activity (Raeq), activity concentration index (I), absorbed and effective dose rates, associated with these radionuclides were evaluated. These values are within the EU recommended limits in building materials, except for samples of concrete containing fly ashes from olive stones, coal and coke. This study has contributed to the inclusion of industrial wastes that have not been collected previously in the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) databases on radioactivity of building materials

    Radiología oral como apoyo al diagnóstico en la relación periodontitis-diabetes mellitus

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    La salud pública es una disciplina que se encarga de la protección y la calidad de la salud en la población. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales que abarca la salud pública es la higiene oral, el cual pretende enseñar a la comunidad que un mal hábito de higiene pueden desarrollar enfermedades como la gingivitis o inflamación de las encías que posteriormente se puede convertir en una enfermedad periodontal, o se pueden formar algunos quistes dentígenos en la boca. La Organización Mundial de La Salud (OMS) establece que las desigualdades sociales juegan un papel importante para que haya presencia de enfermedades orales, pero también destaca que la diabetes se convirtió en un problema de salud pública al ser una enfermedad generada por un mal hábito de alimentación, entre otros aspectos. La diabetes es una enfermedad endocrina caracterizada por la elevación de la glucosa en la sangre, la cual con el tiempo puede desencadenar una enfermedad periodontal, siendo esta una etapa de la diabetes mellitus. La radiología oral es de gran ayuda en el diagnóstico de enfermedades orales, ya que por medio de la utilización de rayos x se puede visualizar la estructura de los dientes y así poder reconocer el compromiso de severidad que tiene la enfermedad en la cavidad bucal.AbstractPublic health is a discipline responsible for the protection and quality of health in the population, one of the fundamental aspects covering public health is oral hygiene, where it is known that maintaining hygiene a bad habit can be developed diseases such as gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums which have subsequently be converted into a periodontal disease, or may be formed in some cysts dentígenos mouth. The OMS ¨World Health Organization states that ¨ social inequalities play an important role their presence of oral diseases, but also highlights that diabetes has become a public health problem since the disease is caused by a bad diet habit amongalia Diabetes is an endocrine disease characterized by elevated blood glucose, which over time the patient has periodontal disease being one stage of diabetes mellitus Oral radiology is a diagnostic aid that through x-ray can visualize the structure of the teeth and be able to recognize the commitment of having the disease severity in the oral cavityKeywords: gingivitis, public health, periodontitis, diabetes mellitus, orthopantomography

    Radiología oral como apoyo al diagnóstico en la relación periodontitis-diabetes mellitus

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    La salud pública es una disciplina que se encarga de la protección y la calidad de la salud en la población. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales que abarca la salud pública es la higiene oral, el cual pretende enseñar a la comunidad que un mal hábito de higiene pueden desarrollar enfermedades como la gingivitis o inflamación de las encías que posteriormente se puede convertir en una enfermedad periodontal, o se pueden formar algunos quistes dentígenos en la boca. La Organización Mundial de La Salud (OMS) establece que las desigualdades sociales juegan un papel importante para que haya presencia de enfermedades orales, pero también destaca que la diabetes se convirtió en un problema de salud pública al ser una enfermedad generada por un mal hábito de alimentación, entre otros aspectos. La diabetes es una enfermedad endocrina caracterizada por la elevación de la glucosa en la sangre, la cual con el tiempo puede desencadenar una enfermedad periodontal, siendo esta una etapa de la diabetes mellitus. La radiología oral es de gran ayuda en el diagnóstico de enfermedades orales, ya que por medio de la utilización de rayos x se puede visualizar la estructura de los dientes y así poder reconocer el compromiso de severidad que tiene la enfermedad en la cavidad bucal.AbstractPublic health is a discipline responsible for the protection and quality of health in the population, one of the fundamental aspects covering public health is oral hygiene, where it is known that maintaining hygiene a bad habit can be developed diseases such as gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums which have subsequently be converted into a periodontal disease, or may be formed in some cysts dentígenos mouth. The OMS ¨World Health Organization states that ¨ social inequalities play an important role their presence of oral diseases, but also highlights that diabetes has become a public health problem since the disease is caused by a bad diet habit amongalia Diabetes is an endocrine disease characterized by elevated blood glucose, which over time the patient has periodontal disease being one stage of diabetes mellitus Oral radiology is a diagnostic aid that through x-ray can visualize the structure of the teeth and be able to recognize the commitment of having the disease severity in the oral cavityKeywords: gingivitis, public health, periodontitis, diabetes mellitus, orthopantomography

    Pixel-based colour contrast for abandoned and stolen object discrimination in video surveillance

