7,252 research outputs found

    On the equivalence between subgame perfection and sequentiality

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    We identify the maximal set of finite extensive forms for which the sets of subgame perfect and sequential equilibrium strategies coincide for any possible assignment of the payoff function. We also identify the maximal set of finite extensive forms for which the outcomes induced by the two solution concepts coincide

    On the equivalence between subgame perfection and sequentiality.

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    We identify the maximal set of finite extensive forms for which the sets of subgame perfect and sequential equilibrium strategies coincide for any possible assignment of the payoff function. We also identify the maximal set of finite extensive forms for which the outcomes induced by the two solution concepts coincide.

    Recursive linear estimation for discrete time systems in the presence of different multiplicative observation noises

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    This paper describes a design for a least mean square error estimator in discrete time systems where the components of the state vector, in measurement equation, are corrupted by different multiplicative noises in addition to observation noise. We show how known results can be considered a particular case of the algorithm stated in this paperState estimation, multiplicative noise, uncertain observations

    Spectral type, temperature and evolutionary stage in cool supergiants

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    In recent years, temperature scales in cool supergiants (CSGs) have been disputed, and the possibility that spectral types (SpTs) do not depend primarily on temperature has been raised. We explore the relations between different observed parameters and the capability of deriving accurate intrinsic stellar parameters from them through the analysis of the largest spectroscopic sample of CSGs to date from SMC and LMC. We explore possible correlations between different observational parameters, also making use of near- and mid-infrared colours and literature on photometric variability. Direct comparison between the behaviour of atomic lines (Fe I, Ti I, and Ca II) in the observed spectra and synthetic atmospheric models provides compelling evidence that effective temperature is the prime underlying variable driving the SpT sequence in CSGs. However, there is a clear correlation between SpT and luminosity, with later ones tending to correspond to more luminous stars with heavier mass loss. The population of CSGs in the SMC is characterised by a higher degree of spectral variability, early spectral types (centred on type K1) and low mass-loss rates (at least as measured by dust-sensitive mid-infrared colours). The population in the LMC displays less spectroscopic variability and later spectral types. The distribution of spectral types is not single-peaked. Instead, the brightest CSGs have a significantly different distribution from less luminous objects, presenting mostly M subtypes (centred on M2), and increasing mass-loss rates for later types. In conclusion, the observed properties of CSGs in the SMC and the LMC cannot be described correctly by standard evolutionary models. The very strong correlation between spectral type and bolometric luminosity, supported by all data from the Milky Way, cannot be reproduced at all by current evolutionary tracks.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figure

    El nombre de corredors a peu s’ha incrementat a Espanya durant la primera dècada del segle XXI

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    És habitual trobar en els mitjans de comunicació de l’Estat espanyol, notícies o articles que subratllen l’auge de les curses populars a Espanya. L’objectiu d’aquesta carta científica ha estat comprovar amb rigor sociològic si s’ha incrementat en els últims anys el nombre de practicants de cursa a peu. Amb aquesta finalitat, han estat analitzades les tres últimes enquestes sobre hàbits esportius dels espanyols, les quals van ser dutes a terme pel Centre d’Investigacions Sociològiques, sota el patrocini del Consell Superior d’Esports, durant els anys 2000, 2005 i 2010. Les dades indiquen que sí que s’ha produït un increment en la pràctica de la cursa a peu entre l’acabament del segle xx i la primera dècada del segle xxi, passant d’un 3,8 % de corredors l’any 2000 a un 5,1 % l’any 2010. Cal destacar que l’any 2010 residien a Espanya al voltant de dos milions de persones majors de 14 anys que eren practicants de la cursa a peu

    Participating in sports and practicing a religion are related to levels of happiness

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    The objective of this study was to ascertain whether happiness varies depending on sports participation and religious practice. The sample comprised 2,378 participants aged between 18 and 92 years. All analysis were carried out by testing the interaction effects of the variables of sex and age on sports participation, religious practice, and happiness. We found a high average level of happiness (M = 7.299, range 0-10). However, people who do not participate in sports or practice a religion indicated a level of happiness (M = 6.979) that was statistically lower than that of the other groups: people who practice a religion but do not participate in sports (M = 7.135); people who participate in sports but do not practice a religion (M = 7.478); and people who both participate in sports and practice a religion (M = 7.717). We conclude that happiness is associated with sports participation and religious practice, although with small or very small effect sizes (all p< 0.050; η between 0.008 and 0.020). 2

    Análisis sociodemográfico comparativo entre corredores populares y el resto de la población en España

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-demographic characteristics of popular races’ runners (PRRs) and establish differences with the rest of the Spanish population. It was analyzed the survey conducted in 2010 about sport habits in Spain. A final sample consisting of 8,389 interviews with participants with ages ranging between 15 and 97 years was drawn. The descriptive results revealed that 3.5% of the interviewees were PRRs. Afterwards, a model of logistical regression was executed in order to identify the cohorts that were more likely to belong to the non-PRRs group once the possible interaction effects or confusion among variables had been controlled. Here, the results showed that women were more likely to belong to the non-PRRs group (OR = 6.55). Regarding age, the possibility of belonging to the non-PRRs group progressively increased as the age factor also increased. It was also ascertained that the possibility of pertaining to the non-PRRs group increased insofar as the educational level decreased. Finally, neither socio-economic status nor participants’ town population size was associated with being a PRRs group memberEl objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las características sociodemográficas de los corredores populares y establecer diferencias con el resto de la población española. Se analizó la encuesta del año 2010 sobre hábitos deportivos en España. La muestra final estuvo formada por un total de 8.389 participantes, con edades de entre 15 y 97 años. Los resultados descriptivos revelaron que el 3,5% de la población residente en España pueden ser considerados corredores populares. Asimismo, para identificar qué variables sociodemográficas estuvieron más asociadas a la posibilidad de no ser corredor popular, se procedió con regresión logística, donde las variables fueron ajustadas al resto de variables en aras de controlar sus posibles efectos de interacción o confusión. Los resultados mostraron que las mujeres tienen más posibilidad de pertenecer al grupo de no corredores populares (OR = 6,55). Además, se observó que la posibilidad de pertenecer al grupo de no corredores es mayor a medida que aumenta la edad y también a medida que desciende el nivel académico. Finalmente, se encontró que ni el estatus socioeconómico ni el tamaño poblacional estuvieron asociados al hecho de ser corredor popula

    Frustration free gapless Hamiltonians for Matrix Product States

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    For every Matrix Product State (MPS) one can always construct a so-called parent Hamiltonian. This is a local, frustration free, Hamiltonian which has the MPS as ground state and is gapped. Whenever that parent Hamiltonian has a degenerate ground state (the so-called non-injective case), we construct another 'uncle' Hamiltonian which is local and frustration free but gapless, and its spectrum is R+\R^+. The construction is obtained by linearly perturbing the matrices building up the state in a random direction, and then taking the limit where the perturbation goes to zero. For MPS where the parent Hamiltonian has a unique ground state (the so-called injective case) we also build such uncle Hamiltonian with the same properties in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 36 pages, new version with some contents rearranged, and a correction in the injective cas

    Access and analysis of ISTAC data through the use of R and Shiny

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    [EN] The increasing availability of open data resources provides opportunities for research and data science. It is necessary to develope tools that take advantage of the full potential of new information resources. In this work we developed the package for R istacr that provides a collection of eurostat functions to be able to consult and discard the data that Eurostat, including functions to retrieve, download and manipulate the data set available through the ISTAC BASE API of the Canary Institute of Statistics (ISTAC). In addition, A Shiny app was designed for a responsive visulization of the data. This develope is part of the growing demand for open data and ecosystems dedicated to reproducible research in computational social science and digital humanities. With this interest, this package has been included within rOpenSpain, a project that aims to promote transparent research methods mainly through the use of free software and open data in Spain.González-Martel, C.; Cazorla-Artiles, JM.; Pérez-González, C. (2018). Access and analysis of ISTAC data through the use of R and Shiny. En 2nd International Conference on Advanced Reserach Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2018). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 193-200. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2018.2018.8345OCS19320
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