635 research outputs found

    La importancia de una correcta gestión preventiva respecto a los profesionales educativos en los centros públicos de enseñanza obligatoria

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    Aquest article tracta sobre el personal docent i la seva consideració com a professionals clau per al progrés social. Per sostenir aquesta afirmació és necessari retrocedir en el temps i realitzar una breu observació de certs factors interessants, en concret tres: en primer lloc, l’evolució i el desenvolupament del treball en plena Revolució Industrial i la seva evolució fins a l’actualitat; en segon terme, l’aplicació en matèria educativa de les noves maneres i els nous mitjans de producció sorgits arran de la industrialització de la societat; i finalment, l’aparició de la gestió preventiva i la seva aplicació en les feines desenvolupades per compte d’altri. I tot això es tractarà tenint en compte l’especificitat espanyola enfront dels models oferts a Europa. D’aquesta manera es pretén observar les similituds que apareixen entre situacions passades i actuals, amb el resultat d’introduir noves propostes relacionades amb el docent, la qualitat de l’ambient i la correcta gestió preventivaThis article explores the subject of teachers and their role as key professionals in social development. To support this claim, we must go back in time and briefly highlight a number of interesting factors, in particular three: firstly, the evolution and development of jobs in the Industrial Revolution and their evolution through to the present; secondly, the application in education of new ways and means of production that emerged as a result of society’s industrialization; and finally, the emergence of preventive management and its application in the field of salaried work. All this will be explored, bearing in mind Spain’s specific circumstances as compared with other models present in Europe. The aim is to observe similarities between past and present situations in order to come up with new approaches to teaching, the quality of teaching environments and proper preventive management

    3D-Mesomechanical analysis of external sulfate attack in concrete

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    The present study focuses on degradation of concrete by external sulfate attack. The numerical model developed by the MECMAT/UPC group, incorporates coupled C-M analysis using a meso-mechanical approach with discrete cracking, using the MEF and zero thickness interface elements with a constitutive law based on nonlinear fracture mechanics concepts. Examples of application are run on 2D and 3D samples, with geometries and FE meshes generated with a code developed also in-house. The numerical analysis is carried out using two independent codes and a “staggered” procedure. The first code performs the mechanical analysis and the second the diffusive/reaction chemical problem. 2D uncoupled and coupled analysis are presented and discussed. Preliminary coupled 3D results are also presented and compared with equivalent 2D results, and the differences are detected and analyzed

    Evolution of the metal load in a reach of the Odiel River affected by acid mine drainage (Huelva province)

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    This work quantifies the impact of the first acid mine discharges to the Odiel River and studies the variation of the dissolved and particulate pollutant load. The acid mine discharges cause the progressive deterioration of the river water quality, resulting in processes that favor the precipitation of the non-conservative elements (Fe, Al, As or Pb), while the more soluble ones (Mn, Co or Ni) remain in solution. Cu and Zn have an intermediate behavior due to be affected by sorption/coprecipitation processes. The dissolved pollutant load at the end of the reach is around 5000 kg/day of Al, 1900 kg/day of Fe, 860 kg/day of Zn, 643 kg/day of Mn, 385 kg/day of Cu and lower amounts of other metals. The total metal load may be up to 21 times the dissolve load in the case of Fe and among 3-4 times for As and PbEste trabajo cuantifica la repercusión de los primeros vertidos de mina en un tramo del Río Odiel y se estudian las variaciones de la carga metálica disuelta y particulada. La confluencia de las sucesivas descargas ácidas de mina provoca el empeoramiento progresivo de la calidad del agua, dando lugar a procesos que favorecen la precipitación de elementos no conservativos (Fe, Al, As o Pb) mientras que los elementos más móviles (Mn, Co o Ni) permanecen en disolución. Cu y Zn poseen un comportamiento intermedio debido a que están afectados por procesos de adsorción/coprecipitación. La carga disuelta transportada al final del tramo es aproximadamente 5000 kg/día de Al, 1900 kg/día de Fe, 860 kg/día de Zn, 643 kg/día de Mn, 385 kg/día de Cu y cantidades inferiores de otros metales. La carga metálica total es hasta 21 veces superior a la disuelta en el caso del Fe y entre 3-4 veces superior para As y P

    The effectiveness of clt techniques to develop speaking skills in 6th grade students from Marco Aurelio Subía Martinez educative unit

