967 research outputs found

    Age and growth of Zapteryx brevirostris (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae) in southern Brazil

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    Age and growth studies are fundamental to successful fisheries management. Zapteryx brevirostris (Muller & Henle, 1841) is distributed off the Brazilian continental shelf and this species is assessed as "Vulnerable" in the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Thus, the objective of this study was to present previously unknown information about the age and growth of Z. brevirostris that can be used for its management, conservation, and fisheries. A total of 162 specimens were sampled, with total lengths (TL) varying between 35.7 cm and 56 cm. The vertebrae were embedded in resin, sectioned in cuts with 0.5 mm thickness and the growth bands of the vertebrae were read under a light microscope. In the studied area, Z. brevirostris ages were estimated from 4 to 10 years according to vertebrae patterns. The species reaches its maximum asymptotic size (Linf) around 56 cm (56 cm for females and 50.37 cm for males). This is the first estimate of age and growth for a species of the Zapteryx genus, and the results support the hypothesis that this ray requires future management conservation, particularly due to its slow growth rate and consequent susceptibility to overexploitation.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES); Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) [IF/00253/2014

    Isotope separation with the RICH detector of the AMS Experiment

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    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), to be installed on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2008, is a cosmic ray detector with several subsystems, one of which is a proximity focusing Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector. This detector will be equipped with a dual radiator (aerogel+NaF), a lateral conical mirror and a detection plane made of 680 photomultipliers and light guides, enabling precise measurements of particle electric charge and velocity. Combining velocity measurements with data on particle rigidity from the AMS Tracker it is possible to obtain a measurement for particle mass, allowing the separation of isotopes. A Monte Carlo simulation of the RICH detector, based on realistic properties measured at ion beam tests, was performed to evaluate isotope separation capabilities. Results for three elements -- H (Z=1), He (Z=2) and Be (Z=4) -- are presented.Comment: 5 pages. Contribution to the Fifth International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics (Faro 2005). Presenter: Rui Pereir

    Gestão de emoções: coaching no âmbito da gestão organizacional

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    Esta comunicação aborda a temática da gestão das emoções centrada no papel do coaching enquanto recurso da gestão organizacional. O objetivo é discutir a importância da competência emocional, da gestão de recursos humanos e do processo de coaching para a excelência do desenvolvimento organizacional. A metodologia usada baseia-se na reflexão pessoal e na revisão bibliográfica sobre esta temática. Como principais conclusões destacamos as seguintes: (1) a gestão organizacional implica a gestão das pessoas enquanto recurso (na sua vertente mais técnica e economicista) sem todavia se esgotar nela, sendo essencial, também, considerar as pessoas enquanto indivíduo (ser humano) com os seus valores, crenças, identidades, atitudes e comportamentos; (2) o coaching, como uma das ferramentas de desenvolvimento organizacional e individual, trabalha as competências da inteligência emocional como um todo; (3) o controlo positivo das emoções é uma competência a desenvolver com a finalidade de alcançar a satisfação de todos os atores (colaboradores) das organizações como caminho para o bom desempenho organizacional

    Susceptibilidade à Erosão Hídrica na Bacia da Ribeira Seca (Santiago, Cabo Verde)

