186 research outputs found

    Merit overrules theory of mind when young children share resources with others

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    Non-windfall approaches to sharing demonstrate pre-schoolers’ sensitivity to merit-based distributions of resources. However, such studies have not considered (1) whether epistemic aspects of task performance, such as the relative accuracy of a co-worker, influences pre-schoolers’ rates of sharing; and (2) how children’s emerging social understanding may impact resource allocations in high- and low-merit situations. These issues are of theoretical importance as they may provide new information about the scope of pre-schooler’s merit-based sharing behaviours. Moreover, as social understanding has been related to both increases and decreases in pre-schoolers’ levels of sharing, providing a merit-based assessment of this relationship would allow for a concurrent assessment of recent conflict- ing findings. In this study, three- and four-year-olds (N = 131) participated in an unexpected transfer task which was followed by a resource generation picture card naming task with a reliable or unreliable (high- or low-merit) co-worker (a hand puppet). The results showed that children engage in more generous rates of sharing with a high-merit co-worker. This suggests that merit-based sharing is apparent in young children and extends to epistemic aspects of task performance. However, such sharing was constrained by a self-serving bias. Finally, we were not able to detect an effect of children’s performance on the false belief task on sharing behaviours in the high- or low-merit trials, suggesting that these behaviours may not be modulated by social understanding during early childhood

    Merit overrules theory of mind when young children share resources with others

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    Non-windfall approaches to sharing demonstrate pre-schoolers’ sensitivity to merit-based distributions of resources. However, such studies have not considered (1) whether epistemic aspects of task performance, such as the relative accuracy of a co-worker, influences pre-schoolers’ rates of sharing; and (2) how children’s emerging social understanding may impact resource allocations in high- and low-merit situations. These issues are of theoretical importance as they may provide new information about the scope of pre-schooler’s merit-based sharing behaviours. Moreover, as social understanding has been related to both increases and decreases in pre-schoolers’ levels of sharing, providing a merit-based assessment of this relationship would allow for a concurrent assessment of recent conflict- ing findings. In this study, three- and four-year-olds (N = 131) participated in an unexpected transfer task which was followed by a resource generation picture card naming task with a reliable or unreliable (high- or low-merit) co-worker (a hand puppet). The results showed that children engage in more generous rates of sharing with a high-merit co-worker. This suggests that merit-based sharing is apparent in young children and extends to epistemic aspects of task performance. However, such sharing was constrained by a self-serving bias. Finally, we were not able to detect an effect of children’s performance on the false belief task on sharing behaviours in the high- or low-merit trials, suggesting that these behaviours may not be modulated by social understanding during early childhood

    Foreign accents reduce false recognition rates in the DRM paradigm

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    More cognitive resources are required to comprehend foreign-accented than native speech. Focusing these cognitive resources on resolving the acoustic mismatch between the foreign-accented input and listeners' stored representations of spoken words can affect other cognitive processes. Across two studies, we explored whether processing foreign-accented speech reduces the activation of semantic information. This was achieved using the DRM paradigm, in which participants study word lists and typically falsely remember non-studied words (i.e. critical lures) semantically associated with the studied words. In two experiments, participants were presented with word lists spoken both by a native and a foreign-accented speaker. In both experiments we observed lower false recognition rates for the critical lures associated with word lists presented in a foreign accent, compared to native speech. In addition, participants freely recalled more studied words when they had been presented in a native, compared to a foreign, accent, although this difference only emerged in Experiment 2, where the foreign speaker had a very strong accent. These observations suggest that processing foreign-accented speech modulates the activation of semantic information

    Fluorescent paper-based sensor integrated with headspace thin-film microextraction for the detection of acyclic N-nitrosamines following in situ photocatalytic decomposition

