1,162 research outputs found

    Critical race theory in a swedish context

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    Race has been a term avoided in the Swedish debates, while at the same time, protections with respect to unlawful discrimination on the basis of race or ethnic origins have not been vigilantly upheld by the courts. This paper looks at the treatment of race by the Swedish legislature, as well as the treatment by the courts, specifically the Labour Court, with respect to claims of unlawful discrimination in employment on the basis of ethnic origins, against the background of Critical Race Theory. The disparities between the intent of the legislature and the outcome of the cases brought to the Swedish courts can be in least in part explained through the lens of Critical Race Theory, particularly with respect to the liberal approach taken by the courts when applying the law

    High throughput microbalance and methods of using same

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    The method and apparatus is particularly adapted for providing microbalance measurement of solid materials as part of a combinatorial research program. The method and apparatus contemplate monitoring the response of a resonator holding a sample and correlating the response with mass change in the samples

    Solidarity: a Key Element in Alternative Food Networks

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    Alternative food networks (AFN) are self-organized groups of individuals and businesses that form new economic relationships intended to mitigate perceived problems in conventional food systems. These relationships are based on a set of principles and activities that contribute to a feeling of solidarity among participants. A grounded theory approach is used to examine the importance of solidarity in the operations of four AFN projects in the former East Germany. Data collection methods include document analysis and participant observation. Data were analyzed using the qualitative data analysis package Atlas-ti, and include photographs, printed materials, and field notes. Projects investigated include two community supported agriculture projects, one cooperative grocery, and one urban agriculture project. Results show that, although solidarity is explicitly mentioned by actors and official documents from each initiative, the concept is conceived of and implemented differently. Interactions between characteristics of the individuals who create and live out the rules that govern these new relationships, local social, environmental and economic history and current conditions and outside institutions result in complex, evolving socio-ecological systems that ripple out to related sets of actors.

    High throughput microbalance and methods of using the same

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    A method and apparatus for measurement of mass of small sample sizes. The method and apparatus is particularly adapted for providing microbalance measurement of solid materials as part of a combinatorial research program. The method and apparatus contemplate monitoring the response of a resonator holding a sample and correlating the response with mass change in the samples

    Building Teacher Capacity to Support English Language Learners in Schools Receiving School Improvement Grants

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    The Study of School Turnaround examines the improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 case study schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program over a three-year period (2010 -- 11 to 2012 -- 13 school years). This brief focuses on 11 of these SIG schools with high proportions of English Language Learner (ELL) students (a median of 45 percent ELLs), describing their efforts to improve teachers' capacity for serving ELLs through staffing strategies and professional development (PD). Key findings that emerged from the ELL case study data collected during the 2011 -- 12 and 2012 -- 13 school years include:Few schools reported leveraging staffing strategies to improve teacher capacity for serving ELLs. Administrators in 3 of the 11 schools reported considering ELL expertise and experience when hiring classroom teachers, while respondents in 2 of the 11 schools reported that teachers' ELL expertise and experience purposefully factored into assignment of teachers to specific classrooms.Most teacher survey respondents (54 to 100 percent) in all 11 schools reported participating in ELL-related PD during the 2011 -- 12 school year. On average, teachers reported that ELL-related PD accounted for less than 20 percent of their total PD hours.Teacher survey respondents in schools that reported a greater PD focus on ELL-related topics, such as instructional strategies for advancing English proficiency or instructional strategies to use for ELLs within content classes, also generally appeared more likely to report that PD improved their effectiveness as teachers of ELLs

    Prenatal Diagnosis

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    The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that all pregnant women be offered aneuploidy screening or diagnostic testing. A myriad of screening and testing options are available to patients based on their risk profile and gestational age. Screening options include traditional serum analyte screening, such as first-trimester screening or quadruple screening, and more recently, cell-free DNA. Diagnostic testing choices include chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis. The number of screening and diagnostic modalities complicates prenatal counseling for physicians and can be difficult for patients to grasp. Appropriate pretest and posttest counseling is important to ensure adequate understanding of results and ensure testing strategy is concordant with patient goals

