2,342 research outputs found

    Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-binding activity on neural and non-neural cell lines and tissues

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    Three categories of cell lines are described with respect to their activity in binding Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). High, medium and low densities of viral receptors can be detected on cell lines from different species and origins by using an immunological binding assay. Nevertheless, TMEV acts as a fastidious virus that only infects a few cell types productively. No correlation between virion binding and degree of permissiveness to infection could be detected. The presence of viral receptors in both susceptible and resistant strains of mice seemed to have a widespread tissue distribution, the thymus being an exception. When primary cerebral cultures, enriched in neurons, astrocytes or oligodendrocytes, were checked in the immunological assay, a higher density of viral receptors was detected in the neuronal population. The number of virus-binding sites in the BHK-21 cell line is reported here to be 5 x 103 per cell; approximately 15 x 103 and 2.5 x 103 are the estimates of binding sites per cultured neuron and macroglial cell, respectively.Peer Reviewe

    Enfermeria prática clínica no tratamento de género da violencia

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    La violencia contra las mujeres es un fenómeno que ocurre en todos los países, clases sociales y ámbitos de la sociedad. Según la definición de la ONU, la violencia de género (VG) es “cualquier acto o intención que origina daño o sufrimiento físico, sexual o psicológico a las mujeres, incluyendo las amenazas de dichos actos, la coerción o privación arbitraria de libertad, ya sea en la vida pública o privada” Las necesidades específicas de estas mujeres son multidimensionales, por lo que se requieren intervenciones sanitarias que tengan en cuenta los aspectos biológicos, psicológicos y sociales. Para ello es necesaria la implicación activa de todo el personal de los servicios sanitarios desde un modelo de atención integral. El estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la base de actuación enfermera para el abordaje de la violencia de género. La metodología usada para este estudio es de investigación cualitativo-descriptiva que se inicia con una búsqueda bibliográfica y continúa con el análisis hermenéutico de los documentos encontrados. Las conclusiones de este estudio versan sobre la formación de las enfermeras en el abordaje de la violencia de género, así como los puntos fuertes y debilidades al respecto.Violence against women is a phenomenon that occurs in all countries, social classes and sectors of society. According to the UN definition, gender-based violence (GBV) is “any act or intention that causes harm or physical, sexual or psychological suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, and whether in public or private life “the specific needs of these women are multidimensional, so health interventions that take into account the biological, psychological and social aspects are required. This requires the active involvement of all staff in health services is required from a model of comprehensive care. The study aims to determine the basis of nurse for addressing GBV action. The methodology used for this study is qualitative-descriptive research begins with a literature search and continues with the hermeneutic analysis of the documents found. The findings of this study relate to the training of nurses in addressing gender-based violence, as well as the strengths and weaknesses in this regard.Violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno que ocorre em todos os países, classes sociais e setores da sociedade. De acordo com a definição da ONU, a violência baseada no género (VBG) é “qualquer ato ou intenção que causa dano ou física, sofrimento sexual ou psicológico à mulher, inclusive ameaças de tais atos, coerção ou privação arbitrária de liberdade, e seja na vida pública ou privada “as necessidades específicas dessas mulheres são, por assim intervenções multidimensionais de saúde que levem em conta os aspectos biológicos, psicológicos e sociais são necessários. Isso requer a participação activa de todos os funcionários em serviços de saúde é exigido de um modelo de atenção integral. O estudo tem como objetivo determinar a base de enfermeira para tratar de ação VBG. A metodologia utilizada para este estudo é uma pesquisa qualitativa-descritiva começa com uma pesquisa bibliográfica e continua com a análise hermenêutica dos documentos encontrados. As conclusões deste estudo referem-se à formação de enfermeiros no enfrentamento da violência de gênero, bem como os pontos fortes e fracos a este respeito

    QR como herramienta para promover entornos y conductas saludables: efectividad de una intervención en alumnos de secundaria en SVB

