2,978 research outputs found

    Contribution of women and men to feminist psychology: a bibliographical review

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2018/2019.In the beginnings of psychology, women were not allowed learning, developing their teaching and research on equal terms with men. In this context of discrimination, feminist psychology emerged, with the aim of vindicating and making visible the figure of women in the context of oppression in which they found themselves. Nowadays, college psychology studies are conducted mainly by women. However, this superiority do not replicates in higher scientific or academic positions. Since that the starting academic and social context has evolved, a comparative bibliographical study is proposed in order to know the contributions of women and men to research in current feminist psychology. The variables evaluated are the publications by authorship, by work groups, as well as the issues raised. Through the Scopus database, the journal Feminism and Psychology is reviewed. The selection criteria include all the articles published during the last decade (2009-2018) under the Psychology label. The citations are then exported to Mendeley and a total of 371 articles are analyzed. The results show a higher proportion of women researchers compared to their male counterparts in feminist psychology. Scientific production varies according to the members that consist the research groups. The women-composed groups have the highest number of publications, followed by women and men groups and men-composed groups in the last place. The difference between women who work individually or in same gender groups is not significant. However, men do significatly workingindividually. Women cover a wider variety of topics: the most treated categories are Feminism and Research; men most research topics are the Gender Roles and the LGTBI+ movement.En los inicios de la psicología, a las mujeres no se les permitía formarse, ni desarrollar su labor docente e investigadora en igualdad de condiciones con los hombres. En este contexto de discriminación surgió la psicología feminista, con el objetivo de reivindicar y visibilizar la figura de la mujer en el contexto de opresión en el que se encontraba. En la actualidad, los estudios universitarios de psicología son cursados mayoritariamente por mujeres. Sin embargo, esta superioridad no se traslada a cargos científicos ni académicos más elevados. Dado que el contexto académico y social de partida ha evolucionado, se plantea un estudio bibliográfico comparativo con el objetivo de conocer las aportaciones de mujeres y hombres a la investigación en la psicología feminista actual. Las variables que se han valorado son las publicaciones por autoría, por grupos de trabajo, así como las temáticas planteadas. Mediante la base de datos Scopus se examina la revista. Los criterios de selección incluyen todos los artículos publicados durante la última década (2009-2018) bajo la etiqueta Psychology. Seguidamente, las citas son exportadas a Mendeley y se analizan un total de 371 artículos. Los resultados muestran una mayor proporción de mujeres investigadoras frente a sus homólogos masculinos en psicología feminista. La producción científica varía en función de los miembros que conforman los grupos de investigación. Aquellos grupos compuestos por mujeres son los que cuentan con mayor número de publicaciones, seguidamente de grupos mixtos y hombres en último lugar. La diferencia entre mujeres que trabajan individualmente o en grupos con miembros del mismo género no es significativa. Sin embargo, los hombres sí trabajan de manera individual significativamente. Las mujeres abarcan mayor variedad de temáticas, siendo las categorías más tratadas Feminismo e Investigación, mientras que los hombres abordan los Roles de género y el movimiento LGTBI+

    L’obbligo degli enti sportivi dilettantistici di tutelare la salute degli sportivi e i correlativi profili di responsabilità

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    Il lavoro esamina criticamente le limitazioni alla tutela del diritto alla salute degli atleti che si possono riscontrare nel settore dello sport amatoriale e ricerca soluzioni nelle teorie giurisprudenziali e nelle analisi dottrinali. The work examines critically the limitations to the protection of the right to health of athletes that can be found in the amateur sports industry seeking solutions in the theories of jurisprudence and doctrinal analysis

    Efecto antibacteriano de las nanopartículas de plata versus clorhexidina sobre streptococcus mutans y lactobacillus casei

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    Mediante el análisis de Uv-Vis y MET se determinó que la síntesis con Hi mostró Ag-Np más pequeñas, estables y en mayor cantidad. Mediante MEB se observó una media de absorción de plata a los tejidos propios del diente de 6.25%. Las mayores zonas de inhibición fueron obtenidas a una dosis de 20μl de Ag-Np sintetizadas por Hi, en comparación con CHX, siendo estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) para ambas cepas.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto antibacteriano de nanopartículas de plata (Ag-Np) versus Clorhexidina (CHX) sobre Streptococcus mutans y Lactobacillus casei

    The transtheoretical model and obesity: a bibliometric study

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    The Transtheoretical Model of behaviour change is currently one of the most promising models in terms of understanding and promoting behaviour change related to the acquisition of healthy living habits. By means of a bibliographic search of papers adopting a TTM approach to obesity, the present bibliometric study enables the scientific output in this field to be evaluated. The results obtained reveal a growing interest in applying this model to both the treatment of obesity and its prevention. Otherwise, author and journal outputs fit the models proposed by Lotka and Bradford, respectively