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGBackground: In this work, a novel analytical approach based on the photocatalytic decomposition of N-nitrosamines combined with headspace thin-film microextraction of the generated nitrogen oxides such as NO has been developed for the determination of the acyclic N-nitrosamine fraction in drinking water samples. A hydrophilic cellulose substrate modified with fluorescent silver nanoclusters (Ag NCs) was used both as extractant and sensing platform. A quenching effect of Ag NCs fluorescence occurs as the concentration of N-nitrosamines increases. Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy with a solid sample holder was employed for directly measuring the fluorescence quenching onto the cellulose substrate. Results: In order to achieve an optimal analytical response, different parameters involved in the photocatalytic reaction as well as those concerning the microextraction step were fully investigated. It is demonstrated that the photodegradation rate of cyclic N-nitrosamines at acidic pH is much lower than that of acyclic ones, which can be the basis for the determination of the later fraction in waters. Under optimal conditions, a detection limit for the acyclic N-nitrosamine fraction around 0.08 μg L−1 using N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) as model compound for calibration was obtained. Several drinking waters were spiked with acyclic N-nitrosamines showing recoveries in the range of 98–102% with a relative standard deviation of 3–4% (N = 3). Significance and novelty: N-nitrosamines generated as by-products during disinfection processes applied to water cause multiple adverse effects on human health being classified as potential human carcinogens. This study highlights the suitability of a fluorescent paper-based sensor for the rapid analysis of the acyclic N-nitrosamine fraction (i.e. the most abundant fraction) as a total index in drinking water, being useful as screening tool before exhaustive chromatographic analysis, which saves costs, time and reduces waste generation.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion | Ref. RTI2018- 093697-B-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D-2021-02

    Subjective age of acquisition norms for 1604 English words by Spanish L2 speakers of English and their relationship with lexico-semantic, affective, sociolinguistic and proficiency variables

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    Psycholinguistic studies have shown that there are many variables implicated in language comprehension and production. At the lexical level, subjective age of acquisition (AoA), the estimate of the age at which a word is acquired, is key for stimuli selection in psycholinguistic studies. AoA databases in English are often used when testing a variety of phenomena in second language (L2) speakers of English. However, these have limitations, as the norms are not provided by the target population (L2 speakers of English) but by native English speakers. In this study, we asked native Spanish L2 speakers of English to provide subjective AoA ratings for 1604 English words, and investigated whether factors related to 14 lexico-semantic and afective variables, both in Spanish and English, and to the speakers’ profle (i.e., sociolinguistic variables and L2 profciency), were related to the L2 AoA ratings. We used boosted regression trees, an advanced form of regression analysis based on machine learning and boosting algorithms, to analyse the data. Our results showed that the model accounted for a relevant proportion of deviance (58.56%), with the English AoA provided by native English speakers being the strongest predictor for L2 AoA. Additionally, L2 AoA correlated with L2 reaction times. Our database is a useful tool for the research community running psycholinguistic studies in L2 speakers of English. It adds knowledge about which factors—linked to the characteristics of both the linguistic stimuli and the speakers—afect L2 subjective AoA. The database and the data can be downloaded from: https://osf.io/gr8xd/?view_only=73b01dccbedb4d7897c8d104d3d68c46Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the “Proyectos de I+D de Jóvenes Doctores” funded by the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Community of Madrid (Title: "The acquisition and development of afective vocabulary in a second language from childhood to adolescence”; reference SI3/PJI/2021-00249) awarded to Sara Rodriguez-Cuadrado; by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under Grants PGC2018-098558-B-I00 to José A. Hinojosa, and PID2019-107206GB-I00 and RED2018-102615-T to Pilar Ferré, PID2019-108092GA-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 to Carlos Romero-Rivas, and PID2019-106868GB-I00 to Paz Suárez-Coalla; by Comunidad de Madrid under Grant H2019/HUM-5705 to José A. Hinojosa, and Universitat Rovira i Virgili under Grant 2019PFR-URVB2-32 to Pilar Ferré. Lucía Sabater was hired by the aforementioned grant PGC2018-098558-B-I00 awarded to José A. Hinojos

    World knowledge and novel information integration during L2speech comprehension.

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    Published online: 22 January 2016In this study we explore whether world knowledge (WK) processing differs between individuals listening to their native (L1) or their non-native (L2) language. We recorded event-related brain potentials in L1 and L2 speakers of Spanish while they listened to sentences uttered by native speakers of Spanish. Sentences were either congruent or incongruent with participants’ WK. In addition, participants also listened to sentences in which upcoming words could not be anticipated on the basis of WK. WK violations elicited a late negativity of greater magnitude and duration in the L2 than the L1 group. However, sentences in which WK was not helpful regarding word anticipation elicited similar N400 modulations in both groups. These results suggest that WK processing requires a deeper lexical search in L2 comprehension than in L1 comprehensionThis research was approved by the ethics committee of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance, which funded this study.We thank Silvia Blanch and Xavier Mayoral for their technical support, and Meritxell Ayguasanosa for assistance in testing participants. This research was funded by an FPI grant (BES-2012-056668) and two project grants (PSI2011-23033 and Consolider INGENIO CSD2007- 00012) awarded by the Spanish Government; by one grant from the Catalan Government (SGR 2009-1521); and by one grant from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework (FP7/2007-2013 Cooperation grant agreement 613465-AThEME). C.D.M. is supported by the IKERBASQUE institution and the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language. A.C. is supported by the ICREA institution and the Center for Brain and Cognition