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: Sabiendo que la RCP básica sustituye, de forma precaria, las funciones vitales, que multitud de estudios han demostrado cómo las tasas de supervivencia de las paradas cardíacas descienden si la RCP básica no es iniciada por los testigos antes de la llegada de los equipos profesionalizados, que la capacidad de aprendizaje de esta población y que el coste de la intervención en conocimiento de Soporte Vital Básico (SVB) en relación con los beneficios que aportaría en un futuro son ínfimos, es por lo que nos planteamos estudiar la efectividad de una intervención en Soporte Vital Básico en alumnos de secundaria de la Zona Básica de Salud de San Fernando, Cádiz, aplicando la herramienta quick-response code. El proyecto se enmarca dentro del programa Forma Joven de Andalucía. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la intervención educativa de SVB en términos de mejora de conocimientos teóricos y habilidades prácticas. Metodología: Sujetos de estudio: Alumnos de 4º de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimentsal pre-post intervención. Procedimiento: Elaboración QR; Presentación al director; Explicar el proyecto a los alumnos y pasarles cuestionario auto administrado pre/post-intervención; Realizar la intervención educativa grupal. Tras dos semanas de la intervención realización nuevamente cuestionario auto administrada pre/post-intervención y entrega de material formativo con el quick response code; Reevaluación al mes, tres y seis meses. Conclusiones y resultados: Mejoraríamos en los chic@s los conocimientos y habilidades en SVB; conseguiríamos que la información en SVB sea accesible en cualquier momento; la Institución mejora la responsabilidad y aporta valor añadido

    Mollusk bycatch in trawl fisheries targeting the Atlantic seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri on the coast of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil

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    The malacofauna bycatch of sea-bob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) trawl fisheries on the coast of Sergipe was studied for 5 years. The malacofauna bycatch considered was obtained in nine oceanographic sampling campaigns carried out between May 1999 and June 2003 in 18 stations distributed in six transects along depths of 10, 20 and 30 m. A total of 2,669 individuals of mollusk belonging to 54 species were captured on the 18 sea-bob shrimp trawl stations carried out along the coast of Sergipe. The considerable richness of mollusks was composed by 19 families and 31 species of gastropods, 12 families and 19 species of bivalves and 2 families and 4 species of cephalopods. The highest abundance were observed at stations 13 (373 individuals) and 16 (685 individuals) that represents the lowest depth (10 m) and the richness was higher at stations 15 and 12 (17 and 11 species, respectively) both located at the highest depth (30 m). Cephalopods had high frequency of occurrence being collected in all the stations and by far the most abundant group with a total of 2,488 individuals captured. On the other hand, gastropods (with 142 individuals found in 83.3% of stations) and bivalves (about 1% of the individuals collected) contribute with a much smaller percentage of individuals captured. Lolliguncula brevis (Blainville, 1823) was most representative cephalopod in number and frequency of occurrence. Arcidae, Conidae, Muricidae and Strombidae were the families with the higher number of species in the trawl-fishery. Among bivalves, Pitar arestus (Dall & Simpson, 1901) and Spathochlamys benedicti (Verrill & Bush [in Verrill], 1897) were the species with higher frequency of occurrence. Although the considerable sample effort and a number of mollusks captured as bycath, the richness estimators indicated that the species richness could increase with additional sampling effort in the study area. The present study expands the taxonomic alpha knowledge on the mollusk bycatch of sea-bob shrimp trawl fisheries on the northeastern coast of Brazil. However, it is of crucial importance to assess urgently the negative impacts of the sea-bob shrimp trawl fisheries on the benthic community of the entire coast of Brazil

    La enfermería especialista como pilar fundamental en el abordaje del Trastorno Mental Grave

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: está constatado ampliamente que las personas con trastorno mental grave (TMG) presentan grandes dificultades para poder desempeñar su rol laboral. El personal que los atiende debe tener unos conocimientos, habilidades y aptitudes que no suelen estar al alcance de un único profesional. Proponemos la creación de un programa específico de detección-intervención que mejore el estado de salud de los trabajadores con TMG. Dicho programa será llevado a cabo por enfermera especialista en Enfermería del Trabajo y enfermera Especialista en Salud Mental. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de un programa psicoeducativo en trabajadores de centros sanitarios del SAS de la ciudad de Sevilla con trastorno mental grave que estén incluidas en el Censo del Trastorno Mental Grave del Proceso Asistencial Integrado (PAI TMG) entre 1 de enero de 2015 y el 31 de diciembre de 2016, ambos inclusive. Metodología: sujetos de estudio: profesionales del Sistema Andaluz de Salud diagnosticados de trastorno mental grave. Diseño: Estudio cuantitativo con dos fases, donde la primera es una fase observacional descriptiva transversal y la segunda será cuasi experimental (ensayo clínico pre y post). Procedimiento: Programa de abordaje psicoeducativo multidisciplinar llevado a cabo por la enfermera especialista en enfermería del trabajo y la enfermera especialista en salud mental. Conclusiones y resultados: se persigue: Conocimiento por parte del trabajador con TMG de: la enfermedad, tratamiento y pronóstico; Incrementar la calidad de vida del trabajador con TMG: Ansiedad y su control; Mejorar el estigma social y rehabilitación del trabajador con TMG; Asegurar la correcta integración laboral de los trabajadores con TMG

