425 research outputs found

    Opportunities for Conversion to More Sustainable Practices by Houses of Worship through Team Performance Enhancing Strategies that Include Leadership with Facilitative Skills

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    This research focused on assessing the performance of teams of volunteers in Houses of Worship (HOWs) in the State of Massachusetts that are successfully planning, advancing and completing sustainable initiatives. The sustainable initiatives included solar photovoltaic (PV) installations, city public parks cleaning projects, efficient windows installations, efficient lighting fixtures installations, and building insulation improvements. The goal of this research was to assess the dynamics of a total of eight successful teams, including the relationships among team members and their leaders with facilitative skills that they perceived were instrumental to their effective and efficient performance. The role of team leadership was more relevant than anticipated, and it presented statistical interdependence with team interpersonal processes such as: collaboration, cooperation, cohesion, communication, coordination, trust, and especially conflict resolution. Based on this knowledge and qualitative data from interviews, a set of guidelines on “best practices” was produced, containing recommendations on how to build and manage HOW teams to conduct local sustainability projects. Key words: sustainability best practices, team, leader with facilitative skills, House of Worship (HOW), solar energy, energy efficiency

    Las comisiones parlamentarias de investigación: "El accidente de la Línea 1"Josep V. Gavaldà Roca y Nel-lo Pellisser Rossell (2019)Valencia: editorial Tirant Humanidades

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    La industria vitivinícola genera gran cantidad de subproductos, alrededor del 16% de la uva es materia prima no aprovechable. Dichos subproductos son una fuente importante de polifenoles. Además, las pepitas de uva también son ricas en aceites. Generalmente, un paso previo a la extracción de compuestos de interés, es la deshidratación. En el presente trabajo, se deshidrataron pepitas de uva a distintas condiciones de temperatura (40, 50, 60 y 70ºC), de velocidad de aire (1, 1.5, 2 y 3 m/s) y con y sin la aplicación de ultrasonidos. Los resultados experimentales se modelizaron mediante el modelo de Peleg y un modelo difusivo. La energía de activación se calculó a partir de la ecuación de Arrhenius. En los resultados de observó que, al aumentar la temperatura se incrementó también la velocidad de deshidratación. El valor de la energía de activación obtenido, a partir de los resultados de los dos modelos utilizados, concuerda con los valores de otros productos agroalimentarios. Por otro lado, se determinó que para una velocidad de aire de secado superior a 2 m/s la resistencia externa a la transferencia de materia era despreciable frente a la interna. Por último, respecto a la aplicación de ultrasonidos, se observó que éstos facilitaban la deshidratación de las pepitas de uva.Martínez Saiz, C. (2009). INFLUENCIA DE ALS CONDICIONES DE SECADO EN LAS CINÉTICAS DE DESHIDRATACIÓN DE PEPITAS DE UVA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14653Archivo delegad

    Les radios « autonomiques » d'Espagne, marqueurs d'identité

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    Influencia del tratamiento antibiótico empírico inapropiado en la mortalidad de pacientes con bacteriemia

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 19-09-201

    Los programas universitarios para mayores en la costruccion del Espacio Europeo de ensenanza superior

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    Nowadays there is a broad consensus that continuing participation in learning throughout life is beneficial to economic prosperity, social solidarity, as well as psychological maturity of the society as a whole. However, it is also true that this judgment has not transformed traditional educational practice, and there remains a sharp division of educational opportunities between younger and older people. The University of Malta has no university programmes for the third age. At present, the University does not have anything that approximates a University Extension Service Department or a Department of Extra-Mural Studies. However, this is not to say that the University of Malta is oblivious to the gerontological revolution as it includes a European Centre of Gerontology which co-ordinates a University of the Third Age. Without doubt, educational gerontologists should open themselves to the European Space for Higher Education. However, I also believe that we should embrace the Declaration in an oblivious manner. In conclusion, I believe, we have to pause, take stock of what has been, and focus on the other major question: What ought to be done? In this respect I believe that university programmes for the third age have to (i) implement suitable policy and funding measures; (ii) adequate and widespread information and guidance services; (iii) implement the combination of humanist and critical ideological frameworks in the learning process; (iv) embrace a critical gerogogical approach towards teaching and learning; and finally (v) take stock of the fact that the great majority of older learners are women.peer-reviewe

    Las comisiones parlamentarias de investigación: "El accidente de la Línea 1"Josep V. Gavaldà Roca y Nel-lo Pellisser Rossell (2019)Valencia: editorial Tirant Humanidades

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    Profile of digital slow journalism audiences in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico

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    The aim of this work is to study slow journalism audiences, with a particular interest in Latin America, specifically Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico. Five case studies were carried out, covering Anfibia (Argentina), Arcadia (Colombia), Gatopardo (Mexico), La silla vacía (Colombia), and Letras libres (Mexico), along with a Delphi study (double round with 27 participants) and a structured questionnaire (of 1,500 people between the ages of 18 and 65 years). The results indicate that 75% of the surveyed population obtain their information from all kinds of digital media, among whom 84% use social media for this purpose. Slow journalism is still mainly unknown to a large fraction (17%) of the population, although once given its definition and some named examples, 40% of those surveyed claimed to have read the slow press at some time. Quality is the main reason for its consumption (62%), followed by searching for specific subjects (46%), especially for young people (65%) and in Colombia (52%). Experts in slow journalism agree that the key to consolidating an audience involves listening to and interacting with its members, together with their active participation in the media

    Analysis of perception from medical professionals on health information on Basque and Navarre press

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    Las noticias de salud incrementan cada año su notoriedad al despertar un mayor interés en la ciudadanía. Los medios de comunicación dedican cada vez un mayor espacio a este tipo de información. Las consecuencias de estas informaciones se observan en la aparición de un paciente cada vez más informado y en el hecho de que los médicos ya no constituyen la principal fuente de información sobre salud del ciudadano. El periodismo se ha convertido en difusor de la cultura biomédica, aumentando el nivel de conocimiento de la audiencia. Todo esto influye en la calidad de la comunicación que se establece entre profesionales de la medicina y la ciudadanía. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la perspectiva que sobre la información de salud tienen los facultativos vascos y navarros.Health news increased its notoriety each year stimulating greater interest in citizenship. This is demonstrated by the results of surveys from various agencies. Media increasingly devoting more space in their sections to this type of information. Consequences of this information are found in the rising of a more informed patient. Doctors are not yet main source of health information for citizens. Journalism has become diffuser on biomedical culture, helping to increase the level of knowledge that the audience has it. All this influences have made an effect on quality of the communication established between practitioners and citizens. This research aims to understand the perspective of health information practitioners have Basque and Navarre