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: Reflections in Bullongh’s Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England by Diana Muir; Maine in America: American Art at the Farnsworth Art Museum. By Pamela J. Belanger; foreword by Christopher B. Crosman; essay by William H. Gerdt

    Using Fad Diets to Teach Information Evaluation

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    In Spring 2021, the librarian presenters partnered with Laura Bauer, a Nutrition faculty member, to teach students in introductory Nutrition classes information evaluation skills. The instructor\u27s assignment originally asked the class of non-science major students to find a recipe online that met a personal nutrition goal based on current recommendations. The assignment evolved for a class of pre-health science students into an evaluative assignment where students were asked to research a fad diet online and compare those findings with the scholarly literature, all while considering diet culture through a social justice lens. In this session we\u27ll discuss how the librarians and professor collaborated to create an assignment that incorporated the learning objectives of the course into a real-life scenario where students would be expected to critically evaluate information. Over our two-part library instruction session with the pre-health science majors, we introduced two evaluation methods to students in the class: SIFT (Stop, Investigate the source, Find trusted coverage, Trace the claims) and TRAP (Timeliness, Relevance, Authority, Purpose). We will explain these evaluation techniques and how they can be applied to evaluate various types of information. We will also discuss our plans to incorporate the fad diet assignment into courses for non-science majors in the fall, replacing the more basic recipe assignment

    Anteeksipyynnön kontekstit keskustelussa

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    Tutkielmassa käsitellään eksplisiittisiä anteeksipyyntöjä, niiden rakennetta sekä niiden sijoittumista keskusteluun. Tutkielmassa selvitetään sitä, mitä toimintoja eksplisiittisillä anteeksipyynnöillä tehdään. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on keskustelunanalyysi joka on laadullinen, vahvasti empiirinen tutkimusmetodi. Keskustelunanalyysin keskeinen ajatus on, että keskustelu ei ole kaaos eikä puhujien keskinäinen ymmärtäminen perustu sattumaan, vaan vuorovaikutus on yksityiskohtiaan myöten järjestynyttä ja jäsentynyttä toimintaa. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu 123:sta keskustelusta. Mukana on sekä kasvokkais- että puhelinkeskusteluja, ja asiointi- sekä arkikeskusteluja. Aineistossa on yhteensä 133 anteeksipyynnön ilmausta. Aineiston monipuolisuus antaa mahdollisuuden ilmiön laajempaan tarkasteluun. Tutkielmassa käsiteltävät anteeksipyynnöt ovat muotoa anteeks(i), sori, olen pahoillani, pahoittelemme sekä tsori. Anteeks(i)-sanan sisältävä anteeksipyyntö on näistä selvästi yleisin, ja ainoa variantti, jota käytetään aineistossani myös korjausaloitteena. Anteeksipyyntöä tarkastellaan tutkielmassa sekä pahoittelevassa funktiossa että myös korjausjäsennyksessä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös anteeksipyyntöjen rakennetta, johon vaikuttaa eniten tehty rike. Anteeksipyyntövuoro saattaa saada erilaisia laajennuksia tai koostua pelkästään eksplisiittisestä anteeksipyynnön ilmauksesta. Anteeksipyyntö voi toimia myös korjausaloitteena tai sen osana. Tutkielmassa vertaillaan korjausjäsennyksessä esiintyvää sekä selkeämmin pahoittelevia anteeksipyyntövuoroja. Anteeksipyynnön voi katsoa olevan kohtelias tapa aloittaa korjaus, mutta toisaalta se saattaa myös osoittaa erimielisyyttä. Anteeksipyyntö saattaa olla myös ironinen tai humoristinen ja tutkielmasta selviääkin, että anteeksipyynnöt ovat moninaisia puhetoimintoja, joiden ainoa funktio ei ole kohteliaisuuden osoittaminen tai pahoittelu