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    Na Ilha de Santiago, em Cabo Verde, a erosão hídrica é o processo que afecta áreas mais extensas. A ocorrência de aguaceiros intensos e concentrados no tempo e no espaço promovem uma marcada erosividade das precipitações, com forte irregularidade regional. A grande variabilidade dos declives e das formas das vertentes, associadas à diversidade litológica, bem como à multiplicidade de ocupação do solo, permitem condições de erodibilidade muito contrastadas no espaço. O objectivo deste trabalho é obter um mapa de susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica para a bacia da Ribeira Seca (Santiago oriental) com base no modelo digital do terreno (MDT), nos mapas geológico e de ocupação do solo e na distribuição da erosividade das precipitações. Verifica-se que o sector sudeste da bacia é o mais susceptível à erosão hídrica, pois nele ocorrem a maior concentração diária das precipitações e as condições geomorfológicas e de coberto do solo de mais elevada erodibilidade.In Santiago Island, Cape Verde, the hidric erosion is the most widespread process. The rainfall events are high concentred and intense promoting strong precipitation erosivity and have a great spatial variability. The high diversity of slopes steepness, lanforms, geological units and land cover is responsible for the great spatial contrast of erodibility conditions. The goal of this study is to produce a susceptibility hidric erosion map for Ribeira Seca basin (Santiago oriental) based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and on geological, land cover and rain erosivity maps. The results show that the south-eastern area of the basin is the most susceptible to hidric erosion, due to local daily rainfall concentration and geomorphological and land cover conditions of higher erodibility

    Polimorfismos do gene CYP19 : associação com cancro da mama e com concentrações séricas de hormonas sexuais em mulheres pós-menopáusicas

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ginecologia Oncológica, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbr

    Distribuição Espacial da Susceptibilidade à Erosão Hídrica nas Bacias das Ribeiras de Picos e Seca (Santiago, Cabo Verde)

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    Os processos de erosão hídrica em Cabo Verde são os mais marcantes da dinâmica actual das vertentes, pois são os mais comuns e que afectam áreas extensasdurante a curta estação húmida de três meses. A ocorrência de episódios chuvosos concentrados no tempo e com uma evidente irregularidade espacial permitem umaacentuada erosividade das precipitações, marcada por uma forte irregularidade regional. A forte variabilidade das formas de relevo, a diversidade da natureza das unidadesgeológicas e a multiplicidade de ocupação do solo favorecem condições deerodibilidade muito contrastadas no espaço. O objectivo deste trabalho é estabelecer um modelo desusceptibilidade à erosão hídricaem função de factores geomorfológicos (declive, perfil e traçado das vertentes eerodibilidade das unidades litológicas e dos materiais de cobertura), climáticos(intensidade pluviométrica) e de ocupação do solo para as bacias das ribeiras dos Picose Seca. Os resultados foram obtidos com recurso ao ambiente de Sistemas deInformação Geográfica (SIG). Este trabalho surge na sequência de outros já realizadospelos autores, onde se apresentaram as condições de erodibilidade e erosividade paraáreas mais restritas da Ilha de Santiago. O modelo de susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica resultou do cruzamento dos mapas dedeclives, de perfil e do traçado das vertentes, obtidos a partir do modelo digital deterreno (DTM), do mapa geológico, da distribuição espacial da intensidadepluviométrica e da densidade de ocupação do solo, tendo em conta que são estas asprincipais condicionantes de erosão hídrica, referidas pelos autores que estudaram estaregião. Cada um destes mapas foi reclassificado com base numa análise qualitativa dograu de erodibilidade, sendo atribuído um número de ordem a cada classe, em função da sua susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica, conforme foi localmente reconhecido. Verifica-se que as áreas de maior susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica são as do sectorsudeste da bacia da Ribeira Seca e as vertentes dos principais vales da bacia da Ribeira dos Picos, onde se encontram as unidades geológicas mais friáveis, os declives mais acentuados e onde predominam sectores das vertentes de traçado côncavo, a que seassocia pontualmente a mais elevada intensidade pluviométrica.In Cape Verde the hydric erosion is common during the short wet station of three months and is the most dynamic slope process and the most widespread in spatial terms. The rainy events are short and intense, with a great regional irregularity, which allows an high regional variability of the erosivity conditions. The erodibility conditions register also a strong spatial variability due to the landforms contrasts, the diversity lithology and structure of the geological units, and the regional multiplicity of land cover density conditions. The main objective of the study is to develop a geographical model of susceptibility to hydric erosion in Ribeira Seca and Picos basins, based on geomorphological factors (slope angle, profile and tangential curvatures, lithological units and sedimentary cover materials erodibility), climatic one (pluviometric intensity) and land cover density. This study is carried out in the sequence of other ones developed by the authors on more limited areas of Santiago Island or using a more restricted number of factors. The model results from the sum in rank of the maps of spatial distribution of the main factors of hydric erosion, referred by several authors to Santiago: the landform maps obtained from the digital elevation model (DEM); the geological map; the pluviometric intensity spatial distribution; and the land cover density. A hierarchic number of susceptibility to hydric erosion was attributed to each class of these maps, based on qualitative analysis and field work measures evaluation of the relative degree of erodibility or erosivity. The south-east sector of the Ribeira Seca basin and the slopes of the main valleys of the Picos one are the more susceptible to hydric erosion, due to the local friability of the geological unities, the steepness of the slopes, and the frequent sectors of concave curvature, and locally the highest pluviometric intensity

    Guidelines in human resources management

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    The purpose of this communication is to address the management of human resources in the organizations. The aim is to discuss a range of issues that are likely to be applied in the management of human resources, such as competence management, organizational development, and administrative management. Reference is also made to some support tools for decision making as well as the coaching process in the management of human resources. The methodology used is based on a personal reflection upon two decades of professional experience in the management of organizations and human resources and on the bibliographic review on this subject. We highlight the following main conclusions: (1) the integration of human resources management in the organizational strategy optimizes the entire process of organizational development, contributing to excellence; in this sense we emphasize the importance of the human resources management be in line with the top administration; (2) the human resource management implies recognizing people as a resource (in its more technical and economicist way) but also recognize people as individuals (a human being) with their values, beliefs, identities, attitudes and behaviours; (3) despite these evidences, a larger number of organizations continue to focus their practice in the management of people as a mere resource, being important to investigate and discuss the reasons that underlie this misconception

    Motivational tools within organizational management

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    This communication is about the theme of organizational development. This is one of the most important and relevant dimensions of the organizational success. Having motivational tools that act as the trigger for the environment improvement should be one of the concerns of leaders. The aim is to discuss about the importance of emotional development of the associates and its relations with the organizational environment. The methodology was based in a personal reflexion about a decade of professional experience of organizational management and human resources as well in the literature revision about the issue. The major conclusions that we would like to highlight are: (1) organizational management implies managing people as a resource (in the view more economicist and technics) and consider people as individuals (human beings) with their values, beliefs, identities, attitudes and behaviors’. (2) having a tool which identifies the level of emotional development is fundamental in order to contribute for a good organizational environment; (3) can control in a positive manner the emotions is one of the competencies to developed having in mind achieve the satisfaction of all players (associates), as a way to contribute for a good organizational performance

    Teratogenic processes in an embryo without gills and low yolk absorption of Zapteryx brevirostris (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae)

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    Este é o primeiro relato de anomalias morfológicas em embriões de Zapteryx brevirostris, espécie comum no Brasil. As brânquias estiveram ausentes, e as nadadeiras peitorais mostraram-se assimétricas e não totalmente formadas e fundidas à cabeça. A nadadeira esquerda, a maior, se projetou destacadamente em direção à cabeça, quase alcançando a altura dos olhos. A nadadeira pélvica esteve ausente, não foi possível a determinação do sexo do animal. A causa da deformidade morfológica é incerta, mas sugere-se que possa estar relacionada a problema nutricional durante o desenvolvimento do embrião.This is the first report of morphological anomaly in embryos of Zapteryx brevirostris (Lesser guitarfish), a very common species in Brazil. The gills were absent, and the pectoral fins were not fully formed nor were they completely fused to the head. They were asymmetrical, with the larger left pectoral fin projecting more toward the head (almost at the height of the eyes). The pelvic fin was absent, making sexing impossible. The cause of the morphological deformity is uncertain, although a nutritional problem of the embryo is evoked