779 research outputs found

    Response of Chrysantemum Plant to Addition of Broiler Manure as a Substitute for Commercial Substrate

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    Dos tipos diferentes de pollinaza mezclados con el material de cama (paja o serrín) añadidas en tasas de 0 y 10% más dos substratos comerciales de turba (turba negra y turba rubia) se usaron para estudiar el crecimiento de crisantemo en maceta. En todos los casos, la calidad y el tamaño de las plantas fue mejor con las mezclas de substratos de turba negra que con las mezclas de turba rubia. Con las mezclas de turba negra con pollinaza hubo un aumento significativo del número de flores sin que hubiese un aumento en el tamaño de las plantas. También se pudo observar que con la adición de pollinaza, el substrato de turba rubia mejoró significativamente los parámetros de crecimiento estudiados, esto fue debido a que el pH del substrato fue más adecuado para el cultivo. Por último, no hubo mortalidad de plantas con las mezclas experimentadas, pero cuando la cantidad de gallinaza aumentó en la mezcla fue más notable la mortalidad de plantas

    Criteria for selecting children with special needs for dental treatment under general anaesthesia

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    Objective: To study criteria for helping to select children with special needs for dental treatment under general anaesthesia. Materials and methods: Group of 30 children (aged under 18) examined on the Course at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) (Specialisation on holistic dental treatment of children with special needs) and subsequently referred to the Disabled Children?s Oral Health Unit (DCOHU) within Primary Health Care Area 2 of the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS) where dental treatment under general anaesthesia was given during 2005. Relevant data were taken from their case histories with regard to their general health, oral health and behaviour. Results: In most of the children (22 children), it was possible to carry out a complete dental diagnosis. With regard to medical diagnoses, the most frequent pathology was cerebral palsy (8 children), but it was not possible to establish a link between the pathology and the use of general anaesthesia. With regard to oral health, most of the children received restorative treatment in all 4 quadrants (26 children). On the basis of scales for behavioural evaluation and movement, most of the children (17 children) showed clearly negative behaviour, with movements that interrupted or hindered examination. Conclusions: With the exception of certain specific medical problems, the reasons for using general anaesthesia for dental treatment in children with special needs are extensive treatment needs and bad behaviour, both of which can be judged objectively

    Program for coordinated dental care under general anaesthesia for children with special needs

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    Aim: To draw up a program for coordination of dental care for children with special needs between the Course at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCMC) (Specialisation in holistic dental care for children with special needs), and the Disabled Children?s Oral Health Unit (DCOHU) within the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS). Material and methods: UCMC Protocol for children with special needs. Design of a clinical pathway based on consensus amongst the professionals involved. Results: Algorithm for dental care for children with special needs. Matrix covering all activities and timing for full dental diagnosis in such patients (general health, oral health and behaviour) to facilitate proper referral of patients requiring general anaesthesia. Inclusion in the matrix of those responsible for each activity. Conclusions: Improved team work (University ? primary health care) in patient evaluation, in provision of information to parents and guardians and in health care quality. From the teaching point of view, students learn to adopt a systematic approach in the decision-making process

    A Health Sector Online Toolkit for Implementing Learning into Practice from Violence Against Women Trainings (TILPVAWT)

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    Violence against women (VAW) is a major public health and human rights concern. Intimate partner violence and sexual violence are among the most pervasive forms of violence against women. Training health professionals in VAW is essential to raise awareness and improve the care for victims with a comprehensive approach. One of the objectives of this project was the development of a set of 28 tools to facilitate VAW training of health professionals, using certain common content, and the transfer of this knowledge into their clinical practice. This toolkit has been presented on the website http://www.toolner.com/en/. This website has been designed in an easy to use and friendly way, and is oriented to trainers, organisations and individuals interested in improving their teaching skills in VAW, but with the potential to be adapted and used independently by different organisations. The toolkit is divided into five phases of training: preparation, development, implementation, post-training, and assessment; each containing different tools and examples. Training in VAW is the first step to change attitudes but it is necessary to motivate professionals, adapt content, methodology and assess the impact of the training. This website is a tool by which to achieve this

