24 research outputs found
Ciclos de origen político: la visión heterodoxa de Kalecki en contraste con la visión ortodoxa.
La ponencia tiene como objetivo presentar la teoría del ciclo económico de origen político que el economista Michal Kalecki desarrolla en su artículo de 1.943, “Political aspects of full employment” como alternativa heterodoxa al enfoque ortodoxo del análisis de la interdependencia político económica. Aunque algunos autores citan la aportación de Kalecki como pionera de los modelos oportunistas de ciclos económicos de origen político surgidos en el seno de la Teoría de la Elección Pública, ambos enfoques descansan sobre concepciones del capitalismo, en particular de las relaciones de producción y del papel que juega el Estado en dicho sistema, substancialmente diferentes. En el presente trabajo, no sólo presentamos y analizamos los rasgos básicos que caracterizan las tesis ortodoxas y, sobre todo, la contribución kaleckiana, sino que también exploramos la relación que mantiene cada una de ellas con los planteamientos neoliberales en materia de política económica predominantes en las últimas décadas. ABSTRACT:The paper aims to present the theory of the economic cycle of political in origin that economist Michal Kalecki develops in its article of 1,943, "Political aspects of full employment" as an alternative heterodox to the orthodox approach of the analysis of the interdependence political economy. Although some authors cite the contribution of Kalecki as a pioneer of the models opportunistic economic cycles of political in origin encountered in the midst of the Theory of the Public Choice, both approaches rest on conceptions of capitalism, in particular the relations of production and the role played by the State in the system, substantially different. In this work, not only presented and discussed the basic traits that characterized the thesis orthodox and, above all, the contribution kaleckiana, but also explored the relationship each of them with the approaches neoliberal economic policy prevailing in the past decade
LEGO blocks as a gamification tool
[EN] New teaching methodologies with a more active participation of the students are increasingly present in the educational field. One of the best known is gamification, which refers to learning through play. A tool used in this methodology are the LEGO blocks. In this paper, an analysis of the students’ skills developed by learning using LEGO blocks is carried out in two dimensions: self-connection and communication with others. A sample composed of Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and a Master's Degree in Teaching students is analyzed, in order to identify common behavioral patterns through a cluster analysis. The results reflect the use of this tool is highly valued by students in terms of the development of the own dynamic, as well as the implicit learning that it proposes.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Dominguez Vila, T.; Alén, E.; De Carlos Villamarín, P. (2018). LEGO blocks as a gamification tool. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 443-450. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8010OCS44345
Active tourism in A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situation and perspectives. A qualitative analysis of local stakeholders’ opinion
[RESUMEN]El turismo activo en A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situación y perspectivas. Un análisis cualitativo de la opinión de los agentes locales. El trinomio turismo-deporte-naturaleza está en pleno auge en la actualidad, al combinar el interés de los individuos por desplazarse fuera de su entorno habitual, por la salud y el cuerpo y, finalmente, por alejarse de núcleos urbanos y disfrutar de entornos naturales. El número de actividades implicadas es muy amplio, dependiendo de la intensidad física buscada y del medio elegido para su práctica (terrestre, acuático o aéreo). Es por ello que los destinos turísticos que cumplen los requisitos necesarios para ofertar turismo activo se planteen éste como una alternativa para incrementar o incluso focalizar su oferta turística. En el presente trabajo se analiza el caso de A Baixa Limia (Ourense), destino que presenta una dotación de recursos naturales que, a priori, lo convierten en idóneo para albergar este tipo de turismo. Por ello, tras poner de manifiesto la presencia en la comarca de los factores clave para el desarrollo del turismo activo, se presenta la evidencia obtenida mediante entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales y expertos de la zona relativa a diferentes aspectos que caracterizan el turismo activo en la comarca: oferta, demanda y repercusiones y perspectivas de futuro. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que A Baixa Limia posee numerosos recursos para convertirse en un destino referente para la práctica de turismo activo, aunque faltan empresas que exploten este potencial; además, la cooperación público-privada todavía es insuficiente y es necesario trabajar en una oferta complementaria atractiva que permita una experiencia completa por parte del turista.