1,257 research outputs found

    Apresentação do Livro de Sousa Dias Questão de Estilo

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    Metacrítica : Revista de Filosofia da Unidade de Investigação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade da Universidade Lusófon

    Determinants of loan and lease losses experienced by north american bank holding companies in 2008

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    Mestrado em FinançasThis study analyzes the determinants of loan and lease losses experienced by North American Bank Holding Companies in 2008, as a result of the credit crisis initially triggered by residential lending to high-risk borrowers. The performed analysis is based on financial information on Bank Holding Companies obtained from the Federal Reserve System and on macroeconomic data for the United States of America at national, regional and state levels. For both larger and smaller Bank Holding Companies, higher credit losses were associated with higher loan portfolio average spreads and higher shares of construction and land-related loans. The fact that the Bank Holding Company was audited by one of the "Big Four" auditing firms also proved to be relevant. Larger Bank Holding Companies' credit losses were also found to be influenced by lower gross domestic product growth rates, higher proportions of restructured loans and higher shares of foreign loans. Larger housing price declines, lower shares of foreign loans and lower provisioning ratios of delinquent loans also resulted in higher credit losses for smaller Bank Holding Companies. This study also demonstrates that larger and listed Bank Holding Companies incurred in higher credit losses comparatively to smaller and unlisted Bank Holding Companies, respectively. Finally, it was found that Bank Holding Companies developing their activities in the West registered comparatively higher credit losses, while Bank Holding Companies developing their activities in the Northeast incurred in comparatively lower credit lossesEste estudo analisa os factores determinantes das perdas de crédito incorridas pelas holdings bancárias Norte-Americanas em 2008, como resultado da crise do mercado de crédito inicialmente despoletada pela concessão de crédito hipotecário de alto risco. A análise efectuada baseia-se em informação financeira das holdings bancárias obtida junto da Federal Reserve System e em dados macroeconómicos para os Estados Unidos da América, aos níveis nacional, regional e estatal. Conjuntamente para as holdings bancárias de maior e de menor dimensões, perdas de crédito mais elevadas estão associadas a carteiras de crédito com spreads médios mais altos e a maiores proporções de empréstimos para construção e financiamento de terrenos. O facto de a holding bancária ter sido auditada por uma das "Big Fouf também se revelou relevante. As perdas de crédito das holdings bancárias de maior dimensão foram ainda influenciadas por menores taxas de crescimento do produto interno bruto, maiores pesos de empréstimos reestruturados e maiores proporções de empréstimos ao estrangeiro. Maiores quedas dos preços dos imóveis para habitação, menores pesos de empréstimos ao estrangeiro e menores níveis de provisionamento do crédito vencido implicaram também maiores perdas de crédito para as holdings bancárias de menor dimensão. Este estudo demonstra ainda que as holdings bancárias de maior dimensão e as que são cotadas em bolsa incorreram em perdas de crédito mais elevadas face às holdings bancárias de menor dimensão e às que não são cotadas em bolsa, respectivamente. Finalmente, verificou-se que as holdings bancárias que desenvolvem as suas actividades no Oeste registaram perdas de crédito comparativamente mais elevadas, enquanto as holdings bancárias que desenvolvem as suas actividades no Nordeste incorreram em perdas de crédito comparativamente menores

    The hidden value behind capital structure decisions

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsI estimate the optimal capital structure for a growth company, for which market value is dictated by its highly volatile nature. I study the welfare impact of corporate taxes, analyzing their economic effect of inducing higher bankruptcy levels. Assuming that management always seeks to optimize the market value of company’s assets, I find a significant loss of value that varies negatively with volatility. Flow and stock insolvency are important for the maximization of capital structure, and I compare both, modeling the value of the company as an option on its revenues. These are not only highly significant for R&D and startup companies but also have significant welfare consequences. I compare the options of liquidation and re-financing and find a clearly important role of early liquidation for R&D frameworks. I complement the study with a comparative statics analysis estimating the impact of risk to the value of the firm and the optimal capital structure decision, for a cross-section of firms. The results present quantitative evidence that reinforce the literature of trade-off and capital structure applied to growth companies

    A Perceção da Autoestima e dos Sentimentos de Solidão em Idosos Institucionalizados

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    Esta investigação tem como objetivo comparar a autoestima e o sentimento de solidão entre idosos em contexto habitacional diferente (comunidade vs. instituição). Realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre três grupos de idosos, 40 idosos institucionalizados, 33 em regime de Centro de Dia e 40 residentes na própria casa. Participaram na investigação 114 indivíduos. A análise da distribuição por género apresenta uma clara feminização, (n = 79; 69,3%). A média de idades é de 78,39 anos (DP = ± 7,457), sendo a idade mínima de 65 anos e a máxima de 94 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados para recolher os dados foram o Questionário Sócio Demográfico, a Escala de Solidão da UCLA e a Escala de Auto-Estima de Rosenberg. No que diz respeito aos sentimentos de solidão, os idosos institucionalizados são os que apresentam mais sentimentos de solidão quando comparados com os que residem em casa própria (p = 0,045). Os idosos institucionalizados apresentam ainda níveis mais baixos de autoestima (p = 0,0001). Em conclusão, os sentimentos de solidão estão significativamente presentes nesta faixa etária, especialmente entre os idosos que residem em instituições, sendo também estes que apresentam níveis inferiores de autoestima. / This research aimed to compare self-esteem and the feeling of loneliness among the elderly in a different housing context (community vs. institution). It was conducted a comparative study of three groups of elderly, 40 institutionalized elderly, 33 in day center basis and 40 living at home. 114 individuals participated in the research. The analysis by gender distribution shows a clear feminization (n = 79; 69.3%). The average age is 78.39 years old (SD = ± 7.457), with a minimum age of 65 and maximum of 94 years old. The instruments used to collect the data were the Questionnaire Socio Demographic, the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. With regard to the feelings of loneliness, the institutionalized elderly are those with more feelings of loneliness, compared to those living in own home (p = 0.045). The institutionalized elderly have also lower levels of self-esteem (p = 0.0001). In conclusion, the feelings of loneliness are significantly present in this age group, especially among the elderly residing in institutions, and these ones have also lower levels of selfesteem