    \u3cem\u3eBataclanismo\u3c/em\u3e! Or, How Deco Bodies Transformed Postrevolutionary Mexico City

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    In the spring of 1925, Santa Anita\u27s Festival of Flowers seemed to follow its tranquil trend of previous years. The large displays of flowers, the selection of indias bonitas (as the contestants of beauty pageants organized in an attempt to stimulate indigenism were known) and the boat-rides on the Viga Canal, all communicated what residents of neighboring Mexico City had come to expect of the small pueblo in the Federal District since the Porfiriato: the respite of a peaceful pastoral, the link to a colorful past, and the promise that mexicanidad was alive and well in the campo. Unfortunately, wrote Manuel Rámirez Cárdenas of El Globo, the modern newspaper, the next day, this idyllic tradition was rudely interrupted by a group of audacious, scantily clad women. The culprits were actresses of Mexico City\u27s Lírico theater, who walked around Santa Anita\u27s streets in picaresque clothing —stage outfits that left little to the imagination, particularly in broad daylight—and upset visitors and campesinos alike. According to Cárdenas, abuelitas and mamás were shocked by the display, averting their eyes from the female spectacle in fear of el pecado mortal. Thankfully, for the mothers and grandmothers in the audience, the festival continued in predictable fashion after the initial uproar. Organizers continued with the traditional dances, and judges selected an india bonita from a pool of young, decente mestizo girls to represent the pueblo and the festival. Unbeknownst to the residents of rural Santa Anita, the daring actresses of El Lírico were part of a new phenomenon that had swept through Mexico City like wildfire, turned the entertainment world upside down, and pushed many to reconsider what constituted female beauty, decency, and lo mexicano. A few months earlier, on February 12th, a grand variety spectacle named Voilá Paris: La Ba-ta-clán premiered in Teatro Iris and instantly sent shock waves throughout the Mexican entertainment world and the larger metropolis. The show featured seminude and nude French actresses, who performed dances and acts that appeared to be a mix of classical ballet, Ziegfeld Follies chorus lines, and tableaux vivants. Within weeks, Mexican copycat productions capitalized on the enormous success of the show, triggering a new entertainment phenomenon named after the original production: Bataclanismo. It also launched a new kind of female star, the bataclana, who came to represent the erotic, and more dangerous, attributes of the flapper for Mexican audiences, and whose body became the site of contested and divergent notions of modernity. In this article, I explore bataclanismo as a normative discourse that reached far beyond the theater into the practice of everyday life. I do so to gauge the transition of changing ideals of femininity in Mexico from 1925 to 1935, and the influence these changes had on the development of urban space. Drawing on Elizabeth Grosz\u27 and Doreen Massey\u27s insights that place and gender are mutually constitutive, this article examines the articulation between the embodied city and changing gender norms in the wake of both the Mexican revolution and the advent of twentieth-century global capital. Analyzing these relationships from Judith Butler\u27s perspective of gender performance, especially as read through bodies, I argue that a new transnational aesthetic of feminine embodiment celebrated in bataclanismo influenced a distinct urban modernity and sociability in Mexico City. This new ideal female physique that stressed length, height, and androgyny—what I term a Deco body—helped to reconfigure Mexico City in terms of gender, space and race. It ushered in new gender ideals, helped visualize urban modernity, and bridged the gap between two divergent discourses that accompanied revolutionary reform, indigenismo and mestizaje, paving the way for a mestizo modernity

    Obtención de un bionanocomposito con nanopartículas biogénicas de plata, para ser utilizado como hilo de sutura.

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    La ocurrencia de infecciones por la utilización de hilos de sutura a base de fibras naturales, representa en la actualidad, un riesgo evidente a la salud humana, especialmente los hilos de sutura multifilamento, en donde se ha encontrado una acumulación importante de comunidades bacterianas. Además de cuidar los procedimientos durante el acto quirúrgico, y la elección del material adecuado, es importante contar con sustancias o productos que posean un efecto antiséptico, que disminuya el riesgo a contaminación post quirúrgica. Uno de los requisitos más importantes que un material de sutura debe reunir, es el hecho de poseer propiedades físicas, mecánicas, de manejo, biocompatibilidad y efecto antibacteriano. La nanotecnología representa una alternativa para la creación de materiales avanzados que coadyuven a la práctica quirúrgica bucomaxilofacial. El presente trabajo propone la creación de un bionanocomposito que posea un efecto inhibitorio sobre microorganismos patógenos y que sea producido bajo condiciones eco-amigables para aminorar el daño ocasionado a la salud y el impacto ambiental


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    Con la presente trattazione prenderemo in esame la problematica dell’uso e della somministrazione di farmaci off-label, focalizzando l’analisi sia sull’aspetto sportivo che su quello statale di tale complesso fenomeno. In particolare si valuteranno le interconnessioni e le dissonanze con la normativa antidoping, nonché le parziali coperture normative e i vuoti legislativi
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