[ABTRACT]Tourism-sport-nature trinomial is booming today, combining the interests of individuals traveling outside their usual environment, health and body and finally get away from urban centers and enjoy natural surroundings. The number of activities involved is very large, depending on the desired physical intensity and the means chosen to practice (land, water or air). That is why tourism destinations that meet the requirements for active tourism offer this pose as an alternative to increase or even focus their tourism. In this paper the case of A Baixa Limia (Ourense) is analyzed, destination featuring an endowment of natural resources, making it ideal for hosting this type of tourism. Therefore, after highlighting the presence in the region of the key factors for the development of active tourism, evidence obtained is presented through detailed interviews with professionals and local experts on various aspects characterizing the active tourism in the region: supply, demand and impact and future prospects. From the results it follows that A Baixa Limia has many resources to become a destination reference for practicing active tourism, although missing operators of this potential; besides, public-private cooperation is still insufficient and need to work on an attractive complementary offer to allow a complete experience by tourists
Restricciones institucionales a los ciclos económicos de origen político en España
Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNO
Disclosing homogeneity within heterogeneity: A segmentation of Spanish active tourism based on motivational pull factors
In the context of postmodern tourism, active tourism has acquired great importance. This type of travel fits the tastes of the new tourist, who seeks new and differentiated experiences that deliver a diverse range of sensations. The present works aims at in depth exploring the profile of active tourists, with emphasis on the reasons that lead them to seek this kind of experiences. Given the framework provided by the push and pull theory, the aim of this study is to identify groups with homogeneous features in the heterogeneous collective of active tourists. Factor and cluster analysis, focused on a scale of pull factors, are sequentially applied to data obtained through an online questionnaire. The results show that the Spanish market of active tourism can be segmented into three groups ("health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers, adventure and fun seekers and professionals and health seekers neutral to pull factors"), where the importance attributed to different pull factors varies according to each group's push motivations. Specifically, those who engage in active tourism motivated by keeping healthy and discovering new places or people are those who most value the cultural heritage of the destination; those who engage in it seeking new sensations are those who most value the possibilities of having fun in the destination; and those who do it for professional reasons are indifferent towards the attractions of the destination. Nevertheless, regardless of the groups to which they belong, active tourists prioritize the richness of the natural surroundings when choosing a destination. Management implications: A better understanding of its target market is vital for active tourism destinations: • In the case of rural destinations, the segment of health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers could be a good target to which to offer hiking circuits, promoted through specialized guidebooks and magazines, which include interesting heritage resources. • Urban destinations, especially coastal ones, could seek to attract the adventure and fun seekers segment through an offer of exciting and fun activities, whose promotion, preferably carried out through social networking sites, would highlight the possibilities of nightlife. • Every destination should prioritize the protection and improvement of the natural surroundings
An analysis of the efficiency of football clubs in the Spanish First Division through a two-stage relational network DEA model: a simulation study
Previous works that have analysed the efciency of the management of professional football clubs have not paid much attention to the interaction between the sporting, social and economic dimensions of their activity. To bridge this research gap, a DEA model is developed and applied to determine the relative efciency of clubs participating in one of the main football leagues while taking into account their multiplicity of objectives. The proposed two-stage relational network DEA model assumes that the fnancial resources of the clubs are distributed between social and sporting dimensions, contributing to generate results in both areas that, in the second stage, determine the business performance of the clubs. As the actual distributions of the primary inputs are unknown, two complementary approaches are used. First, the model is solved by assuming a parameterization of the distribution. Then, a simulation model is used to study the efect of the diferent distributions on the efciency by means of contour charts. A fnal cluster analysis completes the study. The sample consists of the 20 clubs that played in Spain’s First Division in the 2016–17 season. The evidence shows that the efciency of the clubs increases when a higher proportion of the primary inputs is allocated to the social dimension. In addition, the clubs are more efcient in converting their sporting and social results into income, than when turning their economic resources into sporting successes and social support. As a result, the model makes it possible to extend efciency analysis to professional sports organisations which have multiple objectives
La evaluación de la satisfacción del visitante con un proyecto agroturístico pionero: el turismo de verduras en el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat (Barcelona)
