293 research outputs found

    Star Formation Quenching in Quasar Host Galaxies

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    Galaxy evolution is likely to be shaped by negative feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN). In the whole range of redshifts and luminosities studied so far, galaxies hosting an AGN frequently show fast and extended outflows consisting in both ionized and molecular gas. Such outflows could potentially quench the start formation within the host galaxy, but a clear evidence of negative feedback in action is still missing. Hereby I will analyse integral-field spectroscopic data for six quasars at z ~ 2.4 obtained with SINFONI in the H- and K-band. All the quasars show [Oiii]\u3bb5007 line detection of fast, extended outflows. Also, the high signal-to-noise SINFONI observations allow the identification of faint narrow H\u3b1 emission (FWHM < 500 km/s), which is spatially extended and associated with star formation in the host galaxy. On paper fast outflows are spatially anti-correlated with star-formation powered emission, i.e., star formation is suppressed in the area affected by the outflow. Nonetheless as narrow, spatially-extended H\u3b1 emission, indicating star formation rates of at least 50\u2013100 M 99 yr 121, has been detected, either AGN feedback is not affecting the whole host galaxy, or star formation is completely quenched only by several feedback episodes. On the other hand, a positive feedback scenario, supported by narrow emission in H\u3b1 extending along the edges of the outflow cone, suggests that galaxy-wide outflows could also have a twofold role in the evolution of the host galaxy. Finally, I will present CO(3-2) ALMA data for three out of the six QSOs observed with SINFONI. Flux maps obtained for the CO(3-2) transition suggest that molecular gas within the host galaxy is swept away by fast winds. A negative-feedback scenario is supported by the inferred molecular gas mass in all three objects, which is significantly below what observed in non-active main-sequence galaxies at high-z

    Kinematics of z6z\geq 6 galaxies from [CII] line emission

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    We study the kinematical properties of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization via the [CII] 158μ\mum line emission. The line profile provides information on the kinematics as well as structural properties such as the presence of a disk and satellites. To understand how these properties are encoded in the line profile, first we develop analytical models from which we identify disk inclination and gas turbulent motions as the key parameters affecting the line profile. To gain further insights, we use "Althaea", a highly-resolved (30pc30\, \rm pc) simulated prototypical Lyman Break Galaxy, in the redshift range z=67z = 6-7, when the galaxy is in a very active assembling phase. Based on morphology, we select three main dynamical stages: I) Merger , II) Spiral Disk, and III) Disturbed Disk. We identify spectral signatures of merger events, spiral arms, and extra-planar flows in I), II), and III), respectively. We derive a generalised dynamical mass vs. [CII]-line FWHM relation. If precise information on the galaxy inclination is (not) available, the returned mass estimate is accurate within a factor 22 (44). A Tully-Fisher relation is found for the observed high-zz galaxies, i.e. L[CII](FWHM)1.80±0.35L_{\rm[CII]}\propto (FWHM)^{1.80\pm 0.35} for which we provide a simple, physically-based interpretation. Finally, we perform mock ALMA simulations to check the detectability of [CII]. When seen face-on, Althaea is always detected at >5σ> 5\sigma; in the edge-on case it remains undetected because the larger intrinsic FWHM pushes the line peak flux below detection limit. This suggests that some of the reported non-detections might be due to inclination effects.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deep into the structure of the first galaxies: SERRA views

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    We study the formation and evolution of a sample of Lyman Break Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization by using high-resolution (10pc\sim 10 \,{\rm pc}), cosmological zoom-in simulations part of the SERRA suite. In SERRA, we follow the interstellar medium (ISM) thermo-chemical non-equilibrium evolution, and perform on-the-fly radiative transfer of the interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The simulation outputs are post-processed to compute the emission of far infrared lines ([CII], [NII], and [OIII]). At z=8z=8, the most massive galaxy, `Freesia', has an age t409Myrt_\star \simeq 409\,{\rm Myr}, stellar mass M4.2×109MM_{\star} \simeq 4.2\times 10^9 {\rm M}_{\odot}, and a star formation rate SFR11.5Myr1{\rm SFR} \simeq 11.5\,{\rm M}_{\odot}{\rm yr}^{-1}, due to a recent burst. Freesia has two stellar components (A and B) separated by 2.5kpc\simeq 2.5\, {\rm kpc}; other 11 galaxies are found within 56.9±21.6kpc56.9 \pm 21.6 \, {\rm kpc}. The mean ISRF in the Habing band is G=7.9G0G = 7.9\, G_0 and is spatially uniform; in contrast, the ionisation parameter is U=22+20×103U = 2^{+20}_{-2} \times 10^{-3}, and has a patchy distribution peaked at the location of star-forming sites. The resulting ionising escape fraction from Freesia is fesc2%f_{\rm esc}\simeq 2\%. While [CII] emission is extended (radius 1.54 kpc), [OIII] is concentrated in Freesia-A (0.85 kpc), where the ratio Σ[OIII]/Σ[CII]10\Sigma_{\rm [OIII]}/\Sigma_{\rm [CII]} \simeq 10. As many high-zz galaxies, Freesia lies below the local [CII]-SFR relation. We show that this is the general consequence of a starburst phase (pushing the galaxy above the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation) which disrupts/photodissociates the emitting molecular clouds around star-forming sites. Metallicity has a sub-dominant impact on the amplitude of [CII]-SFR deviations.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted by MNRA

