148 research outputs found

    Nutrição de precisão em dietas de vacas leiteiras de alta produção e seus impactos na produção e composição do leite

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Rodrigo de AlmeidaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/03/2016Inclui referências : f. 33-36;70-72Área de concentração : Nutrição e produção animalResumo: A nutrição de precisão ganhou muita evidência nos últimos anos devido principalmente ao aumento considerável do custo alimentar em fazendas leiteiras, além da preocupação constante com a excreção do excesso de nutrientes ao meio ambiente. A genética destes animais apresentou também grandes avanços, e apenas dietas corretamente balanceadas proporcionam a expressão total de seu potencial. Porém muitas vezes, independentemente do tempo e esforços gastos para a formulação de uma dieta adequada, a ingestão real de nutrientes pelas vacas ou até mesmo a dieta que será disponibilizada a elas não reflete fielmente a formulação original. Neste contexto encontramos comumente "três" dietas dentro de uma fazenda, a dieta do nutricionista, formulada cuidadosamente para atender as exigências nutricionais dos animais com o melhor custo possível; a dieta do tratador, função do carregamento, mistura e distribuição dos ingredientes aos animais; e finalmente a dieta realmente consumida, A variação da qualidade dos alimentos, os erros durante o preparo da dieta, e o comportamento de seleção são os principais fatores envolvidos na baixa acurácia e precisão da nutrição. Práticas de manejo que assegurem que as "três" dietas serão muito parecidas são extremamente desejadas, mostrando influenciar a produção e composição do leite. Além da composição de nutrientes da dieta ofertada as vacas, o monitoramento da distribuição do tamanho de partículas também se faz necessário, visto sua grande importância para o constante consumo da dieta ao longo do dia e da maior assertividade no balanceamento de fibra, que por sinal é extremamente importante para a manutenção da saúde e longevidade dos animais. Em nosso estudo observacional, erros associados ao carregamento em excesso dos ingredientes concentrados influenciou negativamente o teor de gordura (%G) (r= -0,52; p=0,05) e a produção de leite (r= -0,47; p<0,05). O excesso de partículas longas nas forragens foi associado a redução do %G e da relação gordura/proteína (%G/%P) do leite. A variação diária do teor de matéria seca da dieta ofertada aumentou a proporção de vacas com %G/%P inferior a 1 e reduziu a %G/%P (r= 0,40; p=0,09 e r= -0,43; p=0,07 respectivamente). A baixa homogeneidade das partículas longas da dieta foi correlacionada positivamente com o aumento de seleção contra estas pelas vacas (r= -0,64; p<0,05), que por sua vez apresentou comportamento curvilinear com o %G. Estes resultados confirmam que o manejo alimentar e a precisão da dieta afetam a produção de leite e suas características Palavras-chave: Nutrição de precisão, produção de leite, tamanho médio de partículas.Abstract: The precision of nutrition gained much evidence in recent years mainly due to the considerable increase in feed cost on dairy farms and the constant concern with the excretion of excess nutrients to the environment. The genetics of these animals also showed great progress, and only properly balanced diets provide the full expression of their potential. But often, regardless of the time and efforts spent for the formulation of a proper diet, the actual nutrient intake by the cows or even diet is made available to them not accurately reflect the original formulation. In this context we find commonly "three" diets within a farm, the nutritionist's diet, carefully formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of animals with the best possible cost; the diet of the handler, loading function, mixing and distribution of ingredients to animals; and finally the diet actually consumed, the variation of quality of food, the mistakes during the preparation of the diet, and the selection behavior are the main factors involved in low accuracy and precision of nutrition. management practices to ensure that the "three" diets are very similar are extremely desirable, showing influence milk production and composition. In addition to the nutrient composition of the offered diet of cows, monitoring the particle size distribution is also needed, since its importance for the constant consumption of diet throughout the day and the more assertive the fiber balancing, which signal it is extremely important for health maintenance and longevity of animals. In our observational study, errors associated loading in excess of the concentrated ingredients adversely affected the fat (%G) (r= -0.52; p=0.05) and milk production (r= -0.47, p<0.05). The excess of long particles in the fodder has been associated with reduction in %G and fat/protein ration (%G/%P) of milk. The daily variation of the dry matter content of the offered diet increased the proportion of cows with %G/% P less than 1, and reduced the %G/% P (r= 0.40; p=0.09 and r= -0.43; p=0.07 respectively). The low homogeneity of the long particles diet was positively correlated with increased by selection against these cows (r= -0.64; p<0.05), which showed a curvilinear behavior with %G. These results confirm that the feeding management and diet of the accuracy affect the milk production and characteristics. Keywords: Nutrition precision, average particle size, milk production

    The Twist Property and the Existence of Invariant Curves for Convex Billiards on Surfaces

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    This work presents a framework for billiards in convex domains on two dimensional Riemannian manifolds. These domains are contained in connected, simply connected open subsets which are totally normal. In this context, some basic properties that have long been known for billiards on the plane are established. We prove the twist property and investigate conditions on the billiard for the existence and non existence of rotational invariant curves

