248 research outputs found

    Estudio de factores influyentes en la ritmicidad de expresiones de genes a partir de datos post mortem

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    Los genes circadianos, generalmente vinculados a los ciclos de luz-oscuridad, resultan vitales en la gran mayoría de los procesos cerebrales, al regular las funciones biológicas básicas de nuestro organismo. Estos genes presentan un patrón rítmico que se repite cada 24 horas. El análisis de esta ritmicidad resulta muy relevante para identificar posibles patologías. Sin embargo, obtener este tipo de datos puede poner en riesgo la salud de los pacientes y, por ende, es habitual trabajar con muestras post-mortem, en las que generalmente se desconoce el momento del día en el que se toman las muestras. Entre las contribuciones de este proyecto se encuentra el estudio de factores como el sexo, la edad o la causa de la muerte. Para lograr este objetivo, se utilizará metodología estadística para estimar los órdenes entre los instantes de tiempo que recuperan la expresión rítmica propia de los genes circadianos; modelos para el análisis de procesos oscilatorios con datos direccionales, y diferentes estimadores de la asociación circular. Los resultados de este proyecto suponen un estudio crítico de los efectos que cada uno de los factores analizados en la expresión rítmica de los genes.Circadian genes are important in nearly all processes in the brain, related to the day-night cycle, governing basic biological functions. These genes display rhythmic temporal patterns, the pattern analysis is the key to identify pathologies. However, obtaining this type of data can put the health of patients at risk and, therefore, it is common to work with post-mortem samples, in which the time of day that the samples are taken is generally unknown. The contribution of this work is to study the changes in rhythms that comes with factors like gender, cause of death or aging. For this porpuse, a statistical methodology is used in order to estimate the orders between the instants of time that recover the rhythmic expression of circadian genes, in conjunction with models for the analysis of oscillatory processes with directional data and different estimators of the circular association. The results of this project present a critical study of the effects that each of the factors analyzed in the rhythmic expression of genes.Departamento de Estadística e Investigación OperativaGrado en Estadístic

    Accumulation of Lipids by the Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia Lipolytica Grown on Carboxylic Acids Simulating Syngas and Carbon Dioxide Fermentation

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) can be considered as low-cost carbon substrates for lipid accumulation by oleaginous yeasts. This study demonstrates that a common mixture of VFAs, typically obtained from the anaerobic fermentation of C1-gases by some acetogenic bacteria, can be used in a second aerobic fermentation with the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to obtain lipids as precursors of biodiesel. In the batch experiments, the preference of Yarrowia lipolytica W29 for acetic acid over butyric and caproic acids was demonstrated, with the highest consumption rate reaching 0.664 g/L·h. In the bioreactor experiments, the amount initial biomass inoculated, as well as the initial acid concentration, were found to have a significant influence on the process. Though the lipid content was relatively low, it can be optimized and further improved. Oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids accounted for about 80 % of the fatty acids in the lipids, which makes them suitable for biodiesel.This research is part of a project funded through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European FEDER funds (PID2020-117805RB-I00). Funding for Open access publication provided by Universidade da Coruña-CISUG. The manuscript is based on research related to COST action Yeast4Bio. The authors, belonging to the BIOENGIN group, thank Xunta de Galicia for financial support to Competitive Reference Research Groups (ED431C 2021/55)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/5

    Aislamiento de fallos por estimación de parámetros con técnicas neuronales

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    XXV Jornadas de Automática,Ciudad Real, 8, 9, y 10 de septiembre de 2004El artículo aborda un novedoso método para la estimación de parámetros inherentes a procesos no lineales y de difícil medida utilizando masivamente redes neuronales entrenadas mediante propagación hacia atrás para ser utilizado en la detección y aislamiento de fallos en procesos físicos. La herramienta para la utilización masiva de redes neuronales es una parte de DeltaV y permite su implementación dentro de arquitecturas de control basadas en el estándar Foundation Fieldbu

    Análisis de la problemática en la generación de residuos para detección de fallos mediante autómatas programables

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    XXV Jornadas de Automática,Ciudad Real, 8, 9, y 10 de septiembre de 2004[Resumen] En este artículo se analiza la problemática de la utilización del PLC como elemento de supervisión de un proceso. Se desarrolla una aplicación en la que se utiliza un PLC( el elemento habitual de control de la planta) como supervisor introduciendo, además de las secciones de control, una de detección de fallos basada en la generación de residuos a partir del modelo cuantitativo de la plant

    Implementación de sensores virtuales en Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] En este articulo se describe la implementación de sensores virtuales distribuidos para la obtención de determinadas variables, a partir de otras relacionadas, bajo arquitecturas del estándar Foundation Fieldbu

    Control MPC bajo el estándar Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe una alternativa de implementación de control basado en modelo predictivo (MPC) utilizando las técnicas de diseño aplicables en arquitecturas Fundation Fieldbu

    Examining Teamwork Competencies and Team Performance in Experiential Entrepreneurship Education: Emergent Intragroup Conflict as a Learning Triggering Event

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    Purpose Although the importance of teamwork competencies and effective conflict management in entrepreneurship education is recognised, we have limited knowledge of how these factors interact to influence performance in entrepreneurial teams. This research explores teamwork competencies as a predictor of entrepreneurial team performance and the moderating effect of emerging cognitive and interpersonal team conflict as levers in entrepreneurship learning. Design/methodology/approach A time-lagged survey method was used to collect data from 49 teams (156 individuals) of undergraduate students in an experiential new venture creation course. A predictive model of entrepreneurial team performance through hierarchical regression analyses and moderated-moderation analyses was tested. Findings Results reveal that teamwork competencies have a significant and direct influence on entrepreneurial team performance and that intragroup conflict strengthens that relationship when high levels of cognitive conflict and low levels of interpersonal conflict emerge. Practical implications The findings have implications for the design of entrepreneurial training programs, which will benefit from interventions aimed at teamwork competency development that incorporate strategies promoting constructive cognitive conflict while preventing the emergence of interpersonal conflict. Originality/value This study is a step forward in entrepreneurship education research from the perspective of social and interpersonal processes by identifying the patterns of intra-team conflict that lead to more effective entrepreneurial teams and more productive use of teamwork competencies in a learning-by-doing entrepreneurial context

    Examining teamwork competencies and team performance in experiential entrepreneurship education: emergent intragroup conflict as a learning triggering event

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    Purpose – Although the importance of teamwork competencies and effective conflict management in entrepreneurship education is recognised, we have limited knowledge of how these factors interact to influence performance in entrepreneurial teams. This research explores teamwork competencies as a predictor of entrepreneurial team performance and the moderating effect of emerging cognitive and interpersonal team conflict as levers in entrepreneurship learning. Design/methodology/approach –Atime-lagged survey method was used to collect data from 49 teams (156 individuals) of undergraduate students in an experiential new venture creation course. A predictive model of entrepreneurial team performance through hierarchical regression analyses and moderated-moderation analyses was tested. Findings – Results reveal that teamwork competencies have a significant and direct influence on entrepreneurial team performance and that intragroup conflict strengthens that relationship when high levels of cognitive conflict and low levels of interpersonal conflict emerge. Practical implications – The findings have implications for the design of entrepreneurial training programs, which will benefit from interventions aimed at teamwork competency development that incorporate strategies promoting constructive cognitive conflict while preventing the emergence of interpersonal conflict. Originality/value – This study is a step forward in entrepreneurship education research from the perspective of social and interpersonal processes by identifying the patterns of intra-team conflict that lead to more effective entrepreneurial teams and more productive use of teamwork competencies in a learning-by-doing entrepreneurial context

    A Colección Osuna da Biblioteca da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Catálogo Provisional

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    Corrección de erros nos rexistros: Nº 213, Nº 325, Nº 521 e Nº762 o 29/09/2017O obxectivo deste Catálogo é identificar, a partir do inventario que se conserva no Arquivo da Universidade de Santiago, a colección de obras procedentes da Biblioteca de Osuna e Infantado que se incorporaron á Universidade Compostelana a finais do XI