    Identification of seasonal variation in the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia:a population-based study

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    Until now, the role that seasonal factors play in the aetiology of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) has been unclear. Demonstration of seasonality in AML diagnosis would provide supportive evidence of an underlying seasonal aetiology. To investigate the potential seasonal and long‐term trends in AML diagnosis in an overall population and in subgroups according to sex and age, we used population‐based data from a Spanish hospital discharge registry. We conducted a larger study than any to date of 26 472 cases of AML diagnosed in Spain between 2004 and 2015. Using multivariable Poisson generalized linear autoregressive moving average modelling, we found an upward long‐term trend, with monthly incidence rates of AML annually increasing by 0.4% [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.2%–0.6%; p = 0.0011]. January displayed the highest incidence rate of AML, with a minimum average difference of 7% when compared to February (95% CI, 2%–12%; p = 0.0143) and a maximum average difference of 16% compared to November (95% CI, 11%–21%; p < 0.0001) and August (95% CI, 10%–21%; p < 0.0001). Such seasonal effect was consistent among subgroups according to sex and age. Our finding that AML diagnosis is seasonal strongly implies that seasonal factors, such as infectious agents or environmental triggers, influence the development and/or proliferation of disease, pointing to prevention opportunities

    Gender and functional CYP2C and NAT2 polymorphisms determine the metabolic profile of metamizole

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    Metamizole is a pain-killer drug that has been banned in some countries because of its toxicity, but it is still used in many countries due to its effective analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Although large variability in the biodisposition and adverse effects of metamizole are known, factors underlying this variability are poorly understood. We analyzed the urinary recovery of metabolites, as well as the association of these profiles with genetic and non-genetic factors, in a group of 362 healthy individuals. Gender and functional polymorphisms are strongly related to metabolic profiles. N-demethylation of the active metabolite MAA is diminished in carriers of the CYP2C19*2 allele and in NAT2-slow acetylators. Acetylation of the secondary metabolite AA is decreased in men, in drinkers and in NAT2-slow acetylators with a differential effect of NAT2*5 and NAT2*6 alleles. The formylation of MAA is diminished in older subjects and in carriers of defect CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 alleles. Two novel arachidonoyl metabolites were identified for the first time in humans. Women and NAT2-slow acetylators show higher concentrations, whereas the presence of the rapid CYP2C19*17 allele is associated with lower concentrations of these metabolites. All genetic associations show a gene-dose effect. We identified for the first time genetic and non-genetic factors related to the oxidative metabolism of analgesic drug metamizole, as well as new active metabolites in humans. The phenotypic and genetic factors identified in this study have a potential application as biomarkers of metamizole biotransformation and toxicity.We are grateful to Prof. James McCue for assistance in language editing. Financed by grants PS09/00943, PS09/00469, PI12/00241, PI12/00324 and RETICS RD07/0064/0016 and RD12/0013/0002 and RD12/0013/0009 from Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; GR10068 from Junta de Extremadura, Spain. Financed in part with FEDER funds from the European Union. I.A. is supported by a Servet Contract CP11/00154.Martínez, C.; Andreu Ros, MI.; Amo, G.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Esguevillas, G.; Torres, MJ.; Blanca López, N.... (2014). Gender and functional CYP2C and NAT2 polymorphisms determine the metabolic profile of metamizole. Biochemical Pharmacology. 92(3):457-466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcp.2014.09.005S45746692