    The plea bargaining in the anticrime project: advantages and challenges of introducing the institute into the Brazilian legal system

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    The present essay deals with the progressive introduction of Plea Bargaining in our legal system, discussing advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine, considering the major purposes of the jurisdiction, among which certainly is not to lead innocent people to confess a crime that they did not commit.O presente ensaio trata do avanço da introdução do Plea Bargaining no nosso sistema jurídico, discorrendo sobre vantagens e desvantagens do instituto considerando os fins maiores da jurisdição, dentre os quais certamente não está o de conduzir pessoas inocentes a assumirem um crime que não cometeram


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    This text aims to contextualize the thematic session “Public policies on education/physical education, sport, leisure and health.” The thematic session is a partnership between the Public Policy Thematic Working Group of the Colégio Brasileiro de Ciência de Esporte and Revista Corpoconsciência. Eight different productions from different regions of the country were approved for publication. The reflections have as their starting point the search for the public policies of education/physical education, sport, leisure and health to be strengthened and materialized as rights social.Este texto tiene como objetivo contextualizar la sesión temática “Políticas públicas en educación/educación física, deporte, ocio y salud”. La sesión temática es una alianza entre el Grupo de Trabajo Temático de Políticas Públicas del Colégio Brasileiro de Ciência de Esporte and Revista Corpoconsciência. Se aprobaron para su publicación ocho producciones diferentes de distintas regiones del país, las reflexiones tienen como punto de partida la búsqueda de que las políticas públicas de educación/educación física, deporte, ocio y salud se fortalezcan y materialicen como derechos sociales.Este texto tem o objetivo de contextualizar a sessão temática “Políticas públicas de educação/educação física, esporte, lazer e saúde”. A sessão temática é uma parceria entre o Grupo de Trabalho da Temática de políticas públicas do Colégio Brasileiro de Ciência de Esporte e a Revista Corpoconsciência. Foram aprovados para publicação 8 diferentes produções de diversas regiões do país. As reflexões têm como ponto de partida a busca para que as políticas públicas de educação/educação física, esporte, lazer e saúde sejam fortalecidas e materializadas como direitos sociais

    A Multiplex Test Assessing MiR663ame and VIMme in Urine Accurately Discriminates Bladder Cancer from Inflammatory Conditions

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    Bladder cancer (BlCa) is a common malignancy with significant morbidity and mortality. Current diagnostic methods are invasive and costly, showing the need for newer biomarkers. Although several epigenetic-based biomarkers have been proposed, their ability to discriminate BlCa from common benign conditions of the urinary tract, especially inflammatory diseases, has not been adequately explored. Herein, we sought to determine whether VIMme and miR663ame might accurately discriminate those two conditions, using a multiplex test. Performance of VIMme and miR663ame in tissue samples and urines in testing set confirmed previous results (96.3% sensitivity, 88.2% specificity, area under de curve (AUC) 0.98 and 92.6% sensitivity, 75% specificity, AUC 0.83, respectively). In the validation sets, VIMme-miR663ame multiplex test in urine discriminated BlCa patients from healthy donors or patients with inflammatory conditions, with 87% sensitivity, 86% specificity and 80% sensitivity, 75% specificity, respectively. Furthermore, positive likelihood ratio (LR) of 2.41 and negative LR of 0.21 were also disclosed. Compared to urinary cytology, VIMme-miR663ame multiplex panel correctly detected 87% of the analysed cases, whereas cytology only forecasted 41%. Furthermore, high miR663ame independently predicted worse clinical outcome, especially in patients with invasive BlCa. We concluded that the implementation of this panel might better stratify patients for confirmatory, invasive examinations, ultimately improving the cost-effectiveness of BlCa diagnosis and management. Moreover, miR663ame analysis might provide relevant information for patient monitoring, identifying patients at higher risk for cancer progression

    VIRMA-dependent N6-methyladenosine modifications regulate the expression of long non-coding RNAs CCAT1 and CCAT2 in prostate cancer

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    RNA methylation at position N6 in adenosine (m6A) and its associated methyltransferase complex (MTC) are involved in tumorigenesis. We aimed to explore m6A biological function for long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in prostate cancer (PCa) and its clinical significance. m6A and MTC levels in PCa cells were characterized by ELISA and western blot. Putative m6A-regulated lncRNAs were identified and validated by lncRNA profiler qPCR array and bioinformatics analysis, followed by m6A/RNA co-immunoprecipitation. Impact of m6A depletion on RNA stability was assessed by Actinomycin D assay. The association of m6A-levels with PCa prognosis was examined in clinical samples. Higher m6A-levels and VIRMA overexpression were detected in metastatic castration-resistant PCa (mCRPC) cells (p < 0.05). VIRMA knockdown in PC-3 cells significantly decreased m6A-levels (p = 0.0317), attenuated malignant phenotype and suppressed the expression of oncogenic lncRNAs CCAT1 and CCAT2 (p < 0.00001). VIRMA depletion and m6A reduction decreased the stability and abundance of CCAT1/2 transcripts. Higher expression of VIRMA, CCAT1, and CCAT2 as a group variable was an independent predictor of poor prognosis (HR = 9.083, CI95% 1.911–43.183, p = 0.006). VIRMA is a critical factor sustaining m6A-levels in PCa cells. VIRMA downregulation attenuates the aggressive phenotype of PCa by overall reduction of m6A-levels decreasing stability and abundance of oncogenic lncRNAs

