979 research outputs found

    The use of tinkerplots features: a study with brazilian students

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    The introduction of computers in schools does not guarantee the improvement of the teaching of Mathematics and Statistics, because it is necessary to consider pedagogical approaches and the software used. In this article we discuss a study that examined the interpretation of data amongst 12 students from Year 7 of elementary school who are familiar with computing environments. In pairs, the participants used the TinkerPlots software tools: Cards, Table, and Plot. Research data was collected in four sessions, via video recordings using Camtasia Studio, and field notes during the work of students. By using software tools, students organized data so as to obtain various forms of graphical representations to develop data interpretation. This enabled the students to approach the data in an active way, making interpretations that considered various aspects of relations between data

    Additive engineering for stable halide perovskite solar cells

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    Halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have already demonstrated power conversion efficiencies above 25%, which makes them one of the most attractive photovoltaic technologies. However, one of the main bottlenecks towards their commercialization is their long-term stability, which should exceed the 20-year mark. Additive engineering is an effective pathway for the enhancement of device lifetime. Additives applied as organic or inorganic compounds, improve crystal grain growth enhancing power conversion efficiency. The interaction of their functional groups with the halide perovskite (HP) absorber, as well as with the transport layers, results in defect passivation and ion immobilization improving device performance and stability. In this review, we briefly summarize the different types of additives recently applied in PSC to enhance not only efficiency but also long-term stability. We discuss the different mechanism behind additive engineering and the role of the functional groups of these additives for defect passivation. Special emphasis is given to their effect on the stability of PSCs under environmental conditions such as humidity, atmosphere, light irradiation (UV, visible) or heat, taking into account the recently reported ISOS protocols. We also discuss the relation between deep-defect passivation, non-radiative recombination and device efficiency, as well as the possible relation between shallow-defect passivation, ion immobilization and device operational stability. Finally, insights into the challenge and criteria for additive selection are provided for the further stability enhancement of PSCs

    Political Reasons, Deliberative Democracy, and Administrative Law

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    El curso Herramientas de la Calidad pertenece a la especialidad de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial es de naturaleza teórico práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del quinto ciclo de la carrera. El curso desarrolla la competencia general de pensamiento innovador y la competencia específica ABET.(d.2) Participa activamente en equipos de trabajo multidisciplinarios y su aporte al trabajo de grupo muestra organización y delegación de responsabilidades evidencia acciones de investigación y consulta de información a entes externos para construir o reforzar la posición del grupo.En la actualidad las empresas líderes globalizadas viven preocupadas por saber cómo mantenerse con un público cada vez más exigente de allí la necesidad de utilizar las herramientas que satisfagan no solo a sus clientes sino también a sus propios objetivos y expectativas organizacionales. En ese sentidolas herramientas que brinda el curso buscan que el estudiante contribuya con las empresas (líderes o no) a medir la calidad de sus servicios y a planificar mejor sus procesos afrontando los retos de competitividad y productividad empresarial

    El discurso patrimonial: Una coartada para frenar el desarrollo de la ciudad de Oaxaca

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    The archeological richness of the state of Oaxaca, the wide variety of local art, crafts and festivities, the ethnic and linguistic diversity of its people and the perception of its capital as an “indigenous” and “colonial” city are characteristics that have been used consistently to encourage tourism while disregarding other potential paths towards economic and cultural development.The almost exclusive focus on this heritage as a tourist attraction has greatly influenced the political decisions and actions taken by governing offices in numerous spheres; these range from public budgeting for education and culture to urban and architectural development where its influence is particularly noticeable, as evidenced by related regulations, public works, infrastructure and services.An examination of these developments in the city of Oaxaca during the 20th century illustrates the negative consequences that tourism, as well as the exploitation of a cultural heritage, can have on the development of cities with similar characteristics.La riqueza arqueológica del estado de Oaxaca, la variedad de sus artesanías y festividades, la pluralidad étnica y lingüística de su población y la apreciación de su capital como ciudad "indígena" y "colonial" han sido características usadas insistentemente para argumentar su vocación turística y desatender otras posibles opciones de desarrollo económico y cultural.La valoración de ese patrimonio casi exclusivamente como atractivo turístico, ha influido enérgicamente en las decisiones y acciones políticas emprendidas por los distintos gobiernos en rubros muy variados, ya sea en la distribución del presupuesto público, en la educación, cultura y particularmente en su desarrollo urbano y arquitectónico en aspectos tales como el uso de suelo, legislación, obra pública, infraestructura y servicios. Revisar lo sucedido en Oaxaca durante el siglo XX, evidencia las implicaciones negativas que, tanto el turismo como la sobre explotación patrimonial pueden llegar a tener en el desarrollo de ciudades similares

    Last Bank: dealing with address reuse in non-uniform cache architecture for CMPs

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    In response to the constant increase in wire delays, Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) has been introduced as an effective memory model for dealing with growing memory latencies. This architecture divides a large memory cache into smaller banks that can be accessed independently. Banks close to the cache controller therefore have a faster response time than banks located farther away from it. In this paper, we propose and analyse the insertion of an additional bank into the NUCA cache. This is called Last Bank. This extra bank deals with data blocks that have been evicted from the other banks in the NUCA cache. Furthermore, we analyse the behaviour of the cache line replacements done in the NUCA cache and propose two optimisations of Last Bank that provide significant performance benefits without incurring unaffordable implementation costs.Preprin

    LRU-PEA: A smart replacement policy for non-uniform cache architectures on chip multiprocessors

