275 research outputs found

    Balanced partitions of 3-colored geometric sets in the plane

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    Let SS be a finite set of geometric objects partitioned into classes or colors . A subset S'¿SS'¿S is said to be balanced if S'S' contains the same amount of elements of SS from each of the colors. We study several problems on partitioning 33-colored sets of points and lines in the plane into two balanced subsets: (a) We prove that for every 3-colored arrangement of lines there exists a segment that intersects exactly one line of each color, and that when there are 2m2m lines of each color, there is a segment intercepting mm lines of each color. (b) Given nn red points, nn blue points and nn green points on any closed Jordan curve ¿¿, we show that for every integer kk with 0=k=n0=k=n there is a pair of disjoint intervals on ¿¿ whose union contains exactly kk points of each color. (c) Given a set SS of nn red points, nn blue points and nn green points in the integer lattice satisfying certain constraints, there exist two rays with common apex, one vertical and one horizontal, whose union splits the plane into two regions, each one containing a balanced subset of SS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Diseño, Construcción, Instalación y Pruebas de Equipos para Procesamiento de Semillas de Alfalfa y Trébol.

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    El diseño de la planta procesadora de semillas de leguminosas, surge como una necesidad imperiosa del agricultor ecuatoriano. El manejo de semillas poscosecha, es una actividad muy desgastante físicamente y, sobre todo, representa altos costos, pues requiere de mucha mano de obra. La planta procesadora que en este trabajo se expone, está integrada esencialmente por tres equipos. Estos son: Un secador tipo silo estacionario compuesto de: un sistema de calentamiento de aire, en el que un quemador de gas de GLP con control automático de encendido y apagado calienta una masa de aire, la misma que es succionada e impulsada por un ventilador centrífugo hacia una cámara de distribución de aire. En la cámara de secado se acumula el material sostenido sobre un piso agujereado que permite el paso de aire caliente, secando el producto, el aire se disipa a la atmósfera a través del cumbrero. El material se descarga y carga de forma manual. Una trilladora que consta de: un sistema de trilla, compuesto por el cilindro trillador de dientes cónicos y el cóncavo. El cilindro es accionado por un motor eléctrico trifásico, que fricciona el material contra el cóncavo, separándolo de su vaina. El material se descarga hacia un sistema de zarandas compuesta de dos cribas con perforaciones circulares de diferente diámetro que mediante vibración clasifica las semillas. El material se alimenta por una tolva de forma manual y se descarga acumulando las semillas en recipientes. Un separador neumático, que consta de: un ventilador centrífugo que impulsa una corriente de aire a través de un ducto de sección cuadrada. El material se alimenta de forma manual en una tolva ubicada en un nivel superior a la descarga. Al caer el material, las semillas y polvos de menor peso son levantados y descargados por la parte superior; las semillas de mayor peso caen y se descargan por la parte inferior. Los equipos diseñados tienen un rendimiento de 150 kg/h, esto es, 100 veces mayor que por el método artesana

    Aplicación del modelo Montecarlo-Difuso para la correcta Gestión de Inventarios en empresas Pymes

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    For companies, having control of the merchandise they own is very useful since it allows them to have good management of costs and this leads to improved profitability for the business. For this reason, many companies, worldwide, have taken different measures for the correct planning of their inventories. For SMEs, having access to software that helps them in inventory management is very expensive, for this reason, this article seeks to provide a solution to this problem at a low cost. The current study is based on the investigation of the Montecarlo Diffuse technique for probabilistic inventory models with independent demand, for this investigation the analysis of a series of documents referring to inventory management, inventory models have been taken into consideration, fuzzy logic, and simulation in inventories.Para las empresas tener un control de la mercadería que se posee es de gran utilidad ya que permite llevar un buen manejo de los costos y esto conlleva a mejorar rentabilidad para el negocio. Por ese motivo, muchas empresas, a nivel mundial, han to-mado diferentes medidas para la correcta planificación de sus inventarios. Para las Pymes tener acceso a un software que les ayude en la gestión de inventarios resulta muy costoso, por tal motivo el presente artículo busca dar una solución a este pro-blema a un bajo costo. El actual estudio está basado en la investigación de la técnica Montecarlo Difuso para los modelos de inventarios probabilístico con demanda independiente, para dicha investigación se ha tomado en consideración el análisis de una serie de documentos referentes a la gestión de inventarios, modelos de inventarios, lógica difusa y simulación en inventarios

    EEMI - An Electronic Health Record for Pediatricians: Adoption Barriers, Services and Use in Mexico

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    The use of paper health records and handwritten prescriptions are prone to preset errors of misunderstanding instructions or interpretations that derive in affecting patients’ health. Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems are useful tools that among other functions can assists physicians’ tasks such as finding recommended medicines (and their contraindications) and dosage for a given diagnosis, filling prescriptions and support data sharing with other systems. By using an EHR many errors can be avoided. This paper presents EEMI (Expediente Electrónico Médico Infantil), a Children EHR focused on assisting pediatricians in their daily office practice. EEMI functionality keeps the relationships among diagnosis, treatment, and medications. EEMI also calculates dosages and automatically creates prescriptions which can be personalized by the physician. The system also validates patient allergies to avoid prescription of any pharmaceutical with alerts. EEMI was developed based on the experience of pediatricians in the Monterrey metropolitan area. This paper also presents the current use of EHRs in Mexico, the Mexican Norm (NOM-024-SSA3-2010), standards for the development of electronic medical records and its relationships with other standards for data exchange and data representation in the health area. This system is currently in production. It uses novel technologies such as cloud computing and software services