    ALMA Detection of Extended [C II] Emission in Himiko at z = 6.6

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    Himiko is one of the most luminous Ly{\alpha} emitters at z = 6.595. It has three star forming clumps detected in the rest-frame UV, with a total SFR = 20 M_\odot/yr. We report the ALMA detection of the [CII]158μ\mum line emission in this galaxy with a significance of 9σ\sigma. The total [CII] luminosity (L[CII]= (1.2±\pm0.2)×\times108^{8} L_{\odot}) is fully consistent with the local L[CII]-SFR relation. The ALMA high-angular resolution reveals that the [CII] emission is made of two distinct components. The brightest [CII] clump is extended over 4 kpc and is located on the peak of the Ly{\alpha} nebula, which is spatially offset by 1 kpc relative to the brightest UV clump. The second [CII] component is spatially unresolved (size <<2 kpc) and coincident with one of the three UV clumps. While the latter component is consitent with the local L[CII]-SFR relation, the other components are scattered above and below the local relation. We shortly discuss the possible origin of the [CII] components and their relation with the star forming clumps traced by the UV emission

    Gas and star formation from HD and dust emission in a strongly lensed galaxy

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    The molecular gas content of high-redshift galaxies is a highly sought-after property. However, H2_2 is not directly observable in most environments, so its mass is probed through other emission lines (e.g., CO, [CI], [CII]), or through a gas-to-dust ratio. Each of these methods depends on several assumptions, and are best used in parallel. In this work, we extend an additional molecular gas tracer to high-redshift studies by observing hydrogen deuteride (HD) emission in the strongly lensed z=5.656z=5.656 galaxy SPT0346-52 with ALMA. While no HD(1-0) emission is detected, we are able to place an upper limit on the gas mass of MH2<6.4×1011M\rm M_{H_2}<6.4\times10^{11} M_{\odot}. This is used to find a limit on the LCO\rm L'_{CO} conversion factor of αCO<5.8\rm\alpha_{CO}<5.8 M_{\odot}(K km s1^{-1} pc2^2)1^{-1}. In addition, we construct the most complete spectral energy distribution (SED) of this source to date, and fit it with a single-temperature modified blackbody using the nested sampling code MultiNest, yielding a best-fit dust mass Mdust=108.92±0.02\rm M_{dust}=10^{8.92\pm0.02} M_{\odot}, dust temperature 78.6±0.578.6\pm0.5 K, dust emissivity spectral index β=1.81±0.03\beta=1.81\pm0.03, and star formation rate SFR=3800±100\rm SFR=3800\pm100 M_{\odot} year1^{-1}. Using the continuum flux densities to estimate the total gas mass of the source, we find MH2<2.4×1011\rm M_{H_2}<2.4\times10^{11} M_{\odot}, assuming sub-solar metallicity. This implies a CO conversion factor of αCO<2.2\rm \alpha_{CO}<2.2, which is between the standard values for MW-like galaxies and starbursts. These properties confirm that SPT0346-52 is a heavily starbursting, gas rich galaxy.STFC ER

    Is there any evidence that ionised outflows quench star formation in type 1 quasars at z<1?

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    The aim of this paper is to test the basic model of negative AGN feedback. According to this model, once the central black hole accretes at the Eddington limit and reaches a certain critical mass, AGN driven outflows blow out gas, suppressing star formation in the host galaxy and self-regulating black hole growth. We consider a sample of 224 quasars selected from the SDSS at z<1 observed in the infrared band by Herschel. We evaluate the star formation rate in relation to several outflow signatures traced by the [OIII]4959,5007 and [OII]3726,3729 emission lines in about half of the sample with high quality spectra. Most of the quasars show asymmetric and broad wings in [OIII], which we interpret as outflow signatures. We separate the quasars in two groups, ``weakly'' and ``strongly'' outflowing, using three different criteria. When we compare the mean star formation rate in five redshift bins in the two groups, we find that the SFRs are comparable or slightly larger in the strongly outflowing quasars. We estimate the stellar mass from SED fitting and the quasars are distributed along the star formation main sequence, although with a large scatter. The scatter from this relation is uncorrelated with respect to the kinematic properties of the outflow. Moreover, for quasars dominated in the infrared by starburst or by AGN emission, we do not find any correlation between the star formation rate and the velocity of the outflow, a trend previously reported in the literature for pure starburst galaxies. We conclude that the basic AGN negative feedback scenario seems not to agree with our results. Although we use a large sample of quasars, we did not find any evidence that the star formation rate is suppressed in the presence of AGN driven outflows on large scale. A possibility is that feedback is effective over much longer timescales than those of single episodes of quasar activity.Comment: 18 pages, new version that implements the suggestions of the referee and matches the AA published versio

