2,283 research outputs found

    A Mobile App to Manage Children Dental Anxiety: Context and Approach

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    Anxiety and fear related to dentistry interventions have been identified as problems affecting children. This reduces their quality of life and may have a negative impact on aspects such as sleep, self –esteem, mood, social relationships, and other psychological issues.The ARCADE project aims to design and develop a technological solution to manage children dental anxiety. This solution consists on a mobile system co-designed with children. An ecological momentary intervention is proposed using this solution before, during and after dentistry treatments. This paper presents a methodological approach to develop the project

    Diseño de una práctica docente para evaluar de forma multidisciplinar la calidad del agua

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    Uno de los elementos clave del éxito del Plan de Convergencia Europea es la coordinación del profesorado implicado en una misma licenciatura. Cada materia es un proyecto de formación específica pero que no actúa aisladamente sino como una pieza del conjunto del Plan de Estudios. En este sentido, se ha diseñado una actividad formativa para llevar a cabo un estudio multidisciplinar de la contaminación del agua, que ha permitido a los alumnos abordar el estudio de un problema medioambiental concreto, coordinando los contenidos y competencias aprendidas en dos materias del Plan de Estudios. Los resultados obtenidos han puesto de manifiesto que, con la experiencia realizada, los estudiantes han podido trabajar parte del contenido de estas dos materias de una forma más enfocada a los problemas a los que se enfrentarán en el mundo profesional y comprobar cómo se relacionan dos indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Así mismo, se han potenciado una serie de competencias necesarias para el alumno de cara a su incorporación en el mundo laboral, como la capacidad de discusión e integración de los resultados experimentales, trabajo en equipo y capacidad de comunicación oral.Postprint (published version


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    The Komisioni Kombëtar i Edukimit Katolik Shqiptar (KKEKSH) aims to reform education in Albania. In 2022 it established a relationship with Stella Maris College (SMC) in Madrid, Spain. As part of this relationship, a teacher exchange program was established between the SMC and the KKEKSH. This exchange aims to share good practices in the field of using active methodologies in the classroom and explore the impact of such an exchange program on the professional identity of Albanian primary teachers. In the first week of June 2023, a group of three SMR teachers visited three Albanian Catholic schools for a week. Based on this experience, three theoretical constructs are analysed to explore the experience of the Albanian teacher: transformative learning, agency, and hybridization. A mixed methodology was used, based on a case study of the experience of Albanian teachers during the visit of the Spanish teachers. Two questionnaires were designed and shared online with the Albanian teachers who participated in the experience to collect information about, 1) a qualitative pre-visit questionnaire sought to explore the views of initial teacher identity and agency, 2) a mixed qualitative with Likert style quantitative post-visit questionnaire sought to explore changes in teacher identify and agency as result of the Spanish teacher visit. A constant comparative analysis, a percentage frequency of mentions and a basic SPSS analysis of the data were performed. The results show that by providing teachers with a space for reflection in their daily practice, the way they conceptualize their pedagogical knowledge changes. Communication between Spanish and Albanian teachers created a space for the hybrid identity of the participants to be scrutinized and evaluated. The participants in this study, after having been exposed to different points of view and practices in education, begun to take steps to incorporate active methodologies, alternative assessment approaches in their educational practice and adaptation of the curriculum to make it more accessible to their students, so that students become the "focus" and "priority" of what they do. It is concluded that it is necessary to work in local dialogue, firstly within the school and through the creation of local communities, in both cases to allow different knowledge and experiences to promote the creation of collaborative pedagogical knowledge. We demonstrate that the tension that arises in the hybrid identities of the participants strengthens their individual agency within the neoliberal micromanaged education system the participants find themselves in.  Article visualizations

    Problemática sociológica de las mujeres inmigrantes víctimas de delitos en la C.A.E.

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    [ES] La inmigración femenina es también significativa en nuestro territorio: mujeres de nacionalidades, religiones y culturas diversas son protagonistas de su propio proyecto migratorio. Son mujeres emprendedoras pero también vulnerables, víctimas no sólo de los estereotipos y prejuicios de la sociedad de acogida y de una ley de extranjería que las hace aún más vulnerables, sino también de delitos que atentan contra sus derechos y libertades fundamentales, doblemente discriminadas, subordinadas y sometidas a diferentes formas de violencia. Ante esta realidad, es imprescindible una respuesta eficaz e integral de todas las instituciones y agentes sociales para promover la igualdad de género y garantizar el respeto a los derechos de todas las mujeres.[EU] Emakume inmigrazioa esanguratsua da gure lurraldean. Kultura, erlijio eta naziotasun ezberdineko emakumeak, beren proiektu migratzailearen protagonista dira. Ekintzaileak dira baina baita kalteberak ere, biktima, ez soilik harrera egiten dien gizartearen eta atzerritarrei buruzko legearen estereotipo eta aurreritziekin, baizik eta beraien oinarrizko eskubide eta askatasunen kontrako delituekin, era bikoitzean baztertuak, menpekotuak, eta biolentzia mota ezberdinetara oinperatuak. Errealitate honen aurrean, emakume guztien eskubideak errespetatzeko eta genero berdintasuna sustatzeko, beharrezkoa da erakunde eta gizarte eragile guztien erantzun bateratua eta eraginkorra.[FR] L’immigration féminine est aussi signifi cative dans notre territoire: des femmes de nationalités, religions et cultures différentes sont les protagonistes de leur propre projet migratoire. Ce sont des femmes entreprenantes mais aussi vulnérables, victimes non seulement des stéréotypes, des préjugés de la société d’accueil et d’une loi sur les étrangers qui les rend plus vulnérables, mais aussi d’infractions qui violent leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux, doublement discriminés, subordonnés et soumis à différentes formes de violence. Face à cette réalité, une réponse efficace et intégrale est indispensable de la part des institutions et des agents sociaux pour promouvoir l’égalité de genre et garantir le respect des droits de toutes les femmes.[EN] Women’s immigration is a significant phenomenon in our country: women of diverse nationalities, religions and cultures are the protagonists of their own migratory project. They are entrepreneur but also vulnerable women, victims of social stereotypes and prejudices, victims of a foreigners’ Law that makes them more vulnerable, and also victims of crimes against their fundamental rights and liberties, doubly discriminated, subordinate and subjected to different forms of violence. Faced with this reality, we need an effective and overall response from social institutions and agents, in order to promote gender equality and to guarantee the respect to women’s rights

    Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving future teachers’ digital competence using active methodologies

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    Contemporary society demands a university education based on active and participatory educational models that enable the development of competences, with digital competence being amongst the most demanded ones. This work presents the results of an educational innovation at the university level. It intends to analyse whether the implementation of an active methodology supported by technological tools in a virtual classroom contributes to students’ digital development. A quantitative methodology with a pre-experimental pretest-posttest design was used. The sample comprised 30 students studying the Curriculum Design module on the Biology and Geology Specialism of the Master’s in Teacher Training at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. The results show an improvement in the five areas of the digital competence specified by the Common Framework for Teachers’ Digital Competence (MCCDD) established by Spain’s National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), with a large effect size. It is concluded that the educational experiment implemented has enabled an increment in the level of digital competence of future teachers

    Starch accumulation along flower development and winter dormancy in apricot

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    In this work, flower bud development is examined in apricot (Prunus armeniaca) from autumn up to the spring.Peer reviewe

    Virgin olive phenolic profile as a result of the anabolic and catabolic enzymes status in the olive fruit

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    XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): Olive Trends Symposium - From the Olive Tree to Olive Oil: New Trends and Future ChallengesThe demand for high quality virgin olive oil (VOO) may be attributed to its potential health benefits related to protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases and also to its extraordinary organoleptic properties. It is well established that phenolic compounds have a direct influence on both factors, as antioxidants they provide important nutritional benefits, and additionally, some of them are associated with the bitter and pungent sensory notes of the oil. VOO phenolic profile may be affected by multiple preharvest and postharvest factors. In this sense, though processing technology may severely affect VOO quality, it is clear that most quality attributes of the oil are determined by the chemical composition and biochemical status of the olive fruit. Thus, the content of the main hydrophilic phenols found in VOO is closely related to the activity of enzymes hydrolyzing the main phenolic glycosides initially present in the olive tissue and the pool of enzymes, associated to the oxidative catabolism, acting both on those glycosides and on the derived hydrophilic phenols. Management of VOO phenolic profile requires a deeper knowledge on the anabolic and catabolic enzymes features in the olive fruit and the activity pattern of these enzymes during the industrial process to obtain this product.This work was supported by Research Project AGL2008-00258 from Programa Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Alimentarias funded by the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    Comunicación oral: ¿cómo potenciarla?

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    El proceso de convergencia europea iniciado en Bolonia en 1999, donde ministros europeos de educación elaboraron una declaración conjunta que pretende implantar un sistema comparable de títulos y un sistema de créditos transferibles, trata, en última instancia, de favorecer la movilidad de los estudiantes a través de la UE. El aprendizaje debe fomentar la capacidad de adaptación a los rápidos cambios que definen actualmente el mercado laboral dotándole de competencias y hábitos que permitan seguir aprendiendo durante su trayectoria profesional. Los estudiantes ocupan posiciones en las organizaciones modernas que han de ser capaces de analizar la información, mejorar sus habilidades de resolución de problemas y comunicación oral y reflexionar sobre su propio papel en el proceso de aprendizaje. El proyecto Tunning destaca que una de las competencias más importantes es la comunicación oral, por otro lado es una de las más demandadas por los empleadores según un estudio reciente realizado en la universidad Europea de Madrid