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    The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-level cache performance crucial for CMP architectures. Non Uniform Cache Architectures (NUCA) has been introduced to deal with this problem. This memory organization divides the whole memory space into smaller pieces or banks allowing nearer banks to have better access latencies than further banks.Moreover, an adaptive replacement policy that efficiently reduces misses in the last-level cache could boost performance, particularly if set associativity is assumed. Unfortunately, traditional replacement policies do not behave properly as they were assumed for single-processors. This paper focuses on Bank Replacement. This policy involves three key decisions when there is a miss: where to place a data within the cache set, which data to evict from the cache set and finally, where to place the evicted data. We propose a novel replacement technique that enables more intelligent replacement decisions to be taken, based on the observation that some type of data are less commonly accessed depending of the bank where they reside. We call this technique as LRU-PEA (Least Recently Used with a Priority Eviction Approach). We show that the proposed technique significantly reduces the requests to the off-chip memory by increasing the hit ratio in the NUCA cache. This translates into an average IPC improvement of 8% and into an Energy per Instruction (EPI) reduction of 5%.Preprin

    O impacto da capoeira no desenvolvimento motor de estudantes dos anos iniciais

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    O impacto da capoeira no desenvolvimento motor de estudantes dos anos iniciais. Objetivo: Demonstrar a importância da capoeira no contexto escolar em prol do desenvolvimento motor de estudantes dos anos iniciais. Materiais e métodos: Este trabalho foi realizado por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica feita em artigos, qualificando-o como uma consulta do tipo exploratória. Revisão Bibliográfica: A capoeira aplicada com respaldo teórico atua de forma que o desenvolvimento motor e seus aspectos predominantes na infância sejam enriquecidos através dos movimentos e expressões. Considerações Finais: Podese concluir que, a capoeira impacta no desenvolvimento motor do estudantes dos anos iniciais, tendo em vista as várias formas de movimento proporcionado pela prática desta atividade, como por exemplo: correr, saltar, girar e rolar.The impact of capoeira motor development of students in the early years. Objective: To demonstrate the importance of poultry in the school context in favor of the motor development of students in the early years. Materials and Methods : This study was conducted through a literature survey of articles , describing it as an exploratory consultation . Literature Review: Capoeira applied theoretical support acts so that the motor development and its predominant in childhood aspects are enriched through the movements and expressions. Final Thoughts: It can be concluded that capoeira impact on motor development of students in the early years , in view of the various forms of movement provided by the practice of this activity, such as: running, jumping , turning and rolling

    Jurassic Quest VR

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    JurassicQuestVR es un videojuego que he decidido desarrollar como proyecto de final de grado. La confección de un videojuego involucra todas las fases del proceso de desarrollo del software, haciendo de este un candidato ideal para finalizar la especialización de ingeniería del software dentro del ámbito de la ingeniería informática. Con este juego se espera adquirir nuevos conocimientos relacionados directamente con el desarrollo de videojuegos y especialmente con entornos de realidad virtual, que como se verá en posteriores apartados de este documento, tienen un nivel de complejidad adicional respecto a los entornos 3D convencionales. Este TFG está pensado para una duración de un semestre y, por lo tanto, se han planteado unos objetivos realistas y acordes al tiempo del que se despone. Tras culminar el semestre, se espera tener JurassicQuestVR sea un juego que tenga la funcionalidad completa e implemente los primeros tres niveles de juego. En actualizaciones posteriores a este trabajo de fin de grado se espera añadir contenido de forma progresiva para que el jugador pueda alcanzar el desenlace la JurassicQuestVR y poder así cerrar la historia que se inicia con este proyecto.JurassicQuestVR és un videojoc que he decidit desenvolupar com a projecte de final de grau. La confecció d'un videojoc involucra totes les fases del procés de desenvolupament del programari, fent d'aquest un candidat ideal per a finalitzar l'especialització d'enginyeria del programari dins de l'àmbit de l'enginyeria informàtica. Amb aquest joc s'espera adquirir nous coneixements relacionats directament amb el desenvolupament de videojocs i especialment amb entorns de realitat virtual, que com es veurà en posteriors apartats d'aquest document, tenen un nivell de complexitat addicional respecte als entorns 3D convencionals. Aquest TFG està pensat per a una durada d'un semestre i, per tant, s'han plantejat uns objectius realistes i concordes al temps del qual es despone. Després de culminar el semestre, s'espera tenir JurassicQuestVR sigui un joc que tingui la funcionalitat completa i implementi els primers tres nivells de joc. En actualitzacions posteriors a aquest treball de fi de grau s'espera afegir contingut de manera progressiva perquè el jugador pugui aconseguir el desenllaç la JurassicQuestVR i poder així tancar la història que s'inicia amb aquest projecte.JurassicQuestVR is a video game I developed as my final project to conclude my bachelors degree. The creation of a video game involves all of the different phases of software development, which makes it an ideal candidate for incorporating all fundamental competencies of a Computer Science degree specialized in Software Engineering. By developing this project, I expect to acquire new skills directly related with video game development and, more specifically, every aspect that involves virtual reality (VR) environments. As we will see more in depth in further chapters of this document, developing a game in VR adds an additional layer of complexity when compared to standard 3D environments. The total length of this project encompassed four months; therefore, all the objectives have been selected taking this time constraint into consideration. After finishing the semester, the expectation is to have a finalized version of JurassicQuestVR, which contains the first three functional levels. After completing this project, the goal is to further expand the game by increasing the number of quests and functional content in order to complete the entire story.