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    This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Electronics Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital LibraryA novel approach is proposed for discriminating between abandoned or stolen previously detected stationary foreground regions in video surveillance. It is based on measuring the colour contrast of the contour of the stationary object under analysis at pixel level. Two contrasts are computed by analysing such a contour in the current and background frames. Then, both are combined for performing the discrimination. The experimental results over a heterogeneous dataset containing real scenarios demonstrate that this approach outperforms the related literature and greatly reduces the computational cost of the discrimination task, allowing real-time operation.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2011-25995), by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and by The European Social Fund

    Impacto de la presencia de enfermedad cardiovascular en el control de presión arterial y lípidos en la población hipertensa asistida en atención primaria

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    ObjetivosDeterminar el impacto de la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) (insuficiencia cardíaca, cardiopatía isquémica, enfermedad cerebrovascular, insuficiencia renal y arteriopatía periférica) en el control de la presión arterial (PA) y del colesterol de las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (cLDL) en una población de pacientes hipertensos.DiseñoSe analizó al subgrupo de pacientes incluidos en el estudio PRESCOT (estudio transversal de sujetos hipertensos asistidos en atención primaria).EmplazamientoEn el estudio participaron 2.000 médicos de atención primaria, en España.ParticipantesSe analizó a 12.954 pacientes (el 50,1%, varones; media de edad, 62,1±10,7 años). Se consideró buen control de PA cifras < 140/90mmHg (< 130/80mmHg en diabéticos), y de cLDL, los establecidos por ATP III para cada grupo de riesgo.ResultadosDel total de pacientes incluidos, 3.294 (25,43%) tenían ECV establecida (media de edad, 66,0±10,2 años; el 56,3%, varones). El 82,2% de los pacientes con ECV eran dislipémicos, y el 45,6%, diabéticos (frente al 72,3 y el 23,9%, respectivamente, del grupo de pacientes sin ECV; p<0,0001). Los pacientes con ECV tomaban más antihipertensivos (el 55,7 frente al 30,4% tomaban 2 o más fármacos; p<0,001) y más hipolipemiantes (el 67,6 frente al 55,4%; p<0,001) que los pacientes sin ECV. La PA se controló en el 25,3% de los pacientes con ECV frente al 26,7% (p=0,095), y el cLDL en el 13,3 frente al 40,2% (p<0,001). El 7% de los pacientes con ECV tenían bien controlados ambos parámetros frente al 18,7% (p<0,001).Los principales factores relacionados con el mal control de PA fueron la diabetes (odds ratio [OR] = 1,20; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 1,10-1,30), el sedentarismo (OR=1,19; IC del 95%, 1,11-1,29) y el sexo femenino (OR=1,12; IC del 95%, 1,02-1,23), entre otros, mientras que para el control del cLDL, los antecedentes familiares de ECV (OR=1,34; IC del 95%, 1,24-1,46), el sedentarismo (OR=1,28; IC del 95%, 1,18-1,39) y la diabetes (OR=1,15; IC del 95%, 1,06-1,26), entre otros.ConclusionesEl control de la PA y del cLDL es muy pobre en la población hipertensa con ECV. Únicamente el 7% tienen ambos parámetros bien controlados.ObjectivesTo determine the impact of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, renal insufficiency, and peripheral arterial disease) on blood pressure (BP) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) control in hypertense patients.DesignWe analysed the subset of patients with CVD from those included in the PRESCOT study (a cross-sectional study of hypertense patients attended in primary care).SettingA total of 2000 primary care physicians participated in the study.ParticipantsIn an analysis of 12 954 patients (50.1% males; aged 62.1 [10.7]), good BP control was defined as <140/90mm Hg (<130/80mm Hg for diabetics) and good LDL-C control, according to the ATP-III stipulations for every risk group.ResultsOverall, 3294 (25.43%) patients had established CVD (mean age, 66.0 [10.2] years; 56.3% males). Of these, 82.2% had dyslipidaemia and 45.6% were diabetics (vs 72.3% and 23.9%, respectively, in non-CVD group; P<.0001). Patients with CVD were treated with more anti-hypertensives (55.7% vs 30.4% were on ≥2 drugs; P<.001) and more lipid-lowering drugs (67.6% vs 55.4%, P<.001) than patients without CVD. BP was controlled in 25.3% of patients with CVD versus 26.7% (P=.095); and LDL-C in 13.3% versus 40.2% (P<.001). Only 7.0% of patients with CVD were well controlled for both parameters versus 18.7% of those without CVD (P<.001). The main predictive factors of poor BP control were Diabetes (OR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.10-1.30), sedentary lifestyle (OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.11-1.29) and female gender (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.02-1.23), among others; whilst the main factors for poor LDL-C control were a family history of CVD (OR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.24-1.46), sedentary lifestyle (OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.18-1.39), and diabetes (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.06-1.26).ConclusionsBP and LDL-C control in the hypertense population with CVD is very poor. In fact, only 7% of these patients have both parameters well controlled