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    Nowadays, globalization has led to make countries use English language to communicate for different purposes. The dominance of this language has changed the way of many areas. It is the case of studying a foreign language in which it is not only essential to understand the sentence structure rather than how to use the language in an appropriate context, which allows learners to engage in the communication process. During the teaching of the English language, the strategies and techniques that are developed in the classroom have the purpose of allowing the development of the four skills that compose the learning of the English language. However, the primary skill that causes difficulties in developing is speaking. So, this research project aims to determine the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching Techniques for developing speaking skills in Marco Aurelio Subía Martinez Educative Unit from students of 6th "A" with 36 students. The researchers used a mix-method, both qualitative and quantitative approaches because the information was described in a discussion and shown in percentages. Also, it is a descriptive research and data collection was obtained through an interview and a survey. The results determined the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching techniques for developing speaking skills. On the other hand, the students showed a desire to maintain a learning process that involves activities that motivate collaboration within the classroom, as well as a collaborative work. Therefore, the effectiveness of the techniques based on Communicative Language Teaching for the development of speaking skills is recommended.Hoy en día, la globalización ha llevado a que los países utilicen el idioma inglés para comunicarse con diferentes propósitos. El dominio de este idioma ha cambiado la forma de muchas áreas. Es el caso del estudio de una lengua extranjera en la que no solo es fundamental entender la estructura de la oración sino también cómo usar la lengua en un contexto adecuado, lo que permite a los aprendices involucrarse en el proceso de comunicación. Durante la enseñanza del idioma inglés, las estrategias y técnicas que se desarrollan en el salón de clases tienen el propósito de permitir el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades que componen el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Sin embargo, la habilidad principal que causa dificultades en el desarrollo es hablar. Por lo que el presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la efectividad de las Técnicas de Enseñanza del Lenguaje Comunicativo para el desarrollo de la habilidad de hablar en la Unidad Educativa Marco Aurelio Subía Martínez de los estudiantes de 6to “A” con 36 estudiantes. Los investigadores utilizaron un método mixto, tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo, porque la información se describió en una discusión y se mostró en porcentajes. Asimismo, es una investigación descriptiva y la recolección de datos se obtuvo a través de una entrevista y una encuesta. Los resultados determinaron la efectividad de las técnicas de Enseñanza Comunicativa del Lenguaje para el desarrollo de la habilidad de hablar. Por otro lado, los estudiantes mostraron un deseo de mantener un proceso de aprendizaje que involucre actividades que motiven la colaboración dentro del aula, así como un trabajo colaborativo. Por ello, se recomienda la eficacia de las técnicas basadas en la Enseñanza Comunicativa del Lenguaje para el desarrollo de la habilidad oral


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    Fouling in preheat networks of crude distillation units (CDU) plays an important role in energy consumption. In this work a procedure to monitor the performance of the heat exchanger network (HEN) and to optimize the cleaning strategies is presented. The procedure is based on a rigorous simulation of the HEN using Hysys (from Aspen Technology). The simulation is used to estimate the service overall heat transfer coefficient with real operational data acquired from the unit’s Plant Information System (PI). The clean overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated for each one of the individual heat exchangers with a rigorous simulation using TASC (rigorous heat exchanger simulator also from Aspen Technology), embedded into Hysys. A comparison between the service and clean overall heat transfer coefficients provides the actual performance for each individual heat exchanger and for the complete HEN. The first step is to collect the HEN operative data from the Plant Information System and to perform an ad-hoc preprocessing of each individual exchanger data (i.e., feed and product inlet and outlet temperatures and flow rates) in order to identify stable periods from which the mentioned calculations will be performed. As the feed/products flow rates and unit operating conditions are constantly changing, the steady intervals detection is a very important task because calculations performed with data of unstable operation time intervals could be erroneous and produce non-sense results. The overall procedure is managed from an Excel environment, which performs the needed calls to PI and Hysys/TASC simulators in order to calculate each exchanger fouling and HEN overall performance under the actual fouling situation. Excel also commands the evaluation of the cleaning policies economics, searching between several pre-defined cleaning alternatives. Results of the above mentioned methodology applied to a complex feed preheat HEN of the Topping IV CDU of REPSOL YPF Luján de Cuyo Refinery, Argentina, are presented

    Diseño y cálculo de una plataforma motorizada móvil para trasladar un equipo de elevación comercial dentro de los carriles de una nave industrial para labores de mantenimiento