    Abundancia y densidad de jaguar (panthera onca) en el apff meseta de Cacaxtla, Sinaloa, México

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    There is a lack of information about jaguar populations in Sinaloa, Mexico, because there are only anecdotic records and interviews about the presence of this felid. The aim of this study was to generate information about jaguar abundance and density in the Natural Protected Area Meseta de Cacaxtla. To detect jaguar, we used camera traps. The density obtained was 1.59 ind./100 km2 and 15 jaguars for the Natural Protected Area. We considered the Natural Protected Area as an important region for jaguar populations at the Sierra Madre Occidental, because this area may represent a linkage between Sahuaripa and Costa de Jalisco.Existe poca información acerca de las poblaciones del jaguar en Sinaloa, México, ya que sólo se cuenta con registros anecdóticos y entrevistas acerca de la presencia de este félido. El objetivo de este estudio fue generar información acerca de la abundancia y densidad del jaguar en el área natural protegida Meseta de Cacaxtla. Para detectar al jaguar se usaron trampas cámara. La densidad obtenida fue de 1.59 ind./100 km2 y 15 jaguares para el área natural protegida. Consideramos que el área natural protegida es una región importante para las poblaciones del jaguar de la Sierra Madre Occidental, ya que esta área puede representar un eslabón entre Sahuaripa y la costa de Jalisco

    Passive Commuting and Higher Sedentary Time Is Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency in Adult and OlderWomen: Results from Chilean National Health Survey 2016–2017

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    The aim was to investigate the associations between different physical activity (PA) patterns and sedentary time (ST) with vitamin D deficiency (<12 ng/mL) in a large sample of Chilean women. In this cross-sectional study, the final sample included 1245 adult and 686 older women. The PA levels, mode of commuting, ST, and leisure-time PA were self-reported. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as <12 ng/mL and insufficiency as <20 ng/mL. A higher ST was associated with vitamin D deficiency (odds ratio (OR): 2.4, 95%: 1.6–4.3) in adults, and passive commuting was associated with vitamin D deficiency in older (OR: 1.7, 95%: 1.1–2.7). Additionally, we found a joint association in the high ST/passive commuting group in adults (OR: 2.8, 95%: 1.6–4.9) and older (OR: 2.8, 95%: 1.5–5.2) with vitamin D deficiency, in respect to low ST/active commuting. The PA levels and leisure-time PA were not associated with vitamin D deficiency. In conclusion, mode of commuting and ST seems important variables related to vitamin D deficiency. Promoting a healthy lifestyle appears important also for vitamin D levels in adult and older women. Further studies are needed to establish causality of this association and the effect of vitamin D deficiency in different diseases in this population.P.S.-U. was supported by a grant from CONICYT/BECAS Chile/72180543. J.P.-D is part of University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)

    Species richness and conservation status of medium and large terrestrial mammals from four Sky Islands in Sonora, northwestern Mexico

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    We present the first systematic checklist of medium and large terrestrial mammals on four mountain ranges known as Sky Islands, in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. We used camera traps for recording mammals, with which we documented 25 wild species. Two of the native species are in the IUCN Red List and four are threatened at the national level. We did not document seven wild species with potential distribution at study sites, probably due to limited availability of habitat and/or local extirpation of species. The importance of this work is that we generated an inventory of medium and large mammals in an area considered poorly studied and highly diverse

    Use of Aerial Laser Scanning to Assess the Effect on C Sequestration of Oak (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota [Desf.]Samp-Q. suber L.) Afforestation on Agricultural Land

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    Conversion of agricultural lands to forest plantations to mitigate rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has been proposed, but it depends on accurate estimation of the on-site carbon (C) stocks distribution. The use of aerial laser scanning (ALS) data is a rapidly evolving technology for the quantification of C stocks. We evaluated the use of allometric models together with high-density ALS data for the quantification of biomass and soil C stocks in a 14-year-old Quercus ilex and Q. suber plantation in Southwestern Spain. In 2010, a field survey was performed and tree dasometric and biomass variables were measured. Forty-five soil profiles (N = 180 soil samples) were taken systematically and the soil organic C content (SOC) was determined. Biomass and soil organic C values were regressed against individual dasometric variables and total tree height was used as a predictor variable. Aerial laser scanning data were acquired with a point density of 12 points m−2. Relationships among ALS metrics and tree height were determined using stepwise regression models and used in the allometric models to estimate biomass and SOC C stocks. Finally, a C stock map of the holm-cork oak cover in the study area was generated. We found a tree total biomass of 27.9 kg tree−1 for holm oak and 41.1 kg tree−1 for cork oak. In the holm oak plantation, the SOC content was 36.90 Mg ha−1 for the layer 0–40 cm (SOC40) under the tree crown and 29.26 Mg ha−1 for the inter-planted area, with significant differences from the reference agricultural land (33.35 Mg ha−1). Linear regression models were developed to predict the biomass and SOC at the tree scale, based on tree height (R2 >0.72 for biomass, and R2 >0.62 for SOC). The overall on-site C stock in the holm-cork oak plantation was 35.11 Mg ha−1, representing a net C stock rise of 0.47 Mg ha−1 yr−1. The ALS data allows a reliable estimation of C stocks in holm and cork oak plantations and high-resolution maps of on-site C stocks are useful for silvicultural planning. The cost of ALS data acquisition has decreased and this method can be generalised to plantations of other Mediterranean species established on agricultural lands at regional scales. However, an increase of filed data and the availability of local biomass and, in particular, SOC will improve accurate quantification of the C stocks from allometric equations, and extrapolation to large planted areas