    The multi-phase winds of Markarian 231: from the hot, nuclear, ultra-fast wind to the galaxy-scale, molecular outflow

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    We present the best sensitivity and angular resolution maps of the molecular disk and outflow of Mrk 231, as traced by CO observations obtained with IRAM/PdBI, and we analyze archival Chandra and NuSTAR observations. We constrain the physical properties of both the molecular disk and outflow, the presence of a highly-ionized ultra-fast nuclear wind, and their connection. The molecular outflow has a size of ~1 kpc, and extends in all directions around the nucleus, being more prominent along the south-west to north-east direction, suggesting a wide-angle biconical geometry. The maximum projected velocity of the outflow is nearly constant out to ~1 kpc, thus implying that the density of the outflowing material decreases from the nucleus outwards as r2r^{-2}. This suggests that either a large part of the gas leaves the flow during its expansion or that the bulk of the outflow has not yet reached out to ~1 kpc, thus implying a limit on its age of ~1 Myr. We find M˙OF=[5001000] M yr1\dot M_{OF}=[ 500-1000]~ M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} and E˙kin,OF=[710]×1043\dot E_{kin,OF}=[7-10]\times 10^{43} erg s1^{-1}. Remarkably, our analysis of the X-ray data reveals a nuclear ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with velocity -20000 km s1^{-1}, M˙UFO=[0.32.1] Myr1\dot M_{UFO}=[0.3- 2.1] ~M_\odot yr^{-1}, and momentum load P˙UFO/P˙rad=[0.21.6]\dot P_{UFO}/\dot P_{rad}=[0.2-1.6].We find E˙kin,UFOE˙kin,OF\dot E_{kin,UFO}\sim \dot E_{kin,OF} as predicted for outflows undergoing an energy conserving expansion. This suggests that most of the UFO kinetic energy is transferred to mechanical energy of the kpc-scale outflow, strongly supporting that the energy released during accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes is the ultimate driver of giant massive outflows. We estimate a momentum boost P˙OF/P˙UFO[3060]\dot P_{OF}/\dot P_{UFO}\approx [30-60]. The ratios E˙kin,UFO/Lbol,AGN=[15]%\dot E_{kin, UFO}/L_{bol,AGN} =[ 1-5]\% and E˙kin,OF/Lbol,AGN=[13]%\dot E_{kin,OF}/L_{bol,AGN} = [1-3]\% agree with the requirements of the most popular models of AGN feedback.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Warm dust in high-z galaxies: origin and implications

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    ALMA observations have revealed the presence of dust in galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (redshift z>6z>6). However, the dust temperature, TdT_d, remains unconstrained, and this introduces large uncertainties, particularly in the dust mass determinations. Using an analytical and physically-motivated model, we show that dust in high-zz, star-forming giant molecular clouds (GMC), largely dominating the observed far-infrared luminosity, is warmer ($T_d > 60\ \mathrm{K})thanlocally.ThisisduetothemorecompactGMCstructureinducedbythehighergaspressureandturbulencecharacterizingearlygalaxies.ThecompactnessalsodelaysGMCdispersalbystellarfeedback,thus) than locally. This is due to the more compact GMC structure induced by the higher gas pressure and turbulence characterizing early galaxies. The compactness also delays GMC dispersal by stellar feedback, thus \sim 40\%ofthetotalUVradiationemittedbynewlybornstarsremainsobscured.Ahigher of the total UV radiation emitted by newly born stars remains obscured. A higher T_dhasadditionalimplications:it(a)reducesthetensionbetweenlocalandhigh has additional implications: it (a) reduces the tension between local and high-zIRX IRX-\beta$ relation, (b) alleviates the problem of the uncomfortably large dust masses deduced from observations of some EoR galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Turbulence/outflows perpendicular to low-power jets in Seyfert galaxies

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    We present recent results from our MAGNUM survey of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN), which exploits observations from the optical/near-IR integral field spectrograph MUSE at VLT. We detect strongly enhanced line widths in emission line maps of four galaxies perpendicularly to their low-power jets and AGN ionisation cones, indicative of turbulent/outflowing material. The observation of a similar phenomenon in other works suggests that it originates from an interaction mechanism between the jet and the galaxy disc through which it propagates