139 research outputs found

    Constitutive Expression of Pluripotency-Associated Genes in Mesodermal Progenitor Cells (MPCs)

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    Background: We recently characterized a progenitor of mesodermal lineage (MPCs) from the human bone marrow of adults or umbilical cord blood. These cells are progenitors able to differentiate toward mesenchymal, endothelial and cardiomyogenic lineages. Here we present an extensive molecular characterization of MPCs, from bone marrow samples, including 39 genes involved in stem cell machinery, differentiation and cell cycle regulation. Methodology/Principal Findings: MPCs are cytofluorimetrically characterized and quantitative RT-PCR was performed to evaluate the gene expression profile, comparing it with MSCs and hESCs lines. Immunofluorescence and dot-blot analysis confirm qRT-PCR data. MPCs exhibit an increased expression of OCT4, NANOG, SALL4, FBX15, SPP1 and to a lesser extent c-MYC and KLF4, but lack LIN28 and SOX2. MPCs highly express SOX15. Conclusions/Significance: MPCs express many pluripotency-associated genes and show a peculiar Oct-4 molecular circuit. Understanding this unique molecular mechanism could lead to identifying MPCs as feasible, long telomeres, target cells for reprogramming with no up-regulation of the p53 pathway. Furthermore MPCs are easily and inexpensively harvested fro

    The Floodplain Woods of Tuscany

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    The contraction of lowland forests throughout Europe began in remote times and then intensified strongly with land reclamation by agriculture and urbanization during the first half of the last century. We present a map of the Floodplain Woods of Tuscany on a scale of 1:300,000 as a synthesis of that built at the scale of 1:10,000 and the methods used to obtain it. Nearly 90% of the patches contain habitats of concern to conservation, according to the Habitat Directive. The Tuscan Floodplain Woods remained prevalent in coastal areas, where some levels of protection are guaranteed by the presence of several protected areas, whereas they have practically vanished in the other parts of the regional territory. The resulting patches are very small and distant from each other, so only in-depth management of all potential floodplain forest areas, taking into consideration patches for their regeneration, can be useful to assure their conservation

    Efeito da restrição calórica sobre os níveis de uréia e creatinina séricas em cães obesos

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    The structure of the Shiga toxin 2a A-subunit dictates the interactions of the toxin with blood components

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    Hemolytic uremic syndrome (eHUS) is a severe complication of human infections with Shiga toxins (Stxs)-producing Escherichia coli. A key step in the pathogenesis of eHUS is the interaction of Stxs with blood components before the targeting of renal endothelial cells. Here, we show that a single proteolytic cleavage in the Stx2a A-subunit, resulting into two fragments (A1 and A2) linked by a disulfide bridge (cleaved Stx2a), dictates different binding abilities. Uncleaved Stx2a was confirmed to bind to human neutrophils and to trigger leukocyte/platelet aggregate formation, whereas cleaved Stx2a was ineffective. Conversely, binding of complement factor H was confirmed for cleaved Stx2a and not for uncleaved Stx2a. It is worth noting that uncleaved and cleaved Stx2a showed no differences in cytotoxicity for Vero cells or Raji cells, structural conformation, and contaminating endotoxin. These results have been obtained by comparing two Stx2a batches, purified in different laboratories by using different protocols, termed Stx2a(cl; cleaved toxin, Innsbruck) and Stx2a(uncl; uncleaved toxin, Bologna). Stx2a(uncl) behaved as Stx2a(cl) after mild trypsin treatment. In this light, previous controversial results obtained with purified Stx2a has to be critically re-evaluated; furthermore, characterisation of the structure of circulating Stx2a is mandatory to understand eHUS-pathogenesis and to develop therapeutic approaches

    Actual and potential impact of air pollution on Italian forests: results from the long-term national forest monitoring networks under the ICP Forests

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    Actual and potential pressure and impacts of air pollution have been summarized by using the dataseries of the Italian forest monitoring networks (CONECOFOR), mostly on the basis of evaluations carried out within the LIFE project SMART4Action. Trends in air pollution shows only few important reductions (e.g.: sulphate and ozone). The impacts on forest health status, increments and standing volumes, plant diversity, soil and nutrient are discussed. Evidences of risk are also reported, mainly due to N deposition, on all the response factors

    Low pH enhances the action of maximin H5 against Staphylococcus aureus and helps mediate lysylated phosphatidylglycerol induced resistance

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    Maximin H5 (MH5) is an amphibian antimicrobial peptide specifically targeting Staphylococcus aureus. At pH 6, the peptide showed an increased ability to penetrate (∆П = 6.2 mN m-1) and lyse (lysis = 48 %) S. aureus membrane mimics, which incorporated physiological levels of lysylated phosphatidylglycerol (Lys-PG, 60 %) as compared to pH 7 (∆П = 5.6 mN m-1 and lysis = 40 % at pH 7) where levels of Lys-PG are lower (40 %). The peptide therefore appears to have optimal function at pH levels known to be optimal for the organism’s growth. MH5 killed S. aureus (minimum inhibitory concentration = 90 µM) via membranolytic mechanisms that involved the stabilization of α-helical structure (circa 45-50 %) and which showed similarities to the ‘Carpet’ mechanism based on its ability to increase the rigidity (Cs-1 = 109.94 mN m-1) and thermodynamic stability (∆Gmix = -3.0) of physiologically relevant S. aureus membrane mimics at pH 6. Based on theoretical analysis this mechanism may involve the use of a tilted peptide structure and efficacy was noted to vary inversely with the Lys-PG content of S. aureus membrane mimics for each pH studied (R2 circa 0.97), which led to the suggestion that under biologically relevant conditions, low pH helps mediate Lys-PG induced resistance in S. aureus to MH5 antibacterial action. The peptide showed a lack of haemolytic activity (< 2 % haemolysis) and merits further investigation as a potential template for development as an anti-staphylococcal agent in medically and biotechnically relevant areas
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