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    [ES] El presente proyecto consiste en realizar el diseño de una plataforma transportadora motorizada, la cual va a transportar una máquina elevadora para poder realizar trabajos de mantenimiento. Este diseño se lleva a cabo mediante el uso de programas CAD-CAE y los análisis de cálculos pertinentes. En el proyecto se desarrollan los planos de la plataforma, materiales a utilizar, esquemas eléctricos, componentes electrónicos, manuales y normativa de seguridad, cálculo de ejes y rodamientos y por último, los cálculos de carga de la plataforma. La empresa que requiere esta plataforma se dedica a realizar compost (tierras y abonos ecológicos), obtenido del reciclaje de basuras. El local donde está ubicada la empresa, es una nave en la que se fabrica el compost. Su distribución espacial está dividida por calles en el interior de la nave, las cuales están separadas por unos muros que delimitan el espacio denominados trincheras, entre éstas, se deposita el compost que es removido a su vez por una máquina volteadora, para realizar una mezcla homogénea de los componentes. El mecanismo de la plataforma se podrá desplazar por la parte superior de las trincheras, para este proceso se utilizará un transfer ya fabricado. Dicho transfer se encargará de situar la plataforma en cualquiera de las calles que hay en la nave. Este transfer en la actualidad se encarga de transportar la máquina volteadora a cada una de las calles para remover el compost. El desplazamiento de la plataforma será mediante la utilización de unas ruedas, de las cuales dos de ellas serán motrices para ser movidas por un motor-reductor. La plataforma transportara encima de ella una máquina elevadora tipo cesta o de tipo tijera para poder realizar las tareas de mantenimiento como (cambio de bombillas de iluminación, limpieza y mantenimiento de la ventilación de la nave, limpieza de ventanales, etc.).[EN] This project consists of designing a conveyor-powered platform. It will carry a lifting machine to allow us doing maintenance work. This design has been carrying out through CAD-CAE programmes and analysis of calculations. In this project we made the plans of that platform and we have established the materials to use. We have also made the wirings diagrams and electrical components, manuals and safety regulations, calculation of shafts and bearings and calculations of the platform load. The company who needs this kind of platform works making compost, which is made of land and organic fertilizers obtained from the trash recycling. The property where the company is located is a unit where the compost is made. Its distribution is divided in several lanes inside of the unit and walls called trenches separate them. The compost is placed between them while is being stirred by a flipping machine to create a uniform mixture. The platform mechanism will be able to move over the top of the trenches. We will use a transfer already manufactured during the process and it will be in charge of placing the platform in wherever unit lane. In addition, some wheels will allow the platform shift. Two of them will be driving wheels and they will be moved by a motor-reductor. Then, the platform will transport a lifting machine on itself as a basket in order to do maintenance tasks that are, changing bulbs lighting, cleaning the area and the picture windows or keeping right the air circulation.Valls Riera, C. (2017). Diseño y cálculo de una plataforma motorizada móvil para trasladar un equipo de elevación comercial dentro de los carriles de una nave industrial para labores de mantenimiento. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9520

    Wireless Communication Systems for Urban Transport

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    This chapter describes the main features of the wireless communication systems of urban rail and related applications. The perspective will be complete: application, network and physical layers will be discussed. Moreover, to properly address some of the challenges that these systems face, we will provide a deep insight into propagation issues related to tunnels and urban areas. Finally, a detailed survey on the directions of research on all these topics will be provided

    Non-linear effects of tax changes on output: The role of the initial level of taxation

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    We estimate the effect of worldwide tax changes on output following the narrative approach developed for the United States by Romer and Romer (2010). We use a novel dataset on value-added taxes for 51 countries (21 industrial and 30 developing) for the period 1970–2014 to identify 96 tax changes. We then use contemporaneous economic records to classify such changes as endogenous or exogenous to current (or prospective) economic conditions. In line with theoretical distortionary and disincentive-based arguments – and using exogenous tax changes – we find that the effect of tax changes on output is highly non-linear. The tax multiplier is essentially zero under relatively low initial tax rate levels and more negative as the initial tax rate increases. Based on a global sample, these novel non-linear findings suggest that the recent consensus pointing to large negative tax multipliers in industrial countries, particularly in industrial Europe (e.g., Alesina, Favero, and Giavazzi, 2015) may represent a special case driven by high initial tax rates in these countries

    Comunicación para el autorreconocimiento de afrodescendientes en los Censos de Población en Panamá

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    This review article focuses on analyzing the communication strategies necessary for the XII National Population and VIII Housing Censuses, 2023, with the aim of raising awareness among the population, promoting ethnic self-recognition, and highlighting the presence of Afro-descendant communities in specific areas. In other words, precise data collection is considered essential to substantiate effective public policies. Simultaneously, by integrating multiple sources, the study underscores the importance of the communication strategy, the inclusion of ethnic self-identification questions, and collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure the success of the censuses. This comprehensive approach seeks not only reliable data but also equity and accurate representation of ethnic diversity in the census results.Este artículo de revisión se enfoca en analizar las estrategias de comunicación necesarias para los Censos Nacionales: XII de Población y VIII de Vivienda de la década 2020, con el objetivo de sensibilizar a la población, fomentar el autorreconocimiento étnico y destacar la presencia de las comunidades afrodescendientes en áreas específicas. En otras palabras, la recolección precisa de datos, se considera esencial para fundamentar políticas públicas efectivas. A su vez, integrando múltiples fuentes, el estudio destaca la importancia de la estrategia de comunicación, la inclusión de preguntas de autoidentificación étnica, y la colaboración con actores claves para garantizar el éxito de los censos. Este enfoque integral busca no solo datos confiables, sino también, la equidad y representación precisa de la diversidad étnica en los resultados censales