Among the major changes that have occurred in the tourist sector in recent years, of particular
note has been the constant emergence of new products that seek to satisfy the needs of tourists demanding
new kinds of consumer experiences. A good example of this is agritourism, in which the tourist participates
in the typical activities of a working farm. This study focuses on a recent variant of this type of tourism,
known as vegetable tourism (or holeriturismo in Spanish). Specifically, an assessment is undertaken of a
pioneering project in Spain on an agricultural park: the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat (Barcelona). Based
on the information obtained from a survey conducted in the Park itself, the degree of visitor satisfaction with
the various activities they experience is analysed. Using non-parametric statistical methods, the study seeks
to determine whether the visitors’ socio-demographic profile and their knowledge of the concept of vegetable
tourism have a significant impact on their assessments.Entre los principales cambios que se han producido en el sector turístico en los últimos años, de
mención especial ha sido la aparición constante de nuevos productos que buscan satisfacer las necesidades
de los turistas más exigentes. Un buen ejemplo de ello es el agroturismo, en el que el turista participa en
las actividades típicas de una explotación agraria. Este estudio se centra en una variante reciente de este
tipo de turismo, conocida como holeriturismo. En concreto, el análisis se lleva a cabo en un proyecto pionero
en España en un parque agrario: el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat (Barcelona). Con base a la información
obtenida de una encuesta realizada en el propio Parqu , se analiza el grado de satisfacción de los visitantes
con las diversas actividades que experimentan. A través del uso de métodos estadísticos no paramétricos,
el estudio busca determinar si el perfil sociodemográfico de los visitantes, y su conocimiento del concepto de
turismo de verduras tienen un impacto significativo en sus valoraciones
Cultural differences, language attitudes and tourist satisfaction: a study in the Barcelona hotel sector
In most service activities, customer satisfaction depends largely on the direct interaction with service providers. In the case of tourism, this interaction often occurs between people from different countries and whose mother tongues are different. In this context, concepts such as cultural proximity, linguistic accommodation, expectations and language attitudes enrich the analysis of tourist satisfaction. This study uses an interdisciplinary approach that integrates cultural and linguistic elements in the analysis of tourist evaluations in the hotel sector. In particular, the technique of Content Analysis is applied to comments made by hotel guests on Booking.com to determine the extent to which cultural differences, understood in terms of country of origin, influence two relevant aspects of the tourist destination experience: their language attitudes and level of satisfaction with the service received. The findings confirm that the country of origin influences guests’ evaluations and the choice of the language in which the experience is assessed, and reveal that comments concerning language reflect this influence. In particular, linguistic experiences seem to be more important for tourists who emphasise the role of their mother tongue (Italians and French) than for tourists more open to the use of other languages (German and Portuguese
La influencia de las actitudes lingüísticas sobre las valoraciones online de los clientes de hoteles
En la mayoría de actividades de servicios la satisfacción de los clientes depende, en gran medida, de su interacción directa con los prestadores de los mismos. En el caso del turismo, con frecuencia dicha interacción se produce entre personas cuyos idiomas maternos son diferentes. En este contexto, conceptos como la acomodación, las expectativas y las actitudes lingüísticas o la proximidad cultural enriquecen las posibilidades de análisis de la conducta y satisfacción de los turistas. En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación en curso cuyo objetivo último es profundizar en un planteamiento interdisciplinar que integre elementos de índole cultural-lingüística en el análisis económico-empresarial del turismo. En particular, se aplica la técnica del Análisis de contenido a los comentarios realizados por huéspedes de alojamientos hoteleros en la plataforma de reservas online Booking.com para determinar en qué medida las diferencias culturales influyen sobre la satisfacción con el servicio recibido.In most service activities, customer satisfaction depends to a large extent on its direct interaction with service providers. In the case of tourism, such interaction often occurs between people whose mother tongues are different. In this context, concepts such as accommodation, expectations and linguistic attitudes or cultural proximity enrich the possibilities of analyzing the behavior and satisfaction of tourists. This paper presents an ongoing research project whose ultimate goal is to deepen an interdisciplinary approach that integrates cultural and linguistic elements in the economic-business analysis of tourism. In particular, the Content Analysis technique is applied to comments made by hotel guests on the online booking platform Booking.com to determine the extent to which cultural differences influence satisfaction with the received service