22 research outputs found

    Derechos humanos, salud y trabajo social: mujeres imigrantes próximas a redes de trata en españa

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    El objetivo principal es visibilizar las dificultades que tienen las mujeres migrantes posibles víctimas de trata para ejercer su derecho a la salud en España, además de reflexionar como el Trabajo Social puede contribuir para superarlo. Partiremos del concepto de trata de personas y la vulneración que esta supone de los Derechos Humanos, analizando la normativa Internacional, Nacional y Autonómica en materia de salud y trata, observando cómo el derecho a la salud no está siendo considerado como un derecho universal en España, afectando a las mujeres posibles víctimas de trata, entre otros. Y por último, mencionaremos el papel general de los trabajadores sociales frente a este fenómeno

    Splicing Factor SLU7 Prevents Oxidative Stress-Mediated Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4α Degradation, Preserving Hepatic Differentiation and Protecting From Liver Damage

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    Background and Aims: Hepatocellular dedifferentiation is emerging as an important determinant in liver disease progression. Preservation of mature hepatocyte identity relies on a set of key genes, predominantly the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) but also splicing factors like SLU7. How these factors interact and become dysregulated and the impact of their impairment in driving liver disease are not fully understood. Approach and Results: Expression of SLU7 and that of the adult and oncofetal isoforms of HNF4α, driven by its promoter 1 (P1) and P2, respectively, was studied in diseased human and mouse livers. Hepatic function and damage response were analyzed in wild-type and Slu7-haploinsufficient/heterozygous (Slu7) mice undergoing chronic (CCl) and acute (acetaminophen) injury. SLU7 expression was restored in CCl-injured mice using SLU7-expressing adeno-associated viruses (AAV-SLU7). The hepatocellular SLU7 interactome was characterized by mass spectrometry. Reduced SLU7 expression in human and mouse diseased livers correlated with a switch in HNF4α P1 to P2 usage. This response was reproduced in Slu7 mice, which displayed increased sensitivity to chronic and acute liver injury, enhanced oxidative stress, and marked impairment of hepatic functions. AAV-SLU7 infection prevented liver injury and hepatocellular dedifferentiation. Mechanistically we demonstrate a unique role for SLU7 in the preservation of HNF4α1 protein stability through its capacity to protect the liver against oxidative stress. SLU7 is herein identified as a key component of the stress granule proteome, an essential part of the cell’s antioxidant machinery. Conclusions: Our results place SLU7 at the highest level of hepatocellular identity control, identifying SLU7 as a link between stress-protective mechanisms and liver differentiation. These findings emphasize the importance of the preservation of hepatic functions in the protection from liver injury.Supported by MINECO/AEI/FEDER (UE SAF2016-75972-R, PID2019-104265RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and PID2019-104878RB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), CIBERehd, Fundación La Caixa (HEPACARE), an AECC postdoctoral fellowship (POSTD18014AREC, to M.A.), a Ministerio de Educación FPU fellowship (FPU18/01461, to M.G.R.), a Ministerio de Educación FPI fellowship (BES-2017-079883, to M.R.); a Ramón y Cajal Program contract (RYC2018-024475-1, to M.G.F.B.), the Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, the Fundación Mario Losantos, the Fundación M. Torres, and a generous donation from Mr. Eduardo Avila

    Splicing factor SLU7 prevents oxidative stress-mediated hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α degradation, preserving hepatic differentiation and protecting from liver damage