    A mindfulness and compassion-based program applied to pregnant women and their partners to decrease depression symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Pregnancy and the postpartum period are times of great change for women and their partners, often bringing substantial challenges and stress. Approximately 10%-20% of women suffer from mood disorders such as depression in the perinatal period. There are risks involved in using psychopharmacological interventions to treat perinatal depression. Mindfulness and compassion-based educational programs could be efficacious and cost-effective options for the prevention and treatment of perinatal mood disorders. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of an adapted Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) program that includes compassion training for pregnant women in primary care (PC) settings in the Spanish National Health System to decrease perinatal depression. Methods: A multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted. Participants will be pregnant women (n = 122) and their partners who wish to participate. They will be enrolled and assessed in PC settings and randomly assigned to either: (1) an adapted MBCP educational program tailored to the Spanish National Health System + treatment as usual (TAU); or (2) TAU only. The main outcome to be assessed will be depression, evaluated with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Secondary outcomes will include self-reported measures of perceived stress, affects, mindfulness, self-compassion, maternal self-efficacy, and use of health and social services. Patients will be assessed at four timepoints: baseline; post-treatment; and at three and six months after childbirth. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses will be carried out using linear regression mixed models. Effect sizes will be estimated using Cohen''s d. Discussion: Perinatal depression is a significant health problem. An effective and low-cost childbirth education program that incorporates mindfulness and compassion practices may be a beneficial preventive complementary healthcare modality for expectant women and their partners. This study will be the first multicenter RCT in Spanish PC settings using adapted MBCP and compassion practices to reduce symptoms of depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period

    Endoglin and MMP14 contribute to Ewing sarcoma spreading by modulation of cell-matrix interactions

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    Endoglin (ENG) is a mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) marker typically expressed by active endothelium. This transmembrane glycoprotein is shed by matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14). Our previous work demonstrated potent preclinical activity of first-in-class anti-ENG antibody-drug conjugates as a nascent strategy to eradicate Ewing sarcoma (ES), a devastating rare bone/soft tissue cancer with a putative MSC origin. We also defined a correlation between ENG and MMP14 expression in ES. Herein, we show that ENG expression is significantly associated with a dismal prognosis in a large cohort of ES patients. Moreover, both ENG/MMP14 are frequently expressed in primary ES tumors and metastasis. To deepen in their functional relevance in ES, we conducted transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of in vitro ES models that unveiled a key role of ENG and MMP14 in cell mechano-transduction. Migration and adhesion assays confirmed that loss of ENG disrupts actin filament assembly and filopodia formation, with a concomitant effect on cell spreading. Furthermore, we observed that ENG regulates cell-matrix interaction through activation of focal adhesion signaling and protein kinase C expression. In turn, loss of MMP14 contributed to a more adhesive phenotype of ES cells by modulating the transcriptional extracellular matrix dynamics. Overall, these results suggest that ENG and MMP14 exert a significant role in mediating correct spreading machinery of ES cells, impacting the aggressiveness of the disease.E.A.’s laboratory is supported by ISCIII-FEDER (PI20/00003), CIBERONC (CB16/12/00361), PAIDI-Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-735), Fundación CRIS Contra el Cáncer, Asociación Candela Riera and Asociación Pablo Ugarte. A.T.A. is supported by Juan de la Cierva Incorporación fellowship (IJC-2018-036767-I); P.P.-C. is sponsored by the Fundación María García Estrada. J.O.-P is supported by Ph.D. Grant Plan Propio from the University of Seville. J.D.-M is supported by CIBERONC (CB16/12/00361). C.S.-A. is supported by the European Social Fund and the Junta de Andalucía (Talento Doctores 2020, DOC_01473). This work was supported by grants from the Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía, grants No PI-0036-2017, PI-0040-2017, and PI-0061-2020) awarded to J.D.-M, A.T.A. and C. S.-A., respectively. This work was also supported by the GEIS-Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado (IV beca trienal) granted to J.D.-M, the 13ª GEIS-Beca Buesa granted to A.T.A. and CRIS (Cancer Research Innovation Spain) granted to J.D.-M and E.A. The laboratory of T.G.P.G. is supported by the Barbara and Wilfried Mohr Foundation. The lab of J.A. is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), grant number PI20CIII/00020; Asociación Pablo Ugarte, grant numbers TRPV205/18, TPI-M 1149/13; Asociación Candela Riera; Asociación Todos Somos Iván & Fundación Sonrisa de Alex, grant reference: TVP333-19.S

    Trabajo de investigación para la implementación de una empresa de depilación IPL llamada Depil Style

