53 research outputs found

    Influence of harvesting techniques, grape crushing and wine treatments on the volatile components of white wines

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    Trebbiano white grapes were harvested both by hand and mechanically, with the addition of O2 and SO2 at crushing in the vineyard. After wine-making in standard conditions, the wines were cla rified with different fining agents.The wines were tested to identify the volatile components. The method developed included solvent extraction, concentration, GLC and GLC/MS an alysis. Over 60 compounds were ide ntified, some of which were previously unidentified.Only some volatile components were significantly affected by the harvesting techniques or by clarification treatments. The hyperoxygenation of the crushed grapes lowered the aroma profile, improving the content of the more oxidized molecules. The S02 addition increased maceration phenomena, but decreased wine stability to browning reactions. The wine finishing with bentonite and other clarifying additives resulted in a loss of some aroma compounds due to volatilization

    Maní tostado con miel y maní tostado de Argentina. Análisis químico y sensorial

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    The objective of this work was to characterize the chemical and sensory aspects of Honey Roasted (HRP) and Roasted Peanuts (RP). These products were evaluated for sensory analysis: overall acceptance using a consumer test and a descriptive analysis using a trained panel. Percentages of protein, oil, carbohydrate and ash was analyzed in HRP and RP. The contents of carbohydrate, oil and protein in HRP were 28.22%, 45.56% and 21.06%, respectively. RP showed higher percentages of lipids and protein and lower percentages of carbohydrate content than HRP. The total energetic value was lower in HRP. Values of 8 (like very much) were chosen by a higher number of consumer panelist for HRP while values of 6 (like slightly) were found in a higher proportion for RP. The trained panel described 11 attributes: brown color, roughness, roasted peanutty, oxidized, cardboard, sweet, salty, bitter, sour, hardness and crunchiness. The roasted peanutty intensity in RP was higher than in HRP. The intensities of roughness, sweet and salty in HRP were higher than in RP.El objetivo del trabajo fue caracterizar química y sensorialmente al Maní Tostado con Miel (MTM) y Maní Tostado (MT). Estos dos productos fueron evaluados sensorialmente analizando su aceptabilidad por parte de consumidores (test de aceptabilidad) y sus atributos sensoriales por el uso de un panel de jueces entrenados (prueba descriptiva). Por otra parte se describió la composición química porcentual: porcentajes de proteínas, aceites, hidratos de carbonos y cenizas. Los contenidos de hidratos de carbonos, aceites y proteínas en MTM fueron de 28,22%, 45.56% y 21,06%. MT presentó mayores porcentajes de lípidos y proteínas y menor contenido de hidratos de carbono que MTM. El valor energético total de MTM es levemente menor que en MT. La aceptabilidad de los productos mostró mayor número de consumidores que le asignaron un valor de 8 ( me gusta mucho) dentro de una escala hedónica de 9 puntos a MTM y de 6 (me gusta ligeramente) a MT. El panel de jueces entrenados describieron 11 atributos: color marrón, rugosidad, sabores a maní tostado, oxidado y cartón, dulce, salado, amargo, ácido, dureza y crujiente. La intensidad del atributo maní tostado fue mayor en MT que en MTM mientras que este último presentó mayor intensidad en los atributos rugosidad, dulce y salado

    Massa muscular em militares da reserva: comparação de variáveis musculares e composição corporal

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    The aging process leads to the body’s difficulty in maintaining its homeostatic balance and this, under circumstances of functional overload, generates deficits in some body systems, which may evolve with impairment of certain functions, especially due to the loss of muscle mass. Objective: to identify if there is a relationship between physical activity and skeletal muscle mass and body composition of reserve military personnel. Methods: this is a descriptive, comparative and retrospective study, in which 33 reserve military personnel were evaluated, divided into two groups who practice physical activity and non-practitioners. The instruments used were: lifestyle questionnaire, stadiometer attached to the scale, anthropometric tape and bioimpedance equipment. From these instruments, demographic variables, waist circumference, skeletal muscle mass, body mass index, fat percentage and skeletal muscle index were obtained. Results: The average age of the study participants was 58.4 years, most of whom were engaged in physical activity and were married. About physical activity, there were no differences regarding sociodemographic data, body composition and muscle mass. Conclusion: Most of the reserve military personnel were physically active. Regarding the practice of physical activity, it is possible to conclude that there is no difference between practitioners and non-practitioners with regard to sociodemographic variables and lifestyle. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences between groups regarding muscle variables and body composition.O processo de envelhecimento leva à dificuldade do corpo manter seu equilíbrio homeostático e isso, sob circunstâncias de sobrecarga funcional, gera déficit de alguns sistemas corporais, podendo evoluir com comprometimento de determinadas funções, especialmente pela perda de massa muscular. Objetivo: Avaliar a massa muscular esquelética e composição corporal dos militares da reserva. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, comparativo e retrospectivo, em que foram avaliados 35 militares da reserva, que foram divididos em dois grupos G1 (praticantes ativos de atividade física) e (G2) não praticantes. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de estilo de vida, estadiômetro acoplado à balança, fita antropométrica e o equipamento de Bioimpedância (BIA). A partir destes instrumentos obteve-se variáveis demográficas, circunferência da cintura (CC). massa muscular esquelética (MME), índice de massa corporal (IMC), percentual de gordura (%G) e o índice de músculo esquelético (IME). Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e analítica, por meio do software SPSS (v.23.0). A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk. A comparação de médias entre os grupos foi verificada através do Teste t de Student para amostras independentes (variáveis paramétricas) e U de Mann-Whitney (variáveis não-paramétricas), considerando p<0,05. Resultados: Quanto a atividade física, não houve diferença estatística nas variáveis analisadas. Em relação à idade, observou-se relação direta entre a perda de MME nos militares acima dos 60 anos, e uma relação inversa entre %G e MME. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a MME e o IME apresentaram valores mais elevados no grupo praticante de atividade física. Além disso, observa-se que as variáveis antropométricas estão inversamente relacionadas com a perda de massa muscular

    Sugestiones y Consejos para los Jovenes Topógrafos de la Dirección de Minas y Geología de la Nación

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    Fil: Carnacini, O.L. Ministerio de Industria y Comercio. Dirección Nacional de Minería; Argentina

    Yeast influence on volatile composition of wines

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    Experiences with solid CO2 concentration of bergamot cold-pressed essential oil (Citrus bergamia Risso)

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    Sublimation of solid CO2 selectively removed hydrocarbons from bergamot oil. This result was achieved in a laboratory with very simple equipment. The oil and dry ice were mixed in a cylindrical vessel and the gas stream entrained most of non-oxygenated terpenes. Their behavior is discussed briefly

    Influenza di alcuni parametri tecnologici sulla composizione dei distillati di vino

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    Sensory characterisation of wine vinegars

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