    Turn–on fluorescent sensor for the detection of periodate anion following photochemical synthesis of nitrogen and sulphur co–doped carbon dots from vegetables

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    In this work, a novel one–step ‘bottom–up’ synthetic approach is described for obtaining highly fluorescent nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) co–doped carbon dots (CDs) following photochemical oxidation of carbohydrates naturally occurring in vegetables. N and S co–doping allows more active sites in the CDs surface resulting in an enhancement of their luminescent properties. Among the 18 vegetables studied as green precursors of CDs, those rich in proteins and glucosinolates (natural S–linked glucosides), such as cruciferous vegetables (Brassicaceae family), i.e. broccoli, cauliflower and Romanesco, facilitate an efficient N and S co–doping of the CDs during the photochemical reaction without the need for further post–synthetic treatments. A comprehensive characterization of CDs obtained from broccoli was performed by transmission electron microscopy, elemental analysis, X–ray fluorescence (total reflection), UV–Vis absorption and Fourier transform–infrared spectroscopy. Quantum yields and fluorescence up–conversion properties were also investigated. Monodisperse CDs (∼8 nm average size) with up–conversion fluorescence properties and a quantum yield (QY) of 22% are obtained. More importantly, a dramatic increase in the CDs fluorescence (turn–on) is observed when the highly oxidant periodate anion (IO4−) is added to the reaction medium, which allowed us to construct a sensitive and selective fluorescent assay for the detection of periodate anion in wastewater samples. The detection limit was 19 μM IO4− and the repeatability expressed as the relative standard deviation was 3.2% (N = 5)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTQ2015–68146–

    La tutoría educativa y el liderazgo en los alumnos del quinto grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Parroquial “San Vicente Ferrer”- Los Olivos, 2013

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    La investigación tiene como propósito determinar si existe relación entre la Tutoría Educativa y el Liderazgo en los estudiantes adolescentes de una institución educativa estatal parroquial. Pertenece al tipo de investigación básica, nivel descriptivo con diseño correlacional. La muestra representativa a un 95% de intervalo de confianza fue de 120 estudiantes de educación secundaria en el área de Tutoría, a quienes se les suministró dos cuestionarios para determinar la influencia de la Tutoría en el liderazgo. Los instrumentos han sido validados mediante juicio de expertos y han sido sometidos a prueba piloto para determinar el índice de confiabilidad con el alfa de Cronbach; en ambos casos, las puntuaciones y el índice alfa denotan confiabilidad alta. La metodología se basó en el tipo de investigación descriptivo correlacional, perteneciente al método cualitativo con diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Mediante una encuesta hemos hecho la recolección de datos. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la contrastación de hipótesis arrojan que en cuanto a la hipótesis general la variable Tutoría Educativa no influyen significativamente en el liderazgo. En cuanto las hipótesis especificas todas las dimensiones de la Tutoría Educativa, Personal Social, Vocacional, Ayuda Social y Convivencia, no influyen de forma significativa en liderazgo. Es decir, estos resultados demuestran que la tutoría no contribuye al desarrollo del liderazgo de los estudiantes del Quinto grado de Educación Secundaria de la Institución Educativa Parroquial “San Vicente Ferrer” de Los Olivos

    Bienestar espiritual de adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas de la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia

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    Resultados 56,7% eran mujeres, solo el 15,0% poseian estudios universitarios, 31,0% eran casados y 24,0 % viudos; el 61,0% se dedicaban al hogar. El 59,0% de los pacientes tenían como apoyo un único cuidador y el 54,0% requerían menos de 6 horas de cuidado. Los adultos mayores se afianzan en sus creencias para afrontar la enfermedad y esta es usada como fuente de apoyo y confort emocional, evidenciando que el apoyo familiar ayuda a enfrentar esta nueva situación.Describir el bienestar espiritual de los pacientes que viven en condición de enfermedad crónica, mayores de 60 años, a partir de las dimensiones: fe y creencias, autorresponsabilidad y satisfacción con la vida (calidad de vida).Universidad Libre de Pereir