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    El siguiente proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación e implementación de una empresa de depilación IPL en la ciudad de Lima, que cumpla con altos estándares de calidad y con una ventaja competitiva de atender en horarios extendidos y fines de semana. El proyecto inicia con el planteamiento del problema, las hipótesis y los objetivos que se desean alcanzar. Mediante un estudio de mercado se determinan las debilidades de las empresas actuales que operan en el mismo rubro y sus sustitutos. Además, se identifica la demanda existente y cuáles son las preferencias y gustos de sus consumidores, para posteriormente en el estudio técnico identificar la ubicación idónea, la inversión total y las modalidades de financiamiento. Se ha definido de manera eficiente el personal requerido y los perfiles que debe cumplir cada uno de ellos en los diferentes puestos, se tienen manuales de funciones operativos que están a cargo de la administración y que se aplican a cada una de las áreas a fin de salvaguardar la calidad tanto en atención como en el cuidado y mantenimiento de los equipos de depilación. Se ha investigado sobre los requisitos, permisos y licencias requeridos para brindar el servicio de depilación IPL en la ciudad de Lima, así como también las leyes y normas vigentes que rigen en función a este tipo de negocio y las condiciones laborales y tributarias. Por último, con la elaboración de los estudios financieros pertinentes se concluye que el proyecto es viable y rentable a partir del segundo año.The following project aims to create and implement an IPL hair removal company in the city of Lima, which meets high quality standards and has a competitive advantage of serving extended hours and weekends. The project begins with the statement of the problem, the hypotheses, and the objectives to be achieved. Through a market study, the weaknesses of current companies operating in the same field and their substitutes are determined. In addition, the existing demand is identified and what the preferences and tastes of its consumers are, for later in the technical study to identify the ideal location, the total investment, and the financing modalities. The required personnel and the profiles that each of them must fulfill in the different positions have been efficiently defined, there are manuals of operational functions that are in charge of the administration and that are applied to each of the areas in order to safeguard the quality of both care and care and maintenance of hair removal equipment. It has investigated the requirements, permits and licenses required to provide the IPL hair removal service in the city of Lima, as well as the laws and regulations in force that govern this type of business and the labor and tax conditions. Finally, with the preparation of the relevant financial studies, it is concluded that the project is viable and profitable as of the second year.Trabajo de investigació

    Mejora de la enseñanza en toxicología clínica: Toxicidad por anestésicos locales en un modelo experimental porcino y su reversión con antídotos

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    La toxicología clínica es muy compleja de mostrar a los alumnos por la dificultad en la practica clínica de la coincidencia de casos reales de intoxicaciones. Mediante la participación del alumno en un modelo in vivo de intoxicación se puede conseguir un acercamiento entre los conceptos teóricos y prácticos. El modelo de aprendizaje propuesto incluye mostrar fármacos de un uso muy extendido en la practica clínica, los anestésicos locales, agentes muy tóxicos a nivel cardiaco y neurológico. Hemos desarrollado un modelo de intoxicación aguda por bupivacaína con el objetivo primario de valorar su viabilidad sin inducir la muerte del animal, y como objetivo secundario para el estudio de los efectos del fármaco en el sistema electrofisiológico del corazón. El modelo propuesto permite observar en un modelo animal, la secuencia de una intoxicación por anestésico local mostrando los efectos tóxicos cardiacos en el electrocardiograma y en los registros intracavitarios de la aurícula y el ventrículo. Estos se obtendrán mediante catéteres introducidos en el corazón a través de la canalización de los vasos arteriales y venoso femorales del animal. Este modelo docente desarrollado en tiempo real permitirá al alumno comprender de forma directa los mecanismos de toxicidad por los anestésicos y como se ven afectadas las propiedades eléctricas del corazón incluyendo la aparición de arritmias graves ventriculares y como mostrar a los alumnos en un modelo animal la cardiotoxicidad de fármacos muy comunes en la práctica clínica como son los anestésicos localesDepto. de Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y PatologíaFac. de MedicinaFALSEsubmitte