    Paisagem, aragem, dissemelhança

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    Procurarei seguir pelo caminho ilimitado da escrita em busca dum naufrágio imperfeito ocorrido no oceano tumultuoso da poesia e da arte, um naufrágio imprevisível enxergado a partir de terra firme, que guarda dentro de si memórias de acontecimentos que subrepticiamente nos olham e desafiam na busca incessante de verdades impensáveis e experiências singulares que habitam no seio da natureza e no coração das obras criadas pelo espírito do homem. Natureza e obra, corpo e máquina, amor e sexualidade, saber e religião, orgânico e abstracto são multiplicidades binárias singulares que colidem entre si além de quase sempre entrarem em ruptura com os territórios e as culturas com que têm de se confrontar

    Bases of the PAH (Movement of Mortgage Victims): activism, collective advice and nonviolent civil disobedience

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    Aquest article recull alguns dels resultats i conclusions procedents de dos estudis desenvolupats en els darrers mesos dedicats a la mobilització social des de la Plataforma d’Afectats per la Hipoteca (PAH) pel dret a l’habitatge. En tots dos casos s’ha optat per treballar amb una perspectiva qualitativa a partir d’entrevistes a persones vinculades principalment a les PAH de Barcelona, Terrassa i Sabadell. Centrem les conclusions en dos aspectes que considerem essencials per entendre l’origen d’aquesta mobilització, el seu desenvolupament i l’impacte que està tenint: la importància de les persones activistes en la creació de la PAH i el procés de desenvolupament del projecte amb la participació activa de les persones que s’hi apropen inicialment en la seva condició d’afectades i l’activisme que seran capaces de posar en pràctica.Este artículo recoge algunas de los resultados y conclusiones provenientes de dos investigaciones desarrolladas en los últimos meses dedicadas a la movilización social desde la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) por el derecho a la vivienda. En ambos casos se ha optado por trabajar con una perspectiva cualitativa a partir de entrevistas a personas vinculadas principalmente a las PAH de Barcelona, Terrassa, Sabadell. Centramos las conclusiones en dos aspectos que consideramos esenciales para entender el origen de esta movilización, su desarrollo y el impacto que está teniendo: la importancia de las personas activistas en la creación de la PAH y el proceso de desarrollo del proyecto con la participación activa de las personas que se aproximan inicialmente en su condición de afectadas y el activismo que serán capaces de poner en práctica.This paper presents some of the results and conclusions that emerge from two recent studies of social mobilization in relation to the right to housing by the PAH Movement of Mortgage Victims. In both cases the researchers chose to work from a perspective based on qualitative interviews with individuals linked mainly to PAH in Barcelona, Terrassa and Sabadell. Our findings focus on two aspects that we regard as essential to understanding the origin of this mobilization, its development and its impact: on one hand, the importance of activists in the creation of PAH and the process of its development with the active participation of people who initially became involved when they were personally threatened with eviction, and on the other the activism they were able to put into practice

    Factors associated to vascular pedicle width in ARDS

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    Introduction: In previous studies, vascular pedicle width (VPW) was the best radiographic sign of intravascular volume status in critically ill patients and may enhance implementation and acceptance of the conservative fluid strategy into routine clinical practice. Objective: Our aim was to find the relationship among VPW and parameters of mechanical ventilation (MV) and baseline data. The hypothesis was that pressures, tidal volume and baseline data, as age, could be related to VPW in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Methodology: It was a retrospective cohort study enrolled in the Open Lung Approach trial performed in moderate-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome recruited in São Paulo, Brazil. VPW was measured by two investigators in chestradiographs taken at diagnosis and after 24 hours of mechanical ventilation adjustments. The relationship between VPW, age, predicted body weight (PBW), positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), plateau pressure and tidal volume adjusted by PBW were evaluated. Results: 26 patients were included in analysis, with a total of 52 chest radiography analyzed. There was a significant change in VPW between diagnosis and after 24hours from MV adjustments (r = 0.64, p < 0.01).  Age was related to VPW before and after adjustments in MV (r= 0.57, p < 0.01). No correlation was found between MV parameters (PEEP, plateau pressure and tidal volume) with VPW. Conclusions: There was no correlation among pressures and tidal volume applied during MV and PDW, reinforcing thismethod as an easy, wide available and noninvasive way to estimate intravascular volume status in ARDS patients. Age was related to VPW, suggesting that the measure of VPW could be improved after correction based in this parameter

    Concepções de criança, infância e educação infantil : avanços e desafios

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    Orientadora : Danielle MarafonMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral, Curso de Especialização em Gestão e Processos em Educação, Diversidade e InclusãoInclui referência
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