    Uncertainty modeling : fundamental concepts and models

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    This book series represents a commendable effort in compiling the latest developments on three important Engineering subjects: discrete modeling, inverse methods, and uncertainty structural integrity. Although academic publications on these subjects are plenty, this book series may be the first time that these modern topics are compiled together, grouped in volumes, and made available for the community. The application of numerical or analytical techniques to model complex Engineering problems, fed by experimental data, usually translated in the form of stochastic information collected from the problem in hand, is much closer to real-world situations than the conventional solution of PDEs. Moreover, inverse problems are becoming almost as common as direct problems, given the need in the industry to maintain current processes working efficiently, as well as to create new solutions based on the immense amount of information available digitally these days. On top of all this, deterministic analysis is slowly giving space to statistically driven structural analysis, delivering upper and lower bound solutions which help immensely the analyst in the decisionmaking process. All these trends have been topics of investigation for decades, and in recent years the application of these methods in the industry proves that they have achieved the necessary maturity to be definitely incorporated into the roster of modern Engineering tools. The present book series fulfills its role by collecting and organizing these topics, found otherwise scattered in the literature and not always accessible to industry. Moreover, many of the chapters compiled in these books present ongoing research topics conducted by capable fellows from academia and research institutes. They contain novel contributions to several investigation fields and constitute therefore a useful source of bibliographical reference and results repository. The Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (LAJSS) is honored in supporting the publication of this book series, for it contributes academically and carries technologically significant content in the field of structural mechanics

    Fundamental concepts and models for the direct problem

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    This book series is an initiative of the Post Graduate Program in Integrity of Engineering Materials from UnB, organized as a collaborative work involving researchers, engineers, scholars, from several institutions, universities, industry, recognized both nationally and internationally. The book chapters discuss several direct methods, inverse methods and uncertainty models available for model-based and signal based inverse problems, including discrete numerical methods for continuum mechanics (Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method, Mesh-Free Method, Wavelet Method). The different topics covered include aspects related to multiscale modeling, multiphysics modeling, inverse methods (Optimization, Identification, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science), Uncertainty Modeling (Probabilistic Methods, Uncertainty Quantification, Risk & Reliability), Model Validation and Verification. Each book includes an initial chapter with a presentation of the book chapters included in the volume, and their connection and relationship with regard to the whole setting of methods and models

    Sampling grid size for characterization of the spatial variability of phosphorus and potassium in an Oxisol

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a acurácia na caracterização da variabilidade espacial de fósforo e potássio disponíveis no solo, pelo uso de diferentes dimensões de malhas amostrais, bem como a similaridade dos mapas temáticos gerados. O estudo foi conduzido em área de Latossolo Vermelho de 41,96 ha, em Boa Vista das Missões, RS. A amostragem de solo foi realizada na camada de 0,00–0,10 m, tendo-se utilizado sete dimensões de malha amostral: 50x50, 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 150x150, 175x175 e 200x200 m. Os dados de P e K foram submetidos às análises de estatística descritiva e de geoestatística, e a similaridade dos mapas temáticos gerados foi analisada pelo coeficiente de desvio relativo e pela matriz de correlação de Pearson. A redução da dimensão da malha amostral aumenta a acurácia na caracterização da variabilidade espacial de P e K e, consequentemente, a qualidade das informações geradas por meio dos mapas temáticos. Malhas amostrais ≤100x100 m são recomendadas para planos de amostragem de solo adotados nas áreas de agricultura de precisão no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.The objective of this work was to evaluate the accuracy in the characterization of the spatial variability of soil phosphorus and potassium, using different sampling grid sizes, as well as the similarity of the thematic maps generated. The study was carried out in a 41.96 ha Oxisol area in the municipality of Boa Vista das Missões, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Soil sampling was done at the 0.00–0.10 m layer, using seven sampling grid sizes: 50x50, 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 150x150, 175x175, and 200x200 m. P and K data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistical analyses, and the similarity of the thematic maps generated was analyzed by the coefficient of relative deviation and Pearson’s correlation matrix. The reduction in the size of the sampling grid increases the accuracy in the characterization of the spatial variability of P and K and, consequently, the information generated by the thematic maps. Sampling grid sizes ≤100x100 m are recommended for soil sampling plans adopted in precision agriculture areas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil