7,902 research outputs found

    SpZ12-1, a negative regulator required for spatial control of the territory-specific CyIIIa gene in the sea urchin embryo

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    The CyIIIa cytoskeletal actin gene of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is activated in late cleavage and expressed exclusively in the aboral ectoderm territory of the embryo. Previous gene transfer studies defined a 2.3 kb cis-regulatory region that is necessary and sufficient for correct temporal and spatial expression of a CyIIIa. CAT fusion gene. In this paper, a negative regulatory element within this region was identified that is required for repression of the CyIIIa gene in skeletogenic mesenchyme cells. The repression mediated by this regulatory element takes place after initial territorial specification. A cDNA clone encoding a DNA-binding protein with twelve Zn fingers (SpZ12-1) was isolated by probing an expression library with this cis-element. Deletion analysis of the SpZ12-1 protein confirmed that a DNA-binding domain is located within the Zn finger region. SpZ12-1 is the only DNA-binding protein in embryo nuclear extract that interacts with the specific cis-target sites required for repression of CyIIIa.CAT in skeletogenic mesenchyme and is likely to be the trans factor that mediates this repression

    Photoactivation of trans diamine platinum complexes in aqueous solution and effect on reactivity towards nucleotides

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    We show that UVA irradiation (365 nm) of the Pt-IV complex trans,trans,trans-[(PtCl2)-Cl-IV(OH)(2)(dimethylamine) (isopropylamine)] (1), induces reduction to Pt-II photoproducts. For the mixed amine Pt-II complex, trans[(PtCl2)-Cl-II(isopropylamine)(methylamine)] (2), irradiation at 365 nm increases the rate and extent of hydrolysis, triggering the formation of diaqua species. Additionally, irradiation increases the extent of reaction of complex 2 with guanosine-5'-monophosphate and affords mainly the bis-adduct, while reactions with adenosine-5'-monophosphate and cytidine-5'-monophosphate give rise only to mono-nucleotide adducts. Density Functional Theory calculations have been used to obtain insights into the electronic structure of complexes 1 and 2, and their photophysical and photochemical properties. UVA-irradiation can contribute to enhanced cytotoxic effects of diamine platinum drugs with trans geometry

    Lactoferrin Decreases the Intestinal Inflammation Triggered by a Soybean Meal-Based Diet in Zebrafish

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceIntestinal inflammation is a harmful condition in fish that can be triggered by the ingestion of soybean meal. Due to the positive costs-benefits ratio of including soybean meal in farmed fish diets, identifying additives with intestinal anti-inflammatory effects could contribute to solving the issues caused by this plant protein. This study evaluated the effect of incorporating lactoferrin (LF) into a soybean meal-based diet on intestinal inflammation in zebrafish. Larvae were fed with diets containing 50% soybean meal (50SBM) or 50SBM supplemented with LF to 0.5, 1, 1.5 g/kg (50SBM+LF0.5; 50SBM+LF1.0; 50SBM+LF1.5). The 50SBM+LF1.5 diet was the most efficient and larvae had a reduced number of neutrophils in the intestine compared with 50SBM larvae and an indistinguishable number compared with control larvae. Likewise, the transcription of genes involved in neutrophil migration and intestinal mucosal barrier functions (mmp9, muc2.2, and beta-def-1) were increased in 50SBM larvae but were normally expressed in 50SBM+LF1.5 larvae. To determine the influence of intestinal inflammation on the general immune response, larvae were challenged with Edwardsiella tarda. Larvae with intestinal inflammation had increased mortality rate compared to control larvae. Importantly, 50SBM+LF1.5 larvae had a mortality rate lower than control larvae. These results demonstrate that LF displays a dual effect in zebrafish, acting as an intestinal anti-inflammatory agent and improving performance against bacterial infection.http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/2016/1639720

    Mixed population of competing TASEPs with a shared reservoir of particles

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    We introduce a mean-field theoretical framework to describe multiple totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes (TASEPs) with different lattice lengths, entry and exit rates, competing for a finite reservoir of particles. We present relations for the partitioning of particles between the reservoir and the lattices: these relations allow us to show that competition for particles can have non-trivial effects on the phase behavior of individual lattices. For a system with non-identical lattices, we find that when a subset of lattices undergoes a phase transition from low to high density, the entire set of lattice currents becomes independent of total particle number. We generalize our approach to systems with a continuous distribution of lattice parameters, for which we demonstrate that measurements of the current carried by a single lattice type can be used to extract the entire distribution of lattice parameters. Our approach applies to populations of TASEPs with any distribution of lattice parameters, and could easily be extended beyond the mean-field case.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Zeta functions, renormalization group equations, and the effective action

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    We demonstrate how to extract all the one-loop renormalization group equations for arbitrary quantum field theories from knowledge of an appropriate Seeley--DeWitt coefficient. By formally solving the renormalization group equations to one loop, we renormalization group improve the classical action, and use this to derive the leading-logarithms in the one-loop effective action for arbitrary quantum field theories.Comment: 4 pages, ReV-TeX 3.

    Perspectivas epistemológicas no estudo científico e a avaliação clínica das funções executivas

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    En este artículo se examinan perspectivas epistemológicas que han moldeado e influenciado la búsqueda científica orientada hacia comprender aquello que los neuropsicólogos denominan las "funciones ejecutivas (FE). El término funciones ejecutivas se refiere a aspectos de control de la cognición y la conducta. Las ideas expuestas en este manuscrito presuponen que la orientación epistemológica de una persona determina la manera en la que ella conceptualiza la interacción entre las funciones cerebrales y su entorno físico. Cada una de esas orientaciones conlleva suposiciones acerca del modo como operan las FE y, por ende, el modo como deben ser evaluadas. Hasta fechas recientes esto se había abordado principalmente desde el punto de vista de dos perspectivas teóricas. Una de ellas, la analítica, tiene sus raíces en el movimiento positivista. La otra, también conocida como "ciencia romántica" es sintética, y provee las bases del trabajo científico del muy celebrado neuropsicólogo ruso A.R. Luria. Una tercera perspectiva, formulada en el marco de la "cognición corpórea", ha sido propuesta en los últimos 20 años, y está más estrechamente asociada con los trabajos de Francisco Varela. Se examina aquí, por medio de una revisión reflexiva e integradora de la literatura pertinente, la manera como esas tres perspectivas epistemológicas han influido sobre la investigación y la práctica clínica de la neuropsicología.In this article, epistemological perspectives that have shaped and affected the scientific quest for understanding what neuropsychologists term "executive functions" are reviewed. Executive functions refer to the control functions of cognition and behavior. The underlying thesis of the paper is that one's epistemological orientation determines how one sees the interaction between brain functions and our status in the world. Each different orientation thus carries with it implications with regard to how executive functions operate, as well as how, therefore, one should try to assess them. Until recently, these functions were approached through two primary epistemological points of view. One is analytic, which has its roots in the positivistic movement. The other approach is synthetic, otherwise known as "romantic science", and forms the basis of the work of the prominent Russian neuropsychologist A.R. Luria. A third epistemological perspective, articulated under the umbrella of 'embodied cognition' approaches, has been advanced in the last 20 years, and is associated most closely with the work of Francisco Varela. A review of, and reflection on how these perspectives have affected research and clinical practice in neuropsychology is provided.Neste artigo examinam-se as perspectivas epistemológicas que moldaram e influenciaram a busca científica orientada à compreender aquilo que os neuropsicólogos denominam as "funções executivas (FE). O termo funções executivas se refere a aspectos de controle da cognição e a conduta. As ideias expostas neste manuscrito pressupõem que a orientação epistemológica de uma pessoa determina a maneira em que ela conceitualiza a interação entre as funções cerebrais e seu entorno físico. Cada uma dessas orientações leva a suposições sobre o modo como operam as FE e, portanto, o modo como devem ser avaliadas. Até datas recentes isto havia sido abordado principalmente desde o ponto de vista de duas perspectivas teóricas. Uma delas, a analítica, tem suas raízes no movimento positivista. A outra, também conhecida como "ciência romântica" é sintética, e fornece as bases do trabalho científico do muito celebrado neuropsicólogo russo A.R. Luria. Uma terceira perspectiva, formulada no marco da "cognição corpórea", foi proposta nos últimos 20 anos, e está mais estreitamente associada com os trabalhos de Francisco Varela. Examina-se aqui, através de uma revisão reflexiva e integradora da literatura pertinente, a maneira como essas três perspectivas epistemológicas influíram sobre a pesquisa e a prática da neuropsicologia

    New late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) conodont and graptolite records from the southern South American Gondwana margin (Eastern Cordillera, Argentina)

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    New late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) conodont and graptolite faunas from the eastern and central belts of the Eastern Cordillera (Jujuy Province, northwestern Argentina) are reported. The conodont fauna includes the guide species Paltodus deltifer pristinus, Paltodus deltifer deltifer, and Acodus deltatus (sensu lato), in association with other taxa, and the graptolites Aorograptus victoriae, Ancoragraptus cf. bulmani, and Adelograptus cf. altus. Overlapping ranges of the recorded species allow for a partial correlation between the Acodus deltatus-Paroistodus proteus and Aorograptus victoriae zones, and the Notopeltis orthometopa trilobite Zone. The conodont fauna includes a mixture of forms typical of the Baltoscandian and Laurentian provinces, respectively. The Early Ordovician basin of northwestern Argentina may correspond to the Shallow-Sea Realm and Cold Domain and probably records the development of a differentiated conodont province in the southern South American margin of Gondwana

    Exploitation of nuclear and cytoplasm variability in Hordeum chilense for wheat breeding

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    Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schultz. is a diploid wild barley native to Chile and Argentina. The high crossability of this species with other members of the Triticeae tribe promoted the development of the new species × Tritordeum Ascherson et Graebner. Hexaploid tritordeum was developed from the hybrid derived from the cross between H. chilense (used as female parent) and durum wheat. The interest of H. chilense is based on the presence of traits potentially useful for wheat breeding, including high endosperm carotenoid content, septoria tritici blotch resistance and abiotic stress tolerance. Besides, the variability at cytoplasm level is also important in this species. The development of common wheat-H. chilense alloplasmic lines (nucleus from wheat and cytoplasm from H. chilense) results in fertile or male sterile genotypes, depending on the accession donating the cytoplasm. Furthermore, these alloplasmic lines constitute an ideal system for deepening our knowledge on nuclear-cytoplasm interactions. In conclusion, H. chilense is an interesting source of variability for wheat breeding. © 2011 NIAB.Our work in this area is supported by grants (to S. G. A.) AGL2008-03720, and P09-AGR-4817 from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Junta de Andalucía and FEDER. C. R.-S. acknowledges financial support from CSIC (JAE-Doc program).Peer Reviewe