4,348 research outputs found

    Monetary and Fiscal Policies in EMU: some relevant issues

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    The coexistence in EMU of one common monetary policy and several domestic fiscal policies raises a number of problems of both academic and political interest. First, there are reasons to assess a hypothetical need to also centralise fiscal policies in such circumstances, according to what prevails in federal states. Second, given that this hypothesis has not reached consensus in the EU, nor is it expected to do so in the near future, the issue of how to co-ordinate monetary and fiscal policies, in order to achieve the desired outcomes in both global and individual terms, arises. Third, the fact that policy spill-overs are enhanced in the EMU, the need to avoid free riding behaviour on the part of member states and the apparent non-reliance on financial markets to discipline sovereign debtors led to the option of restricting the autonomy of domestic fiscal policies by setting up constraints upon the relative levels of deficits and debts. Due to these restrictions, it is important to investigate the existence of alternative options in case of economic shocks that are specific to an economic area, or that do not equally affect all EMU members. Theory suggests that financial markets, when integrated, can provide relief by supplying the means to finance recovery. However, the lack of integration, uncovered by empirical analyses especially in peripheral EU areas, indicates that financial markets cannot be fully relied upon as mechanisms of adjustment. The current study analyses these topics of interest for monetary and fiscal policies in EMU.Regional Input, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, EMU

    On the effect of chaotic orbits on dynamical friction

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    Chaotic orbits suffer significant changes as a result of small perturbations. One can thus wonder whether the dynamical friction suffered by a satellite on a regular orbit, and interacting with the stars of a galaxy, will be different if the bulk of the stars of the galaxy are in regular or chaotic orbits. In order to check that idea, we investigated the orbital decay (caused by dynamical friction) of a rigid satellite moving within a larger stellar system (a galaxy) whose potential is nonintegrable. We performed numerical experiments using two kinds of triaxial galaxy models: (1) the triaxial generalization of Dehnen´s spherical mass model (Dehnen; Merritt & Fridman); (2) a modified Satoh model (Satoh; Carpintero, Muzzio, & Wachlin). The percentages of chaotic orbits present in these models were increased by perturbing them. In the first case, a central compact object (black hole) was introduced; in the second case, the perturbation was produced by allowing the galaxy to move on a circular orbit in a logarithmic potential. The equations of motion were integrated with a non-self-consistent code. Our results show that the presence of chaotic orbits does not affect significantly the orbital decay of the satellite.Fil: Cora, Sofia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Vergne, Maria Marcela. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Muzzio, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica la Plata; Argentin

    Conceptual Variations About the Lexicon in the Second Half of the 20th Century

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    This paper aims to highlight the conceptual diversity around the concept of lexicon as regarded by several authors while analyzing the changes that were operated in the language sciences in order to allow for the lexical domain to acquire primordial importance. Arising from research in the various disciplines of contemporary linguistics, the collection of several lexical items and its relationship with grammar is proposed. A description of the lexicon as a domain of interface will be undertaken in the following, showing that the description of the lexical universe requires the knowledge of other disciplines. The methodology that will be followed is indicated for the review of literature produced either in foreign languages or in Portuguese.Este artigo pretende evidenciar a diversidade conceptual em torno do conceito de léxico visto por vários autores e analisar mutações operadas na linguística que permitiram conceder importância primordial ao domínio do léxico. Decorrente da investigação nas diversas disciplinas da linguística contemporânea, propõe-se a recolha de várias aceções de léxico e da sua relação com a gramática. Seguir-se-á a descrição do léxico como domínio de interface, evidenciando que a descrição do universo lexical carece dos conhecimentos de outras disciplinas. A metodologia a seguir é a indicada para a revisão da literatura produzida quer em línguas estrangeiras quer em língua portuguesa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lexicologia: mutações teórico-metodológicas no séc. XX

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    Lexicology, as the science of the lexicon of a language, is a recent discipline, having resulted, however, from a long tradition initiated by the thought of the philosophers of ancient Greece, who reflected on the origin of language and on the dialectic between thought and language and on how languages represent the world, but that was only formatted and validated as science in the second half of the twentieth century. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the main theoretical-methodological mutations of lexicology in the last half century, which led to its assertion as a science, and to describe some lexical onthologies that led to the development of databases for many languages in the world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A lexicometric analysis of the poems from O Guardador de Rebanhos

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    This study is guided by a methodology that fits into a research model related to corpus linguistics and it primarily aims at developing a lexicometric analysis of the poems from O guardador de rebanhos, by Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), using a computational resource of lexical analysis, the NooJ software (Silberztein, 2015). Based on the linguistic data provided by NooJ, we begin by presenting the general features that characterise the poems from O guardador de rebanhos, then we analyse the list of theme words, departing from the list of tokens in descending order of frequency. In the last part, we present thematic fields, drawn from the theme words of the corresponding poems. The lexicometric analysis of the poems from The keeper of flocks, by Alberto Caeiro (Pessoa, 2007), may be seen as an opportunity for didactic operationalisation in secondary education, revealing NooJ as a potential didactic resource and providing evidence of the indisputable contribution of corpus linguistics to teaching.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Translational thresholds in a core circadian clock model

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    Organisms have evolved in a daily cyclic environment, developing circadian cell-autonomous clocks that temporally organize a wide range of biological processes. Translation is a highly regulated process mainly associated with the activity of microRNAs (miRNAs) at the translation initiation step that impacts on the molecular circadian clock dynamics. Recently, a molecular titration mechanism was proposed to explain the interactions between some miRNAs and their target mRNAs; new evidence also indicates that regulation by miRNA is a nonlinear process such that there is a threshold level of target mRNA below which protein production is drastically repressed. These observations led us to use a theoretical model of the circadian molecular clock to study the effect of miRNA-mediated translational thresholds on the molecular clock dynamics. We model the translational threshold by introducing a phenomenological Hill equation for the kinetics of PER translation and show how the parameters associated with translation kinetics affect the period, amplitude, and time delays between clock mRNA and clock protein expression. We show that our results are useful for analyzing experiments related to the translational regulation of negative elements of transcriptional-translational feedback loops. We also provide new elements for thinking about the translational threshold as a mechanism that favors the emergence of circadian rhythmicity, the tuning of the period-delay relationship and the cell capacity to control the protein oscillation amplitude with almost negligible changes in the mRNA amplitudes.Fil: Nieto, Paula Sofia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; ArgentinaFil: Condat, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentin

    Subsídios para a história da linguística de corpus

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    A Linguística de Corpus ancora-se num paradigma teórico que se caracteriza por uma abordagem empirista e por uma conceção da linguagem como um sistema probabilístico. Em Linguística, o empirismo é uma abordagem que concede estatuto primordial aos dados que provêm da observação da linguagem, geralmente agrupados sob forma de corpus, opondo-se ao racionalismo. O racionalismo baseia-se no estudo da linguagem a partir da introspeção, entendida como maneira de averiguar modelos de funcionamento estrutural e a formação do processo cognitivo da linguagem. Por conseguinte, verifica-se um antagonismo entre as posturas filosóficas características da concepção empirista e racionalista da linguagem, representadas pelos seus maiores vultos. Por um lado, Halliday, representante da concepção empirista, e, por outro lado, Chomsky, o maior vulto do racionalismo na Linguística. Há, no entanto, novas abordagens que devem ser consideradas. De todas estas concepções constituiu-se o maior número de trabalhos da linguística de corpus, nas áreas da lexicografia e terminologia – produção de dicionários, glossários, bases de dados terminológicas, etc.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tratamento de deiscência cirúrgica grave com sistema «Over-the-scope clip»

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    ResumoApresenta-se um caso de deiscência pós-cirúrgica complicada por fistulização abdominal e torácica complexa condicionando sépsis grave com falência multiorgânica após gastrectomia total com esofagojejunostomia (montagem em Y de Roux) por adenocarcinoma gástrico. Descreve-se o sucesso do tratamento endoscópico com encerramento da deiscência mediante a utilização do sistema «Over-the-scope clip» (OTSC). Para além da topografia invulgar da deiscência, a singularidade deste caso reside em que, contrariamente à abordagem convencionalmente descrita, a aplicação do OTSC não foi realizada diretamente sobre o orifício fistuloso, mas antes a montante do mesmo, em mucosa jejunal normal, encerrando a ansa a esse nível. Deste modo, conseguiu-se a exclusão do segmento mais distal, onde se situava a deiscência, permitindo assim a resolução por segunda intenção do trajeto fistuloso e das locas associadas. O resultado obtido conduziu a uma melhoria dramática no estado geral do doente.AbstractWe present a case of post-surgical jejunal dehiscence complicated by complex abdominal and thoracic fistula. It developed after total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y esofagojejunostomy (gastric adenocarcinoma) and caused severe sepsis. We report endoscopic treatment success of the dehiscence using “Over-the-Scope Clip” (OTSC) system. Besides the unusual topography of the dehiscence, the uniqueness of this case relies on the new endoscopic approach. OTSC was not conventionally performed directly on the fistula orifice, but upstream in the normal jejunal mucosa, closing the loop at that level. This allowed the exclusion of the most distal segment, including the dehiscence, and subsequent resolution of the fistula and associated loci by secondary intention. The results obtained led to a strike clinical improvement

    Service quality in public transportation services aligning the operations perspective with customer expectations

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    The main objective of this paper is to explore the alignment between the operations perspective of service quality and the customer expectations. In order to analyse this alignment, the concept and operational dimensions of service quality are revised, as well as the concept of customer expectations. A model is presented, with the purpose of exploring the mentioned relationship and to guide the empirical study. A metro company in Europe was the core of this exploratory case study

    Clustering the portuguese employee population regarding gender: a NUTIII cluster analysis

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    Throughout the last century and the last decade of the XXI century, where the issue is being discussed in several social, political and scientific forums, women have achieved unquestionable labour market rights increasing their presence and visibility. Nevertheless, they continue to be discriminated in modern labour market environments and gender segregation continues to be a feature common to many markets, namely the ones of more developed economies such as the Portuguese. The phenomenon is undesirable and has been fought by a number of public measures, not just those addressed directly at the labour market but also those which aim to combat gender discrimination in societies as a whole. In order these measures could be effective and produce the desired effects, it is necessary to know and understand the reality in order to act on it. In particular, it is necessary to understand if there are regional differences that can be considered in specific public policies directed to well-targeted populations. The availability of regional statistical information on the labour market, which provides information by gender, for variables such as staff employed by companies regarding professions, duration and type of work or earnings and remuneration earned by men and women in different economic activities, allows also the use of increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques and thus to develop and present research that characterizes the female and male NUTIII employee population in mainland Portugal. Considering the new potential of information and statistical methodologies, this paper applies the exploratory analysis of clusters to develop hypotheses about the existence of regional differences related to men and women employee in the national labour market. The latest data for the desired regional division, which match the intermunicipal communities, made available by the National Statistical Institution refer to 2013, a period not too far away from the present time to identify patterns on which the public power may act developing the most adequate and effective measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio