1,613 research outputs found

    Influence of Adaptive Comfort Models in Execution Cost Improvements for Housing Thermal Environment in Concepción, Chile

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    Most of the operational energy needed by the housing sector is used to compensate energy losses or thermal gains through the building’s envelope. As a result, any improvement in the thermal behavior will provide important opportunities to reduce energy consumption. This research analyzes improvements in the thermal envelope in social housing in the Greater Concepción area in Chile using adaptive thermal comfort models and thermal insulation investments. The objective set out is to evaluate the economic reduction of thermal envelope improvement costs for dwellings, which entails using the adaptive thermal comfort model obtained through monitoring and the surveys applied to the users of social housing in Concepción (CAS), against the international adaptive thermal comfort models established by the EN 15251:2007 and ASHRAE 55-2017 standards. Finally, it is concluded that, on having applied the social housing adaptive thermal comfort model (CAS), execution costs are reduced by between 28.8% and 58.2%, reaching a time of comfort in free oscillation similar to that obtained from applying the models of the EN 15251:2007 (74.2%) and ASHRAE 55-2017 standards (59.9%)CONICYT FONDECYT 3160806VI PPIT-U

    Desplazamiento forzado y reinserción: factores de incidencia en la inseguridad urbana

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    El trabajo plantea una hipótesis sobre los factores que convergen en la situación de inseguridad urbana, especialmente en la ciudad de Bogotá, D.C. como, por ejemplo, el flujo de población desplazada y/o los desmovilizados o reinsertados provenientes de grupos al margen de la ley. Pero no me extenderé en este problema, la finalidad del trabajo es analizar la posible incidencia que puede tener en la inseguridad urbana la población en referencia. No afirmo que estos segmentos poblaciones sean determinantes para señalarlos como únicos culpables de la inseguridad en las ciudades, aun cuando no descarto que puede ser una posibilidad, especialmente por los desmovilizados y/o reinsertados. Baso mi hipótesis de la carencia de fuentes estadísticas de entidades gubernamentales que hayan hecho estudios verificables sobre esta problemática.Pregrad

    La mujer en los Entremeses Nuevos (1643)

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    Desde que el teatro empezó a reglamentarse y durante la primera mitad del XVII el papel de la mujer en las tablas suscitó todo tipo de recelos, sobre todo por parte de religiosos o moralistas intransigentes que en no pocas ocasiones tachaban sus apariciones de pecaminosas. Todavía durante el reinado de Felipe IV los detractores sobre la licitud de la mujer y del teatro mismo no cejaron. El célebre obispo Juan de Palafox y Mendoza expresa furibundamente en 1645: El asistir a las comedias los eclesiásticos prohibimos del todo, porque las comedias son la peste de la República, el fuego de la virtud, el cebo de la sensualidad, el tribunal del demonio, el consistorio del vicio, el seminario de los pecados más escandalosos, hijos de la idolatría y gentileza

    Globalization of Uncertainties: Lessons from Fukushima

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    Mexico's trade relationship with China in the context of the United States-China trade war

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    The Mexico-China economic relationship is highly asymmetric, although the amount of total trade between the two countries has grown rapidly in the last ten years. Chinese exports to Mexico have grown exponentially and have diversified into different economic sectors. In contrast, Mexican exports to China have also grown but at a much slower pace and the pattern shows more concentration in fewer products. Paradoxically, in the context of the United States-China trade war, the Mexican economy has benefitted from the increase in tariffs that the United States has imposed on Chinese products. In 2019, for the first time, Mexico displaced China as a main trade partner of the United States. In this context, this article analyses the current economic relationship of Mexico with China and the United States in a triangular scheme, the impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on the China-Mexico relationship, and Mexico's trade relationship with both economies in the context of the trade war

    Aplicación de la metodología QFD en el proceso de ingeniería de requisitos

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    Geopolitics and geoeconomics in the China-Latin American relations in the context of the US-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The Bretton Woods institutions have failed to accommodate a rising China, and many authors describe this moment as a crisis of the liberal order, which China is intentionally contesting. The World Trade Organization was incapable of offering a solution to the trade war, and more recently, the World Health Organization was incapable of reducing - and rather partly contributed to - tensions between the US and China in the management of COVID-19 crisis. This Special Issue is made up of six manuscripts that address the most sensitive issues of the China-Latin American relationship amid the challenges of the growing dispute with the United States. The manuscripts assess the four main concerns that are shaping the agenda in China-Latin American relations in times of increasing geopolitical and geoeconomic competition between the United States and China: the Belt and Road Initiative, the One-China policy, the trade war, and the COVID-19 crisis

    Relación entre las partículas finas (PM 2.5) y respirables PM 10) en la ciudad de Medellín

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    En este trabajo se presenta parte de los resultados del proyecto 'Patologías respiratorias en niños preescolares y su relación con la contaminación atmosférica de Medellín', realizado por la Universidad de Medellín y la Universidad CES para la Secretaria de Salud de Medellín dentro del contrato 4700026668 de 2006. Se realizaron mediciones simultáneas de partículas finas (PM2.5) y respirables (PM10) durante el período de febrero a octubre de 2007 en varios sitios de la ciudad de Medellín, capital del departamento de Antioquia, habitada aproximadamente por 2’250.000 personas. Los resultados del análisis muestran, en la mayoría de los casos, una correlación positiva y lineal entre los dos parámetros. La relación (PM2.5/PM10) promedio para los sitios o zonas bajo consideración en este estudio fue de aproximadamente 0.67, valor bastante considerable que hace pensar que probablemente se puede cumplir con la norma anual para PM10, pero no para PM2.5. Los resultados obtenidos identifican las partículas finas como uno de los principales problemas de contaminación en la ciudad de Medellín

    Micromechanical behavior of thermal barrier coatings after isothermal oxidation

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    Thermal protection of metallic components by using ceramic coatings like thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) is widely used, in rocket engines, aircraft industry and gas turbines for power generation to reduce the substrate temperature up to 165°C. This technology diminishes the heat transfer in combustor, initial rotor blades and nozzles guide vanes, so that turbines have taken special advantage of these coatings to meet increasing demands for greater fuel efficiency, lower NOx emissions and higher power and thrust [1]. Thermal barrier coatings, apart from thermal protection are also used to protect against abrasion, oxidation and corrosion [2]. The understanding of the mechanical behavior of TBCs in both as-sprayed and thermal loading conditions is of great importance for the evaluation of components life. However, it is challenging to determine the true mechanical behavior because of the substantial differences, between each layer (TC, BC, and substrate), since the difficulty to prepare the sample´s surface and its high contents of pores, cracks and defects. This work reports on the mechanical characterization of APS 6-8 wt.% yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) as top layer bonded by an HVOF NiCoCrAlY layer to a superalloy substrate (Inconel 625) using the micro- and nano-indentation techniques on test specimens after being subjected to isothermal-oxidation at 1100°C and different time exposition (0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1700 hours). Observations under optical and SEM microscopy were performed in order to study the variation of the mechanical properties such as hardness, young’s modulus, and fracture toughness within the ceramic top layer after isothermal oxidation. The hardness and Young’s modulus of the ceramic layer showed an increase until 600h exposition which can be explained by sintering phenomenon. From 600h up to 1700h the Young’s showed a stabilization due to the equilibrium of sintering and phase transformation mechanisms, but hardness continued its increasing rate. The fracture toughness of the ceramic coating showed a softening condition of about 23% during the whole range of time for isothermal oxidation as a consequence of the detriment of the ceramic layer. Results show that sintering phenomena, TGO growth and phase transformation give a complex state of stresses of the coating system which will have great influence on its performance during regime operation. It is concluded damage of the coating is proportional to the extent of time exposition

    Construcción de la violencia en el fútbol : la psicologización del hincha

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    El fenómeno de la violencia asociada al fútbol no está desarticulado de las formas como los grupos sociales elaboran y reproducen significados, lo cual plantea la necesidad de producir comprensiones sobre los procesos discursivos que generan y mantienen la violencia. Abordamos el estudio por medio de la metodología cualitativa en especial a través del Análisis del Discurso. Tomamos como muestra 188 artículos periodísticos del diario El Colombiano en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2010 y 2015. Encontramos que la prensa sitúa al "hincha" como eje central a la hora de referirse al fenómeno de la violencia en el fútbol, apelando a la psicologización y criminalización de este para explicar la violencia en el contexto del fútbol.The phenomenon of violence associated to the football is not disarticulated from the ways social groups produce and reproduce meanings, which raises the need to produce comprehensions about the discursive processes that generate and maintain violence. We Approach to the study using qualitative methodology especially through discourse analysis. The sample was made from 188 news from the newspaper El Colombiano in the period between 2010 and 2015. We found that the press places the "fan" as a central axis when referring to the phenomenon of football violence, appealing to the psychologization and criminalization of this to explain the violence in the context Entertainment soccer