5,474 research outputs found

    Estudo de 46 casos de hernioplastias com uso de tela de marlex realizadas no Hospital Universitário - UFSC.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Cirúrgica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    Análise epidemiológica dos casos de injúrias oculares registrados no Centro de Informações Toxicológicas de Santa Catarina - CIT/SC

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Dapartamento de Clínica Cirúrgica

    Enhancing Cognitive Skills in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Game-Based Brain-Computer Interface Training

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that involves a series of behavioral aspects Individuals with ASD have atypical development in the areas of learning communication social interaction detection and handling of emotions motor coordination and concentration They may also have difficulty thinking flexibly and dealing with changes With the advancement of information and communication technologies an alternative used to assist in treating these children is the brain-computer interface BCI In this context this article aimed to create a mental game controlled via ICC that would enable the monitoring of brainwave behavior and promote an improvement in the cognitive performance of children with ASD To this end a mixed methods experimental study was carried out with a sample of 21 children aged 9 to 11 years The study was carried out in schools in the city of Fortaleza - Brazil The children in the Experimental Group EG were exposed to a game that involved memorizing images to develop and improve reasoning by creating relationships between the images and the sequence of arranged card

    Estado cosmopolita, organismos internacionais e a terceira via: o esporte enquanto política social

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    Evolução histórica dos projetos de embarcações pesqueiras construídas na região de Itajaí

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Naval.Itajaí e Navegantes, cidades litorâneas de Santa Catarina, integram o maior polo pesqueiro do Brasil. Sua frota pesqueira, voltada à pesca industrial, em sua maioria é composta por embarcações construídas em madeira por construtores navais que se utilizam do conhecimento empírico herdado de seus antecessores e adquiridos ao longo de sua experiência na profissão. Os barcos de pesca, projetados e construídos pelos construtores navais têm comprimento na faixa de 13 a 30 metros e atendem aos requisitos do armador, conforme modalidade de pesca adotada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as técnicas projetuais utilizadas pelos construtores navais e compará-las com métodos modernos propostos na engenharia para o projeto de embarcações pesqueiras. Para o levantamento das técnicas, adotou-se o uso de entrevistas com os construtores navais em seus locais de trabalho, os estaleiros. Este trabalho permitiu registrar as técnicas projetuais empregadas pelos construtores navais, ferramentas empregadas no projeto, as fontes de inspiração para a definição da geometria do casco e a forte relação da qualidade do produto com a criatividade e experiência do projetista, já que não existe consulta ou atenção às normas e critérios específicos da IMO ou sociedades classificadoras para embarcações de pesca, tampouco tem seu arrasto avaliado para otimização de sua geometria de casco, como usualmente acontece nos projetos de embarcações.Itajaí and Navegantes, coastal cities of Santa Catarina, are part of the largest fishing pole in Brazil. Its fishing fleet, focused on industrial fishing, is mostly composed of boats built in wood by shipbuilders who use the empirical knowledge inherited from their predecessors and acquired throughout their experience in the profession. The fishing boats designed and built by the shipbuilders have length in the range of 13 to 30 meters and meet the requirements of the owner, according to the fishing method adopted. The present work has as objective to analyze the techniques used by the shipbuilders and compare them with the methods proposed in the engineering for the design of fishing vessels. For the survey of the techniques, it was adopted the use of interviews with the shipbuilders in their work places, the shipyards. This work allowed us to record the design techniques used by the shipbuilders, the tools used in the project, the sources of inspiration for the definition of the hull geometry and the strong relation of product quality to the designer's creativity and experience, since there is no consultation or attention to the specific norms and criteria of the IMO or classification societies for fishing vessels, nor does it have its drag evaluated for optimization of its hull geometry, as usually happens in the development of vessels projects

    Tropical Fruit Pulps: Processing, Product Standardization and Main Control Parameters for Quality Assurance

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    ABSTRACT Fruit pulp is the most basic food product obtained from fresh fruit processing. Fruit pulps can be cold stored for long periods of time, but they also can be used to fabricate juices, ice creams, sweets, jellies and yogurts. The exploitation of tropical fruits has leveraged the entire Brazilian fruit pulp sector due mainly to the high acceptance of their organoleptic properties and remarkable nutritional facts. However, several works published in the last decades have pointed out unfavorable conditions regarding the consumption of tropical fruit pulps. This negative scenario has been associated with unsatisfactory physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of fruits pulps as outcomes of little knowledge and improper management within the fruit pulp industry. There are protocols for delineating specific identity and quality standards (IQSs) and standardized good manufacturing practices (GMP) for fruit pulps, which also embrace standard operating procedures (SOPs) and hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), although this latter is not considered mandatory by the Brazilian legislation. Unfortunately, the lack of skilled labor, along with failures in complying established protocols have impaired quality of fruit pulps. It has been necessary to collect all information available with the aim to identify the most important hazards within fruit pulp processing lines. Standardizing methods and practices within the Brazilian fruit pulp industry would assurance high quality status to tropical fruit pulps and the commercial growth of this vegetal product towards international markets

    Comparative analysis of the hedging effectiveness for soybean using ols and bivariate Garch Bekk Model

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    Dynamic hedging effectiveness for soybean farmers in Rondonópolis (MT) with futures contracts of BM&F-BOVESPA is calculated through optimal hedge determination, using the bivariate GARCH BEKK model, which considers the conditional correlations of the prices series, comparing the results with the minimum variance model effectiveness, calculated by OLS, the unhedged and the naïve hedge positions. The financial effectiveness of the dynamic hedge model is superior and can be used by farmers for several decision making purposes such as price discovery, hedging calibration, cash flow projections, market timing, among others