    Comprehensive Toxicity Assessment of PEGylated Magnetic Nanoparticles for in vivo applications

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) represent one of the greatest promises for the development of a new generation of diagnostic agents for magnetic resonance imaging, with improved specificity and safety. Indeed, during the last decade the number of studies published in this field has grown exponentially. However, the clinical translation achieved so far has been very limited. This situation is likely related to the fact that most studies are focused on the in vitro characterization of these new nanomaterials, and very few provide an exhaustive in vivo characterization, where key aspects, such as pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, and, most importantly, toxicity, are properly evaluated. In this work, we propose a protocol for the comprehensive assessment of the toxicity of MNPs, based on the use of zebrafish embryos as an intermediate screening step between cell culture assays and studies in rodents. MNPs with different cores, ferrite and manganese ferrite oxide, and sizes between 3 and 20 nm, were evaluated. Cell viability at a concentration of 50 μg/mL of PEGylated MNPs was above 90 % in all cases. However, the exposure of zebrafish embryos to manganese based MNPs at concentrations above 100 μg/ mL showed a low survival rate (< 50 %). In contrast, no mortality (survival rate ∼100 %) and normal hatching rate were obtained for the iron oxide MNPs. Based on these results, together with the physicochemical and magnetic properties (r2 = 153.6 mM-1·s-1), the PEGylated 20 nm cubic shape iron oxide MNPs were selected and tested in mice, showing very good MRI contrast and, as expected, absence of toxicity.Consejería de Andalucía Sanidad de la Junta de Andalucía - PI2013-0559Ministerio español de Economía y Competitividad - CTQ2017-86655-RUniversidad de Sevilla - V Plan Propi

    Estudio estructural del exopolisacárido producido por un cultivo sumergido del hongo entomopatogénico Metarhizium anisopliae

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    El exopolisacárido (EPS) separado desde el hongo entomopatogénico Metarhizium anisopliae determinado por cromatografía de  exclusión en gel ser homogéneo. La cromatografía iónica de alto rendimiento con detección de pulso amperométrico (HPAE-PAD) mostró  un contenido de monosacáridos D-galactosamina y D-fucosa en una relación molar de alrededor de 2:1. Los resultados obtenidos desde la  espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier (FT-IR) y la segunda derivada del espectro FT-IR confirmaron la estructura  propuesta

    Relations entre maturation sexuelle, structure familiale et revenu par habitant d’un échantillon d’élèves d’El Yopal, Casanare (Colombie)

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    Le but de cette étude est d’établir les caractéristiques de la maturation sexuelle et de déterminer ses relations avec l’environnement socio-économique et familial d’un échantillon de 864 élèves (468 filles et 396 garçons) de la ville du Yopal, dans le département du Casanare en Colombie. Nous avons précisé l’âge aux différents stades de développement sexuel et l’âge aux premières règles par analyse des probits ainsi que l’indice de maturité sexuelle par sexe, pour chacune des catégories socio-économiques, déterminées à partir des revenus mensuels par habitant ; nous avons étudié, pour chacune d’elles, le comportement de quelques variables socio-économiques familiales (composition familiale, niveau d’étude des parents, stabilité des revenus) et éco-géographiques. Nous avons établi le niveau de signification des différences entre les groupes (t-test) pour des valeurs p < 0,05. Dans ce travail, nous présentons et discutons les correspondances existantes entre les facteurs décrits ci-dessus, dans une population qui a subi d’importants changements économiques et démographiques au cours des 10 dernières années. Finalement, nous notons l’importance de préciser, de tester et de valider des indicateurs auxologiques pour établir des comparaisons.The goal of this study is to define the sexual maturation characteristics of a population sample of 864 students (468 females and 396 males) from El Yopal, Casanare-Colombia, and to establish their relationship to two variables: family structure and per capita income. Using the probit method, we determined 1) the sexual development stages, with respect to age and sex, and 2) the age of menarche. We thereby calculated the sexual maturation index for two socio-economic groups (defined by monthly per capita income) and analyzed socio-economic factors —such as family composition, parents’ level of education, revenue stability— and eco-geographical variables. The differences between the socio-economic groups were taken into account only for p values < 0.05. This article focuses on the relationship between sexual maturation, domestic structure, and per capita income in a population that has undergone very important economic and demographic transformations over the last decade. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes the need to establish, test and validate auxological indicators for comparative purposes

    Estudio de la implantación de un módulo silvo pastoril con especies autóctonas dentro de un sistema real de producción basado en pasturas perennes, Bahía Blanca, Semiárido bonaerense, Argentina

