180 research outputs found

    Analysis of Solutions, Asymptotic and Exact Profiles to an Eyring–Powell Fluid Modell.

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    The aim of this article was to provide analytical and numerical approaches to a onedimensional Eyring–Powell flow. First of all, the regularity, existence, and uniqueness of the solutions were explored making use of a variational weak formulation. Then, the Eyring–Powell equation was transformed into the travelling wave domain, where analytical solutions were obtained supported by the geometric perturbation theory. Such analytical solutions were validated with a numerical exercise. The main finding reported is the existence of a particular travelling wave speed a = 1.212 for which the analytical solution is close to the actual numerical solution with an accumulative error of <10-3.post-print459 K

    LIGHT/HVEM/LTβR Interaction as a Target for the Modulation of the Allogeneic Immune Response in Transplantation

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    [EN] The exchange of information during interactions of T cells with dendritic cells, B cells or other T cells regulates the course of T, B and DC-cell activation and their differentiation into effector cells. The tumor necrosis factor superfamily member LIGHT (homologous to lymphotoxin, exhibits inducible expression and competes with HSV glycoprotein D for binding to herpesvirus entry mediator, a receptor expressed on T lymphocytes) is transiently expressed upon T cell activation and modulates CD8 T cell-mediated alloreactive responses upon herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM) and lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR) engagement. LIGHT-deficient mice, or WT mice treated with LIGHT-targeting decoy receptors HVEM-Ig, LTβR-Ig or sDcR3-Ig, exhibit prolonged graft survival compared to untreated controls, suggesting that LIGHT modulates the course and severity of graft rejection. Therefore, targeting the interaction of LIGHT with HVEM and/or LTβR using recombinant soluble decoy receptors or monoclonal antibodies represent an innovative therapeutic strategy for the prevention and treatment of allograft rejection and for the promotion of donor-specific tolerance. This review discusses how targeting the interaction of LIGHT with HVEM and/or LTbR using recombinant soluble decoy receptors or monoclonal antibodies may represent an innovative therapeutic intervention for the prevention and treatment of allograft rejection and promotion of donor-specific tolerance. © 2013 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant SurgeonsSIThis work has been supported by grants FIS reference # PI10/01039 from Ministry of Health and Department of Education from Junta of Castilla and Leon reference # LE007A10-2 (to JIRB), and by the Swiss National Science Foundation (to PS

    DNA extraction and amplification from Pinaceae dry wood

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    Wood constitutes the unique source of DNA in dead trees, but extraction of adequate quality DNA from dry wood is usually challenging. However, many different molecular studies require the use of such DNA. We have standardized and validated a modified CTAB protocol to isolate DNA from dry wood from Abies pinsapo and Cedrus atlantica species. Due to the degradation and very little DNA that is normally present in the wood from dead trees we have developed a PCR based test to certify the quality of the extracted samples. In the present study, we have proved too the effectiveness of this methodology to isolate DNA from conifer dry wood samples of sufficient quality to perform further molecular genetic experiments

    Expression and Functional Study of Extracellular BMP Antagonists during the Morphogenesis of the Digits and Their Associated Connective Tissues

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    The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the role of BMP signaling in the diversification of the embryonic limb mesodermal progenitors destined to form cartilage, joints, and tendons. Given the importance of extracellular BMP modulators in in vivo systems, we performed a systematic search of those expressed in the developing autopod during the formation of the digits. Here, we monitored the expression of extracellular BMP modulators including: Noggin, Chordin, Chordin-like 1, Chordin-like 2, Twisted gastrulation, Dan, BMPER, Sost, Sostdc1, Follistatin, Follistatin-like 1, Follistatin-like 5 and Tolloid. These factors show differential expression domains in cartilage, joints and tendons. Furthermore, they are induced in specific temporal patterns during the formation of an ectopic extra digit, preceding the appearance of changes that are identifiable by conventional histology. The analysis of gene regulation, cell proliferation and cell death that are induced by these factors in high density cultures of digit progenitors provides evidence of functional specialization in the control of mesodermal differentiation but not in cell proliferation or apoptosis. We further show that the expression of these factors is differentially controlled by the distinct signaling pathways acting in the developing limb at the stages covered by this study. In addition, our results provide evidence suggesting that TWISTED GASTRULATION cooperates with CHORDINS, BMPER, and NOGGIN in the establishment of tendons or cartilage in a fashion that is dependent on the presence or absence of TOLLOID

    El empleo de las personas vulnerables: una inversión social rentable. Evaluación de impacto del Programa Operativo Plurirregional Lucha contra la Discriminación

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    La presente publicación recoge el resumen de los resultados del estudio encargado por Cáritas Española, Cruz Roja Española, Fundación Once y Fundación Secretariado Gitano para evaluar los efectos macroeconómicos del Programa Operativo Lucha contra la Discriminación (2006-2011), llevado a cabo por estas entidades. Algunos de los resultados destacables son el incremento medio de 34 millones en el consumo de los hogares; la creación de 3.279 empleos totales equivalentes a tiempo completo; y la recuperación de 91 céntimos por cada euro invertido en el programa, gracias a retornos fiscales de diversa naturaleza. La conclusión es que dicho programa no sólo ha contribuido a la inserción laboral de determinados grupos de población en situación o riesgo de exclusión, sino que habría constituido un elemento dinamizador de la economía española en su conjunto, manteniendo la actividad productiva y contribuyendo al mantenimiento del empleo, sin empeorar significativamente las finanzas públicas

    Aspectos médicos-legales sobre la muerte de José Martí

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    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de 36 fuentes encontradas hasta el 2009, tomadas de diferentes publicaciones del Archivo Nacional, bases de datos y publicaciones recientes, con el objetivo de ampliar los conocimientos relacionados con los aspectos médico-legales sobre la muerte de Martí. Se hace un análisis desde el punto de vista histórico-legal y en relación con los dictámenes médicos periciales dedicados al cadáver de nuestro héroe José Martí Pérez, tras su caída en Dos Ríos en 1895. Basado en la información recogida se pudo demostrar que estos exámenes no fueron todo lo exhaustivo que las circunstancias requerían, resultando injustificadamente poco explícitos, y que de haber sido correctamente efectuados hubiesen podido ilustrar mejor los momentos finales de su muerte. Es este caso un ejemplo significativo de la trascendencia del examen pericial desde el punto de vista médico –legal, y reflejo de la importancia histórica que puede llegar a tener determinado caso

    Apoptosis during embryonic tissue remodeling is accompanied by cell senescence

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    This study re-examined the dying process in the interdigital tissue during the formation of free digits in the developing limbs. We demonstrated that the interdigital dying process was associated with cell senescence, as deduced by induction of β-gal activity, mitotic arrest, and transcriptional up-regulation of p21 together with many components of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. We also found overlapping domains of expression of members of the Btg/Tob gene family of antiproliferative factors in the regressing interdigits. Notably, Btg2 was up-regulated during interdigit remodeling in species with free digits but not in the webbed foot of the duck. We also demonstrate that oxidative stress promoted the expression of Btg2, and that FGF2 and IGF1 which are survival signals for embryonic limb mesenchyme inhibited Btg2 expression. Btg2 overexpression in vivo and in vitro induced all the observed changes during interdigit regression, including oxidative stress, arrest of cell cycle progression, transcriptional regulation of senescence markers, and caspase-mediated apoptosis. Consistent with the central role of p21 on cell senescence, the transcriptional effects induced by overexpression of Btg2 are attenuated by silencing p21. Our findings indicate that cell senescence and apoptosis are complementary processes in the regression of embryonic tissues and share common regulatory signals

    Safety of Dry Needling of the Pronator Teres Muscle in Cadavers: A Potential Treatment for Pronator Syndrome

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    Background: Entrapment of the median nerve at the pronator teres muscle can contribute to symptoms in the forearm and wrist. The pronator teres is also involved in patterns of spasticity observed in people who had suffered a stroke. Research on treatment efficacy with dry needling is scarce. Objective: To determine if a solid filiform needle safely penetrates the pronator teres muscle during the clinical application of dry needling. Design: A cadaveric descriptive study. Methods: Needle insertion of the pronator teres was conducted in ten cryopreserved forearms with a 30*0.32 mm filiform needle. With the forearm supinated, the needle was inserted 3 cm distal to the mid-point between the biceps tendon insertion and the medial epicondyle. The needle was advanced in a cranial and medial direction to a depth clinically judged to be in the pronator teres muscle. Safety was assessed by measuring the distance from the needle to the surrounding neurovascular bundles. Results: Accurate needle penetration of the pronator teres was observed in 100% of the specimens (mean needle penetration: 16.7 ± 4.3 mm, 95%CI 13.6 to 19.7 mm). No neurovascular bundles were pierced in any of the specimen's forearms. The distances from the tip of the needle to the surrounding neurovascular bundles were 16.4 ± 3.9 mm (95%CI 13.6 to 19.2 mm) to the ulnar nerve (A), 9.0 ± 2.2 mm (95%CI 7.3 to 19.5 mm) to the median nerve (B), and 12.8 ± 4.0 mm (95%CI 10.0 to 15.7 mm) to brachial artery (C). Conclusion: The results from this cadaveric study support the assumption that needling of the pronator teres using described anatomical landmarks can be accurately and safely conducted by an experienced clinician

    Immunotherapeutic targeting of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM pathway fully recapitulates the reduced cytotoxic phenotype of LIGHT-deficient T cells

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    [EN] Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamily members play essential roles in the development of the different phases of the immune response. Mouse LIGHT (TNFSF14) is a type II transmembrane protein with a C-terminus extracellular TNF homology domain (THD) that assembles in homotrimers and regulates the course of the immune responses by signaling through 2 receptors, the herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM, TNFSFR14) and the lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR, TNFSFR3). LIGHT is a membrane-bound protein transiently expressed on activated T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and immature dendritic cells that can be proteolytically cleaved by a metalloprotease and released to the extracellular milieu. The immunotherapeutic potential of LIGHT blockade was evaluated in vivo. Administration of an antagonist of LIGHT interaction with its receptors attenuated the course of graft-versus-host reaction and recapitulated the reduced cytotoxic activity of LIGHT-deficient T cells adoptively transferred into non-irradiated semiallogeneic recipients. The lack of LIGHT expression on donor T cells or blockade of LIGHT interaction with its receptors slowed down the rate of T cell proliferation and decreased the frequency of precursor alloreactive T cells, retarding T cell differentiation toward effector T cells. The blockade of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM pathway was associated with delayed downregulation of interleukin-7Rα and delayed upregulation of inducible costimulatory molecule expression on donor alloreactive CD8 T cells that are typical features of impaired T cell differentiation. These results expose the relevance of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM interaction for the potential therapeutic control of the allogeneic immune responses mediated by alloreactive CD8 T cells that can contribute to prolong allograft survival.SIThis work has been supported by grants of the Spanish Ministry of Health (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, PI13/00029), Department of Education of Castilla and Leon Regional Government (Grant# LE093U13) and Mutua Madrile~na Foundation (Basic research grants 2012) to J.I.R.B; by Miguel Servet National Grant (Health National Organization Research Program) CP12/03063 and by Gerencia Regional de Salud GRS963/A/2014 and GRS1142/A/2015 to M.L.R.G; and by the Swiss National Science Foundation to PS