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    Background and Aims: Hepatocellular dedifferentiation is emerging as an important determinant in liver disease progression. Preservation of mature hepatocyte identity relies on a set of key genes, predominantly the transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) but also splicing factors like SLU7. How these factors interact and become dysregulated and the impact of their impairment in driving liver disease are not fully understood. Approach and Results: Expression of SLU7 and that of the adult and oncofetal isoforms of HNF4α, driven by its promoter 1 (P1) and P2, respectively, was studied in diseased human and mouse livers. Hepatic function and damage response were analyzed in wild-type and Slu7-haploinsufficient/heterozygous (Slu7+/−) mice undergoing chronic (CCl4) and acute (acetaminophen) injury. SLU7 expression was restored in CCl4-injured mice using SLU7-expressing adeno-associated viruses (AAV-SLU7). The hepatocellular SLU7 interactome was characterized by mass spectrometry. Reduced SLU7 expression in human and mouse diseased livers correlated with a switch in HNF4α P1 to P2 usage. This response was reproduced in Slu7+/− mice, which displayed increased sensitivity to chronic and acute liver injury, enhanced oxidative stress, and marked impairment of hepatic functions. AAV-SLU7 infection prevented liver injury and hepatocellular dedifferentiation. Mechanistically we demonstrate a unique role for SLU7 in the preservation of HNF4α1 protein stability through its capacity to protect the liver against oxidative stress. SLU7 is herein identified as a key component of the stress granule proteome, an essential part of the cell’s antioxidant machinery. Conclusions: Our results place SLU7 at the highest level of hepatocellular identity control, identifying SLU7 as a link between stress-protective mechanisms and liver differentiation. These findings emphasize the importance of the preservation of hepatic functions in the protection from liver injury.Supported by MINECO/AEI/FEDER (UE SAF2016‐75972‐R, PID2019‐104265RB‐I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and PID2019‐104878RB‐100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), CIBERehd, Fundación La Caixa (HEPACARE), an AECC postdoctoral fellowship (POSTD18014AREC, to M.A.), a Ministerio de Educación FPU fellowship (FPU18/01461, to M.G.R.), a Ministerio de Educación FPI fellowship (BES‐2017‐079883, to M.R.); a Ramón y Cajal Program contract (RYC2018‐024475‐1, to M.G.F.B.), the Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, the Fundación Mario Losantos, the Fundación M. Torres, and a generous donation from Mr. Eduardo Avila

    El impulso del emprendimiento como competencia transversal en los estudiantes del Grado de Trabajo Social

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    Este proyecto está realizado por un grupo de profesores consolidado en docencia e investigación que apuesta por la innovación desde 2004, formado por profesores de la Facultad de Trabajo Social (UCM) y de distintas universidades nacionales que se preocupan por desarrollar planes de innovación que implementen la formación de los estudiantes con el fin de proporcionarles en su inserción laboral. El emprendimiento es parte de la competencia transversal “iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor” desarrollada especialmente en las asignaturas de Practicum (donde debe realizarse un Proyecto Social) y especialmente en el Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), ayudando a configurar el perfil profesional del alumnado. En la historia de la disciplina del Trabajo Social existen referentes que vinculan a la universidad como centro de la innovación y progreso de la humanidad. En este sentido sea motivado a la innovación y la creatividad en los estudiantes. La universidad se encuentra en una posición muy aventajada para promover las competencias relacionadas con la innovación y el espíritu empresarial. Estas competencias deben favorecer el emprendimiento social relacionado con el desarrollo social y humano, para la realización de una sociedad más equitativa y participativa desde distintas iniciativas que motiven la participación y la cooperación en esta sociedad desde sus instituciones. La responsabilidad social de la universidad, puede encontrase en esta función ya que se ha potenciado la adquisición de competencias profesionales. Entre algunos resultados próximos se resalta la presentación a los estudiantes de buenas prácticas realizadas desde la universidad para intervenir en la realidad social con el fin de incentivar la generación de nuevas experiencias. Además se destaca el hecho de que 5 estudiantes han terminado con un contrato de trabajo en su centro de practicas externas

    Memoria del II Coloquio Internacional sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales

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    Desde la Sede de Occidente y, específicamente, en el seno de la Coordinación de Investigación y con el apoyo de la Dirección de la Sede y las Coordinaciones de Docencia, Administración y Acción Social, así como de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación, se han celebrado en el 2011 y en el 2012 dos coloquios internacionales sobre diversidad cultural y estudios regionales. El propósito de ambos consistió principalmente en motivar a investigadores e investigadoras de las distintas unidades académicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica y de otras instituciones de Educación Superior, así como a representantes de Centros e Institutos de Investigación nacionales e internacionales, a presentar resultados de investigaciones que contribuyeran a un mayor conocimiento de los procesos culturales y que dieran a conocer resultados que permitieran la comprensión de las realidades de distintos sectores y regiones. En el 2011 se presentaron cuarenta y seis ponencias y se dictaron tres conferencias magistrales, y en el 2012 se expusieron cincuenta ponencias y se impartieron tres conferencias magistrales.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede de Occidente::Recinto San Ramón::Centro de Investigaciones sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales (CIDICER

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Mujeres subsaharianas posibles víctimas de trata. Derecho a la salud en tránsito

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    En este artículo se abordan los problemas de salud integral derivados de la violencia de género a la que se ven sometidas las mujeres subsaharianas próximas a redes de trata, que cruzan fronteras y que se encuentran en Andalucía (España) demandando servicios de salud. Así mismo, se analizan las dificultades con las que se encuentran éstas para ejercer su derecho a la salud en Andalucía, como lugar de tránsito, y las barreras que presentan los profesionales, condicionando su capacidad de intervención. El objetivo es fomentar la sensibilización y capacitación de los profesionales para favorecer la proximidad de los servicios sanitarios públicos en Andalucía a este colectivo

    Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Obesity

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    Obesity is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin and can be defined as an increase in the accumulation of body fat. Adipose tissue is not only a triglyceride storage organ, but studies have shown the role of white adipose tissue as a producer of certain bioactive substances called adipokines. Among adipokines, we find some inflammatory functions, such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6); other adipokines entail the functions of regulating food intake, therefore exerting a direct effect on weight control. This is the case of leptin, which acts on the limbic system by stimulating dopamine uptake, creating a feeling of fullness. However, these adipokines induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generating a process known as oxidative stress (OS). Because adipose tissue is the organ that secretes adipokines and these in turn generate ROS, adipose tissue is considered an independent factor for the generation of systemic OS. There are several mechanisms by which obesity produces OS. The first of these is the mitochondrial and peroxisomal oxidation of fatty acids, which can produce ROS in oxidation reactions, while another mechanism is over-consumption of oxygen, which generates free radicals in the mitochondrial respiratory chain that is found coupled with oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. Lipid-rich diets are also capable of generating ROS because they can alter oxygen metabolism. Upon the increase of adipose tissue, the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), was found to be significantly diminished. Finally, high ROS production and the decrease in antioxidant capacity leads to various abnormalities, among which we find endothelial dysfunction, which is characterized by a reduction in the bioavailability of vasodilators, particularly nitric oxide (NO), and an increase in endothelium-derived contractile factors, favoring atherosclerotic disease

    English language teaching in Costa Rica: Facing challenges

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    Undoubtedly, it is every teacher's life quest to find the best way to teach; there are no universal formulas to accomplish that. A committed teacher is a life-long learner, which shows why being an educator is not an easy career. A teacher is indeed like a candle that lights the students' path as it consumes itself. Such abnegation comes at a high price. Particularly, English teachers in a Country such as Costa Rica are faced with various challenges, ranging from deeply ingrained negative attitudes towards teachers and the education system itself, their own well-being which tends to be neglected a little too often, unequal access to resources and teaching materials, heterogeneous student populations, emotional factors in the classroom, among many others. An English teacher in a developing country (and probably elsewhere) has to be prepared to deal with the unexpected, learn, relearn, and unlearn, and whenever something new is learned, it is every (English) teacher's duty to share it using different means; getting published is but one way to do so. This ebook comprises a collection of essays written by students from the Master's Program in Education with an Emphasis on English Learning from Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica as part of their graduation project. In each of the manuscripts contained here, a Costa Rican English teacher reflects on some of his or her educational experiences and encountered challenges and proposes strategies to tackle them so that any English teachers out there facing similar situations may benefit from these ideas.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaDivisión de Educologí