5,628 research outputs found

    Increased H2_2CO production in the outer disk around HD 163296

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    Three formaldehyde lines were observed (H2_2CO 303_{03}--202_{02}, H2_2CO 322_{22}--221_{21}, and H2_2CO 321_{21}--220_{20}) in the protoplanetary disk around the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 with ALMA at 0.5 arcsecond (60 AU) spatial resolution. H2_2CO 303_{03}--202_{02} was readily detected via imaging, while the weaker H2_2CO 322_{22}--221_{21} and H2_2CO 321_{21}--220_{20} lines required matched filter analysis to detect. H2_2CO is present throughout most of the gaseous disk, extending out to 550 AU. An apparent 50 AU inner radius of the H2_2CO emission is likely caused by an optically thick dust continuum. The H2_2CO radial intensity profile shows a peak at 100 AU and a secondary bump at around 300 AU, suggesting increased production in the outer disk. Different parameterizations of the H2_2CO abundance were compared to the observed visibilities with χ2\chi^2 minimization, using either a characteristic temperature, a characteristic radius or a radial power law index to describe the H2_2CO chemistry. Similar models were applied to ALMA Science Verification data of C18^{18}O. In all modeling scenarios, fits to the H2_2CO data show an increased abundance in the outer disk. The overall best-fit H2_2CO model shows a factor of two enhancement beyond a radius of 270±\pm20 AU, with an inner abundance of 2 ⁣ ⁣5×10122\!-\!5 \times 10^{-12}. The H2_2CO emitting region has a lower limit on the kinetic temperature of T>20T > 20 K. The C18^{18}O modeling suggests an order of magnitude depletion in the outer disk and an abundance of 4 ⁣ ⁣12×1084\!-\!12 \times 10^{-8} in the inner disk. The increase in H2_2CO outer disk emission could be a result of hydrogenation of CO ices on dust grains that are then sublimated via thermal desorption or UV photodesorption, or more efficient gas-phase production beyond about 300 AU if CO is photodisocciated in this region

    Classifying the embedded young stellar population in Perseus and Taurus & the LOMASS database

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    Context. The classification of young stellar objects (YSOs) is typically done using the infrared spectral slope or bolometric temperature, but either can result in contamination of samples. More accurate methods to determine the evolutionary stage of YSOs will improve the reliability of statistics for the embedded YSO population and provide more robust stage lifetimes. Aims. We aim to separate the truly embedded YSOs from more evolved sources. Methods. Maps of HCO+ J=4-3 and C18O J=3-2 were observed with HARP on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) for a sample of 56 candidate YSOs in Perseus and Taurus in order to characterize emission from high (column) density gas. These are supplemented with archival dust continuum maps observed with SCUBA on the JCMT and Herschel PACS to compare the morphology of the gas and dust in the protostellar envelopes. The spatial concentration of HCO+ J=4-3 and 850 micron dust emission are used to classify the embedded nature of YSOs. Results. Approximately 30% of Class 0+I sources in Perseus and Taurus are not Stage I, but are likely to be more evolved Stage II pre-main sequence (PMS) stars with disks. An additional 16% are confused sources with an uncertain evolutionary stage. Conclusions. Separating classifications by cloud reveals that a high percentage of the Class 0+I sources in the Perseus star forming region are truly embedded Stage I sources (71%), while the Taurus cloud hosts a majority of evolved PMS stars with disks (68%). The concentration factor method is useful to correct misidentified embedded YSOs, yielding higher accuracy for YSO population statistics and Stage timescales. Current estimates (0.54 Myr) may overpredict the Stage I lifetime on the order of 30%, resulting in timescales of 0.38 Myr for the embedded phase.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted to be published in A&