    La integración europea: alcance y límites

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar los límites jurídicos y el alcance de la Unión Europea, desde una perspectiva objetiva. No tiene por tanto el objetivo de valorar si los límites, o dicho de manera inversa, el alcance de la Unión, deben ser ampliados o restringidos, sino el análisis de los diferentes elementos que conforman las fronteras jurídicas hasta las que se extiende la Unión Europea hoy en día

    Patient Expectations and Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes Following Total Joint Replacement

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    AbstractObjectivesPatient psychological factors have been linked to health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcomes after total joint replacement (TJR). We evaluated the relationship between patient expectations before TJR, their fulfillment and HRQoL outcomes at 3 and 12 months after surgery.MethodsConsecutive patients preparing for TJR of the knee or hip due to primary osteoarthritis in 15 hospitals in Spain were recruited for the study. Patients completed questionnaires before surgery, and 3 and 12 months afterward: five questions about expectations before surgery and their fulfillment at 3 and 12 months; three HRQoL instruments—Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Short Form 12 (SF-12), and European Quality of Life Instrument (EQ-5D); as well as questions about sociodemographic information. Student's t test was used to assess the relationship between fulfillment of expectations and gains in HRQoL.ResultsA total of 881 patients took part in the study. Preintervention expectations for TJR ranged from 85% to 86% of patients, with high expectations for pain relief and ability to walk to 70% with high expectations about interacting with others. Patients who reported having fulfilled their expectations at 3 and 12 months had significantly greater gains in HRQoL than those who did not. Besides, we observed a statistically significant improvement in the percentage of patients who fulfill their expectations from 3 to 12 months.ConclusionsPatients have high expectations for the benefits of TJR, and those who fulfill their expectations have greater gains in HRQoL assessing by SF-12, WOMAC and EQ-5D. Health-care providers should help their patients develop realistic expectations about the impact of TJR

    Oracion funebre en las exequias que el dia 4 de setiembre de 1804 celebró en su iglesia la comunidad de Carmelitas descalzos de Zaragoza al ... Señor D. F. Jose Antonio de S. Alberto, Arzobispo de Charcas

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    Fecha tomada del títuloSignaturizadoPort. con esc. de los CarmelitasLa h. de lám. es grabado calcográfico : "Jf. Dordal lo Go.", retrato de D. José Antonio de S. Albert

    Ex vivo efect of JAK inhibition on JAK‑STAT1 pathway hyperactivation in patients with dominant‑negative STAT3 mutations

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    Purpose STAT1 gain-of-function (GOF) and dominant-negative (DN) STAT3 syndromes share clinical manifestations includ ing infectious and infammatory manifestations. Targeted treatment with Janus-kinase (JAK) inhibitors shows promising results in treating STAT1 GOF-associated symptoms while management of DN STAT3 patients has been largely supportive. We here assessed the impact of ruxolitinib on the JAK-STAT1/3 pathway in DN STAT3 patients’ cells. Methods Using fow cytometry, immunoblot, qPCR, and ELISA techniques, we examined the levels of basal STAT1 and phosphorylated STAT1 (pSTAT1) of cells obtained from DN STAT3, STAT1 GOF patients, and healthy donors following stimulation with type I/II interferons (IFNs) or interleukin (IL)-6. We also describe the impact of ruxolitinib on cytokine induced STAT1 signaling in these patients. Results DN STAT3 and STAT1 GOF resulted in a similar phenotype characterized by increased STAT1 and pSTAT1 levels in response to IFNα (CD3+ cells) and IFNγ (CD14+ monocytes). STAT1-downstream gene expression and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 secretion were higher in most DN STAT3 patients upon stimulation compared to healthy controls. Ex vivo treatment with the JAK1/2-inhibitor ruxolitinib reduced cytokine responsiveness and normalized STAT1 phosphorylation in DN STAT3 and STAT1 GOF patient’ cells. In addition, ex vivo treatment was efective in modulating STAT1 downstream signaling in DN STAT3 patients. Conclusion In the absence of efective targeted treatment options for AD-HIES at present, modulation of the JAK/STAT1 pathway with JAK inhibitors may be further explored particularly in those AD-HIES patients with autoimmune and/or autoinfammatory manifestations