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    El área bajo estudio, es pastoril ganadera con una precipitación media de 647mm, 70% de suelos clase IV y 34% de IP. En estos ambientes es importantes el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras, como los Sistemas Silvo Pastoriles (SSP), reportando mejoras en las condiciones del ganado, servicios ecosistémicos, reducción de la erosión, fertilidad de suelo, secuestro de gases y beneficios económicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo, es el estudio de la implantación y superviviencia de un módulo SSP demostrativo con especies autóctonas “Algarrobo de chile” (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) sobre pasturas perennes implantadas, dentro de un sistema ganadero real de producción, para la promoción y adopción de los SSP en la zona. La implantación fue el 19-9-2017, en 4 hileras, de 34 plantas a 3 mts. a una distancia entre hileras de 40 mts. La edad de los algarrobos, en la primera hilera (T1) fue de 2 años, y las restantes de 1 año de edad (T2). Se realizaron tres mediciones el 21-11-17, 8-11-18 y 7-3-19, relevando la supervivencia; diámetro y altura para la primera fecha. La supervivencia para T1, en la primera, segunda y tercera fecha fue de 100, 97 y 97% y para T2 80, 63 y 59%. La altura promedio para T1 fue de 74cm (DST ±35) y un diámetro de 5,19 cm (DST ± 2,84) y T2 22cm (DST ± 7) y 0,65cm (DST ± 0,1) respectivamente. El estudio demuestra que es una especie arbustiva propicia para la región semiárida bonaerense y que implantando árboles de más de 2 años se lograría la mayor supervivencia.The area under study is cattle grazing with an average rainfall of 647mm, 70% of class IV soils and 34% of IP. In these environments, the development of innovative technologies is important, such as Silvo Pastoriles Systems (SSP), reporting improvements in livestock conditions, ecosystem services, reduction of erosion, soil fertility, gas sequestration and economic benefits. The objective of the present work is the study of the implantation and survival of a demonstrative SSP module with autochthonous species “Algarrobo de chile” (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) on implanted perennial pastures, within a real livestock production system, for the promotion and adoption of SSPs in the area. The implantation was 19-9-2017, in 4 rows, with 34 plants at 3 meters. at a distance between rows of 40 meters. The carob trees' age in the first row (T1) was 2 years, and the rest in 1 year of age (T2). Three measurements were made on 11-21-17, 8-11-18 and 7-3-19, revealing survival; diameter and height for the first date. Survival for T1 on the first, second and third dates was 100, 97 and 97% and for T2 80, 63 and 59%. The average height for T1 was 74cm (DST ± 35) and a diameter of 5.19 cm (DST ± 2.84) and T2 22cm (DST ± 7) and 0.65cm (DST ± 0.1) respectively. The study shows that it is a favorable shrub species for the semi-arid region of Buenos Aires and that implanting trees of more than 2 years would achieve the highest survival.A área em estudo é de gado pastoril, com uma precipitação média de 647 mm, 70% dos solos da classe IV e 34% da PI. Nesses ambientes, é importante o desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras, como o sistema silvo pastoris, relatando melhorias nas condições da pecuária, serviços ecossistêmicos, redução da erosão, fertilidade do solo, sequestro de gás e benefícios econômicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da implantação e sobrevivência de um módulo demonstrativo de SSP com espécies nativas "Algarrobo do Chile" (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) em pastagens perenes implantadas, dentro de um sistema real de produção animal, para promoção e adoção de SSPs na área. A implantação foi em 19-9-2017, em 4 linhas, de 34 plantas a 3 metros, a uma distância entre linhas de 40 metros. A idade das alfarrobeiras na primeira linha (T1) foi de 2 anos e o restante de 1 ano (T2). Três medidas foram feitas em 21- 11-17, 8-11-18 e 7-3-19, aliviando a sobrevida; diâmetro e altura para o primeiro encontro. A sobrevida para T1, na primeira, segunda e terceira datas, foi de 100, 97 e 97% e para T2 80, 63 e 59%. A altura média para T1 foi de 74 cm (DST ± 35) e um diâmetro de 5,19 cm (DST ± 2,84) e T2 de 22 cm (DST ± 7) e 0,65 cm (DST ± 0,1), respectivamente. O estudo mostrou que é uma espécie arbustiva adequada para a região semi-árida de Buenos Aires e que, com a implantação de árvores com mais de 2 anos, a maior sobrevivência seria alcançada.EEA BordenaveFil: Lauric, Miriam Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Torres Carbonell, Carlos Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: De Leo, Gerónimo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Tizon, Francisco Rodrigo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Caro, Luis. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Rosetti, Verónica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Hernández, Luis. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin