2,753 research outputs found

    Fretting-Fatigue Analysis of Shot-Peened Al 7075-T651 Test Specimens

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    Shot peening is a mechanical treatment that induces several changes in the material: surface roughness, increased hardness close to the surface, and, the most important, compressive residual stresses. This paper analyzes the effect of this treatment on alloy Al 7075-T651 in the case of fretting fatigue with cylindrical contact through the results of 114 fretting fatigue tests. There are three independent loads applied in this type of test: a constant normal load N, pressing the contact pad against the specimen; a cyclic bulk stress σ in the specimen; and a cyclic tangential load Q through the contact. Four specimens at each of 23 different combinations of these three parameters were tested—two specimens without any treatment and two treated with shot peening. The fatigue lives, contact surface, fracture surface, and residual stresses and hardness were studied. Improvement in fatigue life ranged from 3 to 22, depending on fatigue life. The relaxation of residual-stress distribution related to the number of applied cycles was also measured. Finally, another group of specimens treated with shot peening was polished and tested, obtaining similar lives as in the tests with specimens that were shot-peened but not polished.Junta de Andalucía P12-TEP-263

    Evaluating air emission inventories and indicators from cruise vessels at ports

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    This paper provides an estimation of air emissions (CO2, NOX, SOX and PM) released by cruise vessels at the port level. The methodology is based on the Bfull bottom-up^ approach and starts by evaluating the fuel consumed by each vessel on the basis of its individual port activities (manoeuvring, berthing and hoteling). The Port of Barcelona was selected as the site at which to perform the analysis, in which 125 calls of 30 cruise vessels were monitored. Real-time data from the automatic identification system (AIS), factor emissions from engine certificates and vessel characteristics from IHS Sea-web database were also collected for the analysis. The research findings show that the most appropriate indicators are inventory emissions per Bport-time gross tonnage^, Bport-time passenger^ and Bport time^. These emission indicators improve our understanding of cruise emissions and will facilitate the work that aims to estimate reliably and quickly the in-port ship emission inventories of cruise ports.Postprint (published version

    La exclusión de la jornada máxima y la jornada ordinaria de trabajo

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    La Tesis que hemos denominado “La exclusión de la jornada máxima y la jornada ordinaria de trabajo”, se orienta a determinar la necesidad de establecer un límite en la jornada laboral para los trabajadores que prestan servicios de intermitencia específicamente a los choferes de vehículo de transporte interprovincial público, ya que dichos trabajadores se encuentran excluidos de la jornada máxima laboral. En este sentido, la formulación de nuestro Problema fue el siguiente: ¿ DE QUÉ MANERA EL ARTÍCULO 5° DE LA LEY DE JORNADA DE TRABAJO, HORARIO Y TRABAJO EN SOBRETIEMPO VULNERA LA JORNADA MÁXIMA LABORAL ESTABLECIDA EN EL ARTÍCULO 25° DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DEL PERÚ?, frente a lo cual nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos específicos: Investigar sobre el marco normativo laboral peruano referido a la jornada de trabajo, jornada máxima de trabajo y las exclusiones de la jornada de trabajo; Analizar jurisprudencia relacionado a la exclusión de la jornada máxima de trabajo donde están comprendido los choferes de vehículo de transporte público que prestan servicios de intermitencia y determinar si el tiempo de espera de los choferes debería ser considerado como labor efectiva. En cuanto al enunciado de la Hipótesis hemos propuesto lo siguiente: “El artículo 5° de la Ley de jornada de trabajo, horario y trabajo en sobretiempo vulnera la jornada máxima laboral establecida en el artículo 25° de la Constitución Política del Perú, en la medida que sea interpretado de manera amplia permitiendo tolerar imposiciones de jornadas excesivas, arbitrarias e irrazonables”. En aplicación de los diversos métodos lógicos y jurídicos, entre ellos los métodos de interpretación, deductivo y sintético, se logró determinar un limite en la jornada laboral a vi los choferes de vehículo de transporte interprovincial público, ya que dichos trabajadores se encuentran excluidos de la jornada máxima, es por ello, que es necesario una modificación a la norma (artículo 5 del D.S. 007-2002-TR de la Ley de jornada de trabajo, horario y trabajo en sobretiempo) referente a los trabajadores que se encuentran excluidos a la jornada máxima, especialmente a los choferes de vehículo de transporte interprovincial público. Asimismo, en nuestra legislación no existe una ley específica referente a un límite sobre jornada laboral a los choferes de vehículo de transporte interprovincial público, es por ello, que el articulo 5 del D.S. 007-2002- TR de la Ley de jornada de trabajo, horario y trabajo en sobretiempo podría tolerar jornada excesivas e irrazonables a los trabajadores que prestan servicios de intermitencia, ya que dicha norma los excluye de la jornada máxima. En cuanto a la dispersión temática de nuestro trabajo encontramos en el Capítulo I, la Realidad problemática, el Problema de investigación, los Objetivos y la Justificación del trabajo. En el Capítulo II, presentamos lo relativo al Marco Teórico, donde podemos encontrar cuestiones referidas a las Investigaciones previas, Jornada de trabajo, horario y trabajo en sobretiempo, trabajadores excluidos de la jornada máxima, régimen laboral de los trabajadores choferes de transporte público, y la normatividad internacional y el derecho comparado referente a los tiempo de espera de los choferes de transporte público. El Capítulo III está referido a las cuestiones metodológicas, donde encontramos el tipo de investigación, los métodos aplicables, materiales e instrumentos. Finalmente, en la parte final de este trabajo se presentan las Conclusiones, Bibliografía y Anexos.The Thesis that we have called "The exclusion of the maximum working day and the ordinary working day", is aimed at determining the need to establish a limit on working hours for workers who provide intermittent services specifically to drivers of transport vehicles interprovincial public, since these workers are excluded from the maximum working day. In this sense, the formulation of our Problem was as follows: HOW DOES ARTICLE 5 OF THE LAW OF LABOR, HOURS AND WORK IN OVERTIME AGAINST THE MAXIMUM LABOR DAY ESTABLISHED IN ARTICLE 25 OF THE POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF PERU? , against which we set ourselves the following specific objectives: Investigate the Peruvian labor regulatory framework related to the working day, maximum working hours and exclusions of the working day; Analyze jurisprudence related to the exclusion of the maximum working day where the drivers of public transport vehicles that provide intermittent services are included and determine if the waiting time of the drivers should be considered as an effective task. Regarding the statement of the Hypothesis, we have proposed the following: "Article 5 of the Law on Working Hours, Hours and Work in Overtime violates the maximum working day established in Article 25 of the Political Constitution of Peru, to the extent that be interpreted broadly allowing tolerate impositions of excessive, arbitrary and unreasonable. " In application of the various logical and legal methods, including the methods of interpretation, deductive and synthetic, it was possible to determine a limit in the working day to drivers of interprovincial public transport vehicle, since these workers are excluded viii from the day maximum, that is why, it is necessary a modification to the standard (article 5 of the DS 007-2002-TR of the Law of working hours, hours and work in overtime) referring to workers who are excluded at the maximum working time , especially to drivers of public interprovincial transport vehicles. Also, in our legislation there is no specific law regarding a limit on working hours to drivers of interprovincial public transport vehicle, which is why Article 5 of the D.S. 007- 2002- TR of the Law on working hours, hours and work in overtime could tolerate excessive and unreasonable working hours for workers who provide intermittent services, since this rule excludes them from the maximum working day. Regarding the thematic dispersion of our work, we find in Chapter I, the problematic Reality, the Research Problem, the Objectives and the Justification of the work. In Chapter II, we present what is related to the Theoretical Framework, where we can find issues related to previous investigations, work day, overtime work and hours, workers excluded from the maximum working day, labor regime of public transport workers, and international regulations and comparative law regarding waiting times for public transport drivers. Chapter III is referred to the methodological issues, where we find the type of research, the applicable methods, materials and instruments. Finally, in the final part of this work, the Conclusions, Bibliography and Annexes are presented.Tesi


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    This paper is about chapter one named «Adios a Madrid» of La novela de Perón written by TomásEloy Martinez. The aim of the article is to relate the features of the main character with the concept of «desexilio» (meaning a sort of un-exile-experience) created by the Uruguayan poet Mario Benedetti in the early 1980’s. The purpose of this work is to contribute with an immanent analysis, first by showing how the semantic and argumentative nodes allow us to presume the existence of such relation. Second, by developing theoretically the concept of «desexilio». Finally this paper intends to summarize and integrate the different sections of the work.Este artículo se circunscribe al abordaje del primer capítulo de La novela de Perón1,del autor argentino Tomás Eloy Martínez2, titulado «Adiós a Madrid», con el objeto de establecer una relación entre la caracterización que el autor tucumano hace del protagonista de su novela y el concepto de «desexilio» elaborado por el poeta uruguayo Mario Benedetti a comienzos de la década de 1980. De esta manera, en una primera parte del trabajo y a partir de un análisis inmanente del texto, se dará cuenta de los nodos semánticos y argumentales que permiten suponer dicha relación; mientras que, en una segunda parte del análisis, se desarrollará teóricamente el concepto de «desexilio» para, finalmente, concluir con una síntesis integradora de las diferentes secciones del trabajo

    Desexilio y líder carismático en La novela de Perón, de Tomás Eloy Martínez

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    Desexilio and Charismatic Leader in La novela de Perón by Tomás Eloy Martínez ResumenEn el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar La novela de Perón (1985) del autor argentino Tomás Eloy Martínez (1934-2010). Este texto de carácter ficcional presenta a un Perón nostálgico, débil y meditabundo que siente el retorno a su país, tras dieciocho años de exilio, como una auténtica desgracia. Lejos de mostrar al conductor político seguro, poderoso, infalible y sin vacilaciones que el imaginario popular ha construido en torno a la figura de Juan Perón, la novela teje alrededor del viejo líder un entramado de debilidad, miedo y angustia. Esta caracterización nos hace problematizar la influencia que ejerce en Perón la circunstancia del regreso a la patria tras su prolongado exilio en España.Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo será, entonces, que en la ficción en cuestión la instancia del desexilioprovoca una marcada divergencia entre el campo de expectativa que construyen en torno alregreso de Juan Perón los diferentes actores de la sociedad argentina y el propio Perón. Supuesto que a la vez se verá reforzado con una hipótesis auxiliar, que sostiene que esta coyuntura provoca una subversión de la representación de Juan Perón en tanto líder carismático. AbstractThe aim of this work is to analyze La novela de Perón (1985) written by the argentine Tomás Eloy Martínez (1934-2010). This fictional text presents Perón as a nostalgic weak and thoughtful character, who regards the return to his country, after eighteen years of exile, as a real misfortune. The novel weaves weakness, fear and anguish around the figure of the old leader, instead of showing a secure, powerful, without fail, political frontrunner that the collective imagination had constructed. This characterization sets out as problematic the effect that the return from exile to his mother country had on Perón.The hypothesis of this investigation is that in this fiction the return from exile causes divergence between expectancy on the return of Juan Perón, that different social actor had built, as well as Perón himself. This will be reinforced by an auxiliary hypothesis which suggests that this conjunction generates subversion in the figure of Perón as a charismatic leader. Key words: Return from Exile, The Perón novel, Tomás E. Martínez

    Desubiquitinasas moduladoras de receptores Trk

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    [ES] Partiendo de un ensayo de identificación de posibles desubiquitinasas implicadas en la señalización del receptor TrkA, seleccionamos ocho para realizar estudios adicionales. De estas ocho, elegimos dos para estudiar en profundidad su papel en la ubiquitinación de los receptores TrkA y TrkB

    A comparison between the soft X-ray and [O III] morphologies of active galactic nuclei

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    Several studies of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) have shown that the soft X-ray emission presents a size and morphology that resembles that of the narrow-line region (NLR) traced by [O III]. Since the NLR is mainly constituted by gas photoionised by the AGN, it seems logical to assume that this is also the primary source of the soft X-ray emission. However, these results are based on individual sources or small samples, particularly focused on type-2 Seyfert galaxies. Very little has been said concerning other types of AGN. The purpose of this work is to compare the circumnuclear morphologies of soft X-ray and [O III] images to test whether they match in different optical classes of AGN. Our sample is composed of 27 AGN: nine type-1 Seyferts, 10 type-2 Seyferts, and eight low ionisation nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs). We find a good match in 100% of the type-2 Seyferts in our sample. This correspondence is less frequent in type-1 Seyferts (22%) and it is not seen in LINERs. The good resemblance in type-2 Seyferts constitutes an evidence for a common physical origin. We argue that the lack of correspondence in type-1 Seyferts might be due to the line of sight perpendicular to the accretion disk. Based on the morphologies of the eight LINERs in our sample, we discard a common origin for the soft X-ray and [O III] emissions in these objects. Regarding the X-ray properties, both high column density and hard X-ray luminosity are associated with matched morphologies.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 20 pages, 9 figure