    Book Reviews

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    PUBLIC PLANNING AND CONTROL OF URBAN AND LAND DEVELOPMENT. CASES AND MATERIALS. By Donald G. Hagman. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1973. Pp. 1208. 18.50.UNIONPOWERANDTHEPUBLICINTEREST.ByDr.EmersonP.Schmidt.LosAngeles:NashPublishing,1973.Pp.204.18.50. UNION POWER AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST. By Dr. Emerson P. Schmidt. Los Angeles: Nash Publishing, 1973. Pp. 204. 10.00. THE BENCHWARMERS: THE PRIVATE WORLD OF THE POWERFUL FEDERAL JUDGES. By Joseph C. Goulden. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1974. Pp. 375. $12.50

    Concretizing God - Fetishism and the Social Construction of Objects

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    This thesis investigates the agency of objects within the context of contemporary art discourse by viewing them through the lens of fetishism. The fetish has been widely used to describe a material object that possesses some concentrated force or power beyond its materiality - a power that is somehow inordinate, misplaced or inflated (Graeber, 2005: 434). This power is mediated and maintained socially, dependent upon particular beliefs and activated the moment it is interacted with. In this sense, by viewing objects as agential, fetishism constitutes a social theory of objects, and furthermore a condition wherein objects are capable of becoming autonomous social entities in their own right. The research is positioned within the contextual field of socially engaged art practice, with particular emphasis to Relational Aesthetics by Nicolas Bourriaud (Bourriaud, 2002: 112), which was written in relation to the growing prevalence of socially engaged practice as he saw it emerging in the 1990s (Ibid). However, an optical contemplation of objects as an inherently social activity is negated from Bourriaud’s writing (Bishop, 2005: 62). The research has found that fetishism provides a useful means with which to understand both the social and participatory implications of objects within the context of contemporary art. I have investigated these capacities using a practiceled methodology, wherein my art practice has developed alongside my engagement with the literature, which I have used in tandem in order to further my understanding of fetishism and its relationship to contemporary art discourse. I have subsequently produced three sculptures and one public intervention which have been photographically documented, as well as autoethnographic responses of my own mental process of creating them. The research has subsequently identified and explored three crucial topics on the fetishistic capacities of objects within this context; their death, their life and the illusion they create

    Tissue-specific regulation of translational readthrough tunes functions of the traffic jam transcription factor

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    Translational readthrough (TR) occurs when the ribosome decodes a stop codon as a sense codon, resulting in two protein isoforms synthesized from the same mRNA. TR has been identified in several eukaryotic organisms; however, its biological significance and mechanism remain unclear. Here, we quantify TR of several candidate genes in Drosophila melanogaster and characterize the regulation of TR in the large Maf transcription factor Traffic jam (Tj). Using CRISPR/Cas9-generated mutant flies, we show that the TR-generated Tj isoform is expressed in a subset of neural cells of the central nervous system and is excluded from the somatic cells of gonads. Control of TR in Tj is critical for preservation of neuronal integrity and maintenance of reproductive health. The tissue-specific distribution of a release factor splice variant, eRF1H, plays a critical role in modulating differential TR of leaky stop codon contexts. Finetuning of gene regulatory functions of transcription factors by TR provides a potential mechanism for cell-specific regulation of gene ex-pression

    Profile of the most common complaints for five health professions in Australia

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    © 2019 AHHA. Objective: The aims of this study were to profile the most common complaints and to examine whether any demographic factors are associated with receiving a complaint for five health professions in Australia. Methods: A national cohort study was conducted for all complaints received for medicine, nursing/midwifery, dentistry, pharmacy and psychology from 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2013 (18 months). Data were collected from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), the New South Wales (NSW) Health Professional Councils' Authority and the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission. The frequency and risk of complaints were summarised for the five professions and by demographic information. Results: There were 545 283 practitioners registered with AHPRA between 1 July 2012 and 31 December 2013, consisting of 20 935 dentists, 101 066 medical practitioners, 363 040 nurses/midwives, 28 370 pharmacists and 31 872 psychologists. During the study period there were 12 616 complaints, corresponding to an annual rate of 1.5 per 100 practitioners. Complaints were most common for doctors and dentists (5% per annum per practitioner) and least common for nurses/midwives (0.5% per annum per practitioner). Sex (P < 0.01), age (P < 0.01) and country of birth (P < 0.01) were all associated with risk of complaint. The most common complaints were clinical care (44% of all complaints), medication (10%) and health impairment of the practitioner (8%). Types of complaints varied by profession, sex and age. Conclusions: The risk of a complaint is low, but varies by profession and demographics. The types of complaints also vary by profession and demographics. Differences between professions is most likely driven by their different work tasks and work environments. What is already known on this subject?: Although complaints are summarised annually from state and national health regulators, no overall national summary of complaints across professions exists. Thus, it is difficult to examine which complaints are most common, how professions differ from each other or what factors may be associated with risk and type of complaint. Previous studies have primarily focused on a single profession, such as medicine, where, for example, the number of prior complaints, sex, doctor speciality and age have been found to be associated with recurrent complaints. What does this paper add?: This paper is the first of this kind to provide a national summary of all complaints from five of the most common health professions in Australia. We found that regardless of profession, men were at least twice as likely to have a complaint made against them than women. We also found that the types of complaint differed between men and women. There were similarities across professions for the most common types of complaints, but clear differences between professions were also noted. Not surprising, clinical care was typically the most common type of complaint for the five professions, but somewhat surprising was the inclusion of health impairment as one of the most common types of complaints. What are the implications for practitioners?: Identifying the most common complaints, and the factors associated with these, may assist practitioners to understand their risk(s) of complaint and could potentially assist educators and regulators develop education programs that help reduce complaints

    Medical Professionals' Perspectives on Prescribed and Over-The-Counter Medicines Containing Codeine: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objectives: To explore prescribing practitioners' perspectives on prescribed codeine use, their ability to identify dependence and their options for treatment in the UK. Design: Cross-sectional design using a questionnaire containing closed-ended and open-ended items. Setting: A nationally representative sample of prescribing professionals working in the UK. Participants: 300 prescribing professionals working in primary care and pain settings. Results: Participants stated that they regularly reviewed patients prescribed codeine, understood the risks of dependence and recognised the potential for codeine to be used recreationally. Over half the participants felt patients were unaware of the adverse health consequences of high doses of combination codeine medicines. One-quarter of participants experienced patient resentment when asking about medicines containing codeine. Just under 40% of participants agreed that it was difficult to identify problematic use of codeine without being informed by the patient and did not feel confident in identification of codeine dependence. Less than 45% of all participants agreed that codeine dependence could be managed effectively in general practice. Slow or gradual withdrawal was the most popular suggested treatment in managing dependence. Education and counselling was also emphasised in managing codeine-dependent patients in primary care. Conclusions: Communication with patients should involve assessment of patient understanding of their medication, including the risk of dependence. There is a need to develop extra supports for professionals including patient screening tools for identifying codeine dependence. The support structure for managing codeine-dependent patients in primary care requires further examination

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Interactions with Chaplains and Nursing Northwell Health Outcomes: A Survey Study

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of nursing Northwell Health (n = 51) in an academic hospital finding a significant inverse relationship between the frequency of chaplaincy interaction and perceived stress (r = − 0.27, p = 0.05). We also found a significant positive relationship between rated importance of having a chaplain at the hospital and secondary trauma (r = 0.30, p = 0.03). There was a significant positive relationship between religiosity and rated importance for having a chaplain (r = 0.30, p = 0.03) and rated helpfulness of chaplains (r = 0.32, p = 0.02). Similarly, there was a significant positive relationship between spirituality and average length of conversations with a chaplain, rated importance for having a chaplain, and helpfulness of chaplains (r = 0.32, p = 0.03; r = 0.44, p = 0.001; and r = 0.52, p = 0.0001, respectively). Interaction with chaplains is associated with decreased employee perceived stress for nursing Northwell Health who provide care for severely ill patients